genius evil

Chapter 1136

Chapter 1136
After a while, I saw Ye Sichen jumping up and down from the elevator.

"elder sister."

Seeing Ye Siran, Ye Sichen was overjoyed, flew over, threw himself into Ye Siran's arms, and hugged Ye Siran tightly.

Ye Siran subconsciously opened his hands, also hugging Ye Sichen.

Speaking of which, the two sisters have always been together less and more apart.

Although Sister Mi took good care of Ye Sichen in every detail, but as an older sister, it was her responsibility to take care of her younger sister. Ye Sichen's intimate behavior accidentally touched Ye Siran's heartstrings.

"Sister, you smell so strange." After a while, I heard Ye Sichen say.

"Taste? Weird?"

Ye Siran was taken aback. She rarely used cosmetics and never used perfume. How could there be a strange smell on her body? Could it be the smell left by Jiang Chen on her body?
However, there was no smell on Jiang Chen either. How did Ye Sichen smell it? It smelled so strange?

Hearing what Ye Sichen said, Miss Mi sneered.

Although she would not tell Ye Sichen that Jiang Chen and Ye Siran were hugging each other in front of Ye Sichen, Ye Sichen could smell it all. Ye Siran smelled like Jiang Chen. It depends on whether Ye Siran is ashamed or not, it depends on whether Ye Siran is ashamed to help Jiang Chen and harm Ye Sichen.

"Yeah, it's a bit strange, but it smells good." Ye Sichen said.

"It smells so good!"

Sister Mi couldn't help but cursed in her heart.

Ye Sichen said that it smelled good, but he meant that Jiang Chen smelled good. Sister Mi couldn't accept this situation.

After all, Sister Mi knows that liking someone's smell and liking someone are basically the same thing.

Ye Sichen said that Jiang Chen smells good, doesn't that mean that Ye Sichen has a deep liking for Jiang Chen, otherwise why would he be able to say such a thing just by smelling it?

"Does it smell good? Silly Baitian, do you want to smell my body?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Hearing the sound, Ye Sichen glanced at Sister Mi quietly, and stuck out her tongue mischievously.

This action almost didn't make Sister Mi vomit blood in anger.

When Jiang Chen asked for a hug, Ye Sichen didn't directly refuse, but looked at her. Sister Mi couldn't understand what Ye Sichen's move meant.

That clearly meant that Ye Sichen really wanted to fall into Jiang Chen's arms, but he was afraid of her lustful power.

The reason why Sister Mi was angry was because of this on the one hand, and on the other hand, it was because Sister Mi was very dissatisfied with her image in Ye Sichen's heart.

Does she look like a tigress?
Why is Ye Sichen so afraid of her?

It was clear that she had always been very kind to Ye Sichen, but she was always reluctant to say even a harsh word.

"Silly Baitian, you didn't refuse, that is, you agreed, right?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

After finishing speaking, before Ye Sichen could react, he stretched out his hand and pulled Ye Sichen into his embrace, feeling Ye Sichen's softness well.

Caught off guard, being pulled into Jiang Chen's embrace, Ye Sichen subconsciously hugged Jiang Chen's waist with both hands, just like a little bird leaning on someone.


Sister Mi watched from the side, she was dumbfounded.

What is this situation?
Was Ye Sichen so impatient to fall into Jiang Chen's arms?

Of course, Jiang Chen's coercion accounted for [-]% of this hug, but it's fine if Ye Sichen didn't reject Jiang Chen, and it's fine if he didn't show the slightest resistance. Dust's waist.

"Oh my God……"

Sister Mi suddenly felt a burst of pain in her brain. If she was not afraid of hurting Ye Sichen, she would have rushed forward and tore Ye Sichen away.

An inadvertent movement stimulated not only Miss Mi.

Seeing this scene, Ye Siran sighed softly in his heart.

Only when you like someone very much, can you have such a tacit cooperation?

You know, when Jiang Chen hugged her forcefully just now, she didn't hug Jiang Chen's waist like Ye Sichen did.

It wasn't that she didn't like Jiang Chen, if she didn't like it, when Jiang Chen grabbed her hand, she just turned angry.

However, this made Ye Siran realize that in comparison, she didn't like Jiang Chen as much as Ye Sichen... Maybe it wasn't just liking, but love.

How could Jiang Chen and Ye Sichen know that a simple hug would arouse such complicated associations between Ye Siran and Miss Mi.

Taking a deep breath of Ye Sichen's scent, Jiang Chen said with a smile, "Silly white sweet, does the smell on my body smell good?"

Ye Sichen blushed and lowered his head, not knowing how to answer.

She was innocent, but she wasn't stupid. The moment she fell into Jiang Chen's arms, she could smell Ye Siran's body, which was exactly the same as Jiang Chen's.

That is to say, Jiang Chen left his scent on Ye Siran.

It is self-evident how that taste is left behind.

It was Jiang Chen's casual remark that both Ye Siran and Miss Mi were taken aback.

Especially Ye Siran, whose heart almost jumped out of his throat in fright.

Women are sensitive to all kinds of smells. When Ye Sichen fell into Jiang Chen's arms, Ye Siran was extremely worried that Ye Sichen would smell it. The smell on her body was actually Jiang Chen's smell.

Fortunately, Ye Siran also knew that even if Ye Sichen smelled it, Ye Sichen would not talk nonsense. In that case, everyone pretended to be stupid and pretended nothing happened.

Who would have thought that although Ye Sichen didn't talk nonsense, the person who talked nonsense turned into Jiang Chen.

In an instant, Ye Siran had the heart to strangle Jiang Chen to death. Can this guy hope that she will be better? Is it necessary to be so afraid that the world will not be chaotic?
Ye Sichen is no longer a child. Jiang Chen deliberately hinted so clearly, isn't he afraid of getting burned?
At this moment, Miss Mi really wanted to strangle Jiang Chen to death.

Since the person involved was not her own fault, Sister Mi naturally wouldn't have that kind of worry. The reason why Sister Mi was shocked was because she felt that Jiang Chen was clearly implying Ye Sichen.

Jiang Chen hinted to Ye Sichen that he and Ye Siran had an extraordinary relationship. Fortunately, Ye Sichen left a preconceived impression in his heart. After taking Ye Sichen to the hotel, he said Maybe Ye Sichen was so surprised by the relationship between Jiang Chen and Ye Siran.

"This beast is so cunning!" Sister Mi cursed viciously in her heart, becoming more and more suspicious that the so-called going to the hotel for dinner was just a cover, otherwise, why would Jiang Chen give Ye Sichen psychological hints?
"Jiang Chen, no matter what, I can't let you succeed. You'd better give up as soon as possible, otherwise, you will be the one who will be embarrassed." Sister Mi said in her heart.

"Stupid Baitian, you didn't say anything, does it smell good or not?" Jiang Chen said dissatisfied, no matter what Ye Siran and Sister Mi thought, they did their own thing.

"It smells good." Ye Sichen said, his voice was inaudible, and he left Jiang Chen's embrace embarrassingly.

"Sister Mi, silly Baitian said that my body smells good, do you want to smell it?" Jiang Chen turned to look at Sister Mi, and said with a faint smile.

"Not interested." Sister Mi said dismissively, curling her lips.

"Sister Mi, from my point of view, the reason why you show no interest is because you don't know how good my smell is." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Sister Mi looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost, thinking to herself, how could Jiang Chen have the nerve to say such shameless words?

Besides, whether Jiang Chen smells good or not, does it have anything to do with her?
Even if it was Jiang Chen's smell, no matter how good it smelled, she didn't want to smell it.

"Sister Mi, from your reaction, you must be aware of this problem, so the two of us hurriedly hug each other warmly." Jiang Chen said.


Jiang Chen stepped forward and appeared in front of Sister Mi. Immediately afterwards, Sister Mi was embraced by Jiang Chen with a very enthusiastic gesture.

"This guy actually hugged me, hugging me in front of Ye Sichen and Ye Siran?" Sister Mi felt a little uncomfortable.

The reason why Sister Mi wanted to emphasize that she hugged herself in front of Ye Sichen and Ye Siran was because Sister Mi began to wonder if Jiang Chen was interested in her.

Thinking about it for a while, Miss Mi was indescribably messy, wondering if Jiang Chen deliberately messed up the relationship, or was he really interested in him?
"Sister Mi, this should be fair, right?" Jiang Chen's voice rang in Sister Mi's ears.

"Fair?" Sister Mi was astonished.

Why did Jiang Chen say such words as fairness? Could it be that Jiang Chen wanted to share the rain and dew?Don't let any of the three of them suffer.

But who did Jiang Chen regard himself as?
As an emperor, he strives to be fair to the three thousand beauties in the harem, treating them equally, and sharing the rain and dew equally.

"Shameless bastard!"

Sister Mi is gnashing her teeth, she doesn't want this so-called fairness, whoever wants what he wants, Jiang Chen can't think of hitting her head, she is inevitable, she would rather die than follow, don't think that Sister Mi is The kind of woman who can be played with casually!

"Sister Mi, when I hugged Si Ran beauty and Silly Baitian just now, you were extremely jealous and angry, didn't you just want me to hug you too? Now, I hug you, this is called fairness." Jiang Chen Whispering in Sister Mi's ear.

"This... so Jiang Chen meant this?" Miss Mi was embarrassed by it, did she misunderstand it?


Soon, Sister Mi realized that something was wrong, she was really angry, but when did she show jealousy, Jiang Chen was so self-righteous and talking nonsense, is it really okay?

"Jiang Chen, don't talk nonsense, it's not what you think at all." Sister Mi said hurriedly, lest Jiang Chen really mistakenly think that he was jealous. The Yellow River, that may not be able to wash away!

(End of this chapter)

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