genius evil

Chapter 1142 Doesn't your face hurt?

Chapter 1142 Doesn't your face hurt?
"Beauty Ziyu, beauty Luzhi, long time no see. How are the two beauties doing recently? Do you miss me very much?"

After kicking the two men's feet one after another, Jiang Chen stared at the two women, looked up and down, left, right, and then said with a playful smile.

The two stunning beauties who got off the sports car were Ziyu and Luzhi.

When Jiang Chen saw the two girls for the first time, he couldn't believe his eyes. He thought to himself, could it be called, give a candy with a stick?

But even so, the speed of giving sugar is too fast, isn't it?
You know, the three daughters of Ye Siran just left.

Or was it because he encountered two sticks in succession that the candy was delivered to him so quickly?
Thinking of this, Jiang Chen suddenly felt relieved.

After all, the gods are still kind to him!

"Who are you? Do we know you? Be careful to be beaten up like that guy." Lu Zhi looked at Jiang Chen sideways, curled her lips, and said with a sneering face.

"Miss Luzhi, what you said is not right, dare to ask, looking at the whole capital, who would dare to beat me?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I...I dare to beat you up." The man who hit up a conversation before struggled to get up from the ground, limped to Jiang Chen, pointed a finger at Jiang Chen, and said, "Boy, I didn't attack you!" You didn't mess with you, how dare you kick me, this matter is endless."

"You provoked me and provoked me." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Ziyu and Luzhi are his women, this guy went up to strike up a conversation, it's obvious that he both recruited him and provoked him, okay?
"Then why don't you tell me, when did I provoke you?" the man gritted his teeth and asked.

"Right now." Jiang Chen said, still very serious.

"Boy, you are looking for death." The man couldn't understand a word of what Jiang Chen was saying. He took out his mobile phone and started calling someone. Looking at his posture, he would not give Jiang Chen a good beating. Swear not to give up.

"You two beauties, this guy has wicked eyebrows and eyes. He doesn't look like a good person at first glance, but you two don't worry, I, Liang Bo, will protect you." After the phone call, the man named Liang Bo patted his chest and said Ziyu and Lvzhi said vowedly.


Jiang Chen kicked Liang Bo's body for the third time, and for the third time, Liang Bo flew out. Unfortunately, he landed on his face first, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his nose bleeds profusely.

"I will naturally protect my woman, so I won't bother you." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Your woman?" Liang Bo wiped his nosebleeds and said coldly, "Boy, I, Liang Bo, always thought that I was quite shameless, but I didn't expect that you are even more shameless than me."

"Beauty Ziyu, he said I'm shameless, is this true?" Jiang Chen asked Ziyu.

The corner of Ziyu's mouth twitched, obviously wanting to laugh, but she forcibly held back, looked up at the sky, and pretended not to hear Jiang Chen's words.

"Beautiful Luzhi, then tell me." Jiang Chen asked Luzhi again.

"We don't know you, who cares whether you want face or shame." Lu Zhi said with a cold snort.

"Haha, did you hear that, the two beauties don't know you at all, don't think that you know the names of the two beauties, it's as if you know them very well." Liang Bo laughed triumphantly.

"Smiling so happily, doesn't your face hurt?" Jiang Chen asked kindly.

"My people will be here soon. After a while, I will make your face hurt even more." Liang Bo said loudly.

He was kicked three times by Jiang Chen, but he kept it in mind. After a while, when the people arrived, Liang Bo swore that he would not give up until he kicked Jiang Chen thirty times.

"So actually, it doesn't hurt, right?" Jiang Chen said slowly.

After the words fell, no one saw clearly how he moved. It was the fourth kick that landed on Liang Bo's body. Unfortunately, Liang Bo still landed on his face, so that face that was insulated from being handsome, Accidentally turned into a pig's head.

"Ah—" Liang Bo screamed, it was because he wanted to die.

He didn't understand why Jiang Chen liked to kick people so much, even if he punched him or slapped him across the face.

It was too embarrassing to be kicked away by Jiang Chen again and again, and it too damaged his image in front of Ziyu and Luzhi.

"This damn guy must have deliberately stepped on me to win the favor of the two beauties." Liang Bo thought viciously in his heart.

The more he thought about it, the more Liang Bo felt that this was the case. Liang Bo couldn't help being furious. He hated Jiang Chen to death and wanted to fight Jiang Chen desperately.

"Beauty Ziyu, beauty Lu Zhi, there seems to be the sound of killing pigs here, why don't we leave here first, find a quiet place, and talk about life and ideals, how about it?" Jiang Chen talked eloquently.

"We don't know you at all, what do you want to do? Could it be that you want to kidnap us in broad daylight?" Luzhi said, pretending to be nervous.

Jiang Chen looked at her speechlessly, thinking to himself, could this woman be addicted to acting?

"Don't be afraid, you two beauties. With me, Liang Bo, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, I won't be able to kidnap you." Liang Bo stood up again and said righteously.

"Liang Bo, right?" Jiang Chen gave this guy a funny look, and said slowly, "If one day you die, don't doubt it, you must be stupid."

It's true that Luzhi is acting, but her acting is so careless and full of flaws that a discerning eye can see the clues at a glance.

This Liang Bo didn't know whether he felt too good about himself or had a flaw in his IQ. After being kicked several times in a row, he didn't notice anything.

"Boy, you are too arrogant. You are the one who is stupid." Liang Bo said. Just then, a car stopped, and a few people quickly ran down from the car. Seeing this, Liang Bo waved his hand excitedly, and said : "Here, come here quickly."

"Liang Shao."



Hearing the sound, those people ran towards Liang Bo one after another.

"See if this kid is there, you guys beat me up, beat me to death, I, Liang Bo, will take care of what happens alone." Excited, Liang Bo once again pointed Jiang Chen with his hand, and shouted loudly, his courage was getting stronger many.

"Could it be that besides your poor brain, you also have problems with your ears?" Hearing what Liang Bo said, Jiang Chen asked speechlessly.

"What's wrong with my ears?" Liang Bo asked in confusion.

"If your ears are fine, you should have heard me tell you that no one would dare to beat me in the whole capital." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Really? Then today, I will break this rule for you." Liang Bo said gloomyly.

In Liang Bo's view, Jiang Chen's words were completely meaningless nonsense.

It's just talking big, no one can say it, red mouth and white teeth come when you open your mouth, everyone knows it.

Could it be that he, Liang Bo, could be intimidated casually?

Besides, who did Jiang Chen think he was? No one in the entire capital would dare to beat him up. Even the mayor of the capital probably wouldn't dare to say that, right?
"Do it." Afterwards, Liang Bo waved his hand and ordered.

Those people were called by Liang Bo, and they have been following behind Liang Bo, eating and eating, obeying Liang Bo's orders, and Liang Bo has said that he will take care of what happens, so when they start, they will never Hesitating, without the slightest psychological burden, they swarmed up, surrounding Jiang Chen with fists and kicks.

"You two beauties, this kid looks like the kind of guy with high eyesight and low power. You two, don't be deceived by him. Of course, I, Liang Bo, will definitely expose him in front of you two today. It's a hypocritical mask." Liang Bo showed off to Ziyu and Lvzhi.

Ziyu and Luzhi looked at each other, especially Luzhi looked at Liang Bo as if they were joking, deep in their eyes were full of constriction.

"Why do you look at me like this?" Liang Bo thought in confusion.

He thought that Ziyu and Luzhi would look at him with admiration from so many people, but why, when the two girls looked at him, not only did they have no admiration at all, but Kind of like watching a joke?

"Looking at my jokes, you should be looking at the kid's jokes, right? Could it be that the kid has a pretty face, so the two beauties look at him differently?" Liang Bo was thinking again.

Thinking about it this way, Liang Bo decided to beat Jiang Chen into a pig's head by the way after kicking Jiang Chen thirty times.

However, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

No matter how hard the few people surrounding Jiang Chen tried to attack Jiang Chen, in Jiang Chen's eyes, they were indistinguishable from ants on the ground.

Jiang Chen didn't even have the mood to make a move, so he kicked a few times and knocked them all over the ground. Then, with the fifth kick, Liang Bo was sent flying.

"Come again!"

Liang Bo flew upside down uncontrollably. He only felt that with Jiang Chen's kick, he didn't know how many ribs on his chest were broken. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. die past.

"You two beauties, are you coming to the hotel for dinner? Or are you planning to open a room to rest?" After beating up, Jiang Chen approached Zi Yu and Lu Zhi as if nothing had happened, and said with a playful smile as usual.

"So what about eating? How about getting a room? Does it have anything to do with you?" Lu Zhi was still the same, without looking at Jiang Chen, she dragged Ziyu into the hotel, went to the front desk, and opened a room.

After that, the second daughter took the room card, walked into the elevator, and went straight upstairs.

"You two beauties, how can I ask you to pay for the opening of the room? I should pay for it. This really embarrasses me." Jiang Chen naturally followed all the way, entered the room, and closed the door smoothly. Anti-lock.

"You're so thick-skinned, why would you be embarrassed?" Luzhi said, not even trusting punctuation marks in Jiang Chen's words.

"Hey, doesn't the beauty Luzhi not know me? How did she know that I have a thick skin?" Jiang Chen said incomparably strangely.

Knowing that she accidentally said the wrong thing, Luzhi said: "Didn't you listen to what Liang Bo said? You are a wicked person, and you don't look like a good person at first sight, so it's normal for you to have a thick skin, isn't it? "

"Miss Luzhi, I originally wanted to be a good person, but you are forcing me to be a bad person." Jiang Chen sighed and said bitterly.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen quickly rushed over, picked up Luzhi, and rushed into the bedroom...

(End of this chapter)

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