genius evil

Chapter 1144 You Are Really an Idiot

Chapter 1144 You Are Really an Idiot

That voice was extremely feminine, and there seemed to be a thorn between the lines, it was indescribably harsh and unpleasant, and as soon as people heard it, they couldn't help feeling shuddering.

After hearing the sound, Luzhi followed the sound in amazement, and at a glance, she saw a figure standing at the door, whose face turned pale in a flash.

"Bai Xu, why is it you?" Lu Zhi immediately asked.

"Why can't it be me?" Bai Xu's lips curled up, a strong sneer emerged, and he said, "Is it because I ruined your good deed that you are so surprised?"

"We haven't seen each other for a long time." Lu Zhi seemed not to hear the ridicule of Bai Xu's words, and said in a muffled voice.

"I've been in the capital all the time, but you don't know that's all." Bai Xu said lightly.

But after Bai Xu's words, Luzhi's expression changed again.

"Luzhi, you seem to be very surprised. If I tell you that I know everything about you and Ziyu these years, will you be even more surprised?" Bai Xu sneered. .

"Bai Xu, there is no grievance between us." Lu Zhi said after a moment of silence.

"It's just your self-righteousness. I, Bai Xu, will never forget what you did to me back then." Suddenly, Bai Xu's face became extremely cold.

"Etc., etc……"

At this moment, Jiang Chen suddenly waved his hand, interrupting the conversation between Lu Zhi and Bai Xu.

"Miss Lu Zhi, may I ask who is she?" Jiang Chen asked, pulling the quilt over Lu Zhi's body by the way, to avoid too much happiness.

Even if this Baixu is a woman, there is no way, Jiang Chen is an extremely stingy man from the bottom of his heart.

Moreover, on this issue, Jiang Chen has never considered it, making himself generous, even a little bit generous.

Sighing, Luzhi said slowly: "Her name is Bai Xu, and she used to be one of the Twelve Flower Gods in my Flower God Association. However, that was a long time ago. A few years ago, she was Taking the initiative to leave the Flower God Association, we originally thought that she had gone abroad, but unexpectedly, she has been in the capital all these years."

"That's right, what did she say about what you did to her back then?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

Lu Zhi glanced at Bai Xu, hesitated for a while, and then said: "Back then, Bai Xu found a boyfriend, but who knows, her boyfriend was very flirtatious, and hooked up with a peripheral member of my Flower God Association In fact, Bai Xu thinks that we intentionally sabotaged her relationship with that man, so she became jealous of us, and even broke away from the Flora Society and severed ties with us."

"Lu Zhi, what you said was light, you know the truth of the matter well." Hearing this, Bai Xu said angrily.

"This is the truth, it's just that you didn't believe it all this time." Luzhi said helplessly.

"To be precise, this is the truth that you all tried hard to instill in me, but unfortunately, you failed." Bai Xu said mockingly.

"Baixu, it's time to explain. We have explained it. You still don't believe me. I can't help it." Spreading her hands, Lu Zhi said.

This Baixu is stubborn by nature, so she doesn't believe anyone's words. Luzhi also has her own pride. After explaining it many times, it doesn't work, so she simply doesn't explain anymore.

"All of you have been treating me like an idiot all the time. If I believe you, then I will become a real idiot." Bai Xu said coldly. Obviously, the grievances and grievances a few years ago made it hard for her. relieved.

"It's not that others treat you as an idiot, but that you are indeed an idiot." Jiang Chen interjected.

"Shut up." Baixu was annoyed.

"If you're not an idiot, you can ask your boyfriend what's going on, can't you?" Jiang Chen said with a frown.

"He's dead." Bai Xu said quietly.

"Dead?" Jiang Chen was taken aback. Could it be that this is called, death without evidence?

No wonder, this Baixu has so much resentment, and it's because of this.

"Her boyfriend died in a car accident shortly after that incident, and Baixu blamed us for this incident, thinking that we murdered that man on purpose." Luzhi smiled wryly.

"It's not that I blame you, but that you couldn't produce any evidence to prove to me that you didn't kill him. Therefore, you murdered him." Bai Xu said.

"So, after all, you came here this time to take revenge?" Jiang Chen concluded.

"That's right, I'm here for revenge." Bai Xu didn't deny it.

"Uh, you said before that you have been in the capital all these years, and you know everything about Miss Ziyu and Miss Lvzhi, so you must know my identity?" Smacking his mouth, Jiang Dust asked with a smile.

"So what if you know? Could it be that I'm afraid of you?" Bai Xu asked back.

She did know Jiang Chen's identity. How could the young man in front of her, stirring up the wind and clouds with one hand, turn the clouds into the clouds and rain in the other, how could she not know?
Of course, looking at it from another perspective, Bai Xu knew that it was because Jiang Chen was so extraordinary that Zi Yu and Lu Zhi fell in love with each other, right?
After all, whether Ziyu or Luzhi, how arrogant and arrogant, how can ordinary men get into their eyes, let alone serving a husband together?
"Since you know who I am, you should be afraid of me." Jiang Chen said confidently.

"If I came here this time without any preparations, then I would indeed be afraid of you, but since I chose to show up at such a time, how could it be possible to be unprepared?" Bai Xu jokingly said.

"Zi Yu!"

Hearing Bai Xu's words, Luzhi suddenly came to her senses.

She and Jiang Chen were inside the room, and Ziyu was outside alone. It was impossible for this white catkin to appear so ostentatiously without disturbing Ziyu.

As for Baixu, she had appeared for several minutes, but there was no movement at Ziyu's side. Obviously, Ziyu was controlled by Baixu, which is exactly what Baixu said, she was prepared and Come?

"Oh, at this time, did you remember Ziyu's life and death?" With a sneer, Bai Xu said, "In broad daylight, promiscuous, promiscuous, I thought you two bitches, you have long forgotten Ziyu's life and death. ?”

"Baixu, I warn you, if Ziyu loses even one hair, I will surely tear you to pieces." Lu Zhihan said in a voice.

Lu Zhi knew very well how much Baixu had a deep resentment towards herself and Ziyu, that kind of resentment was enough to drive people crazy, obviously, this Baixu had a tendency to go crazy.

In this state, I am afraid that Bai Xu can do anything, which makes Luzhi very uneasy, fearing that Zi Yu will encounter something unexpected.

"Cut me into pieces? Save yourself, who wouldn't say big things? You should think about your own life first." Bai Xu said dismissively, that was the slightest thing, and she never took Luzhi's threat to heart superior.

"Jiang Chen, what should we do?" Luzhi asked Jiang Chen.

Bai Xu was too calm, even in the face of Jiang Chen, his expression remained unchanged.

Such self-confidence cannot be without reason. Even though she knew that Jiang Chen was very powerful, Luzhi still felt extremely troublesome.

Most importantly, it is difficult to guarantee that Ziyu will not be harmed.

"Don't be nervous, Miss Ziyu is fine." Jiang Chen smiled lightly, immediately got up from the bed, picked up the clothes thrown on the floor, and put them on one by one, slowly.

Halfway through wearing it, Jiang Chen seemed to remember something, grinned at Bai Xu, and asked, "Old woman, my figure is not bad, right?"

"What did you call me?" In an instant, Bai Xu was stunned.

"Old woman, is there any problem with this title? Or, do you want me to call you Big Sister?" Jiang Chen said innocently.

"Jiang Chen, if you intend to provoke me, you will regret it." Bai Xu was very angry.

Where is she getting old?

Where is it, like the eldest sister?
You know, the selection of the twelve flower gods of the Flower God Association is extremely strict, and each of them is a unique beauty.

This point can be seen from Ziyu and Luzhi.

In this way, the beauty of this white catkin is naturally not bad.

Although her age is several years older than Ziyu and Luzhi, the years have not left too many traces on her face, she is still beautiful and enchanting, with the capital to overturn all living beings.

For a woman who has always been proud of her appearance and figure, Jiang Chen's old woman undoubtedly violated Bai Xu's taboo every minute, making Bai Xu unacceptable, and hated Jiang Chen to death.

"I didn't intend to provoke you, I was just telling the truth." Shrugging, Jiang Chen said.

Jiang Chen also admitted that Bai Xu is indeed the kind of top-notch beauty who is enough to make people shine at the first sight, but in Bai Xu's eyes, there is too much resentment, which makes her lack of a kind of energy. , looks more like a walking dead.

In this situation, Bai Xu might be able to attract the attention of other men, but she absolutely couldn't make Jiang Chen look at her more.

"Hmph, so what if I let you show off your tongue for a while?" Bai Xu snorted heavily.

Xu Shi realized that he couldn't argue with Jiang Chen verbally, so after leaving those words behind, Bai Xu turned around and walked outside.

"Jiang Chen, will Ziyu be okay?" Luzhi was very worried.

Bai Xu had disappeared for many years, and suddenly appeared, which was beyond her expectation. Over the years, the past grievances, instead of being eliminated, made Bai Xu have a deeper obsession. Lu Zhi was extremely worried, Bai Xu Xu will hurt Ziyu insanely.

"Miss Lu Zhi, didn't you just say that if Ziyu beauty lost a hair, you would cut that woman into thousands of pieces? I think this is a very good idea." Jiang Chen didn't panic. said busy.

Perhaps, when Luzhi said this, it was a threatening angry word, but when Jiang Chen said it, it was not just as simple as an angry word, he just said it and did it from……

(End of this chapter)

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