genius evil

Chapter 1143 Role Playing

Chapter 1143 Role Playing
Because of the two lessons learned from the cooked duck flying out of his hand, this time, Jiang Chen, who has learned his lesson, is so fast.

Before Luzhi could react, Jiang Chen carried Luzhi into the bedroom.

Then, without waiting for Lu Zhi to react, Jiang Chen put Lu Zhi on the big soft bed.

From Jiang Chen's point of view, the reason why the three daughters of Nangonghua and the two daughters of Ye Siran and Ye Sichen were able to escape from his clutches in the end was precisely because he was too indecisive.

Therefore, at this moment, Jiang Chen didn't hesitate at all. After putting Lu Zhi on the bed, he started to strip Lu Zhi's clothes.

"What are you doing, stop and let me go." Luzhi struggled, her pretty face flushed red.

"Miss Luzhi, I am obviously taking off your clothes." Jiang Chen said truthfully.

"Go away." Luzhi couldn't laugh or cry.

Of course she knew that Jiang Chen was taking off her clothes. In fact, one piece of that clothes had already been taken off, leaving only a thin piece of clothing close to her body.

"Miss Luzhi, you see that I have taken the initiative. This undoubtedly shows how attractive you are to me. At this time, if you let me go away, you might as well let me die." Jiang Chen said, while As he spoke, his hands kept moving.

"Then you go to die." Luzhi was very angry.

At the end, Xu Shi realized that what he said was a bit heavy, and Luzhi said again: "Who are you, I don't know you at all, how dare you do this kind of thing to me."

"We really don't know each other?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile after pausing the movements in his hands and blinking.

"I didn't know him at first, so there's nothing real or fake." Lu Zhi muttered.

Luzhi warned Jiang Chen time and time again, to be more proactive, to be more proactive, because Jiang Chen seldom took the initiative to contact Ziyu with her.

In the past, before she became Jiang Chen's woman, Lu Zhi was mostly fighting for Ziyu, thinking that Jiang Chen didn't take Ziyu to heart.

And now, besides defending Ziyu, Lu Zhi also defended herself.

Why should she and Ziyu cooperate unconditionally when Jiang Chen needs it?

What did this damned guy do for her, for Ziyu?

This is also the reason why Luzhi pretended not to know Jiang Chen when she met Jiang Chen this time. She felt that Jiang Chen had to be taught a profound lesson, otherwise, Jiang Chen might not take her even more Take Ziyu seriously.

Of course, from another point of view, Lu Zhi thinks that whether she is good or Ziyu, they are all stunning beauties, not to mention that the suitor is like a crucian carp crossing the river, but the difference is not far away, which man is not Flattering and flattering, Jiang Chen was the only one who did whatever he wanted, making the two of them feel like they didn't exist.

This situation, more or less, made Lvzhi and Ziyu feel lost.

And because Luzhi has always been blowing the wind in Ziyu's ears uninterruptedly, this has led to Ziyu, who has always allowed Jiang Chen to get what he wants, to change his normal routine and cooperate with Luzhi to selectively Jiang Chen was left out in the cold.

"In that case, let me introduce myself first, hello beauty, my humble Jiang Chen, nice to meet you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"As long as you're happy." Lu Zhi said indifferently.

"Miss Luzhi, in this way, the two of us should be considered acquainted, then, can I continue?" Jiang Chen asked.

Luzhi was extremely speechless.

She originally thought that Jiang Chen would say a lot of sweet words and launch a gentle offensive against her. Jiang Chen has always been very good at doing this, hasn't he?

Who knew that Jiang Chen was so perfunctory, which made Lu Zhi even more dissatisfied.

"What did you say your name was? I'm sorry, I didn't remember your name." Lu Zhi then said.

"Miss Lu Zhi, when did your memory become so bad?" Jiang Chen asked dumbfounded.

"I have never been able to remember the names of irrelevant people. Not to mention you only said it once, even if you said it ten or eight times, I still can't remember it." Lu Zhi said arrogantly.

Lu Zhi thought that as long as she continued to pretend that she didn't know Jiang Chen, then Jiang Chen would feel embarrassed and start messing with her again, right?
In short, before Jiang Chen realized his mistake, on this point, Lu Zhi decided not to let go.

"Uh, actually, Miss Lu Zhi, if you really don't know me, then that's okay." Jiang Chen said.

"You said that, don't let me go away." Luzhi immediately became angry.

What she said was obviously angry, Jiang Chen didn't want to coax her well, but she actually said such words, which made Luzhi feel that Jiang Chen was too unconscionable.

"Beauty Luzhi, I haven't finished my words yet, why are you so excited?" Jiang Chen spoke slowly, glanced at Luzhi, and said with a smile, "The reason why I said that you don't know me, Miss Luzhi It doesn't matter, it's because some things are more exciting for strangers to do."


Her beautiful eyes widened, Luzhi looked at Jiang Chen as if she had seen a ghost, what kind of fallacy is this?
But why, it's obviously unreasonable, but it sounds like it makes sense?

"It seems that Miss Lu Zhi agrees with my point of view, right? Then, don't waste time, let's continue quickly." Jiang Chen said happily, and started to take off Lu Zhi's clothes again.

"Damn bastard, who do you think I am Lu Zhi, I warn you, I am Lu Zhi, I am not that kind of casual woman, you don't even want to touch me." Lu Zhi kicked her feet towards Jiang Chen.

"Of course I know that you are not casual at all, Miss Lvzhi. It just so happens that I, Jiang Chen, am not a casual man either. This undoubtedly means that we are a natural match." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

When Luzhi kicked her feet, Jiang Chen flexed his fingers and flicked lightly. Immediately, a tingling sensation swept across Luzhi's body along his legs, making Luzhi's delicate body uncontrollable, as if Like an electric shock, I shuddered.

"Who is a natural match for you, and you still want to be shameless?" Luzhi was very angry, and kicked Jiang Chen with her foot again.

But for some reason, his whole body became limp and weak, and it was very difficult to even lift his two legs.

"Beauty Luzhi, it's your fault for saying this. I'm so handsome, I was born to rely on my face for food, how can I be shameless?" Jiang Chen shook his head, taking advantage of the situation, and took the underwear on Luzhi's body. , to take off.

After taking off his clothes, Jiang Chen started to take off Luzhi's pants.

"If you dare to move again, I will call you." Lu Zhi hurriedly dodged and said in a panic.

"Call, call, break your throat, and no one will come to save you." Jiang Chen grinned, glanced at Lu Zhi, and said again: "On the contrary, if you are the beauty of Lu Zhi, you can call in the beauty of Zi Yu If so, I would thank you instead."

"It's not enough to hurt me, you still want to hurt Ziyu, don't even think about it." Lu Zhi said, once Jiang Chen said that, how dare you scream?
"Miss Lu Zhi, didn't you say you wanted to scream? Why didn't you?" Jiang Chen asked dissatisfied, and with a little force, he took off Lu Zhi's pants.

"I want to call you." Luzhi couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

"Ah—" Jiang Chen followed suit and really cried out.

"You're a dog, stop barking, it's so ugly." Luzhi wanted to cry, but could this guy play less tricks?
"Miss Lu Zhi, you asked me to call this, let alone, it's very exciting." Jiang Chen said with a smile, and started to take off his clothes while talking.

Seeing Jiang Chen's posture, Lu Zhi knew that no matter what she did today, she would not be able to avoid Jiang Chen's murderous hands. Although, deep down in her heart, she didn't resist, and was even happy, but she still felt a little disappointed. Not what she wanted.

"Jiang Chen, shall we talk first?" Luzhi said helplessly.


However, as soon as Lu Zhi said those words, Jiang Chen drew a finger on Lu Zhi's red lips.

"What are you doing?" Luzhi wished she could bite Jiang Chen's finger.

"Miss Luzhi, as the old saying goes, it's good to do all the acting. Since you don't know me from the beginning, you have to persevere to the end. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a lot less exciting?" Jiang Chen said seriously.


Lu Zhi couldn't help but let out a loud cry, opened her mouth, and bit Jiang Chen's finger.

Dare to be honest, Jiang Chen thought she was playing a role-playing game in order to find excitement, this damn bastard doesn't know what's going on in his head, so can't he be a little more normal?

"Yes, that's it. Struggle and yell." Jiang Chen shrank his fingers and nodded in satisfaction.

"Jiang Chen, go to hell with me." Luzhi was really out of anger, she put her hands on the bed, and threw herself at Jiang Chen, opened her mouth, and bit Jiang Chen's neck.

"That's right, that's what I want, Miss Lu Zhi, your acting is so good, I almost think that the two of us really don't know each other." Jiang Chen laughed loudly. When he rushed over, he took advantage of the situation and hugged Luzhi, and then counterattacked, crushing Luzhi under his body.

"Jiang Chen, I'll fight with you." Luzhi whimpered, waved her hands, and threw her fists at Jiang Chen's body for nothing.At this time, there was no sign of her acting, she was not acting, but really angry.

Jiang Chen didn't dodge either, and let Luzhi's fist hit him one after another until Luzhi was tired from beating, and then said softly: "Beauty Luzhi, are you feeling better now?" ? If not, you continue to fight, and I promise not to hide."

"I...I..." Seeing Jiang Chen's chest was blue and purple, how could Lu Zhi continue, even the angry emotions disappeared in an instant.

"Big idiot, why don't you hide?" Luzhi said with a heartbroken heart, she never thought that she would be hit so hard, let alone that Jiang Chen didn't hide at all.

"It's such a hot couple of love and adultery, in broad daylight, are you so impatient?" But after Lu Zhi said this, before Jiang Chen had time to speak, a yin and yang voice rang out... …

(End of this chapter)

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