genius evil

Chapter 1140

Chapter 1140
"Miss Mi, what are you doing?"

Seeing such a scene, the two sisters looked at each other, and then, Ye Sichen blinked and asked curiously.

"Silly Baitian, don't doubt what you saw, you read it right, Sister Mi is taking advantage of me." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Miss Mi shivered.

She was thinking about how to explain the current situation to Ye Sichen and Ye Siran, before she could figure out what to say, Jiang Chen spoke first.

Let's just say it, and it's so annoying, Miss Mi couldn't be more angry, opened her mouth, and bit Jiang Chen's neck.

"Sister Mi, even if you are taking advantage of me, is it really okay to kiss me in front of beautiful Si Ran and Silly Baitian? You have to understand that Silly Baitian is still a child." Jiang Chen said , blocking it with one hand, to avoid being poisoned by Sister Mi.

"It's clearly's you..."

Sister Mi said in a panic, but she couldn't get it out of her mouth.

After all, she couldn't say that it wasn't that she was taking advantage of Jiang Chen, but that Jiang Chen was taking advantage of her.

In this case, once the words are spoken, Ye Siran or Ye Sichen will definitely be very curious about how she was taken advantage of by Jiang Chen.

Furthermore, Sister Mi also realized how ambiguous the posture she was hanging on Jiang Chen was.

Maybe even if she explained that Jiang Chen took advantage of it, I'm afraid Ye Siran and Ye Sichen wouldn't, believe her words, right?

"What about me? Sister Mi, you should make it clear, don't slander honest people." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Jiang Chen, if you are an honest person, all the honest people in this world will be dead." Sister Mi bared her teeth, let go of her hand, and jumped off Jiang Chen's body.

"Sister Mi, are you really taking advantage of Jiang Chen?" Ye Sichen asked again, his expression became a little weird.

"Nothing." Sister Mi hurriedly denied, saying, "I'm just drunk."

"Sister Mi is drunk." Jiang Chen nodded in agreement.

Miss Mi breathed a sigh of relief when she heard what Jiang Chen said. Although this guy is a complete jerk, he finally took her face into consideration.

Anyway, she wasn't pretending to be drunk, she was really drunk, at worst, she said afterwards that she didn't remember what happened at all.

"Stupid Baitian, Miss Si Ran, you have to understand the pain of an older young woman who can't find a boyfriend. Although Sister Mi is taking advantage of me by getting drunk, but because of my understanding of Sister Mi, I don't intend to care about it." Yes, you two, don't worry about it." Just as Sister Mi was thinking this way, Jiang Chen's voice rang in Sister Mi's ear again.

Older young women?
Can't find a boyfriend?

Taking advantage of drunkenness?
Jiang Chen's words, every word, even the punctuation marks, all happened in an instant, and the excited Mi Jie was about to go crazy.

Also, Jiang Chen didn't care about what he said, and asked Ye Siran and Ye Sichen not to care about it. On the surface, it seemed that this was to protect her. In fact, how could Miss Mi not be able to tell that Jiang Chen was completely Turning black and white, she almost didn't tell Ye Siran and sister Ye Sichen directly how hungry and thirsty she was, how dissatisfied she was.

"Jiang Chen!" Sister Mi yelled angrily, and the whole person became manic.

"Don't be nervous, I really don't care about it." Jiang Chen waved his hand, indicating that Miss Mi didn't need to say more.

"You don't care, I care." Sister Mi yelled.

Who would care whether Jiang Chen cares or not?
Besides, even if Jiang Chen wanted to care about it, what could he care about?
The one who deserves the most attention is her.

It was impossible for Jiang Chen to ruin her reputation and innocence like this, even if she wanted to ignore it.

"You care?" Jiang Chen pretended to be stunned for a moment, and said, "Sister Mi, this is you taking advantage of me, not me taking advantage of you, not to mention, I have tried hard to resist and struggle, you said you care, Could it be that you want to use this to make me responsible to you, can you stop being so unreasonable?"

Resisting and struggling very hard?
Sister Mi almost cried, but she didn't understand. When Jiang Chen said this, wouldn't his conscience hurt?
It was clearly her who resisted and struggled very hard, but she still suffered from Jiang Chen's poisonous hand... No, it was Jiang Chen's poisonous mouth. Jiang Chen said such things in a grand manner, could it be that she is used to splashing dirty water on her body? ?

Sister Mi didn't know, but at this moment, her mournful appearance, in the eyes of Ye Siran and Ye Sichen, had a different meaning.

That was a reaction that was full of grievances, shyness and embarrassment.

If, at the beginning, neither Ye Siran nor Ye Sichen believed Jiang Chen's words because of Jiang Chen's frequent nonsense, then seeing Sister Mi With such a reaction, the two sisters believed Jiang Chen's words a little bit.

"Sister Mi has always had her eyes above the top, and she has no color in the pursuit of any man. I used to be very curious about what kind of boyfriend Sister Mi will find in the future. It turns out that she likes the type of Jiang Chen. " Ye Siran said in his heart, the way he looked at Sister Mi quietly added a little more complicated meaning.

"Sister likes Jiang Chen, and sister Mi also likes Jiang Chen?" Ye Sichen's face was slightly pale, a little uncomfortable, and a little frustrated.

"Jiang Chen, stop talking nonsense, I don't want you to be responsible to me, I don't need you to be responsible to me at all, don't even think about it." Mi Jie almost growled.

If she saw a ghost, Jiang Chen would make things difficult for her.

Even if the first kiss was accidentally taken away by Jiang Chen, even if she was conservative by nature, but because of such a little thing, it would be such a bad deal to spend the rest of her life on Jiang Chen's body?
"It turns out that Sister Mi didn't let me take responsibility, so I can rest assured." Jiang Chen was greatly relieved, and said happily, and patted his chest with his hands, with a look of lingering fear.

Seeing Jiang Chen's exaggerated performance, Miss Mi felt a mouthful of blood rushing to her throat, almost spraying Jiang Chen all over the face.

She didn't let Jiang Chen be responsible, so why should Jiang Chen be so happy?
Is she too bad, so Jiang Chen doesn't want to be responsible for her?

In other words, Jiang Chen was just playing with her, from beginning to end, he had no intention of being responsible for her.

Even if Jiang Chen was not to be held accountable, he said it from his own mouth, Jiang Chen's reaction still made Miss Mi extremely depressed and hard to let go.

"Yes, you can rest assured. Don't worry, I will never rely on you, and besides, you can never rely on me." Sister Mi said coldly.

If you don’t take responsibility, don’t be responsible. Anyway, she doesn’t care too much. Let’s treat it as a minor accident. There is no need to worry about it too much. As long as Jiang Chen doesn’t do this kind of thing to her in the future, that’s enough.

Sister Mi said such words at this time to persuade herself, and at the same time, she was secretly warning Jiang Chen.

"No." Ye Sichen said just as Sister Mi finished speaking.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Sichen said: "Sister Mi, you are like Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen must be responsible to you."

Then, Ye Sichen said to Jiang Chen: "Jiang Chen, you must be responsible to Miss Mi, otherwise I will be very angry."

"What about me and Jiang Chen?" Miss Mi was flustered by the wind, at most she was glanced at by Jiang Chen and kissed by Jiang Chen for a few seconds.

This kind of thing is very common in modern society, isn't it?

She is conservative, yes, but not pedantic.

"Sichen, things are not what you think, I know that." Sister Mi said to Ye Sichen, knowing that Ye Sichen's nature is true, it's better to speak clearly.

"Sister Mi, I know you are worried that I will be angry, don't worry, I won't be angry with you." Ye Sichen also comforted Sister Mi.

Sister Mi is messed up again, why should she worry about Ye Sichen getting angry?
Also, what did Ye Sichen mean by this? Could it be that he intended to live in peace with her and never be jealous?

"It's over, what exactly did Si Ran say to Si Chen just now, how did Si Chen become like this?" Deep in her heart, Sister Mi murmured.

"Jiang Chen, I won't be angry with you either, just be responsible to Sister Mi." Then, Ye Sichen said to Jiang Chen again, with a sincere look on his face.

Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen complained endlessly, knowing that playing tricks on Sister Mi today was a bit too much.

Ye Siran might be able to see something tricky, but Ye Sichen would definitely not be able to. Now, let's treat Miss Mi as his woman, as if he wanted to get along with her in peace.

If Sister Mi was really his woman, Jiang Chen would be extremely happy with Ye Sichen's performance.

But the biggest problem right now is that Sister Mi is not her woman. Ye Sichen's statement is just how much, which makes Jiang Chen a little bit embarrassing.

"Silly Baitian, you didn't listen to Miss Mi, isn't that what you think? Besides, Sister Mi said she wouldn't let me be responsible, but you just want me to be responsible. Isn't it difficult for others to do so? Sweet, don't delay Miss Mi's happiness." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Jiang Chen, you will make Miss Mi happy, right?" Ye Sichen said seriously.


Jiang Chen almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. The expression on his face was as if he was constipated. It was as ugly as it could be.

Seeing Jiang Chen's reaction like this, Ye Siran smiled. She could see that Jiang Chen was teasing Miss Mi, but it was just Miss Mi's reaction, which is quite intriguing, isn't it?
"Jiang Chen, you haven't answered my question yet." Coyly, Ye Sichen was a little dissatisfied.

"Um, Sister Mi, let me ask you, can I give you happiness?" Jiang Chen said with a bitter face.

"What do you think?" Sister Mi asked back.

"I'm the one asking you, please be quick and tell me it's not okay?" Jiang Chen urged.

Sister Mi said with a sullen face, "I can't."

"Silly Baitian, did you hear that? Sister Mi said no." Jiang Chen said hastily.

"Jiang Chen, the book says that when a woman is angry, what she says is duplicity and cannot be taken seriously. Sister Mi is very angry now, she is lying to you." Ye Sichen said quietly.


Now, Jiang Chen is really about to vomit blood, who can tell him when did Ye Sichen understand so much?

(End of this chapter)

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