genius evil

Chapter 1141 You Will Be Beaten

Chapter 1141 You Will Be Beaten

"I'm drunk, let's go to the rest meeting first, you can chat." Sister Mi also said quietly.

At this time, she wished she could flee the scene immediately, but she was worried about Ye Sichen, so she could only choose to go back to the room to rest for a while. After saying this, Sister Mi hurried away and entered one of the bedrooms.

"Silly Baitian, can you tell me what books you usually read?" Jiang Chen couldn't help asking when Sister Mi left.

"Just take a look." Ye Sichen said with a blushing face.

"Then why haven't I seen such a book? You have to recommend a few for me. You may not know that reading is what I like the most." Jiang Chen teased in a serious manner.

"Okay...okay..." Ye Sichen was a little shy, thought for a while, and said, "I'll go see Miss Mi."

"Miss Si Ran, there are only two of us left now, do you have anything to say to me?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile as he watched Ye Sichen enter Miss Mi's room.

"What about you, do you have anything to say to me?" Ye Siran raised his eyebrows and asked back.

"This, really not." Jiang Chen still smiled.

"For example, between you and Sister Mi?" Ye Siran asked tentatively.

"Miss Si Ran, with your ingenuity, can't you tell that I'm teasing Sister Mi?" Jiang Chen wryly smiled.

"Maybe you think so, but have you ever thought about why Si Chen would say that?" Ye Siran asked again.

Speaking of this, without waiting for Jiang Chen to reply, Ye Siran sighed softly, and then said: "Si Chen's nature is pure, but just like that, he can see the essence at a glance."

Hearing what Ye Siran said, the corners of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched, and he said, "Miss Si Ran, I don't know why, but I don't understand what you're talking about at all."

"Forget it then." Ye Siran waved his hand and said more lazily.

Anyway, Jiang Chen has always been very philanthropic, one more Miss Mi is not too much, and one less Miss Mi is not too much, it is not a big deal.

"I can't forget it. I have to make it clear. I'm good at everything, but I can't stand slander." Jiang Chen said righteously.

Ye Siran glanced at Jiang Chen, is this guy really planning to lose his face?

"In the room just now, I asked Si Chen a question. I asked her if she likes you." Ignoring Jiang Chen's nonsense, Ye Siran changed the topic and said.

"Silly Baitian naturally likes me." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Ye Siran nodded slightly, and said: "Then, I asked her if she knew the difference between liking and love. You want to know, how did Si Chen answer me?"

"Silly Baitian must know." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Sichen does know, and he knows very clearly." Ye Siran nodded again.

"That is to say, Silly Baitian loves me?" Jiang Chen suddenly grinned and laughed out loud.

"Is it funny?" Ye Siran wished he could grab the pillow on the sofa and hit Jiang Chen on the head twice.

"It's not very funny, I just think it's my honor." Jiang Chen suddenly became affectionate, he took Ye Siran's little hand, and said softly, "It's like a beauty like Siran you like Me, it's my honor, how can I, Jiang Chen, be worthy of your love."

Ye Siran was originally a little annoyed by Jiang Chen's indecency, but now hearing Jiang Chen's sweet words, her heart softened all of a sudden.

"Miss Si Ran, I know that you must be deeply guilty of being silly, Baitian. Of course, I am also guilty, so I plan to make it up to you." Jiang Chen said again.

"Make up for me?" Dazed, looking at Jiang Chen, Ye Siran asked in astonishment.

She really felt deeply guilty towards Ye Sichen.

Before, the two sisters entered the room and talked for a long time. Naturally, what they said was not just as simple as what she relayed to Jiang Chen.

In fact, she asked Ye Sichen a few questions, and Ye Sichen also asked her a few questions.

Maybe women are born emotionally sensitive. Although Ye Sichen is ignorant and dull in other aspects, in terms of emotions, he is no different from any woman in this world.

"That's right, it's just to make up for it. I've decided to spend a good night with Miss Si Ran." Jiang Chen said, speaking extremely seriously and seriously.

"No." Without even thinking about it, Ye Siran flatly refused.

What did you say to spend one night with her as compensation, which made Ye Siran dumbfounded, is it really compensation?
Even if it really made up, it wasn't Jiang Chen making up for her, but her making up for Jiang Chen, okay?
Jiang Chen was completely doing this, just taking advantage of her under the guise of making amends.

"Miss Si Ran, how can you say no? Could it be that you are doubting my sincerity?" Jiang Chen said sadly.

"I don't have time at night." Ye Siran said vaguely.

"I understand what you mean, Miss Si Ran, you want me to make up for you in the afternoon, don't you?" Jiang Chen suddenly realized, and then said, "It's okay, I have time in the afternoon, so I will make up for you in the afternoon. But beauty, you are well."

"That's not what I meant, stop talking nonsense." Ye Siran couldn't bear it any minute.

She said she didn't have time at night, but she was just looking for a reason to reject Jiang Chen. How could Jiang Chen understand it like this?
"Beauty Si Ran, can it be that you can't wait any longer and want me to start making up for you now?" Jiang Chen said, looking towards the bedroom where Sister Mi and Ye Sichen were, looking ready to move.

Seeing Jiang Chen's actions, Ye Siran was startled. He was really worried that Jiang Chen would mess around under the noses of Ye Sichen and Mi Jie.

"Jiang Chen, Si Chen and Sister Mi are here, please restrain yourself." Ye Siran said nervously.

"Miss Si Ran, you really can't wait, otherwise, I'll let Silly Baitian and Miss Mi leave." Jiang Chen said kindly.

Ye Siran was almost about to be made to cry by Jiang Chen, how could she fail to understand, Jiang Chen said this on purpose, hateful is hateful, even if he said such words on purpose, Jiang Chen was very serious, making people It was difficult to tell whether what Jiang Chen said was true or false.

"No need." Ye Siran said hastily.

If Jiang Chen asked Ye Sichen and Sister Mi to leave first, maybe Ye Sichen wouldn't think too much about it, but Sister Mi would definitely think too much, wouldn't she?
In that case, how should I face Sister Mi in the future?
"Miss Si Ran, this doesn't work, that doesn't work either, what are you going to do?" Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Anyway, nothing works." Ye Siran reminded.

"The problem is, my patience has reached its limit, and I'm almost unable to restrain myself," Jiang Chen said.

"Sister Mi, Sichen, how are you two doing?" It was Jiang Chen's voice that made Ye Siran yell.

"Miss Si Ran, are you planning to let Sister Mi and Silly Baitian come to watch? Why didn't I find out before that you have such a hobby?" Jiang Chen asked incomparably strangely.

"You'll know soon." Ye Siran smiled mysteriously.

Indeed, Jiang Chen knew what Ye Siran was going to do after a while, because Ye Siran actually took Ye Sichen and Miss Mi to leave.

"Miss Si Ran, you must be joking." Jiang Chen said with a mournful face.

"Then just think I'm joking." Ye Siran smiled sweetly, but it was rare to see Jiang Chen deflated, so he couldn't help being in a good mood.

The three girls were about to leave, and Jiang Chen realized that he didn't even have a reason to keep them.

After all, seeing Ye Siran's attitude, he was frightened by him, and he was extremely determined to leave, but it was impossible for Jiang Chen to let Ye Sichen stay alone. Once Ye Sichen stayed, Miss Mi It must be left behind.

Ever since, Jiang Chen could only watch the three girls leave the hotel, his heart was about to bleed.

"God, do you want to play with me like this?" Jiang Chen was so depressed.

Previously, the three daughters of Nangong Hua had staged a big scene with him in which a boiled duck flew out of their hands. Now, such a scene is being staged again, which makes Jiang Chen doubt his life.

"I, Jiang Chen, have always had a good character. What on earth did I do wrong?" Jiang Chen was extremely puzzled, desperate to die.

Ye Siran deliberately avoided, but he didn't let Jiang Chen drive him. Jiang Chen was depressed for a while, and was about to drive away, when he saw a red sports car speeding up, and stopped at the entrance of the hotel.

As soon as the car stopped, two delicate and gorgeous figures got out of the car one by one.

Those were two women, no matter from which angle you looked at them, they could be called 360 five stunning stunners with no dead ends.

In itself, that red sports car is already very eye-catching.

At this time, two such gorgeous women stepped down from the car, and they were even more eye-catching. It was unknown how many people's attention they had attracted.

"Two beauties, are you here for dinner?"

A young man who just came out of the hotel suddenly saw the two stunning women, his eyes lit up immediately, he quickly stepped forward and started talking.

Those two girls are undoubtedly enough to make 90.00% of the men in this world feel ashamed of them.

But in this world, there has never been a shortage of men who feel good about themselves.

No, the man who struck up a conversation, boasted that he was not bad, ran forward without hesitation for a moment, and struck up a conversation.

"Go away." The woman with charming eyebrows raised her eyebrows slightly and said expressionlessly.

"Beauty, why are you so heartless? It just so happens that I'm here for dinner, how about a treat?" the man said with a smile.

"You have three seconds to disappear from my face. Remember, it's only three seconds, otherwise, you will be beaten." The woman said.

"Beating?" The man was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Beauty, you are joking, it's fine, who will beat me?"


However, before the man's words fell, a foot kicked his ass accurately, kicking the man high into the air, and smashing him into the distance.

"Is this, really beaten?"

Inexplicably kicked, the man couldn't react for a long time, he got up from the ground, looked at the culprit, and said angrily: "Damn guy, you dare to kick me."


The man responded with another kick, so the man flew high again and fell to the ground without even the strength to get up...

(End of this chapter)

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