genius evil

Chapter 1129 The Mysterious Old Man

Chapter 1129 The Mysterious Old Man

The next day, Jiang Chen drove out and left the villa.

Jiang Chen planned to go to Yilan City to meet Lan Xiu and Liu Yufei. In addition, he missed that little girl Ding Lingling after not seeing her for a while.

Speaking of which, it took a little longer for this trip to go out, and I don't know what's going on in Yilan City now.

However, just as Jiang Chen was driving the car and leaving Xu's house, he saw a figure on the side of the road not far away, waving at him.

Jiang Chen drove the car over, stopped, put down the window glass, squinted his eyes and smiled softly, "Ask Miss Yan, what kind of wind is this that blows you to Tiannan City?"

That person was Qin Wenyan. Qin Wenyan took a deep look at Jiang Chen, opened the door and got in the car, and said, "Do you have time? There is something, I think, that I need to talk to you about."

"Is it related to me?" Jiang Chen asked in astonishment.

"En." Qin Wenyan nodded.

After a while, Jiang Chen ordered two cups of coffee at a street coffee shop, looked at Qin Wenyan, and said, "Let's get started."

"Jiang Chen, what I'm going to say may be bad news to you, so you should be mentally prepared." Qin Wenyan said while pondering.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but smiled. As far as his heart is concerned, could there be something that could affect his mood?
But listening to what Qin Wenyan said was serious, Jiang Chen knew that what Qin Wenyan was going to say was probably not trivial.

"Jiang Chen, do you still remember that you asked me to help you investigate your father's whereabouts. Before this matter, there were no clues. It was only a few days ago that I found some clues." Qin Wenyan said slowly.

"My father's whereabouts?" Jiang Chen's heart moved, and he asked in a deep voice, "What clues?"

"Jiang Chen, I told you that I searched all over the country's public security network and border customs, but there is no news of your father. Did you ever feel strange about this matter?" Qin Wenyan did not rush to answer Jiang Chen's question. question, but rather.

"This matter is indeed quite strange." Jiang Chen nodded.

It is impossible for a living person to disappear out of thin air.

What's more, in a modern society where information technology is extremely developed and extremely transparent.

Once it disappears for no reason, it can only show that something unknown has happened.

"Jiang Chen, have you ever thought that your father might not be on Earth anymore?" Qin Wenyan asked again.

"Not on Earth?"

Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen suddenly froze.

Regarding the matter of the old man's disappearance, Jiang Chen had thought about many possibilities, even the situation that the old man was not alive, he had thought about it.

Jiang Chen might not be able to accept such situations.

After all, it would be a lie to say how deep the relationship between him and the old man is.

But, Jiang Chen never thought about the possibility that the old man is not on Earth.

Speaking of which, based on what he knew about the old man, how could such a bizarre encounter happen to such an ordinary person?

"Ask Miss Yan, is this your guess, or what have you found?" Frowning, Jiang Chen asked.

"Most of them are my guesses. The information I have found is not too much. The only thing is that someone once saw your father near Tianshi Dao, and your father disappeared shortly afterwards." Qin Wenyan said .

"The Way of the Heavenly Master? Heifengjian?" Jiang Chen's face suddenly became ugly.

It is no wonder that the old man disappeared near Tianshi Dao, Qin Wenyan would have guessed about this.

According to Qin Wenyan's conjecture, the old man is not on Earth, so he can only go to Zhenwu Continent?

"I went back to Beijing two days ago. Miss Shen told me about what happened to several super sects. Only then did I learn that there is another world outside the earth, so I have conjectures about this. Whether it is correct or not is temporarily unknown." Qin Wenyan said.

Jiang Chen nodded.

Right now, there are still too few clues. It is only a possibility that the old man went to Zhenwu Continent. Moreover, such a possibility is still very small.

But to Jiang Chen, this is a direction after all.

If, one day, he wants to go to Zhenwu Continent, then he must search for it on Zhenwu Continent.

"What I want to talk about is these things. I still have some things to deal with. I'm leaving first." After finishing speaking, Qin Wenyan just happened to drink a cup of coffee, got up and said.

"Ask Miss Yan, you said you came all the way from the capital to Tiannan City, don't you plan to give me a chance to be courteous?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Next time." Leaving those words behind, Qin Wenyan left the coffee shop.

"Old man, if you really went to the Zhenwu Continent, then I want to treat you with admiration." Jiang Chen did not leave in a hurry, he continued a cup of coffee, drank it one after another, and muttered to himself , quietly thinking about the little things about the old man.

After serious thinking, Jiang Chen realized that, in fact, he didn't know anything about the old man.

What kind of person is the old man, what kind of relatives and friends he has, and who he has been in contact with, after Jiang Chen thought for a while, he found out strangely that he had no idea.

This situation is undoubtedly extremely unusual.

After all, the old man couldn't have appeared out of thin air, impossible, he didn't even have a relative or friend.

But that's the reality.

Except for those old neighbors in the neighborhood, Jiang Chen really never heard the old man mention his relatives and friends, and even during Chinese New Years and holidays, he never saw the old man and had any dealings with anyone.

If it is said that the old man is naturally withdrawn and likes to be alone, it is not enough.

At least in Jiang Chen's cognition, apart from being a bit sloppy, liking to drink some cheap liquor, and living like an old otaku, the old man basically has no other differences.

"An ordinary middle-aged man disappeared just like that. It is very possible that the Zhenwu Continent was involved. Is there something that I have overlooked?" Jiang Chen thought in his heart.

After drinking the coffee, Jiang Chen asked the waiter to pay the bill, and drove on the road to Yilan City.

"Boy of the Jiang family, you haven't come back for a long time."

"Little guy, I heard that you went to the capital to go to university, right? Could it be that you have forgotten us old neighbors?"


At noon, under the shade of the trees under the old house, there were quite a few old men and women moving around, and they all talked to each other when they saw Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen greeted each other one by one, and asked, "During my absence, has anyone visited my house?"

"You mean your dad? No... By the way, your dad hasn't been seen for a long time. Where did he get rich?" asked a rather talkative old man.

"My dad doesn't look like someone who can make a fortune." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Little guy, it's because you don't know your dad well. Speaking of which, when your dad was young, he was also very romantic. He looked even more handsome than you do now." The old man said.

At the end, the old man looked at Jiang Chen's eyes, slapped his thigh, and said, "Jiang family boy, the longer you grow, the more you look like your father. A few months ago, you looked like an ugly duckling. It grows."

The corner of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched.

With the old man's scruffy appearance, what kind of jade tree is facing the wind, is it really okay to deceive people like this?
As for saying that he looks a lot like the old man, in Jiang Chen's view, it is even more ridiculous.

Ever since he could remember, the old man has always had a big beard all over his face. Can he be romantic with that appearance?

Could it be that the women in the past were more strange in terms of aesthetics?Or, less picky eaters?
"Yeah, this really looks more and more like it. Jiang family boy, have you found a girlfriend yet? I have a distant niece who happens to be in college in the capital too. How about I introduce you to be my girlfriend?" A good old lady came around and said jokingly.

Old men and old ladies are very boring. Usually, they either dance in the square or play Go. After finally catching Jiang Chen, they can have something to talk about. There are several old ladies who are vying to fight for Jiang Chen. Introduce a girlfriend, and, judging by that posture, it is simply impossible for Jiang Chen to refuse.

It was Jiang Chen's hard work, and he declined the old man's kindness, sweating profusely, and returned to the room.

In the room, nothing changed.

What he looked like after a little cleaning last time, and what he still looks like now, it is obvious that since the old man left last time, he has not come back.

"Old man, let me tell you, do you want to have such a big heart?" Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

When the old man left last time, it was right to leave some money for him, but that money was just living expenses. Several months have passed, and now he has entered the university stage.

Didn't the old man consider his college tuition and living expenses?
Or, the old man decides that if he can't get into college, he should get a high school diploma so-so, so he should go out to work and earn money to support himself?
Undoubtedly, the latter is most likely.

Otherwise, the old man probably wouldn't have left with such peace of mind.

After all, after graduating from high school, at the end of the year, as an adult, it is almost time to live on your own and earn money to support your family.

"Old man, I'm your son, is it really okay for you to look down on me so much?" Jiang Chen was helpless.

Previously, Jiang Chen had always thought that the old man's arrangements were hasty, but now that he thought about it, he realized that the little money the old man left was actually very meaningful.

This also means that the old man has nothing to worry about when he leaves this time. He is already at this age, even if he does not have the achievements he has made so far, then, no matter what, he will always be able to get a bite to eat, so that he will not starve to death at home .

"Could it be that the old man is real and went to Zhenwu Continent?"

Jiang Chen sat down on the sofa and said to himself.

From the perspective of the old man's arrangement, the old man did not leave for a short period of time, but for a long time, but even if he went to another place, or even went abroad, it would not be possible to make such an arrangement.

Unless the old man left the earth, he would leave such a foreshadowing.

"It seems that I have to plan carefully, the trip to Zhenwu Continent." Jiang Chen smiled wryly.

Originally, Jiang Chen planned to go to Zhenwu Continent, but now, there is one more reason why he must go!
(End of this chapter)

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