genius evil

Chapter 1139 Really Taking Advantage

Chapter 1139 Really Taking Advantage
In normal times, Miss Mi was famous for being against Jiang Chen, and today, she showed this style to the fullest.

Ye Sichen and Ye Siran may not be able to feel what sister Mi's transformation means, but Jiang Chen naturally knows it very well.

Jiang Chen could understand Sister Mi's protection of Ye Sichen, but that didn't necessarily mean that he could tolerate Sister Mi messing around in front of him infinitely.

You know, he brought Ye Sichen and Ye Siran to dinner today, his idea is actually very simple, he just wants to get together.

After all, he was leaving the capital tomorrow, and the date of his next return to Beijing was uncertain, but he also wanted to spend time with the two sisters.

As for taking a rest in a hotel room, Jiang Chen saw that Ye Siran was overwhelmed with alcohol. As for what Ye Siran wanted to say when he brought Ye Sichen up, Jiang Chen thought about it for a while, and he could do it. Guess.

And these are completely different from what Sister Mi thinks in her heart!

After hearing the sound, Miss Mi fell silent.

It wasn't that she didn't want to argue, but that Miss Mi realized that Jiang Chen was right.

But whatever Jiang Chen wants to do, how can she stop it?

She has done so much useless work, Jiang Chen never cared about her at all, he probably regarded her as a jumping clown and was lazy to care about her.

It was a waste of her efforts to feel good about herself, but she didn't know that anything she did was meaningless.

"Sister Mi, I think you are a little drunk, why don't you lie on the sofa and rest for a while." Jiang Chen said again.

Sister Mi nodded silently, but her mood was extremely chaotic, very unpleasant.

"Jiang Chen, can you do me a favor." Sister Mi lay on the sofa for a while, and suddenly became restless. She glanced at Jiang Chen several times, and said hesitantly.

"Bring a quilt for you? Is it cold?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"It's not the quilt." Shaking her head, biting her lip slightly, Sister Mi said blushingly, "Can I trouble you to help me to the bathroom?"

The sequelae of drinking too much red wine finally exploded at this moment.

Sister Mi tried to get up and go to the bathroom by herself, but found that her hands and feet were weak, and it was difficult to stand up from the sofa.

Fortunately, she is still a little sober now, and there is no big problem with talking or something.

"Of course you can." With a smile, Jiang Chen walked over, bent down and picked up Sister Mi from the sofa, and walked towards the bathroom.

"Jiang Chen..."

Sister Mi was shocked, she just wanted Jiang Chen to help her, unexpectedly, Jiang Chen hugged her directly, and didn't even give her the chance to refuse.

"This saves time." Jiang Chen said casually.

Miss Mi was speechless at once, but when she thought about it, it seemed that it was true. What Jiang Chen said was very reasonable, no, it was Jiang Chen's way of doing it, which was too reasonable.

Jiang Chen carried Sister Mi into the bathroom, put it on the toilet, and jokingly asked, "Sister Mi, is it okay to take off your pants or something? If there is a problem, I don't mind good people doing it to the end."

"Get out of here." Miss Mi was so angry, whoever made him take off his pants, this bastard, don't want to take advantage of her.

"Okay, I'll get out now, but I have to explain that I really have good intentions." Jiang Chen shrugged, walked out of the bathroom, and closed the door along the way.

"Jiang Chen, you are not allowed to peek, let alone eavesdrop."

In the bathroom, Sister Mi stared at the door and looked again and again. She was sure that it was closed, but she was still a little uneasy and wanted to go and lock the door.

But now she was struggling to even stand up, and how could she have the strength to go and lock the door, otherwise she wouldn't have to be carried into the bathroom by Jiang Chen.

"Sister Mi, is it really okay for you to doubt my character like this?" Outside the door, Jiang Chen said innocently.

Jiang Chen didn't go far. After all, in Sister Mi's state, he had to carry him back to the sofa after going to the bathroom.

"I really want to believe in your character, but do you have character?" Sister Mi said sharply.

"Sister Mi, don't waste time, can you please hurry up?" Jiang Chen lazily argued with Sister Mi, urging.

Sister Mi had just drank nearly two bottles of red wine and a large glass of plain water, and her stomach was unbearably distended. At this moment, Jiang Chen was standing outside the bathroom door. Although he felt ashamed, he couldn't care less.

After a while, there was a rustling sound in the bathroom.

"Sister Mi, are you sure you don't need me to help you take off your pants?" The rustling voice lasted for a full 5 minutes, and Jiang Chen asked impatiently.


But following Jiang Chen's words, he heard a muffled sound coming from the bathroom.

Immediately after the sound of "ah", there was a soft scream.

Jiang Chen heard the sound, opened the door to look, and saw that Mi Jie fell to the ground in a rather embarrassed posture, half of her buttocks were raised, and her pants were stripped to her thighs, revealing a section of tender white powder~ Meat.

"Jiang Chen, you go out... Hurry up..."

Seeing Jiang Chen enter the bathroom suddenly, Miss Mi was so shocked that tears were about to come out of her eyes.

"I have already said that I would help you, so why make such a fuss?" Jiang Chen was helpless, walked over to help Sister Mi up, and took off his pants along the way.

"You continue." After doing this, Jiang Chen walked out of the bathroom again.

Sister Mi sat on the toilet, wanting to die of shame and anger, how could she know that this would happen, this is all right, let Jiang Chen see everything.

"I will never drink again." Sister Mi murmured.

About 5 minutes later, Jiang Chen entered the bathroom again, picked up Sister Mi as if nothing had happened, put on her pants, and carried her back to the sofa.

Miss Mi was not as calm as Jiang Chen, she curled up on the sofa like an ostrich, even buried her head in her arms, she would never face anyone again.


Thinking about the scene in the bathroom just now, the more Miss Mi thought about it, the more wronged she became. She has lived to this day, not to mention having a boyfriend, even though she has never even touched a man's hand, yet Jiang Chen took such a big advantage , This made Sister Mi feel angry and annoyed at Jiang Chen.

"Sister Mi, with your appearance, after a while, Beauty Si Ran and Silly Baitian will think that I'm bullying you." Jiang Chen said aggrieved.

"You're just bullying me." Raising her head and staring at Jiang Chen, Miss Mi said angrily.

"Sister Mi, can you still be reasonable? Can I help you?" Jiang Chen jumped up and down.

"If you weren't urging me to hurry up, how could I have fallen down? I think you did it on purpose, you damn pervert." Sister Mi said loudly.

"So after all, do you think I took advantage of you, so you are very angry?" Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

God is pitiful, he doesn't even have the slightest intention to take advantage of Miss Mi, okay?
The suggestion to help Miss Mi take off her pants is entirely because of Miss Mi's situation. It is probably very difficult to take off her pants.

How could such a considerate man like him become perverted?
If this can be considered perverted, dare to ask, who else in this world is not perverted?

"You took advantage of me, shouldn't I be angry?" Sister Mi said confidently.

"Sister Mi, you are so naive, taking advantage, not like this." Shaking his head, Jiang Chen said.

Sister Mi was stunned. How could Jiang Chen mean that he denied taking advantage of her?
However, if this is not considered an advantage, then what is it that is considered an advantage?
However, before Sister Mi had time to ask, she already knew what it means to take advantage.

Because Jiang Chen suddenly leaned over and bent down, and gently pinched her chin with one hand, and then covered her with his big mouth, and kissed her.

It wasn't a kiss like a dragonfly touching water, Jiang Chen's kiss was quite domineering, it was a French wet kiss directly.

"Sister Mi, do you feel it? This is called taking advantage." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile after letting go of Sister Mi for more than ten seconds.

Miss Mi stared wide-eyed, looking at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

That's how she was forcefully kissed by Jiang Chen?

There was no warning in advance, so she was not psychologically prepared at all.

You know, this is her first kiss, and she still wants to save it for her husband on the wedding night, it's just so inexplicable, is it gone?
No, it's not gone, it was taken away by Jiang Chen.


Unable to restrain herself, Miss Mi screamed.


With one hand, she covered Sister Mi's red lips.

"Sister Mi, your psychological quality is really not good enough, you need to strengthen your training." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Sister Mi was extremely frantic. She didn't think this kind of thing had anything to do with her psychological quality.

No matter how good the psychological quality is, a woman will scream when she encounters such a situation, right?
After all, she is just a normal little woman after all.

"Jiang Chen, I hate you." Miss Mi was furious.

"Hate me?" Jiang Chen blinked, and said, "Sister Mi, could there be some misunderstanding, it's fine, why did you hate me? Or, you said what I did to you just now, Once again, as taking advantage of you?"

Miss Mi was out of breath and couldn't say a word.

"Unfortunately, I'm really not taking advantage of you. I'm just doing it myself, and I'll explain to you what real taking advantage is." Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen said calmly.

Sister Mi suddenly had the feeling of seeing a ghost in broad daylight. She didn't want to listen to Jiang Chen's nonsense anymore. She stood up from the sofa with strength all over her body, and threw herself at Jiang Chen with all her teeth and claws. past.

She wanted to tell Jiang Chen that although she was just a weak woman with no strength to restrain a chicken, she was not someone Jiang Chen could bully if he wanted to.

With a "squeak", the door of the bedroom opened from the inside at this moment, and Ye Siran and Ye Sichen walked out holding hands. The two daughters had just walked out of the bedroom when they saw Miss Mi hanging like a koala. On Jiang Chen's body, both hands hugged Jiang Chen's neck tightly.

From the perspective of the two of them, the embracing posture of Sister Mi and Jiang Chen is as ambiguous as possible...

(End of this chapter)

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