genius evil

Chapter 1145 Two ways to prove true love

Chapter 1145 Two Ways to Prove True Love

After a while, when Jiang Chen got dressed and walked out of the bedroom, he saw two people in the small living room outside.

One of them was Zi Yu, Zi Yu was sitting on the sofa watching TV, while Bai Xu was standing aside, looking extremely relaxed and comfortable.

There was even a glass of red wine in Bai Xu's hand. She half-closed her eyes and drank it enjoying herself. She looked like she was sure of winning, and she obviously didn't take anyone seriously.

"Jiang Chen." Hearing the sound of footsteps, Zi Yu turned her head and looked at Jiang Chen, very nervous.

"Don't be afraid." Jiang Chen nodded. When he got closer, he saw a black box on the sofa where Ziyu was sitting.

The black box is the size of a palm, and it seems inconspicuous, but because the sofa is white, the white sets off the black, so it looks very conspicuous.

"Don't look at it, it's a small bomb, but even though it's small in size, once it detonates, the entire hotel would be enough to burn it to the ground." Realizing that Jiang Chen had noticed the black box, Bai Xu Youyou said.

"How to detonate?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"The detonator is in my body, implanted in my skin, so you don't have to think about it. As long as I move a little, it can explode at any time." Bai Xu said contemptuously.

Because of the need to deal with Ziyu and Luzhi, Bai Xu had done very detailed homework beforehand, and 90.00% of those homework were about Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was definitely someone that no one should underestimate. Naturally, Bai Xu would not underestimate him in the slightest, so she did a lot of preparation and did not give Jiang Chen any chance to take advantage of any loopholes.

"This means that once the bomb detonates, you will die, right?" Jiang Chen said.

"As early as several years ago, my heart died. The reason why I am still alive is because I want to live to avenge my revenge. So what if I die?" Bai Xu said nonchalantly.

"He's actually not afraid of death." Jiang Chen smiled.

"It's not that I'm not afraid of death, it's just that living is meaningless." Bai Xu said, curling his lips.

"Jiang Chen, don't worry about me, take Lu Zhi and hurry away, Bai Xu is crazy." At this moment, Zi Yu said in a hurry.

She and Luzhi had originally come to this hotel for dinner, but when they met Jiang Chen by accident, they opened a room by accident.

Zi Yu and Lu Zhi knew what would happen after the room was opened, but on the surface, they were reluctant to admit it.

It's been a long time since I saw Jiang Chen, and opening a room to relieve the pain of lovesickness, no matter how bastard Jiang Chen is, Zi Yu and Lu Zhi are looking forward to this very much.

After Jiang Chen carried Lu Zhi into the room, Ziyu was alone, watching TV outside, listening to the conversation between Jiang Chen and Lu Zhi, laughing from time to time.

However, the appearance of Baixu completely made Ziyu's good mood drop to the bottom.

Baixu obviously came prepared, she entered the room quietly, and as soon as she appeared, she put the black box beside her, and warned her not to move around, otherwise everyone would die.

Zi Yu didn't move around all the time, which is also the reason why Zi Yu didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.

At this time, seeing Jiang Chen walking out of the room, Ziyu was like, unable to hold back any longer.

"Want to leave?" Bai Xu laughed and said, "Ziyu, please don't be so naive, please? Do you want me to repeat it again, no one wants to leave here today."

"Bai Xu, you're too insane." Lu Zhi also put on her clothes, walked out, and when she heard Bai Xu's words, she burst out and cursed.

"It's much better than what you did back then, isn't it? You do the first day of junior high school, and I will do the fifteenth day. If you want to say that you are crazy, you forced me to do it. Of course, I can do what you said now, intact. I'll give it back to you at will." Bai Xu said aggressively.

"But, no matter how much you are dissatisfied with us, other people are innocent, right? If you blow up the entire hotel, what will those innocent people do?" Luzhi asked.

"I've never thought about this question, but if you want an answer, I can give it to you. I can only blame their bad luck." Bai Xu said indifferently.

Luzhi was dumbfounded.

Before, before she walked out of the room, she once thought that Bai Xu would care about the sisterhood of those years, but she didn't expect that Bai Xu had twisted it to this point. In order to get revenge on her and Zi Yu, she actually It's about sacrificing so many lives.

"It's ruthless enough, almost half of Jiang Chen's demeanor." Jiang Chen praised.

Thinking of him, Jiang Chen, is exactly the kind of person who does whatever it takes to achieve his goals, and only cares about the results, not the process, of anything he does.

This Baixu, for revenge, went to great lengths to go to war, requiring countless people to be buried with him, not even his own life, if not, if Baixu had a tendency to go crazy, Jiang Chen would have liked to give Baixu a thumbs up.

"Jiang Chen, I am different from you. I am in control of everything now. The life and death of the three of you are all in my mind, but you are just shameless." Bai Xu said.

Speaking of this, after a pause, Baixu said again: "However, I, Baixu, am not the kind of person who will kill you all. Although you have never regarded me as a sister, from the bottom of your heart, I have always loved you all these years. I treat you as sisters, so I will give you a chance to live."

"What chance?" Ziyu asked, frowning.

She didn't believe Bai Xu's words. After all, if Bai Xu had cared about the sisterhood back then, she wouldn't have done such a thing.

But since Baixu didn't detonate the bomb immediately, Ziyu also wanted to delay for a while, trying to make Baixu change his mind.

"Ziyu, didn't you always tell me back then that I have bad eyesight and that the man I fell in love with wasn't true love for me, but just playing with me?" Looking at Ziyu, Bai Xu said.

"Bai Xu, I have said this before, and I will not deny it. The fact is also true." Zi Yu said seriously.

"Then, I'm really curious, Ziyu, how good your vision is, and whether the man you're looking at really loves you?" Bai Xu said again, his eyes wandering to Jiang Chen.

The sudden turning point in Bai Xu's words suddenly made Ziyu's heart tighten, and he realized that it was not good. It seemed that Bai Xu was going to embarrass Jiang Chen.

Sure enough, Bai Xu's voice rang in my ears, and Bai Xu said: "It is actually very simple to prove whether a man is true love for a woman, for example, whether he is willing to spend money for that woman, or whether I am willing to risk my life for that woman, even to die."

"You lunatic." Hearing this, Luzhi cursed again.

Lu Zhi was not so naive as to think that Bai Xu would use money to prove Jiang Chen's true love for Zi Yu, so Bai Xu must use Jiang Chen's death to prove her true love for Zi Yu.

This, in any case, is unacceptable.

"Lu Zhi, you just have no confidence in yourself, do you think that Jiang Chen doesn't really love you?" Bai Xu said mockingly.

"You don't need to worry about the matter between us." Luzhi was a little bit annoyed.

"I'm sorry, the rules of the game are set by me, and you have no right to change them." Shaking her head, Bai Xu was extremely indifferent, and then said to Jiang Chen: "Jiang Chen, may I ask you, are you willing to help Ziyu and Luzhi?" to die?"

"Jiang Chen, don't." Ziyu shook her head vigorously.

"Jiang Chen, this woman is crazy." Lu Zhi also said.

"I am willing." Jiang Chen said with a slight smile.

"What, are you willing?" Bai Xu was completely stunned.

Even though, this was exactly the answer she wanted, because only Jiang Chen was willing to die for Ziyu and Lu Zhi, and she could easily solve Jiang Chen.

But when this answer came out of Jiang Chen's mouth, for some reason, Baixu's heart was empty, with an indescribable loss.

Once upon a time, she asked a man such a question, and that man hesitated and dodged, delaying in giving her an answer. Now, Jiang Chen answered so quickly and so firmly.

" true love?" Bai Xu murmured, her thoughts wavering in an instant.

"Jiang Chen, don't be stupid." Ziyu was very nervous.

"Jiang Chen, don't go crazy." Lu Zhi was extremely nervous.

Jiang Chen is so smart, it's impossible not to hear that Bai Xu has bad intentions. Of course, Jiang Chen's answer moved the two of them completely, but this is really not the answer they want.

The two of them hope that Jiang Chen can say that I don't want to.

"That's right, I am willing." Jiang Chen was still smiling, and his words became a little more firm, beyond doubt.

"Zi Yu, Lu Zhi, congratulations on finding your true love." Bai Xu said, those words had an indescribably sour taste.

But before the words fell, Bai Xu's voice suddenly became sharper, she pointed at Jiang Chen with a finger, and said: "See, there is a window open over there, you go over there now and jump out." , Only in this way can I be convinced that you truly love Ziyu and Luzhi."

"Must be like this?" Frowning, Jiang Chen asked.

"Unless, you are lying. You can't even die for your own woman, so what about true love?" Bai Xu asked sharply.


But following Bai Xu's words, he saw that Jiang Chen's figure moved and went straight to the open window. In an instant, Jiang Chen's figure disappeared from the room and jumped out of the window.

"Baixu, you should die, I will kill you."

Jiang Chen's figure disappeared, and no matter whether it was Ziyu or Luzhi, they were all crazy about it. The two of them flew up and rushed towards Baixu.

"You dare to move around, don't you want to live?" Bai Xu yelled loudly.

"That's right, Jiang Chen is dead, the two of us don't want to live anymore."

Ziyu and Lvzhi, heartbroken and hopeless, didn't care about Baixu's threat, one left and one behind, they pushed towards Baixu and threw Baixu to the ground.

Lu Zhi even grabbed Bai Xu's neck with both hands, and she wanted to strangle Bai Xu to death with her own hands...

(End of this chapter)

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