genius evil

Chapter 1146 Poor people must have something to hate

Chapter 1146 Poor people must have something to hate


Bai Xu was pinched by Lu Zhi, her face turned pale, and she coughed violently, but for some reason, she didn't resist, but just let it go, and was strangled by Lu Zhi, as if she wished she could die in Lu Zhi's hands.

"Why don't you resist?"

Lu Zhi wished she could strangle Bai Xu to death right away, but she didn't react at all when she saw Bai Xu, so she was unavoidably stunned.

"Lu Zhi, tell me, is it really my fault?" Bai Xu murmured as she squeezed out a voice from the depths of her throat.

"You were wrong in the first place, but now, you killed Jiang Chen, you deserve death." Luzhi was furious.

"It turns out that I was really wrong." Bai Xu said, like raving.

For a long time, Bai Xu believed that, once, she had an unforgettable true love.

However, seeing with his own eyes, Jiang Chen jumping out of the window without hesitation for Ziyu and Luzhi made Baixu realize how ridiculous what she thought of as true love was.

True love is not what she imagined.

Jiang Chen's love for Ziyu and Luzhi is true love.

It's ridiculous, for the so-called true love, she has been persistent for so many years, and her obsession almost drove her to the point of madness.

"Baixu, you realize you were wrong, but it's too late now." Lu Zhi said, unknowingly, tears streaming down her face.

If, before Jiang Chen jumped off the building, Bai Xu realized his mistake, then Luzhi would feel relieved for Bai Xu, comforted that Bai Xu finally got out of the shadow of the past.

But now, even if Bai Xu realizes the mistake, so what?
Jiang Chen has already jumped out, you know, this is on a 20-storey building, how can there be any possibility of surviving?

"I'm sorry for you, my only wish now is to die, Lu Zhi, please, please let me be done." Bai Xu said with a twitch in his throat.

"Do you think I will be merciful to you?" Lu Zhi said, her hands once again exerting force.

"Luzhi, don't." That Ziyu said suddenly.

"Ziyu, Jiang Chen was killed by her, don't tell me you still want to plead for her?" Lu Zhi asked incredulously.

"I'm not pleading for her." Ziyu shook her head, and said bitterly, "Jiang Chen is dead, even if you strangle her, Jiang Chen will not come back to life, on the contrary, let her live, let her suffer and feel guilty for the rest of her life , to make up for Jiang Chen a little."

"This..." Luzhi hesitated.

According to Lu Zhi's plan, she wanted to kill Bai Xu, but Bai Xu didn't want to live anymore. If she strangled Bai Xu to death, it would actually fulfill Bai Xu's wish and let Bai Xu be completely freed.

And according to Ziyu's approach, leave Baixu a way to survive. After Baixu realizes her mistake, this, on the contrary, can make Baixu live in deep self-blame all his life.

"Okay, don't kill her." With a thought, Luzhi said, and let go of her hand.

"Luzhi, don't be impulsive, you know? I'll go and see Jiang Chen." Ziyu said, walking towards the window.

"Look at Jiang Chen?" Luzhi didn't understand at first, but then quickly understood the meaning of Ziyu's words. She moved quickly, ran over and pulled Ziyu hard, and said angrily: "Ziyu, You're crazy too."

"Luzhi, I'm not crazy, I'm calm." Ziyu smiled slightly and said, "Jiang Chen died, he died for me, I can't do anything for him, the only thing I can do is go Go to Jiuquan and accompany him."

"No, that's not the case." Luzhi shook her head and said, "Ziyu, you made a mistake, Jiang Chen didn't die for you, he died for me, you're clearly impulsive, if you want to accompany him, then I'm going too."

"Luzhi, you don't need to say more, I have made up my mind." Ziyu said, she broke away from Ziyu's hand, and walked towards the window step by step.

"Ziyu, if you die, I will die too." Lu Zhi said loudly, she didn't stop Ziyu anymore, if she wanted to die, everyone would die together, presumably they won't be lonely when they are under the Nine Springs, right?
Bai Xu looked at Luzhi and Ziyu, and walked towards the window. Suddenly, her eyes were dim with tears, she got up from the ground, rushed towards the window, and said: "You two, neither of you need to die, I am the one who will die. .”

As she spoke, Bai Xu jumped, and then jumped down.

The incident happened suddenly, Ziyu and Luzhi never thought that Baixu would be so strong, the two daughters wanted to hold Baixu back, but it was too late, they could only helplessly, looking at Baixu, Disappeared from sight.

After the white catkins disappeared, Ziyu and Luzhi looked at each other and took each other's hands. They both saw firmness in each other's eyes. The footsteps of the two girls walking towards the window became more and more firm. , soon, appeared by the window, just planning to jump down.

But at this moment, outside the window, a smiling face suddenly appeared.

"Miss Ziyu, Miss Luzhi, what are you two planning to do?" The voice came, and the smiling face looked extremely hateful.

The sudden appearance of a face made Zi Yu and Lu Zhi startled, and the beautiful eyes of the two women suddenly widened, it was so unbelievable.

That is, Jiang Chen!
"Jiang Chen, you're not dead?" Zi Yu hurriedly asked, fearing that she might be hallucinating.

Otherwise, Jiang Chen Jiang Chen obviously jumped, why would he not die?

"Who said I'm dead?" The corners of Jiang Chen's lips curled up. Jiang Chen had a half-smile, grabbed the edge of the window with his big hands, and with a little force, jumped in from the outside.

And in his other hand, he was holding a person, and it was Bai Xu.

Bai Xu didn't know whether she was overly frightened or what was going on, she was in a coma state, after Jiang Chen jumped in, he casually threw Bai Xu to the ground.


Ziyu and Luzhi screamed in unison, and threw themselves into Jiang Chen's arms at the same time. At this moment, the tears that they were holding back overflowed like a dike. Myself, trembling endlessly.

"Two beauties, don't tell me you haven't heard the saying that bad people will cause disasters for thousands of years. How can I, Jiang Chen, die so easily?" Jiang Chen said jokingly, patting the backs of the two girls with his big hands, his heart was touched for a while.

He was outside the window before, and what Ziyu and Luzhi said, he heard them clearly.

If it hadn't happened today, Jiang Chen probably wouldn't even know that Ziyu and Luzhi loved him to such an extent.

Of course, he jumped out of the window because of the second daughter.

But the second daughter did not hesitate to sacrifice her life to accompany him to die. Dare to ask, how many women in the world can do it.

"woo woo woo woo……"

Ziyu and Luzhi were sobbing, unable to speak for a long time.

After venting for a long time, the emotions of the two daughters were able to settle down. They laughed, cried and laughed again, pear blossoms were raining, and there was an indescribable affection, which made Jiang Chen's heart move. I can't wait to hug the second daughter to the bed immediately and cherish it.

"Jiang Chen, how do you say to deal with Baixu?" Ziyu asked after taking a light breath.

She thought Jiang Chen was dead, even though she didn't intend to kill Bai Xu, but Bai Xu's fierce jumping off the building caused Zi Yu to be extremely shocked. At this moment, she didn't know how to deal with Bai Xu.

"Bai Xu, in the final analysis, is also a poor person." Sighing, Lu Zhi said.

"He is a poor person, but he has something unforgivably hateful." Jiang Chen said with a frown.

"By the way, there's the bomb." Ziyu suddenly remembered the black box on the sofa, and exclaimed.

That bomb, according to Bai Xu, once it exploded, would be powerful enough to raze a hotel to the ground.

Right now, Baixu is in a coma, and no one knows when the bomb will explode, and if it explodes quietly, no one will be able to bear the consequences.

Reminded by Ziyu, Lu Zhi's face turned pale.

It was so hard to get it back, she didn't want to lose it again, otherwise, she would definitely not be able to bear it.

"Don't be nervous, the bomb is fake." Jiang Chen said after touching Luzhi's head.

"Fake?" Ziyu and Luzhi were stunned.

Bai Xu's determination to take revenge is so strong, how could the bomb be fake?

"That's right, it's a fake." Jiang Chen nodded, and said, "It's just a trick, this white catkin, at last, won't be completely insane."

In fact, Jiang Chen knew early on that the bomb was fake.

It's not because of his clever calculations, but because Bai Xu deliberately exaggerated, and what he said was too alarmist. Such a small bomb wants to blow up a hotel. This is simply a dream.

Bai Xu's words were full of flaws, Jiang Chen couldn't hear it, but he didn't expose it directly, he intended to cooperate with the acting, and wanted to see what Bai Xu wanted to do.

"Since the bomb is fake, what is Baixu going to do?" Ziyu was confused.

"Beauty Ziyu, didn't you realize that the timing of Bai Xu's visit was very clever? If she was just out for revenge, why didn't she go directly to the two of you, but to find her when the three of us were together?" How about coming?" Jiang Chen said.

"You mean, Baixu deliberately chose such an opportunity?" Ziyu asked.

"That's right." Jiang Chen nodded and said, "This is the only explanation. From my point of view, it's not so much that Bai Xu came here for revenge. It's better to say that the obsession in her heart is too deep. She wants to prove that she There used to be true love, but that man has died, and she lost the chance to prove it, so she can only prove that she is right on the two of you."

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Ziyu and Luzhi fell silent.

They finally understood why Jiang Chen would say that Bai Xu had something unforgivably hateful.

Indeed, Bai Xu is a pitiful person. She fell into madness for what she thought was her true love, but in the end, all her thoughts were blown away.

Bai Xu successfully proved what true love is, but unfortunately, this true love is not what she thought it was. She has nothing, and that obsession has disappeared, and she has completely lost the courage to live.

It's not hard to explain why Bai Xu insisted on begging to die.

Death, to Bai Xu, is actually the greatest relief.

(End of this chapter)

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