genius evil

Chapter 1147 Not Worth Forgiveness

Chapter 1147 Not Worth Forgiveness
"Bai Xu, is everything I said correct?" Just as Zi Yu and Lu Zhi were silent, Jiang Chen asked.

The second girl followed the sound and saw that Baixu woke up quietly and turned around. Her face was pale and her eyes were dull, as if she had aged more than ten years. She nodded silently, unable to say anything...

"Baixu, you're awake." Ziyu walked over, helped Baixu up, sent her to the sofa to sit down.

Bai Xu was still in a state of trance, she asked, "Zi Yu, don't you hate me?"

"I don't hate it." Ziyu shook her head lightly.

How can you not hate it?

Even if they say they don't hate Bai Xu, it's impossible to say that they don't hate Bai Xu. After all, Bai Xu's close relationship is what caused her to be separated from Jiang Chen forever.

However, Ziyu is more willing to regard what happened today as an oolong farce.

Because Ziyu knew that only in this way could Bai Xu have the courage to live.

Ziyu is very clear about how deeply that relationship has hurt Bai Xu. In the past few years, Bai Xu may not have had a good day.

Now, with obsession eliminated and Ziyu feeling aware, she can't do too much for Baixu. I just hope that from now on, Baixu can live well and start a new life.

This may also be the only thing she can do for Bai Xu.

"Lu Zhi, what about you, do you hate me?" After being dazed for a while, Bai Xu asked Lu Zhi again.

"So what if you hate, so what if you don't hate?" Lu Zhi said with a helpless look on her face, "Bai Xu, you should be glad that the bomb is fake, otherwise, you don't deserve anyone's forgiveness."

"I..." Her lips moved, Bai Xu seemed to have something to say, but she couldn't say it after all.

"I should go." After a while, Bai Xu said, she got up from the sofa, and walked towards the door step by step.

"Wait." Jiang Chen gestured.

Bai Xu turned her head and looked at Jiang Chen, puzzled.

Jiang Chen walked over in a few steps, and when he reached in front of Bai Xu, he raised his hand and slapped Bai Xu's face forcefully.

In an instant, five red finger prints appeared on Bai Xu's pale cheeks.

"I hit you, do you hate me?" Staring at Bai Xu, Jiang Chen asked.

"This is the punishment I should bear. I don't hate you." Bai Xu said seriously.

In terms of what she did today, Baixu knew that, not to mention that Jiang Chen just slapped himself, even if he killed him directly, he would have nothing to say.

Because of her self-righteousness, she did something wrong and almost caused irreparable consequences. This is her own fault, and no one can blame her.

"This is not the answer I want." Jiang Chen shook his head, raised his hand, and slapped Bai Xu's face again, half of Bai Xu's face became red and swollen.

"Jiang Chen, who are you?" Ziyu was distracted by it, and soon walked in front of Jiang Chen.

"Baixu, I slapped Ziyu and Luzhi for this slap, are you convinced?" Jiang Chen didn't answer Ziyu's question, but asked.

Bai Xu's eyes were calm, as if she couldn't feel the slightest pain, she nodded and said, "Jiang Chen, if you don't let go of your anger, you can kill me, you know, being alive is the most painful thing for me of."


Jiang Chen raised his hand, and slapped Bai Xu's face for the third time.

"This slap was for me."

While talking, Jiang Chen slapped Bai Xu's face for the fourth time.

"This slap is for yourself."




While talking, Jiang Chen didn't stop slapping like that, one after another, as if they didn't need money, they kept greeting Bai Xu's face.

Ziyu saw that Jiang Chen's right hand kept smacking Bai Xu's face, even if he wanted to stop it, it was too late, so he could only watch helplessly as Bai Xu's pretty face was beaten by Jiang Chen. Unrecognizable, the former beauty can no longer see the slightest bit of past elegance.

"Okay, you can go."

Jiang Chen himself didn't know how many times he slapped Bai Xu, but he felt that it was almost done, so he waved his hand casually and drove away.

Bai Xu looked numb, nodded stiffly, shuffled, and walked out step by step.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing?" As soon as Bai Xu left, Ziyu immediately complained dissatisfied.

That kind of slap like a storm, even if it hit Bai Xu's face, it still made her heart jump.

"Ziyu, don't blame Jiang Chen, he did this with deep meaning." Before Jiang Chen could speak, Lu Zhi walked over and said.

"Ziyu, you have to understand that even if you and I forgive Bai Xu for what she did today, but for her, the hardest to forgive is probably herself. If she lets Bai Xu leave If you don't, I'm afraid, your painstaking efforts are doomed to be in vain." Luzhi said again.

Luzhi and Ziyu share the same mind, so they naturally understand why Ziyu would say that he doesn't hate Baixu.

She understood Zi Yu's intentions, and when Bai Xu asked the same question, she really wanted to say the word "no hate", but with her temperament, it was really hard to say it.

"Then... Baixu is okay now?" Zi Yu was startled.

"Jiang Chen has slapped her so many times, if she still can't wake her up, then so am I. I have nothing to say." Lu Zhi said, curling her lips.

In her heart, she was always dissatisfied with Bai Xu. After all, no matter whether she or Zi Yu, she had never done anything wrong.

Hearing what Luzhi said, Ziyu glanced at Jiang Chen, sighed lightly, and said, "Jiang Chen, but your attack is still too heavy."

Once upon a time, among the twelve flower gods of the Flower God Association, Ziyu and Lvzhi had not yet fully grown, and Baixu had the most outstanding demeanor, and could be called the number one beauty.

Jiang Chen made such a move, almost ruining Bai Xu's beautiful face. Although according to Luzhi, it was for Bai Xu's good, but Zi Yu still couldn't bear it.

"Is it serious?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, "I didn't directly break her neck, which is already quite polite."

"Ah..." Zi Yu was startled again, looking at Jiang Chen strangely.

What did Jiang Chen mean by this? Could it be that he had thought about breaking Bai Xu's neck, wouldn't that mean killing Bai Xu?
However, Jiang Chen slapped Bai Xu, not for Bai Xu, why Jiang Chen said such words again, making Zi Yu very confused.

"Miss Ziyu, you seem very strange. In fact, according to common sense, I should really break her neck." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Then why did you slap Baixu so many times just now?" Ziyu asked in confusion.

"Because I know that if I break Bai Xu's neck, Miss Ziyu, you will definitely blame me for being too harsh, so I can only slap her a few more times." Jiang Chen said casually.

Ziyu was dumbfounded, and Luzhi was also dumbfounded.

The second girl opened her eyes wide, and looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost.

Dare to say, Jiang Chen slapped Bai Xu crazily, not for Bai Xu's good, but for flaws that must be repaid.

This situation made the two girls very messy.

Especially Luzhi, it was a waste of time for her to speak conclusively, explaining to Ziyu that Jiang Chen's slap in the face was so meaningful, but it was not the same thing at all.

"Jiang Chen, don't be joking." Lu Zhi felt very resentful.

"This is really not a joke." Jiang Chen shook his head.

Jiang Chen's behavior style has always been to revenge with hatred, and to retaliate with grievances. Although Baixu's behavior today did not cause substantial harm to him, Ziyu and Luzhi, the act of jumping off the building was also his intentional act. Of.

But what about this?

Could this allow Bai Xu to leave unscathed?

Ziyu and Luzhi regard Bai Xu as sisters and cannot bear to blame Bai Xu too much, but he is different, he has nothing to do with Bai Xu, so why should they forgive Bai Xu?
Jiang Chen really wasn't joking, even when he said he broke Bai Xu's neck, he wasn't joking, it was because he had completely considered Zi Yu and Lu Zhi's emotions that he didn't kill Bai Xu.

As for, after Bai Xu leaves, whether he lives or dies is none of his business?
He would not eat radish salty and worry about Bai Xu's life and death.

"Ah..." Luzhi screamed, about to go crazy, and remembered the previous time, before Bai Xu appeared, Jiang Chen made fun of him, filled with resentment, and rushed towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen stretched out his big hand, and when Luzhi rushed towards him, he took advantage of the opportunity to grab Luzhi's slender waist, and hugged Luzhi in his arms.

"Beauty Lu Zhi, Bai Xu has just left, are you so impatient? I happen to be a little impatient too, let's continue quickly." Jiang Chen said, hugging Lu Zhi, and walked to the bedroom again.

Lvzhi almost got angry and smoke came out of her nostrils, she couldn't wait, Jiang Chen's irresponsible nonsense, is it really okay?
"Zi Yu, come and help me, that bastard Jiang Chen is too hateful, we two join forces today, we must give him a good lesson." Lu Zhi grinned and said.

"Teach me a lesson together, right? I like this kind of thing the most." Jiang Chen turned around with a smile, and with a movement of his feet, he appeared beside Ziyu. To hug into the arms.

Then, Jiang Chen shot out.

In terms of his current cultivation base, how fast the speed is, Ziyu and Luzhi felt as if they were flying through the clouds, and then they were both thrown on the big bed by Jiang Chen.

"Zi Yu, do it."

As soon as her body touched the bed, Luzhi twisted her waist, got up quickly, and beckoned Ziyu to do it together.

How could Jiang Chen give Lu Zhi a chance to do something, just push Lu Zhi at will, that is to overthrow Lu Zhi, and without any explanation, press on it, causing the big bed to vibrate.

After a while, the vibration frequency of the big bed became higher and higher.

Ziyu watched from the side, her face flushed with embarrassment, and water was about to drip.

"Beauty Ziyu, don't you want to teach me a lesson, don't come here." Jiang Chen casually pulled Ziyu under him.

Jiang Chen is true, he really wants to be taught a lesson by Zi Yu and Lu Zhi, but the two girls are too weak, there is no other way, Jiang Chen can only, in turn, teach them both a lesson. pause……

(End of this chapter)

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