genius evil

Chapter 1134

Chapter 1134
"Xiao Yumei, you said your stomach hurts?"

That kind of voice came into his ears, and the corners of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched as he asked strangely.

Gu Wanxi's stomach hurts, but Jian Xiaoyu's stomach hurts too.

Of course, the biggest question is, does Jian Xiaoyu really have a stomachache, or does she pretend to have a stomachache like Gu Wanxi?
"Xiao Yu has a stomachache?"

When Jiang Chen said this, Gu Wanxi's expression was extremely weird.

She racked her brains with great difficulty to come up with an excuse of stomachache to trick Jiang Chen over. She was worried for a while, worried that Jiang Chen would get angry.

Why does Jian Xiaoyu also have a stomachache?
Could it be that, unintentionally, Jian Xiaoyu and her thought of going together.

"Yeah, my stomach hurts. I guess I ate something wrong. Jiang Chen, come here quickly. I'll wait for you downstairs in the dormitory." Jian Xiaoyu said painfully, not giving Jiang Chen a chance to refuse, and hung up the phone.

"Miss Wanxi, do you think Miss Xiaoyu forgot to ask me something?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"What?" Gu Wanxi asked in confusion.

"Miss Xiaoyu forgot to ask me if it was one person or two people." Jiang Chen said, "But it's fine if I didn't ask, otherwise, do you think I should answer one person, or tell her honestly that it's two people?" individually."

Gu Wanxi knew that Jiang Chen was making fun of herself, so she was extremely ashamed, and said in a low voice, "Jiang Chen, maybe Xiaoyu really has a stomachache? I heard her talking just now, and she seemed to be in pain."

"Okay then, let's go see the beautiful little fisherman." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

The location where Jiang Chen is now is the girls' dormitory area. Gu Wanxi's dormitory building is not far from Jian Xiaoyu's dormitory building. Jiang Chen drove the car and arrived in two to three minutes.

Jiang Chen came very quickly, Jian Xiaoyu hadn't come down from upstairs yet.

Jiang Chen was not in a hurry to urge him, he just chatted with Gu Wanxi in the car without saying a word. Naturally, most of the time, he was the one who teased Gu Wanxi.

Gu Wanxi's mouth was stupid, and she was no match for Jiang Chen. A few words made her physically and mentally lose control after being molested by Jiang Chen.

A few minutes later, a figure hurriedly ran out from the dormitory building.

"Jiang Chen, Xiao Yu has come out." Gu Wanxi looked over and reminded.

"I saw it." Jiang Chen nodded, stretched out his hand to push the car door, Shi Shiran walked in the direction of Jian Xiaoyu.

Seeing Jiang Chen approaching, Jian Xiaoyu was startled, subconsciously stretched out his hand to cover his stomach, and asked Jiang Chen, "When did you come here?"

"It's been a few minutes since I came here." Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

"Then you..." Jian Xiaoyu's eyeballs flickered.

"Oh, don't be nervous, I didn't see anything, all I know is, little fisher beauty, you have a stomachache, we need to go to the hospital." Jiang Chen said narrowly.

As early as when he was on the phone, Jiang Chen understood from Jian Xiaoyu's tone of voice that, like Gu Wanxi, Jian Xiaoyu made a silly excuse.

However, Jiang Chen was not in a hurry to expose it, because he really wanted to see if Jian Xiaoyu's acting skills would be the same as Gu Wanxi's since it was the exact same excuse.

However, Jian Xiaoyu was more unlucky.

Because she came out of the dormitory after he arrived, and she ran out in a hurry. Judging from Jian Xiaoyu's running posture, she couldn't convince others that she had a stomachache.

Obviously, Jian Xiaoyu was also aware of this problem, so she asked Jiang Chen when he came here, worrying that Jiang Chen would find it tricky.

After hearing Jiang Chen say that he had come over for several minutes, Jian Xiaoyu almost didn't cry out.

' She was worried that Jiang Chen would come over too fast, so she ran out in a hurry after going downstairs. She didn't expect it, and it happened that Jiang Chen caught him right away. Immediately, Jian Xiaoyu dug a hole and got in. The heart is all there.

Jian Xiaoyu thought to herself, if she had known that Jiang Chen would come over so quickly, she would not have run out. Now that Jiang Chen saw her in this state, she just wanted to pretend that she had a stomachache, so there was no way to pretend.

"Miss Xiaoyu, do you have a severe stomachache? Why do you look so ugly?" Jiang Chen supported Jian Xiaoyu with one hand, and said with concern.

Jian Xiaoyu whimpered, and really wanted to bite Jiang Chen's body. This guy had already seen it, and even said such words on purpose, clearly mocking her.

"No, it's just a little bit of pain." But since Jiang Chen didn't expose it directly, Jian Xiaoyu didn't have the nerve to tell Jiang Chen that he was just pretending, and said.

"A little bit of pain can't be ignored. Let's go to the hotel quickly... Oh, no, we should go to the hospital for a comprehensive checkup." Jiang Chen said.

"No need, I'll be fine after a short rest, and I don't need to go to the hospital." Jian Xiaoyu hurriedly said, how could she be willing to go to the hospital now that she was like this?

What's more, Jian Xiaoyu didn't want to go to the hospital, she just wanted Jiang Chen to accompany her.

"You don't have to worry about spending money, Miss Yu, I have enough money... Hey, when did you put on makeup, Miss Yu?" Jiang Chen asked in amazement.

Jian Xiaoyu has always kept her face bare and does not wear makeup.

At this moment, that delicate face was wearing light makeup and blush, and looked a little more mature than usual, and when the light shone on it, it was a little more seductive.

"I was painting for fun just now, and I forgot to wash my face." Jian Xiaoyu said softly, and then said, "Jiang Chen, it's really not about money, I have nothing to do, why don't you go and sit in your car for a while .”

Jian Xiaoyu thought, after getting into the car and being in a confined space, it probably won't be as embarrassing as it is now.

Moreover, she is standing here now, at a loss, with her hands and feet, she doesn't know where to put them.

If you sit in the car, the feeling should be much better.

"Okay then, get in the car and have a seat. If you still feel uncomfortable, Xiaoyu beauty, tell me right away." Jiang Chen said, leading Jian Xiaoyu to the side of the car, opened the rear door, and let Jian Xiaoyu get in the car.

Jian Xiaoyu wondered for a while why Jiang Chen didn't let her sit in the co-pilot but let her sit in the back seat. After getting in the car, seeing Gu Wanxi, Jian Xiaoyu finally understood what was going on.

Gu Wanxi was sitting in the co-pilot, so she could only sit in the back seat.

"Wanxi, why are you here?" Jian Xiaoyu was startled, and almost ran away without opening the car door.

"Oh, Miss Wanxi also had a stomachache just now, and it was miraculous that after seeing me, her stomachache disappeared." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"This..." Jian Xiaoyu didn't know what to say for a moment.

Gu Wanxi also had a stomachache, but when she saw Jiang Chen, the pain stopped.

This is clearly the same routine, no matter how stupid Jian Xiaoyu is, he will immediately understand the internal situation.

"It's too embarrassing." Jian Xiaoyu said with a sad face.

Jian Xiaoyu didn't know very well whether Gu Wanxi was embarrassed or not, anyway, she was terribly embarrassed right now, not sitting in the car, and even more so when leaving.

Jian Xiaoyu suddenly regretted that he proposed to get in the car, just like that, what's the point of sitting in the car with Gu Wanxi.

Gu Wanxi was already embarrassed, but now, seeing Jian Xiaoyu using the same excuse as her, she was even more embarrassed, her face was flushed, she was funny and angry at the same time.

"Miss Xiaoyu, I just told Miss Wanxi to take her to a place to check her body. You are in the same condition as Miss Wanxi, so let's go together." At this moment, Jiang Chen said.

What is the mulberry elm harvested in the east of the lost, the current situation is.

Because of rejecting the fairy tale, Jiang Chen regretted it to death.

And I have to say, God was too kind to him, rejected one, and immediately came two, it seems that it is God's own will to arrange.

"Should I still go to the hospital?" Jian Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment and asked.

"It's to open a room...well, to the hotel." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Take me and Wanxi to the hotel?" Jian Xiaoyu was dumbfounded, thinking how brave Jiang Chen was.

It's just that for some reason, deep in my heart, there was no resistance at all, as if I had accepted my fate, like Gu Wanxi, I buried my head deeply.

"Interesting." Seeing the reaction of the two girls, Jiang Chen was overjoyed.

Whether it's Gu Wanxi or Jian Xiaoyu, in order to meet him, the excuses are clumsy, but invariably, they have been well-dressed, which perfectly interprets what it means to be a woman who pleases herself.

The women are always so active, Jiang Chen felt that as a man, if he is so delicate and contrived, it really shouldn't be.

So, after briefly talking to Jian Xiaoyu about going to the hotel for a physical examination, Jiang Chen quickly drove on the road without giving the second daughter a chance to repent.

Jiang Chen drove the car towards the school gate, his mood fluttered as much as he wanted. Who knew, his cell phone rang for the third time.

"It's Nangong Hua."

Jian Xiaoyu and Gu Wanxi looked at the caller ID and said in unison.

"Could it be that beauty Nangong also has a stomachache?" Jiang Chen muttered, hesitating a little, should he answer the call.

From Jiang Chen's point of view, Gu Wanxi and Jian Xiaoyu are almost enough. If Nangong Hua is added, it is easy to mess up. If one is not good, chickens will fly.

It's just that it's not good if you don't answer this call. Jiang Chen reluctantly answered the call.

"Jiang Chen, come here quickly, my stomach hurts and I need to go to the hospital." As soon as the call was connected, Nangong Hua's voice came over.

"Miss Nangong, why don't we discuss it, can you have a stomachache tomorrow?" Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

"Stop talking nonsense, come here quickly, it will hurt me to death." Nangong Hua yelled, and hung up the phone.

"Should I go there?" Jiang Chen asked Jian Xiaoyu and Gu Wanxi.

Within half an hour, the three women had stomach pains one after another. The happiness came so quickly, Jiang Chen was a little dizzy and didn't know what to do.

"Jiang Chen, my cousin seems to have a real stomachache. Hearing her voice just now, I was about to cry." Gu Wanxi said.

"I also think it's true." Jian Xiaoyu nodded, thinking that Gu Wanxi was right.

"Then go and have a look." Jiang Chen said, but he thought that, unlike Gu Wanxi and Jian Xiaoyu, Nangong Hua's acting skills were better and more explosive, and his acting was extremely realistic. No, he easily fooled Gu Wanxi And Jian Xiaoyu...

(End of this chapter)

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