genius evil

Chapter 1132 I'm Really Arrogant

Chapter 1132 I'm Really Arrogant
In the evening, Jiang Chen appeared under Zhou Jinse's office building. He walked down alone, and Zhou Jinse did not see him off.

Turning his head and glanced at the office building, Jiang Chen let out a long sigh.

The saddest thing in life is love.

When he was in the True Spirit Continent, Jiang Chen was a well-known prodigal son, wandering around in the world of mortals, playing with flowers, and he didn't know how many debts he had caused.

When a person dies, the debt will naturally disappear.

Following that battle, his physical body was destroyed, and a wisp of his soul was reborn on the earth, and those past events left in the True Spirit Continent, naturally, all became the past.

Traveling across the earth, Jiang Chen's habits did not change, and inadvertently, he provoked many evil fates again.

Prior to this, Jiang Chen didn't have much thought about this point, he just let it go, what he wanted to do was to do it, and he never judged whether it was right or wrong.

Until today, seeing Zhou Jinse howling and crying, Jiang Chen suddenly realized what this period after period of love debt meant to him, and what it meant to the woman beside him.

It was only today that Jiang Chen realized that he was living not just for himself, it was as simple as that.

Every relationship, every fate, is a responsibility.

"It seems that in the future, we will have to restrain ourselves a little bit." With a low wry smile, he murmured.

The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

If Jiang Chen could get rid of his troublesome behavior overnight, let alone others would not believe it, even Jiang Chen himself would treat it as a joke.

A person like him, throughout his life, should not be bound, free and unrestrained, so even he himself would not impose constraints on himself.

It is said that it is slightly restrained, because Jiang Chen realized that behind every relationship, there is everything a woman has behind it.

If he doesn't want to disappoint too much, then he must restrain himself.

Jiang Chen left the office building, drove the car around, and appeared at the Capital University.

Jiang Chen didn't rush in and drove in, he made a phone call and called Nangong Hua out.

"Get in the car." After waiting for more than ten minutes, Nangong Hua appeared, and Jiang Chen waved.

Nangong Hua opened the door to get into the car, glared at Jiang Chen, and said, "Jiang Chen, who do you think I am, Nangong Hua? Come here when you call me, and leave as soon as you call me?"

"Of course it's my Jiang Chen's woman." Jiang Chen smiled, played with Nangong Hua's little hand, and said with a strange expression, "Nangong beauty, your little hand is so beautiful, your skin is so good, what did you use it for?" Skincare."

"Don't interrupt." Nangong Hua couldn't laugh or cry, she shook Jiang Chen's hand away forcefully, and said, "Didn't you talk about drinking on the phone, why don't you drive faster."

The place to drink is the barbecue stall next to the Capital University.

Here, Jiang Chen and Nangong Hua have been here twice. The combination of handsome men and beautiful women is extremely eye-catching. The boss remembers the two of them. Not only did he just get out of the car, the boss trotted over.

"Handsome guy, beauty, what do you want to eat?" the boss said attentively.

"A little bit of everything. In addition, take two cases of beer and keep it cold." Nangong Hua said carelessly, pulling Jiang Chen to find a seat to sit down.

"It's been a long time since I came here for barbecue, so I must eat more tonight." Nangong Hua said with a smile.

"Eat more or drink more, beauty Nangong, you have to make it clear, otherwise there will be a misunderstanding, and it will be bad." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I'm in charge of eating, you're in charge of drinking." Nangong Hua said narrowly.

"It turns out that beauty Nangong likes to take the initiative, so I know what to do." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I like to take the initiative?" Nangong Hua pointed at herself, confused for a while.

She said that she was in charge of eating and Jiang Chen was in charge of drinking, but she just didn't want to accidentally get drunk, so why did she like to take the initiative?


Soon, Nangong Hua came to her senses, her palm-sized face burning red.

If Jiang Chen accidentally drank too much, wouldn't she just want to take the initiative?

"Jiang Chen, you stinky rascal, it's fine to disappear if you don't want to play, but when you come back, you will play tricks on me in a different way." Nangong Hua said dissatisfied.

"Miss Nangong, what you said is wrong. With the relationship between the two of us, is it possible that I still need to play tricks on you? Even if I directly drag you to open a room, it is only natural." Jiang Chen said cheerfully.

"I'm not going, I'm going to take you to take Xiaoyu." Nangong Hua snorted softly and said, "You don't even know that Xiaoyu was going crazy when you were not at school, and ran to my place from time to time I asked when you will come back, but how do I know when you will come back."

"Miss Nangong, let me stop drinking for a while, we two might as well drink jealousy instead." Jiang Chen said.

"I'm not jealous." Muttering, Nangong Hua said, after thinking about it, she continued, "Why don't I call Xiaoyu and Wanxi over, and the fairy tale beauties too."

"Miss Nangong, I haven't seen you for a while, and I find that you are becoming more and more understanding, and you really have the style of a big woman." Jiang Chen said with great satisfaction.

Nangong Hua lazily ignored Jiang Chen's nonsense, took out her mobile phone and started making calls.

After a while, Jian Xiaoyu and the three daughters rushed over from the school one after another.

The four girls sat down around a table, and they happened to surround Jiang Chen in the middle, so many people had their eyes stared straight.

In particular, those people could clearly see at a glance that the four daughters of Nangong Hua had a very close relationship with Jiang Chen, not just ordinary friends or classmates.

"That guy is truly blessed." Someone, not without envy, said sourly.

"Which god is that kid, so high-profile, isn't he afraid of being beaten?" Someone also said jealously.

Among them, many people couldn't even find a girlfriend, but Jiang Chen actually dragged four together.

That's fine, no matter who the four daughters of Nangonghua are, they are one-in-a-million existences.

For other people, if they can get one of them, it can be said that their ancestral grave will smoke. It is afraid of melting in their mouths, and afraid of flying away in their hands. They wish they could be locked at home 24 hours a day and let others Don't step out of the gate, for fear of being targeted by others.

But who would be so unscrupulous like Jiang Chen, and bring them all out to show off. If this is not hatred, what is it?
As Jiang Chen said, Nangong Hua is indeed becoming more and more like a big woman.

Basically, Jian Xiaoyu and Gu Wanxi obeyed Nangonghua's words, even the fairy tales that had always been proud, tended to turn against each other.

The four girls ate barbecue, and then under Nangong Hua's instigation, they kept drinking Jiang Chen's wine.

It's not that they want to get Jiang Chen drunk, it's purely for fun, and what's more, it's a punishment for Jiang Chen's disappearance during this period of time.

Now that Jiang Chen has established his foundation, it is no exaggeration to say that he will never get drunk after a thousand cups. Naturally, the wine is very refreshing when the cup is dry.

"Boy, you are very arrogant."

After all, someone couldn't stand it any longer. A bald young man, leading two men, appeared at Jiang Chen's table. He was talking, and his saliva almost sprayed on Jiang Chen's face.

"Excuse me, please take two steps back, is that okay?" Jiang Chen said in a discussing tone.

"Boy, what are you talking about?" the bald young man said in a vicious voice.

"I said, please take two steps back." Jiang Chen said very politely.

The bald young man looked at Jiang Chen like an idiot, and said in a low voice, "Boy, are you out of your mind? Don't tell me you haven't seen it until now, the three of us are here to trouble you."


Almost as soon as the bald youth's voice fell, Jiang Chen stretched out his foot and kicked it just right, kicking the bald youth staggeringly back two steps.

"This distance is almost the same." Nodding in satisfaction, Jiang Chen said.

"Fuck!" The bald young man couldn't help but swear.

At this time, he no longer looked at Jiang Chen with the eyes of an idiot, but looked at Jiang Chen with the eyes of a ghost, thinking that Jiang Chen might have obsessive-compulsive disorder, he stood closer or farther away , is there a big difference?
If there is really a big difference, why doesn't he feel it at all.

"It's wrong to swear. Didn't your parents teach you?" Jiang Chen shook his head, casually throwing a chopstick.


That chopstick hit the bald young man's mouth straight, instantly turning the bald young man's mouth into two sausages, which looked extremely funny.

"You dare to do it?" The bald young man was surprised and said angrily.

"Just to teach you some truths that your parents didn't teach you." Jiang Chen said slowly.

In the end, Jiang Chen seemed to have just realized that the bald young man said something just now, and asked, "What did you say earlier, it seems that I am arrogant, right?"

"Boy, I warn you, you have already succeeded in irritating me." The bald young man thought that Jiang Chen was talking nonsense, pointed a finger at Jiang Chen, and said sinisterly. If they didn't agree, they planned to strike and beat Jiang Chen violently.

"Oh, I don't mean anything else, I just want to tell you, in fact, I'm really arrogant." Jiang Chen said calmly. After finishing his sentence, he raised his hand and grabbed an iron plate on the table, facing him. , It was Fei Fei who slapped the bald young man on the forehead, without any suspense, knocked the bald young man to the ground.

The iron plate used to hold the barbecue was very light and thin, but with Jiang Chen's current cultivation base, even if it was just a random shot, how could ordinary people be able to bear that kind of strength.

I saw the bald young man with nosebleeds, how many teeth had fallen out, and his face was swollen like a pig's head. I'm afraid his parents would not be able to recognize him when they saw his appearance at this moment. who.

"Boy, you dare to hit me." Howling, getting up from the ground, the bald young man looked in a mess.

"Hey, didn't you say that you came to trouble me? Why, you are allowed to trouble me, but I can't trouble you?" Jiang Chen immediately became unhappy.

"This..." The bald young man was sitting on the wax, and wanted to argue a few words, but found that he couldn't say anything at all...

(End of this chapter)

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