genius evil

Chapter 1149

Chapter 1149

"You know me?" Walking out of the hotel, Jiang Chen let go of his hand, pointed at himself, and asked with a half-smile.

"Should I know you?" Smiling, Gao Jizhe didn't answer Jiang Chen's question, but asked instead.

"You really should know me." Jiang Chen nodded his head as a matter of course, as if Gao Jizhe had to know him, otherwise it would be unreasonable.

"I don't know you." Gao Jizhe shook his head.

"When you just said this, your left eye twitched twice, and your right eye twitched three times. This shows that your heart is extremely restless. In fact, I didn't put any pressure on you. Excuse me. In a word, why are you uneasy?" Jiang Chen asked jokingly.

"Impossible." Gao Jizhe said firmly.

He didn't even notice that his eyes were beating, how did Jiang Chen notice it?
What's more, even if Jiang Chen noticed that his eyes were beating, why did he observe so carefully, and even said the number of times with incomparable accuracy?

Subconsciously, Gao Jizhe decided that Jiang Chen was deceiving himself.

Only when Jiang Chen was deceiving him, could Jiang Chen speak so accurately!
He boasted that his psychological quality was not bad. Since he had seen through Jiang Chen's intentions, he would naturally not be fooled.

"You drive an Audi A8, and the license plate number ends with two 8s, which means that you have a certain status in the financial circle of the capital... No, you have a certain sense of existence." Jiang Chen said.

When it comes to the word status, in Jiang Chen's opinion, Gao Jizhe is being praised too much.

At most, there is just a little sense of presence, and a familiar face.

"What do you want to explain?" Frowning, Gao Jizhe asked, feeling quite inexplicable when Jiang Chen suddenly mentioned this question.

Although the Audi A8 is expensive, it is not very eye-catching in Beijing, and it is even more insignificant if compared with the sports cars running all over the street.

"What I want to explain is that in the mixed environment of the capital, there are definitely a small number of people who can get tens of millions of dollars. Among these few people, although there is no shortage of idiots, smart people still account for the majority, but it is a pity. What's more, you're not smart enough." Jiang Chen said regretfully.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Gao Jizhe said with twinkling eyes.

"Oh, what I want to say is that when a person is not smart enough, he will habitually pretend to be smart. Do you understand when I say this?" Jiang Chen asked.

"If this is what you want to tell me, I can only express my apologies." Gao Jizhe said, leading the little boy and leaving.


But when Gao Jizhe moved, Jiang Chen raised his hand and slapped Gao Jizhe's face.

Perhaps it was unexpected that Jiang Chen would make a move, and because of such a suddenness, Gao Jizhe was distracted for a moment, and immediately his face was full of anger.

"Now, do you know me?" After a slap in the face, Jiang Chen moved his hands and feet, looked at the posture, and planned to slap a few more at any time, and asked with squinted eyes.

"What are you going to do?" Gao Jizhe said angrily.

There was no reason, just being slapped by Jiang Chen, which made Gao Jizhe even angry.


Raising his hand, Jiang Chen slapped Gao Jizhe's face again, and said lazily, "Now, you can answer my question."

"You lunatic." Gao Jizhe growled, took out his mobile phone, and wanted to call the police.

"It's really a dead duck with a hard mouth." Jiang Chen said helplessly, kicking directly, and in an instant, Gao Jizhe was like a cannonball, being kicked by Jiang Chen and flying away.


The little boy named Xiao Di cried out in fright.

"Little friend, I can only say that it is your sorrow to have such a father." Jiang Chen said to the little boy, his tone was quite gentle.

But as for whether beating Gao Jizhe violently would leave a shadow in the little boy's heart, Jiang Chen was lazy to care about so much.

Gao Jizhe used the little boy to appear in front of Sister Lan again and again, but he didn't worry about the little boy's psychological shadow. As an outsider, he had no pressure.

Gao Jizhe flew out and fell heavily on the ground. The mobile phone in his hand was smashed to pieces. He struggled to get up, his face pale, and without a word, he rushed towards the parking place of the car.

It has to be said that when a person explodes, his potential is infinite.

No, Gao Jizhe rushed out at that speed, like a wild dog running wild, almost in the blink of an eye, he rushed to the side of the car.

In the blink of an eye, Gao Jizhe opened the car door, bowed his head, and hurriedly got into the car.

"You don't want your son anymore?" Jiang Chen suddenly yelled.


The little boy cooperated quite tacitly, just right, and also shouted.

Hearing the sound, Gao Jizhe was taken aback, but soon, a look of determination appeared on his face, as if he had never even looked at the little boy, he got into the car and started the car.

"As expected, he is not a good person." Jiang Chen murmured.

A man could not even want his own children, Jiang Chen realized that he had slightly underestimated Gao Jizhe's shamelessness.

The moment the car engine started, seeing Jiang Chen not chasing him, Gao Jizhe was able to breathe a sigh of relief, he knew that he was saved.

Gao Jizhe naturally knew Jiang Chen.

Or it can be said that in the high-level circles looking at the capital, almost everyone knows Jiang Chen.

Although Gao Jizhe squeezed his head, he was able to squeeze to the edge of such a circle, but Jiang Chen's name was like thunder to him.

But Gao Jizhe didn't want to die, he still wanted to live, so he absolutely couldn't admit that he knew Jiang Chen.

As for the son, Gao Jizhe knew that Jiang Chen would not be so mad as to attack a little boy, so now he felt at ease, and if it was a big deal, he would send someone over to pick up the little boy.

Taking a breath, Gao Jizhe turned the steering wheel and was about to drive away, but found that the car was not moving at all.

Gao Jizhe thought it was because there was no gas, so he stepped on the gas lightly, but for some reason, the car roared in place and remained motionless.

"The car broke down?" Gao Jizhe was stunned, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

He was still counting on the car to run away. If the car broke down at this critical moment, wouldn't it kill him?

Soon, Gao Jizhe discovered that it wasn't the car that broke down at all, but that there was an extra figure on the front of the car at some point.

It was Jiang Chen.

Suddenly, Gao Jizhe's eyelids twitched when he saw Jiang Chen. He didn't know when Jiang Chen came from ancient times.

After seeing Jiang Chen's actions, Gao Jizhe was even more shocked, his heart was about to jump out of his throat.

Impressively, Jiang Chen's hand rested on the front of the car, and he seemed to just casually reach out, but this action almost drove Gao Jizhe crazy.

He finally understood why the car couldn't move when the oil was on, and Jiang Chen pushed the car horizontally with one hand to stop the car.

"Is... is he still human?" Gao Jizhe stammered.

Even if they are familiar with Jiang Chen's name, they have heard a lot about Jiang Chen's deeds, and know that Jiang Chen is extremely evil and has unimaginable methods.

But no one ever told him that Jiang Chen would be so terrified?
This is not something that humans can do, it is simply a devil.

When Gao Jizhe looked up at himself through the glass of the front of the car, Jiang Chen also looked at Gao Jizhe. He grinned and smiled, and the right hand that was pushing the front of the car suddenly lifted up.


The raised right hand, without warning, slapped the hood of the car with a palm.

A sky-shattering sound came out in an instant, almost piercing Gao Jizhe's eardrums, and the entire car body shook violently.


The two tires on the front of the car were overwhelmed, and they burst and exploded. Then the whole front of the car sank, making Gao Jizhe, who was sitting in the driving seat, caught off guard and slammed his forehead heavily on the steering wheel.

Gao Jizhe was completely frightened and stupid, he didn't dare to stay in the car anymore, for fear that Jiang Chen would do something crazier, he ignored the pain on his forehead, pushed the car door, and climbed out using both hands and feet.

"Oh, stop running?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

It wasn't that Gao Jizhe didn't want to run, but he knew that in front of Jiang Chen, he couldn't run away at all. He wiped his eyes hard, and Gao Jizhe straightened up, intending to beg Jiang Chen for mercy. No matter what, he begged Jiang Chen to let him go.

But as soon as he looked up, Gao Jizhe found that there was a palm print about an inch on the front of the car. The palm print directly pierced the hood of the car and shattered the engine.

The pupils shrank suddenly, and Gao Jizhe couldn't speak anymore.

"Tell me, what would happen if I slapped you on the head?" Jiang Chen walked towards Gao Jizhe and said lightly.


Gao Jizhe couldn't bear it any longer, his legs softened, he knelt down on the ground, and kowtowed to Jiang Chen, "Jiang Shao, spare your life, spare my life."

"Finally admitting that you know me?" Jiang Chen said casually.

"However, what you said about saving your life confuses me. Could it be, what have you done to make me sorry?" Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen said again, unhurriedly.

Jiang Chen said this easily and casually, but Gao Jizhe didn't know how to answer at all. He blushed and kowtowed to Jiang Chen non-stop. There will be no place for him in the entire capital.

"So nervous, could it be that you really did something to be sorry for me?" Jiang Chen said as if talking to himself, and then said, "I, Jiang Chen, have always hated other people's backstabbing the most. Since you have done it, So, sorry, I can only send you to die."

"Jiang Shao don't want it. I'm obsessed with ghosts. I don't dare to do it anymore." Gao Jizhe shouted, kowtowing and banging. After a while, his forehead was stained with blood, but Gao Jizhe didn't dare to stop , didn't even dare to hesitate.

"Now, I finally got to the point, but I still want to shoot you to death, what should I do?" Jiang Chen said, looking very embarrassed.

"Jiang Chen, what happened?" But at this moment, Sister Lan led Xiaodie out of the restaurant and asked in confusion.

(End of this chapter)

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