genius evil

Chapter 1137 Is there a bottom line

Chapter 1137 Is there a bottom line

"Sister Mi, you don't need to feel embarrassed, and you don't need to rush to explain, anyway, I understand your thoughts one by one." Jiang Chen said lazily, and then let go of Sister Mi.

"What do you know, do you know?" Sister Mi said impatiently, terribly wronged.

She felt that Jiang Chen was really an asshole. Was it really okay to pour dirty water on her so bluntly?She can't stand such slander!

The most important thing is that Miss Mi is very worried that after Jiang Chen misunderstands, he will take it for granted that he will do something to him, and then she will not be able to bear it every minute, and she will beat Jiang Chen violently. .

"You don't need to worry about what I know, I know anyway, it's getting late, let's go eat." Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and greeted.

While talking, Jiang Chen took Ye Sichen's little hand and led Ye Siran to walk outside.

After walking two steps, Jiang Chen looked back and saw Sister Mi standing there, motionless, with a hesitant look on her face, he couldn't help but asked with a smile, "Sister Mi, are you planning to go? What's the matter, forget what I just said words?"

"Shut up first, whoever says I won't go, I will go." Sister Mi said angrily.

In that case, it's fine for her to hear it alone, and I don't want Jiang Chen to be heard by Ye Siran and Ye Sichen, otherwise, what will the second daughter think of her in the future?

Besides, it's just a meal, so can it be called rain and dew?

Moreover, following Jiang Chen's words, Miss Mi began to wonder if Jiang Chen said those words to herself just now, was it intentional.

The purpose is to keep her from spoiling Jiang Chen's good deeds. After all, if she doesn't go to the hotel, then no matter what happens in the hotel afterwards, it is beyond her control.

Even if such doubts were groundless, since suspicions arose, Sister Mi had to go there. She wanted to see with her own eyes what tricks Jiang Chen was going to play.

As for what to say, if it is just a simple meal, sister Mi has never even thought about this situation, Jiang Chen is not that simple.

"Just go, let's go, I'm about to starve to death." Jiang Chen urged.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Sister Mi couldn't help being stunned.

Inexplicably, Miss Mi felt that something was wrong.

To be precise, it was Jiang Chen's reaction, which was a little bit wrong.

He decided to go to the hotel by himself, why did Jiang Chen seem to be happy to see it come true?Aren't you afraid of yourself messing up his good deeds?
In other words, Jiang Chen really had plans to take three of them. If she didn't go, she would lose one of the three. Now that she went, it fell right into Jiang Chen's hands.

"Beast, I want to see if you have any limits." Sister Mi cursed viciously in her heart.

After the words were out of the mouth, it was hard for Sister Mi to change her mind. Whether Jiang Chen wanted the sisters to accept both, or whether he wanted to accept three, he had to go.

How could Jiang Chen know that Sister Mi had so many associations inadvertently.

If he knew, it would not be Miss Mi who wanted to vomit blood, but him.

Walking out of the company, getting into the car, Jiang Chen drove on the road and headed for the hotel.

The hotel is not too far from the brokerage company, it takes about ten minutes by car to arrive. When entering the hotel, there are already reception staff waiting, leading Jiang Chen and the others into the elevator, through the VIP passage, and into the box.

"It's just a meal, why is it necessary to be so secretive?" Sister Mi couldn't help but slander in her heart.

"Silly white sweet, just order whatever you want." After sitting down, casually tossing the menu to Ye Sichen, Jiang Chen said, and then asked Miss Mi, "What kind of wine do you want? Red or white?"

"White... boiled water." Sister Mi said coldly.

What do you drink in broad daylight?

Is this to lay the groundwork for drunken disorder?
Sister Mi rejoiced secretly that she was lucky to be here, otherwise Jiang Chen would definitely order some wine, and at that time, if he got Ye Sichen and Ye Siran drunk, it is hard to predict what would happen.

"Oh, sister Mi, you should drink plain water." Jiang Chen nodded, and asked Ye Siran again, "Beauty Siran, what kind of wine do you drink?"

"Red bar." After thinking for a while, Ye Siran said.

Originally, Ye Siran was in a good mood when he received Jiang Chen's call, but what happened later made Ye Siran feel a little depressed.

She has never drank alcohol, and she has a poor capacity for alcohol. She just wants to drink some wine at this time. Maybe after drinking some wine, she will not feel so depressed.

Hearing the conversation between Jiang Chen and Ye Siran, Miss Mi was stunned.

She thought that when Jiang Chen asked her what wine to drink, he would give her the right to order wine or not, just like Jiang Chen handed over the menu to Ye Sichen and gave Ye Sichen the right to order. .

What's more, what puzzled Mi Jie was that what she meant by teasing Jiang Chen by drinking plain water just now was already extremely obvious.

After hearing it, Ye Siran actually ordered red wine, so impatient, is he going to be taken advantage of by Jiang Chen?

"Si Ran, I think you should stop drinking and drink tea." Sister Mi then said.

Ye Siran is willing to be taken advantage of by Jiang Chen. Sister Mi naturally has nothing to do with such things, but Sister Mi is worried about Ye Sichen. After all, Ye Siran is already in a waking state and has a tendency to sell Ye Sichen Well, if Ye Siran accidentally got drunk, wouldn't he sell Ye Sichen completely.

"Sister Mi, I'll just drink a little so I won't get drunk. You and Sichen should drink some water." Ye Siran said.

Miss Mi's heart skipped a beat.

She thought it was good that Ye Siran didn't say this, but if he said this, he would definitely get drunk.

"It's over, is Jiang Chen's charm so great?" Sister Mi thought with a sob.

"Then you have to make sure you don't get drunk." Sister Mi said reluctantly.

"Don't worry." Ye Siran smiled, also a little strange, how could Sister Mi stop herself from drinking, and made herself promise not to get drunk.

He's not Ye Sichen, even if he's drunk, that's okay, doesn't Sister Mi treat her like Ye Sichen?

Deep down, there was nothing uncomfortable, Ye Siran knew that Sister Mi had always doted on Ye Sichen, maybe it was Aiwujiwu, and she took care of it with herself.

Sister Mi was naturally worried, but in front of Jiang Chen, many things were hard to say, so she could only taste it, praying silently in her heart that Ye Siran would keep his word.

Ye Sichen quickly ordered the dishes, and Jiang Chen casually added a few more. After a while, the ordered items were delivered one after another.

"Why so much red wine?"

Seeing that the order of red wine was delivered, Miss Mi was once again dumbfounded.

Obviously, Ye Siran only ordered one bottle, how did it become five bottles?
"I ordered it." Ye Sichen raised his hand, said with a smile, and then added embarrassingly, "I also want to drink some red wine."

"Don't order so much if you want to drink." Sister Mi broke down a bit.

What is a god assist, this is called a god assist.

Ye Siran ordered a bottle of red wine, and Ye Sichen added four more bottles in one go. If he drank all of them, even if Ye Siran really didn't want to get drunk, it would be impossible.

"I ordered it for Jiang Chen, he has a good drinker." Ye Sichen said, sticking out his sweet tongue.

"Don't drink while driving." Sister Mi said with a serious face.

"It's okay, just call a substitute driver later." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"I heard that the quality of the substitute drivers is uneven. You'd better be..." Miss Mi became more serious.

Ye Siran can drink this wine, Ye Sichen can also drink a little bit, even she can drink it, but Jiang Chen can't drink it.

After all, Jiang Chen's request to drink in broad daylight already had bad intentions, if Jiang Chen was really asked to drink, there would be no big trouble.

"I understand." Jiang Chen nodded before Miss Mi finished talking about the flowers.

Miss Mi looked at Jiang Chen speechlessly, she hadn't finished her words yet, what did Jiang Chen know?

"Don't drink while driving, and don't drive while drinking. The surrogate driver is unreliable. I'll ask the waiter to open a room later. I won't be leaving today." Jiang Chen said.

Hearing Jiang Chen's words suddenly, Miss Mi almost slammed her head on the table to death.

She didn't mean that at all, what he meant was that it would be best for Jiang Chen not to drink, that way, he wouldn't have to drink and drive, and he wouldn't have to find a substitute driver.

She didn't mean to let Jiang Chen take a rest at the hotel at all, okay?

Hearing the meaning of Jiang Chen's words, it seems that she forced Jiang Chen to open a room in the hotel. Sister Mi doesn't want to take this blame, and she can't take it.

"Jiang Chen, you misunderstood, I didn't mean that, I meant... well, I'll drive later." After thinking about it, Miss Mi said.

Jiang Chen can drink as much as he wants, anyway, he can't be stopped, at worst, she'll be a temporary guest driver, and he'll drive him off later, in short, absolutely can't open a room in a hotel.

"Alright." Grinning, Jiang Chen gave a narrow smile.

While talking, Jiang Chen picked up a bottle of red wine and poured it. He and Ye Siran poured half a glass, while Ye Sichen poured a little.

"It's rare to have a meal together, come, let's toast together." Jiang Chen raised his glass and said.

"Cheers." The cup in his hand touched Jiang Chen, Ye Sichen cheered and said.

Sister Mi couldn't stand it anymore, she thought to herself, what a silly girl, if you knew what Jiang Chen was planning, and you were betrayed by your own sister, would you still be so happy?

"Cheers." Ye Siran said softly.

Sisters Jiang Chen, Ye Siran and Ye Sichen drank, while Sister Mi drank plain water, so she stopped joining in the fun and took a sip of plain water silently, while Sister Mi began to eat vegetables silently.

However, Ye Siran didn't even finish the small glass of red wine, and Sister Mi just noticed that Ye Siran's cheeks were flushed, and from his appearance, he was clearly about to be drunk.

"What's going on, why is Siran's drinking capacity so bad?" Sister Mi was taken aback for a moment.

Although Ye Siran's drinking capacity is not good, usually, half a glass of wine is no problem, but right now, Ye Siran only drank half of the small glass of red wine, and there are signs of being drunk.

"Si Ran, you're about to get drunk, stop drinking." Seeing this, Sister Mi hurriedly said, and looking again, Ye Sichen was opening bottles of red wine one after another. In an instant, five bottles of red wine All are open.

"Sichen, what are you doing?" Sister Mi was stunned again, and asked in confusion.

"Open the wine." Ye Sichen said with a smile on his face full of innocence, "Jiang Chen taught me a quick way to open red wine just now, I tried it, and it really worked."

"Jiang Chen, you did a good job!" Sister Mi gritted her teeth, wishing she could tear Jiang Chen alive...

(End of this chapter)

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