genius evil

Chapter 1135

Chapter 1135
The next morning, Jiang Chen drove the car, together with Ye Siran, to the economic company where Ye Sichen worked.

Ye Sichen has very little schedule recently, and spends most of his time writing songs in the company.

Originally, Jiang Chen wanted to call Ye Sichen out, but after thinking about it, he still brought Ye Siran to Ye Sichen's side.

"Jiang Chen, do you have something on your mind?" Ye Siran asked after getting off the car and walking into the company.

Early this morning, Ye Siran received a call from Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen asked her on the phone if she had time to sit out together, without much hesitation, Ye Siran agreed, after all, counting the time, she hadn't seen Jiang Chen for a long time.

After meeting Jiang Chen, Ye Siran found out strangely that Jiang Chen was like an eggplant beaten by Shuang, that was listless.

Moreover, Jiang Chen sighed and sighed from time to time, looking extremely frustrated and shocked.

Ye Siran was puzzled, what happened to hit Jiang Chen like this?
"Miss Si Ran, have you ever experienced a situation where a cooked duck flew out of your hand?" Jiang Chen asked with a long sigh.

"What will happen then?" Ye Siran asked in confusion.

"Specifically, I don't know what the situation is. Anyway, I have experienced it." Jiang Chen said, sighing again.

Everything was fine last night.

If there is no accident, he can check the bodies of Gu Wanxi and Jian Xiaoyu over and over again on the big bed in the hotel all night.

No one would have thought that such an accident would happen after all.

The accident didn't happen to Gu Wanxi, nor did it happen to Jian Xiaoyu, but it happened to Nangong Hua.

Because, unlike Gu Wanxi and Jian Xiaoyu who made a lame excuse, last night, Nangonghua really had a stomachache.

Even though Jiang Chen solved Nangonghua's stomach pain easily, but in the end it still caused the chicken to fly and let him stay alone on the empty bed.

This situation caused Jiang Chen to die of depression. Last night, he didn't sleep much.

"Police rounds?" Ye Siran asked tentatively after thinking about it.

"It's more serious than this." Jiang Chen said weakly.

"A lot of police rounds?" Ye Siran asked.

Jiang Chen was speechless. Could it be that Ye Siran didn't know that there was no essential difference between one policeman's ward rounds and many police ward rounds?
What's more, in his capacity, I would like to ask, which policeman just checked his room?
"Could it be that it's more serious than many police rounds?" Ye Siran said in a daze.

"Miss Si Ran, I said you can't think of something a little healthier?" Jiang Chen said with a smile;

With a cold snort, Ye Siran said, "For a man like you, the only ones who can hit you are women, aren't they?"

"Miss Siran, I didn't expect you to be so cold to me on the surface, but you understand me so well in private." Jiang Chen said in surprise, holding Ye Siran's two hands, he felt like meeting a confidant.

"Let go." Ye Siran said angrily.

This damn guy is shameless to such an extent, and he's not praising him, so why should he be so happy?

Moreover, talking about this kind of thing is all about taking advantage of her, and Ye Siran doesn't know what to say.

"Beauty Si Ran, I'm just so touched, I don't have enough handshakes, why don't you give me a hug." Jiang Chen said, and before Ye Siran could react, he hugged Ye Siran forcefully. embraced.


Ye Siran was so angry that he just grabbed her hand indiscriminately, but actually hugged her into his arms. Jiang Chen really intended to be shameless, right?

"You two?"

However, before Ye Siran finished speaking, a surprised voice suddenly sounded.

"Sister Mi, don't get me wrong." Ye Siran was startled, and pushed Jiang Chen away.

"How can this be misunderstood?" Sister Mi said nana.

Knowing that Jiang Chen and Ye Siran were coming, Ye Sichen wanted to come down and wait early in the morning, but it was Sister Mi's indiscretions that made Ye Sichen lose her mind and came down to greet him.

Sister Mi just came down from the elevator when she saw Jiang Chen and hugged Ye Siran into her arms.

Seeing how familiar Jiang Chen's technique is, it is obvious that this is not the first time he has hugged Ye Siran.

Ye Siran told her not to misunderstand, but Sister Mi didn't know what it means not to misunderstand. Could it be that she appeared too early, and when Jiang Chen and Ye Siran couldn't hold back their passionate kiss, they grabbed A scene, is there no misunderstanding?

"Beasts...beasts are not as good as..." Thinking this way in her heart, Sister Mi scolded Jiang Chen bloody.

For a long time, Sister Mi was skeptical that Jiang Chen had the idea of ​​having both sisters.

However, in the past, Jiang Chen hadn't been able to catch the handle, that is, there was no evidence to prove that Jiang Chen had such thoughts, but now, she finally caught the handle.

"Ahem, Sister Mi, this is really a misunderstanding. Beauty Si Ran and I are just a little bit, I can't help it." Jiang Chen coughed twice and said.

"Who can't help it?" Ye Siran couldn't help but rolled his eyes, depressed to the point of death.

Jiang Chen said this, is it an explanation?
Such an explanation is better than no explanation.

If Sister Mi saw her being embraced by Jiang Chen and only had a little doubt, then with Jiang Chen's explanation, it is estimated that Sister Mi is 100% sure that she and Jiang Chen are having trouble.

"Can't help it?" Sister Mi sneered and said, "Then it would be better for you to go to the hotel?"

"I'll take Silly Baitian to the hotel with me soon." Jiang Chen nodded and said.

"You still want to bring Si Chen with you?" Sister Mi was stunned and trembling with anger.

In front of her, he said with certainty that he would take Ye Sichen and Ye Siran to the hotel together. Jiang Chen had no scruples, did he want the blatant sisters to accept both of them?
"No!" Without even thinking about it, Mi Jie flatly refused.

After discovering the trickery between Ye Siran and Jiang Chen, Miss Mi was still thinking about how to keep Ye Sichen away from Jiang Chen without hurting Ye Sichen, so as to avoid Jiang Chen's misfortune.

Even if Jiang Chen did a lot of things for Ye Sichen, could this be the reason for Ye Sichen to be harmed by Jiang Chen?
Miss Mi felt that if Jiang Chen wanted to harm Ye Siran, he should harm Ye Siran.

Anyway, judging from the current situation, Ye Siran is willing. As an outsider, she is also, so she has nothing to say.

"Sister Mi, if you say no, is there some problem?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"Is it all right?" Sister Mi gritted her teeth.

"I didn't notice any problem at all." Jiang Chen shook his head, and asked Ye Siran again, "Beauty Si Ran, do you think there is a problem?"

"No." Ye Siran also shook his head.

Seeing Ye Siran's attitude, Sister Mi was in a mess. She doubted whether Ye Siran was Ye Sichen's biological sister. Otherwise, would anyone ruin her own sister like this?
Jiang Chen was going to take Ye Sichen to the hotel, but Ye Siran actually said that he had no objection, Miss Mi couldn't figure out why Ye Siran would have such an attitude.

After all, no matter how deeply Ye Siran loves Jiang Chen, he shouldn't help the evildoer, right?

What's more, that's not another woman, but her own sister!
"Si Ran, you let me down, why didn't I realize that you are such a person before." Pointing at Ye Siran, Miss Mi trembled.

Ye Siran doesn't care about Ye Sichen's life or death, does he?

It's okay, she's still here!

No matter what, she would not just watch Ye Sichen suffer from Jiang Chen's murderous hands.

"Sister Mi, what's wrong with me?" Ye Siran asked confusedly, unable to understand why Sister Mi was so angry.

"Do you still want me to tell you what's wrong? That's right, you won't take it to heart if I tell you, Si Chen is very busy, you two, go back now." Sister Mi waved her hand and said without interest.

"On the way here, I called Si Chen, and she said she was waiting for me at the company." Ye Siran said helplessly.

"Then just pretend it's because I don't want you to see Si Chen." Sister Mi said firmly.

Ye Siran was dumbfounded. In her opinion, Sister Mi's attitude was undoubtedly extremely inexplicable, and she didn't offend Sister Mi. Is it necessary for Sister Mi to reject people thousands of miles away like this?
Ye Siran was about to try to persuade Sister Mi, but seeing Jiang Chen was good at his cell phone, he started calling.

"Silly Baitian, come down quickly, I have reserved a seat in the hotel, let's have dinner together now." Jiang Chen said on the phone.

After saying a few words, the phone just hung up.

"Si Ran beauty, get it done, silly Baitian will come down in a while." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Have you booked a seat at the hotel? Have a meal?" Hearing what Jiang Chen said on the phone, Miss Mi was in a mess again.

Could it be that Jiang Chen is going to take Ye Siran and Ye Sichen together to open a room at the hotel?How did it turn into going to a hotel for dinner together?
Was she thinking too much, leading to a misunderstanding?

After all, the function of the hotel is not only to open a room, but also to eat.

"Is it true that I misunderstood?" Sister Mi muttered to herself, very suspicious.

Sister Mi thought that, in terms of Jiang Chen's usual style of doing things, since he tricked Ye Sichen into a hotel, it would definitely not be as simple as having a meal.

Even if you go to eat, you can open a room after eating, right?

There is no rule that if you go to a hotel for dinner, you cannot get a room... The two things of eating and getting a room are completely complete and can be done together without any conflict.

"I'll go too." Sister Mi said.

Since Jiang Chen was talking about going to the hotel for dinner, then she would go there together to see what kind of tricks Jiang Chen could play under her nose.

If Jiang Chen really had bad intentions and lured Ye Sichen to a hotel under the guise of having a meal, at that time, even if she tried her best, she would definitely protect Ye Sichen's safety.

You know, even though she is only a few years older than Ye Sichen, she has always regarded Ye Sichen as her own sister, like a sister and mother, she would rather be hurt, and sister Mi It will never be allowed, if Ye Sichen is hurt, even if it is her own sister who hurt Ye Sichen, it will not be allowed!
(End of this chapter)

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