genius evil

Chapter 1148 Sister Lan likes fresh meat

Chapter 1148 Sister Lan likes fresh meat

The next morning, Jiang Chen appeared near the Capital University.

Last night, Ziyu and Luzhi were accompanied by the two daughters, making Jiang Chen's heart that had been tempered into steel almost turn into soft fingers. If it hadn't been agreed with Wen Qing and the second daughter of Shen Shen Shijing to leave Beijing today, Jiang Chen would almost be immersed in the In the gentle countryside, it is difficult to extricate myself.

Leaving the capital this time is bound to be accompanied by many dangers, and the road ahead is unknown. So far, Jiang Chen has seen almost all the people he should meet. The only people who make Jiang Chen feel at ease are only Sister Lan and Xiao Xiao. Butterfly mother and daughter.

Jiang Chen appeared near the Capital University this time, and he came to bid farewell to the mother and daughter.

Lanjie Restaurant has attracted much attention since its opening.

Afterwards, the increasingly expensive menus and the service attitude of killing customers, not only did not reduce the business of the restaurant, but instead made Lanjie Restaurant full of seats every day, it is said that the entire capital city , the most popular and most profitable restaurant, it is no exaggeration.

When Jiang Chen showed up at Sister Lan's restaurant by car, it was around ten o'clock. At this time, the restaurant hadn't opened yet, and a few waiters were sitting in the corner eating melon seeds and chatting boredly.

Sister Lan, on the other hand, took the time to help Xiaodie with her homework.

Seeing such a scene, Jiang Chen couldn't help but smile knowingly.

Jiang Chen pushed the door open and was about to get out of the car. At this time, a car next to him drove over quickly, next to his car, and stopped side by side.

It was a white Audi A8. After the Audi A8 stopped, the door opened, and a little boy, carrying a schoolbag, jumped and ran out of the car.

Immediately after, a middle-aged man got out of the car.

This middle-aged man, about 30 years old, is tall and steady, with good skin and clothing taste. Judging from the car he drives, it is not difficult to see that he is quite successful in his career.

When the middle-aged man got off the car, Jiang Chen just got out of the car, and when he heard the sound of Jiang Chen closing the car door, the middle-aged man subconsciously turned his head and looked towards Jiang Chen.

Seeing Jiang Chen at first glance, the middle-aged man seemed a little bit taken aback, but he quickly recovered his natural expression, smiled slightly, but didn't pay attention to it, and entered Sister Lan's restaurant together with the little boy who was walking in front.

"Well, it seems interesting." Jiang Chen touched his chin and said to himself.

The middle-aged man and the little boy were about [-]% similar in appearance. At first glance, they looked like a father and son. Jiang Chen vaguely thought about it. After the father and son entered the restaurant, he did not rush in, but It was leaning on the car, lazily basking in the sun.

"Xiao Di, you are here."

"Xiao Di, come here quickly, sister, I will give you candy."

"Xiao Di, we don't eat sugar, we eat chocolate."


Accompanied by the father and son, entering Sister Lan's restaurant, the little boy immediately attracted the attention of several waiters. The bored people all talked with smiles, obviously, they knew this little boy.

"Xiao Di, say hello to the sisters." The middle-aged man greeted.

The little boy ignored the middle-aged man's words, and quickly ran to Xiaodie and Sister Lan, saying, "Xiaodie, have you done your homework? I'm here to do homework with you."

"I told you not to bother me, why are you here again?" Rolling her eyes, Xiaodie said.

"I'm not here to bother you, I'm here to do my homework." The little boy said aggrievedly, put down the book, took out the notebook and pen, sat down, and told Xiaodie that he really came to do his homework.

"Don't bother me with homework, go, you go." Xiaodie said again, she didn't like to see this little boy.

"Mr. Gao, I'm sorry." Sister Lan said to the middle-aged man a little embarrassed.

"It's okay. We came here to take the liberty. We should have said hello in advance." Gao Jizhe waved his hand and said, "If you want to say I'm sorry, I should say this. Speaking of which, this is the third time I've been wronged." Please come here, Sister Lan, don't dislike the troubles of our father and son."

Gao Jizhe's words were gentle. Although Sister Lan was a little bit embarrassed about Gao Jizhe's uninvited visit, she couldn't say much. She called the waiter and poured a glass of water.

Several waiters pushed and shoved, and then a girl with a round face poured a glass of water, and brought it to Gao Jizhe with a smile.

"Thank you." Gao Jizhe got up quickly, took it with both hands, and said.

The round-faced girl left with a smile, and when she turned around, she winked at Gao Jizhe.

Gao Jizhe didn't know if he had noticed this, but he was watching his heart, not being moved at all.

"As expected of a veteran cadre, he didn't react at all." The round-faced girl walked towards the other waiters, lowered her voice, and said quietly.

The winking was intentional by the round-faced girl, because Gao Jizhe had come here uninvited three times in the name of his son, and it was not difficult for the waiters to see that Gao Jizhe was Sister Lan's potential suitor.

Sister Lan has always been nice to them. The business of Sister Lan's restaurant is booming, and even the few waiters with them are rising. In terms of salary, it is not much better than some white-collar workers.

Therefore, this is a test for Gao Jizhe.

The title of veteran cadres is what several waiters secretly called Gao Jizhe. They saw that Gao Jizhe acted in a serious manner, calm and stable, he looked 30 years old on the outside, but his mentality was similar to 40 years old. This is why he got such a title.

Naturally, Gao Jizhe would not know about these jokes. He took a sip of water, put the cup on the table, and sat upright to talk to Sister Lan.

Sister Lan said a few perfunctory words, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw a figure, and Shi Shiran walked in.

"Jiang Chen."

Seeing that figure, Sister Lan was very pleasantly surprised, she quickly got up and greeted him.

"Brother Jiang Chen." Xiaodie groaned, dropped the pen in her hand, and also got up, her small body bumped into Jiang Chen's embrace, giggling non-stop.

"Sister Lan, how are you doing these days?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"En." Sister Lan nodded lightly. She didn't know that it was too urgent to get up and greet her, but there was a slight shame in her eyes.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you are so heartless, you only ask if Mommy is okay, and you don't ask if anyone else is okay." Xiaodie pouted her mouth, very dissatisfied.

"Miss Xiaodie, how are you lately?" Jiang Chen then asked.

"Not good, not good at all." With her small head shaking like a rattle, Xiao Die complained, "Brother Jiang Chen, you count the time yourself. How long has it been since you visited him? People think that You forgot Mommy."

"Brother Jiang Chen, I will naturally not forget you, Xiaodie." Jiang Chen said.

"They are talking about Mommy, Brother Jiang Chen, what are you running away from?" Blinking, Xiaodie is a little ghost.

"Oh, I haven't forgotten this." Jiang Chen said along the way.

"Mommy, did you hear that brother Jiang Chen is confessing his love to you?" Xiaodie smiled and said again, "I guess, brother Jiang Chen hasn't come for so long, he must be avoiding you, Mommy. , because brother Jiang Chen is too thin-skinned."

After hearing the sound, Sister Lan was speechless.

Jiang Chen has a thin skin?
If Jiang Chen was thin-skinned, Sister Lan really couldn't imagine what it would be like to be thick-skinned.

"Don't talk nonsense." Xiaodie's words made the shame in the corner of Sister Lan's eyes and brows more intense, as if she glared at Xiaodie angrily.

"This is not nonsense." Xiao Die said seriously, "Mummy, brother Jiang Chen confessed his love to you just now, you should hurry up and agree, in the eyes of others, they are about to die of anxiety."

Ever since, Sister Lan returned to the state of being speechless again.

Leaving aside, Jiang Chen was not confessing his love.

Even if she was confessing her love, what should she promise?Or, how to agree?

"Xiaodie, you're getting bolder. You even dare to tease Brother Jiang Chen, so be careful to spank your ass." Seeing that Sister Lan was in trouble, Jiang Chen threatened.

"Hmph, people are very courageous, okay?" Xiaodie groaned, never taking Jiang Chen's threat to heart at all.

"Hey, is this a guest? Why haven't you served food yet?" At this moment, Jiang Chen asked curiously as if he had discovered Gao Jizhe's existence.

"Jiang Shao is here, now there is a good show to watch."

When several waiters heard Jiang Chen's words, they got together and muttered, all of them looked very excited.

"Ahem...I'm not here to eat, but to sit and sit." After coughing twice, Gao Jizhe said.

"It turned out to be just sitting around, otherwise I thought you were Sister Lan's suitor, and I was almost suspicious. When did Sister Lan's aesthetic taste become so strange?" Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

Gao Jizhe was indeed Sister Lan's suitor, but he hadn't had time to show his heart.

Jiang Chen's words were jokingly ridiculed, causing Gao Jizhe to be a little at a loss, not knowing how to reply.

"Brother Jiang Chen, why are you surprised?" Xiaodie asked crisply.

"Because your mommy, oh, sister Lan, has always liked fresh meat." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Brother Jiang Chen, is the little fresh meat you're talking about yourself?" Xiaodie laughed non-stop, rolling in Jiang Chen's embrace.

"Obviously that's the case. After all, I'm the only one in the restaurant." Jiang Chen was very serious.

"Brother Jiang Chen, do you mean that Mommy likes you? Mommy, is that so?" Xiaodie asked Sister Lan again.

Sister Lan's face was flushed, and her heart was trembling. She didn't expect Jiang Chen to say such words. It was too ambiguous, but it was hard to explain.

"Alright, if it's like this, Gao Jizhe probably won't come again." Sister Lan said silently in her heart, as if acquiescing to the fact that she likes Xiaoxianrou.

"Brother Jiang Chen, Mommy seems to really like little fresh meat." Xiaodie then said.

"That's for sure." Jiang Chen said carelessly.

"Sister Lan, you have something to do beforehand, and I happen to have something to attend to, so I'm leaving now." Gao Jizhe said, got up, helped the little boy pack his schoolbag, led the little boy, and walked out quickly.

"Brother, don't worry, let's talk a few words." Jiang Chen wrapped one hand around Gao Jizhe's neck, and walked out of the hotel together with Gao Jizhe...

(End of this chapter)

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