genius evil

Chapter 1133 For the Dignity of Men

Chapter 1133 For the Dignity of Men

Because, the bald young man realized that no matter what reasons and excuses he used to refute, he had to say that what Jiang Chen said was so reasonable that it was difficult to refute.

He came to trouble Jiang Chen.

Then, on the other hand, Jiang Chen can naturally find trouble with him.

It couldn't be because he tried to find trouble, so in this matter, Jiang Chen made a mistake, right?

No matter how badass he was, the bald youth couldn't say that.

Of course, there was another reason why he couldn't say it out loud. The bald young man knew that once he refuted, Jiang Chen would definitely beat him even worse.

The wind was disturbed for a while, and the bald young man led the people away in an embarrassing manner.

"You guys, is there anyone else who doesn't like me? If so, please stand up, let's talk about it, don't worry about me doing it, after all, I've always been famous for being reasonable."

Ignoring the three bald youths who left, Jiang Chen glanced around and said loudly.

The four daughters of Nangong Hua kept drinking, so Jiang Chen kept drinking, but the voices of those private discussions naturally couldn't escape Jiang Chen's ears.

This kind of situation caused Jiang Chen to feel extremely wronged. He just wanted to have a good barbecue and drink a good meal. Who is he to provoke? How many people are necessary to see him not pleasing to the eye?

At the barbecue stand, countless people looked at each other in blank dismay.

They felt that Jiang Chen's words were too arrogant and embarrassing, and too unworthy of a beating.

However, with the lessons learned from the bald youth, no matter how stupid they are, they still understand that Jiang Chen is not easy to provoke, and if one is not good, the bald youth will end up like that.

An hour later, the ears finally stopped. After eating the barbecue and paying the bill, Jiang Chen sent Nangong Hua's four daughters back to school.

"Jiang Chen, I don't know why, I think the way you beat someone up just now is a bit handsome." Gu Wanxi said softly, her face full of embarrassment.

Hearing what Gu Wanxi said, Nangong Huajian Xiaoyu and Fairy Tale were speechless.

Although they also thought that Jiang Chen was very domineering and handsome just now, but if this is the case, there is no need to say it out loud, Jiang Chen will definitely be proud.

Sure enough, Jiang Chen was proud.

"I also think he's quite handsome." Jiang Chen said solemnly, he touched his face with his hand, and said again, "Probably a peerless handsome guy like me, no matter what he does, he is very handsome."

"Jiang Chen, can you be more stinky?" Nangong Hua said angrily.

This guy really can't stand compliments at all, so what if he is a little more humble?
"Miss Nangong, I just told a fact." Jiang Chen said.

"Anyway, it's wrong to fight." Nangong Hua said, and then scolded Gu Wanxi, "What about you, don't be a little bit of an idiot."

"But, he's really handsome." Gu Wanxi said aggrieved.

Back then, the reason why Gu Wanxi knew Jiang Chen was precisely because of Jiang Chen's hero saving the beauty. Such a scene left a deep impression on Gu Wanxi.As a result, Gu Wanxi more or less developed a heroic complex towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen first sent Gu Wanxi back to the dormitory, then Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu, and finally sent the fairy tale.

"Jiang Chen, won't you stay tonight?" Tong Hua's big eyes looked at Jiang Chen eagerly.

All along, she didn't spend much time with Jiang Chen, and because of some things that happened in Tong's family, Tong Hua was extremely worried, and Jiang Chen felt estranged from him.

Therefore, although I know very well, it is not very good to take the initiative to say this.

But Tong Hua was more worried about the fleeting chance, and she really wanted Jiang Chen to spend more time with her.

Stunned, Jiang Chen glanced at the fairy tale, grinned, and said, "Next time."


It was Jiang Chen who finished his words, and clearly saw a drop of crystal clear tears rolling down from the corner of Fairy Tale's eyes.

Jiang Chen suddenly had a headache.

If it hadn't been for Zhou Jinse's touch, Jiang Chen would definitely not have sent the four girls back so honestly tonight.

What's more, Fairy Tale always offered to let him stay, and according to Jiang Chen's personality, it was even more impossible for him to refuse.

"Don't cry." Jiang Chen had no choice but to wipe away the tears from the corners of Fairy's eyes, and said, "I have to leave the capital for a couple of days, and I still have a lot of things to deal with. Next time I return to Beijing, I will come to you as soon as possible."

"What you said is true, didn't you lie to me?" Tong Hua didn't quite believe Jiang Chen's words.

"How about I swear a poisonous oath?" Jiang Chen raised his hand.

"Don't..." Tong Hua hurriedly grabbed Jiang Chen's hand and said softly, "Jiang Chen, I trust you, then I will wait for you."

A few minutes later, Jiang Chen drove away from the community where Fairy Hua lived. It was a pain in the ass.

Liu Xiahui pretends to be an upright gentleman, but this is really not his style.

"No, I can't do this kind of thing again next time." Jiang Chen said firmly to himself.

The flowers can be folded straight and must be folded.

What's more, such delicate flowers are waiting for him to pick them. If he doesn't pick them quickly, is he still a man?
"Well, that's right, for the dignity of a man." Jiang Chen said to himself, finally found a perfect and impeccable reason for himself.

The community where Fairy Tale lives is not far from Capital University. After Jiang Chen left the community, he thought about it and drove back to Capital University.

However, Jiang Chen was driving on the road when his mobile phone rang suddenly.

Jiang Chen took a look at the phone, the call was from Gu Wanxi.

"Miss Wanxi, what's the matter?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile as he picked up the phone casually.

"Jiang Chen, are you alone now?" Gu Wanxi asked on the other end of the phone.

Even through the phone, Jiang Chen could deeply feel how shy Gu Wanxi was when he asked this question on the other end of the phone.

"Miss Wanxi, I don't quite understand what you mean by asking this question. Do you want me to be alone, or do you want me to be surrounded by other people?" Jiang Chen couldn't help joking.


On the other end of the phone, Gu Wanxi exclaimed in a low voice, and said softly, "Jiang Chen, if you are alone, can you come to me? I seem to have eaten something bad just now, and my stomach feels a little uncomfortable."

"That's it, then you wait for me, I'll be there soon." Jiang Chen said.

"When did Miss Wanxi learn to lie?" Jiang Chen murmured as he hung up the phone.

"No, this is not a good habit, we must help Miss Wanxi correct it as soon as possible." Jiang Chen murmured again.

Then, stepping on the accelerator, the car speeded up and galloped towards the Capital University.

Jiang Chen drove the car to the downstairs of Gu Wanxi's dormitory, and Gu Wanxi was waiting for him there.

The delicate girl was wearing a white knee-length dress, a pair of white canvas shoes on her feet, and a ponytail. She looked pure and clean, like a high school girl.

The weather was slightly cold, and the girl waited there quietly, obviously a little cold, trembling slightly, but it made her look even more affectionate.

Jiang Chen drove the car directly in front of Gu Wanxi. When Gu Wanxi saw the car, she smiled, opened the door quickly, and got in the car.

"Miss Wanxi, don't you feel sick to your stomach? Why did you change your clothes?" Jiang Chen asked pretending he didn't know anything.

When eating barbecue earlier, Gu Wanxi wore a pair of jeans and a white shirt, but now, she changed into a long white skirt, obviously, it meant that she wanted to please herself.

"Ah, I thought about it just now. It might be more convenient to go to the hospital in a skirt... But I don't know why, after I changed my clothes, I found that my stomach pain is gone. I was thinking of calling you and telling you not to come here. , the phone just ran out of battery." Gu Wanxi said with a blushing face.

"It turned out to be like this." Jiang Chen said meaningfully.

"Jiang Chen, I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose." With her head deeply buried, Gu Wanxi's voice was inaudible.

"It's okay, I know you did it on purpose." Jiang Chen said with a smile.


Suddenly raising her head, her eyes widened, looking at Jiang Chen, Gu Wanxi's little face became even redder, as if it was burning.

She was flustered like a deer, thinking about what Jiang Chen meant when he said he knew she did it on purpose.

Could it be that Jiang Chen knew early on that she didn't have a stomachache, and saying she had a stomachache was just a lame excuse.

Thinking about it this way, Gu Wanxi's mood became even more flustered.

"Beauty Wanxi, when I was driving here just now, I saw a hotel with neon lights flashing, and it looked pretty good. Why don't we go to that hotel for a while, and by the way, let me check it in detail for you. There is nothing unusual... Oh, please believe me, this is not going to open a room, I am simply helping you check your body." Jiang Chen said solemnly.


Gu Wanxi lowered her head again, her chin almost touching her chest, even her slender neck was burning red, which showed how disturbed the girl's mood was at the moment.

"Why do you have a sense of sight that is strange to lie to little Lolita?" Seeing Gu Wanxi's reaction like this, Jiang Chen couldn't laugh or cry.

"No, I'm so handsome, handsome, and suave, how can I be a weirdo? Besides, Wanxi's beauty has developed so well, many years ago, she was no longer a lolita." Jiang Chen said silently in his heart.

Without wasting too much time, Jiang Chen drove the car to the outside of the campus.

Previously at Fairy Tale, he pretended to be a gentleman once, which made Jiang Chen feel a little bit pained so far.

So right now, Jiang Chen naturally couldn't pretend anymore, not to mention, compared to fairy tales, Gu Wanxi was more active, even if he wanted to pretend again, Jiang Chen would be too embarrassed to pretend.

While driving the car, Jiang Chen was thinking about which hotel he should go to, when the phone rang, but at this moment, it rang again.

"Jiang Chen, it's Xiaoyu's call."

The phone was placed on the armrest box, Gu Wanxi saw the caller ID out of the corner of her eye, and said softly to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen nodded, picked up the phone with his mobile phone, Jian Xiaoyu's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Jiang Chen, I have a stomachache, can you come over and take me to the hospital?"

(End of this chapter)

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