genius evil

Chapter 1138 The Difference Between Man and Beast

Chapter 1138 The Difference Between Man and Beast

"Sister Mi, what's wrong with me?" Jiang Chen didn't know why, so he was innocent.

"What do you think is wrong with you?" Sister Mi gritted her teeth and said bitterly, looking at the situation, she seemed to wish she could pounce on Jiang Chen and bite Jiang Chen.

What a sinister intention to get Ye Siran drunk and instigate Ye Sichen to drink red wine.

This was still in front of her, and it was hard for Sister Mi to imagine what Jiang Chen would do if she wasn't here.

"Then sister Mi, tell me what happened to me." Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

Sister Mi opened her mouth to reprimand Jiang Chen, but when those words came to her lips, Sister Mi was speechless, realizing that she had no way to blame Jiang Chen.

For one thing, Jiang Chen didn't drink Ye Siran red wine, it was all because Ye Siran's capacity for alcohol inexplicably worsened, so he was on the verge of getting drunk by accident.

Secondly, Jiang Chen didn't instigate Ye Sichen to open all the red wine, at least he didn't instigate directly, it was Ye Sichen who opened all the red wine himself.

"Anyway, you know what's wrong with you." Sister Mi was very unforgiving.

"To be honest, I really don't know what's wrong with me." Shaking his head, Jiang Chen said helplessly, perhaps out of depression, he drank the red wine in the glass in one go, and then poured it for himself. A full glass.

"What are you drinking so much red wine for?" Miss Mi asked.

"Since it's all opened, it's natural to drink all of it." Jiang Chen said, and drank the red wine in the glass again.


Miss Mi became nervous inexplicably, she was very skeptical that Jiang Chen indirectly instigated Ye Sichen to drink all the red wine in order to get himself drunk.

"Sister Mi, you also have to take care of my drinking, won't you take care of it too much?" Frowning, Jiang Chen felt slightly displeased.


When Jiang Chen said this, Miss Mi was speechless.

That's right, she really did care too much today.

Instead of talking about Ye Sichen, he still wanted to control Ye Siran, but now, he actually tried to control Jiang Chen.

"Let's eat the vegetables, silly dessert has so many dishes, don't waste it." That kind of displeasure only happened for a moment, Jiang Chen knew that Sister Mi was famous for her sharp mouth and bean curd heart, so he wouldn't He cares too much about Miss Mi.

Miss Mi's heart trembled, she didn't have the heart to eat, she glanced at Ye Sichen, then at Ye Siran, and finally, her eyes fell on Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen seemed to be seriously planning to drink all the red wine that Ye Sichen had opened, and continued to drink one after another, so that Sister Mi could see that she was very nervous and worried that Jiang Chen would get drunk.

"I think this red wine is pretty good, how about I drink some too?" After thinking about it, Miss Mi said.

Jiang Chen smiled, and didn't ask Miss Mi why she wanted to drink now since she was drinking plain water. He took the wine glass, just poured a glass for Miss Mi, and said, "It's rare that Miss Mi asked for a drink, come, we Two, have a drink alone."

Sister Mi held the cup and touched Jiang Chen forcefully, resisting the urge to splash the red wine in the cup on Jiang Chen's face.

Did she ask for a drink?
That's not the case at all.

She just didn't want Jiang Chen to drink too much wine, okay? If not, she wouldn't drink with Jiang Chen in broad daylight.

"Sister Mi, I respect you too." Ye Sichen said happily.

"Sichen, you can only drink a little." Sister Mi said solemnly.

Although Sister Mi always asked Ye Sichen to live a healthy life as much as possible, but red wine itself has the effect of beautifying the skin and helps sleep. In this regard, she did not force Ye Sichen to stop drinking.

Of course, Ye Sichen's nature is innocent, and it is impossible for him to be addicted to alcohol. Sister Mi is an exception.

"Okay." Ye Sichen nodded, obeying Sister Mi's words, and it really was just a little bit embarrassing.

Sister Mi was very relieved to see it in her eyes, and finally there was someone who listened to her, so that all her painstaking efforts today would not be turned into meddling.

But Sister Mi also understands that even if she doesn't want to take care of today's nosy affairs, that's okay.

Secretly weighed his own drinking capacity, Miss Mi was drinking with Jiang Chen, Ye Siran seemed very quiet at the moment, holding a small glass of red wine in his hand, drinking it in small sips, for a long time, it was all the same. I can finish it.

"Jiang Chen, I also offer you a toast. Thank you for the things you have done for Si Chen, and thank you for your concern and care for Si Chen all the time." Sister Mi said to Jiang Chen solemnly.

There were five bottles of red wine in total. Ye Siran and Ye Sichen shared about one-fifth of the bottle. Jiang Chen drank four-fifths of that bottle alone, and drank half of the other bottle. The glass of red wine that was poured for her, in other words, there were a little more than three bottles left.

For the remaining three bottles of red wine, Miss Mi planned to share them with Jiang Chen [-]/[-].

She didn't know how much Jiang Chen could drink, but two bottles of red wine was almost her limit, if she drank any more, she would definitely get drunk.

But Sister Mi thinks that even if Jiang Chen doesn't drink very well, two bottles of red wine are probably fine.

Miss Mi didn't believe it anymore, just two bottles of red wine were enough to make Jiang Chen go crazy.

Sister Mi spoke at this time because she was looking for an opportunity to fight wine with Jiang Chen, so that Jiang Chen would not drink too much alone.

Jiang Chen didn't care about Sister Mi's complicated thoughts. He accompanied Sister Mi and drank. The two drank very quickly. After a while, they drank all the red wine.

Touching the slightly warm cheek with her hand, Sister Mi quietly let out a sigh of relief, thinking that this difficulty is finally over.

Only then did she feel a little hungry, so she picked up the chopsticks and began to eat.

"Miss Siran, do you still want to eat? How about I take you upstairs to rest first?" Jiang Chen said to Ye Siran.

"Well, let Si Chen accompany me for a while, I have something to say to her." Ye Siran said.

"This...are you planning to open a room?" Miss Mi looked at Jiang Chen in a daze.

The reason why she worked so hard to drink was to prevent Jiang Chen from taking a room at the hotel. Sister Mi would never have imagined that even if she was not drunk, Jiang Chen would have to take a room to rest, and Ye Siran readily agreed. .

If it was just that, Sister Mi would not be so shocked. What shocked Sister Mi was Ye Siran's attitude. It was fine for her to stay in the hotel with Jiang Chen to rest. Why did she insist on dragging Ye Siran into the water?
For a split second, Miss Mi wondered if Ye Sichen was Ye Siran's biological sister, otherwise, why would Ye Siran treat Ye Sichen like this?

"Si Ran, I just remembered. This afternoon, Sichen has another announcement to make." Sister Mi said in a hurry, winking at Ye Sichen while speaking.

"Sister Mi, your memory is wrong. I haven't made any announcements during this time." Ye Sichen said.

Sister Mi wanted to cry, but she thought to herself, silly girl, why haven't you figured out the situation yet?

"It's a temporary announcement, I haven't had time to tell you yet." Sister Mi said again.

"It's okay, I'll just have a few words with Si Chen, there won't be any delay, too much time." Ye Siran said at this moment.

"Okay... okay..." Reluctantly, Sister Mi agreed.

Ye Siran said so, no matter how reluctant Miss Mi is, she can only accept it. After all, she can't just tell Ye Siran that Ye Siran is going to sell her, let her run for her life, right?
Jiang Chen called the waiter, and soon the room card was brought over. Then, Jiang Chen led Ye Siran and sister Ye Sichen to the guest room upstairs.

"Miss Mi, are you okay?"

Entering the room, seeing Sister Mi staggering and almost falling to the ground, Jiang Chen asked kindly.

"It's okay." Sister Mi waved her hand and said with a bitter face.

She didn't want Jiang Chen to get drunk, and she didn't want Ye Siran and Ye Sichen to get drunk, but now, she was about to get drunk.

When I was sitting before, I didn't feel much. Now I got up and walked for a while, and I immediately had a tendency to drink alcohol. I was very dizzy, and even walking, I was almost unsteady.

Miss Mi realized that she had unintentionally made a huge mistake. She had the right amount of two bottles of red wine, but that was when she was slowly tasting and drinking in small sips. Hurry up, there is no buffer time at all, no, it directly leads to her current state, which is very bad.

"It seems to be drunk, how about I open another room for you to rest?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No... no..." Miss Mi said repeatedly.

She knew that she had a tendency to get drunk, but she didn't dare to ask Jiang Chen to open another room for her to rest, otherwise, when the door was closed, what would happen in this room was unpredictable.

"I'll just sit here for a while." Sister Mi said.

This is a suite. Sister Mi was talking, staggered to the edge of the sofa, and sat down.

Over there, after Ye Siran entered the room, he dragged Ye Sichen into the bedroom, and closed the door by the way. No one knew what the two sisters were whispering.

"Drink some water." Jiang Chen poured a glass of water and handed it to Jiang Chen.

Sister Mi took the water glass and drank it in one gulp, finally feeling less uncomfortable.

After drinking the water, Miss Mi put down the water glass, and suddenly, she sighed and asked Jiang Chen, "Jiang Chen, do you know what the difference is between humans and animals?"

"Why did you suddenly ask me such a profound question?" Jiang Chen asked in confusion.

"Si Ran is very good, and Si Chen is also very good, but they are sisters after all. If you want to accept both sisters, then you are not a human, but a beast." Sister Mi said slowly.

"When did I have such an idea?" Jiang Chen was even more confused.

"Jiang Chen, I've seen it clearly a long time ago. Why do you put on airs in front of me? Do you think I don't know why you brought Si Ran and Si Chen to the hotel for dinner?" Sister Mi sneered.

"Isn't it because the food in this hotel tastes good?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Is it clear in your heart, why do you want me to say it too bluntly? If you still have a little bit of humanity, leave here immediately, maybe I will take a high look at you." Sister Mi warned .

"Sister Mi, to be honest, it doesn't affect me at all whether you look up or look down on me... By the way, if I'm really as miserable as you say, are you naive to think that it's me? What can you stop? Are you thinking too highly of yourself, or are you looking down on me, Jiang Chen?" Jiang Chen stared at Miss Mi and asked with a half-smile.

(End of this chapter)

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