genius evil

Chapter 1151 No one is qualified to make you compromise

Chapter 1151 No one is qualified to make you compromise

When Jiang Chen entered Sister Lan's restaurant again, Sister Lan was still undecided, so she got up and went to the kitchen as an excuse to cook some dishes for Jiang Chen.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you are so stupid, you don't understand a woman's heart at all." Xiaodie pulled Jiang Chen to sit down, jumped up, sat on Jiang Chen's lap, and said in a tone of hatred.

"Do I have it?" Jiang Chen was puzzled.

He is notorious for being considerate and considerate by accident. If this is not considered understanding women, then what is.

"You have." Xiaodie was very sure, pouted and said, "Brother Jiang Chen, you shouldn't be joking just now, you should tell Mommy directly that Gao Jizhe is your rival in love, and you didn't like him, that's why you didn't like him." If you hit him, Mommy will be happy."

"And then?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Then, as soon as Mommy is moved, she will make a promise to you." Xiaodie said crisply.

"Xiaodie..." The voice of grinding teeth sounded, and at some point, Sister Lan appeared behind Jiang Chen and Xiaodie.

"Mum, didn't you go to cook?" Xiaodie blinked, pretending to be silly.

Sister Lan just went into the kitchen to cook, but when she was preparing to cook, she just forgot not to ask Jiang Chen what he wanted to eat.

Sister Lan came out at this time to ask Jiang Chen what he was going to eat, and just happened to hear the conversation between Xiaodie and Jiang Chen. For a moment, Sister Lan was angry and annoyed.

"Mommy, you can go cooking, I still have a lot of private things to say to Brother Jiang Chen." Xiaodie said again, urging Sister Lan to leave.

"Xiaodie, come with me." Sister Lan was afraid that Xiaodie would say more excessive words, she dragged Xiaodie away.

"Mommy, I really have a lot to say to brother Jiang Chen. Besides, I have finished my homework and have nothing else to do." Xiaodie was very dissatisfied.

"Go to the kitchen to wash the vegetables." Sister Lan found a random reason, but Xiaodie and Jiang Chen couldn't be together anymore.

"Mum, it's wrong to use child labor, don't you know?" Xiaodie's face was full of innocence.

Sister Lan didn't care what was right or wrong, anyway, this time, she decided to use the child labor, after dragging Xiaodie to the kitchen, she found some vegetables for Xiaodie to wash.

"Mum, are these vegetables going to be eaten by Brother Jiang Chen later? If yes, I'll wash them, if not, I won't wash them." Xiaodie said.

"Yes." Sister Lan was worried that Xiaodie would run out, so she had to say.

"Mommy, why are you so nice to brother Jiang Chen?" Xiaodie started to smile.

"What's wrong?" Sister Lan was confused.

"Mommy, you must be worried that other people will not wash it clean, and you are afraid that brother Jiang Chen will have diarrhea, so you let me wash the vegetables. Mommy, you are very considerate to brother Jiang Chen, and he is almost jealous." Xiaodie was serious. Said.

Sister Lan wanted to cry, but she didn't have any tears. This little girl is becoming more and more lawless, and she doesn't know where she learned such nonsense skills.

"Then the family has washed the vegetables. Mommy, you cook. By the way, Mommy, did you just go to ask Brother Jiang Chen what kind of vegetables he wants to eat? In fact, no matter what the dishes are, as long as they are made by you, Mommy, Brother Jiang Chen will like it." Xiaodie said.


After spending less than half an hour, Sister Lan made three random dishes and brought them out, while Xiaodie hurriedly filled a large bowl of rice, put it in front of Jiang Chen, and said, "Brother Jiang Chen, dinner is ready, hurry up Let's see if Mommy's craftsmanship has improved."

Jiang Chen happened to be a little hungry, so naturally he would not be polite, picked up his chopsticks, and started to eat.

It's been a while since I ate the food cooked by Sister Lan, Jiang Chen missed it a lot, and obviously, during this time, Sister Lan's cooking has improved a lot, and Jiang Chen's eloquence has always been fragrant. ,Simply can not stop.

Three dishes, plus three bowls of rice, were wiped out by Jiang Chen in less than 10 minutes.

For such a scene, Sister Lan and Xiaodie were very used to it. After all, it was not the first time for Jiang Chen to show his true nature as a foodie.

And those waiters stared at each other. It was hard to imagine that Jiang Chen's body, which was far from being strong, could eat so much food.

You must know that the dishes that Sister Lan cooks on are different from those served in restaurants. To be precise, those dishes were specially purchased by the restaurant for Jiang Chen and used by Jiang Chen for private use to ensure absolute cleanliness. health.

The size of these plates is about twice the size of the plates normally used in restaurants. Not to mention, Sister Lan cooks a lot of food.

Moreover, when Xiaodie served Jiang Chen rice, the rice bowl was three times larger than the rice bowl used in restaurants, and it was enough to hold soup.

Jiang Chen, on the other hand, ate three big bowls full of rice, how could this not make them amazed.

"Jiang Chen, are you full?" Sister Lan asked.

Just like before, as long as the food was made by herself, Jiang Chen would eat it cleanly. Jiang Chen was happy to eat, and Sister Lan was even more happy when she saw it.

However, because she didn't make special preparations and didn't ask Jiang Chen what he wanted to eat, Sister Lan was worried that Jiang Chen didn't eat well.

"Can't you get enough to eat like this?"

The waiters were dumbfounded, almost wondering if Sister Lan had said something wrong.

From their point of view, Jiang Chen's meal is enough for them to eat for three days. No matter how good Sister Lan's cooking skills are, no matter how big Jiang Chen's appetite is, it will not be impossible for them to eat. Are you full?

Unless, Jiang Chen is a good-for-nothing.

Jiang Chen is really a worthless person, even though this point, Jiang Chen himself will definitely not admit it.

Jiang Chen smiled, and said: "Sister Lan, your cooking skills are getting better and better. I almost swallowed my tongue. I haven't eaten so many things for a long time."

"Brother Jiang Chen, it's not that Mommy's cooking has improved, but that there is a special flavor in this food." After blinking, Xiaodie said in a voice that Jiang Chen and Sister Lan could hear.

"What's the smell?" Sister Lan asked in amazement.

She runs such a large restaurant, and even though she no longer needs to cook herself, Sister Lan does her best to improve the dishes by herself, trying to make all the guests satisfied.

In this way, it is natural to be good at craftsmanship.

When Sister Lan heard Xiaodie's words, she thought it was Xiaodie who said that she put a special condiment, but after thinking about it carefully, she didn't.

Even, since these dishes were specially prepared for Jiang Chen, as for the condiments, if Sister Lan could use them, she would try to use them as little as possible.

"The taste of love." Xiaodie said with a straight face.


Sister Lan blushed instantly.

"No joking, no big or small." Staring at Xiaodie, Sister Lan scolded.

"Brother Jiang Chen, I'm just joking just like you." Xiaodie said mischievously, sticking out her tongue.

Jiang Chen smiled, Xiao Nizi is becoming more and more a little ghost now, and in a few years, I don't know how many people will be harmed by her, and at that time, he probably will follow behind non-stop, wiping their butts. okay.

"Of course I know you're joking. Be more careful next time." Jiang Chen then said, giving Sister Lan a step down.

Jiang Chen made a special trip to bid farewell to Sister Lan, and eating was the second priority. After eating at this time, he saw that Sister Lan had time, so he took Xiaodie to the rest room upstairs.

"Brother Jiang Chen, Mommy, talk slowly, I'm going back to my room to sleep."

As soon as she went upstairs, Xiaodie twisted her buttocks and ran to her room quickly. Sister Lan saw it and couldn't laugh or cry.

"Jiang Chen, what's the matter with you?" Sister Lan poured Jiang Chen a glass of water and sat down opposite Jiang Chen.

"Sister Lan, I want to know why I beat up Gao Jizhe violently?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile after taking a sip of tea.

"Jiang Chen, I never thought about getting married again. For the rest of my life, I and Xiaodie are enough for each other." Sister Lan thought that Jiang Chen was angry because of Gao Jizhe's matter, so she hurriedly explained, feeling a little uneasy.

"Sister Lan, you misunderstood me." Jiang Chen waved his hand and said seriously: "Sister Lan, as long as it is something you want to do, no matter what aspect it is, I will fully support you. So when I mention Gao Jizhe, I want to tell you that, similarly, you don’t have to compromise on anything, and no one is qualified to make you compromise.”

The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

Even though Sister Lan's status is different now, she is still simple in her bones. Such a personality is destined to be extremely easy to suffer.

Jiang Chen wanted to let Sister Lan know that she was different, and she didn't have to look at anyone's face anymore.

Sister Lan is a smart person, so how can she not understand the meaning of Jiang Chen's words.

Like it, like it, don't like it, don't like it.

Gao Jizhe showed up at Sister Lan's restaurant again and again, which made Sister Lan very annoyed, but she couldn't lose face and asked Gao Jizhe to leave directly.

Now, hearing what Jiang Chen said, Sister Lan understood what she should do in the future.

That's right, mere Gao Jizhe, what qualifications does she have to make her compromise?

But if something like this happens again in the future, she will just drive her away. Jiang Chen is her strongest backing, so why should she worry about it?

"Very good, it seems that you understand, Sister Lan." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Jiang Chen, am I too stupid?" Sister Lan said softly with a sigh.

Such a simple matter was unintentional, and she made it complicated. If Jiang Chen didn't happen to show up today, she probably wouldn't know how to deal with Gao Jizhe.

"It's not too stupid, it's too kind." Jiang Chen corrected.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen called Sister Lan a few more words to let Sister Lan relax. After all, he was leaving soon, so he had to make proper arrangements.

After sitting for about half an hour, Jiang Chen left Sister Lan Restaurant.

Xiaodie came out of the bedroom, poked her head around, but didn't see Jiang Chen, so she couldn't help but asked suspiciously: "Mum, brother Jiang Chen, why are you alone?"

"He still has things to deal with." Sister Lan said, after thinking about it, she didn't tell Jiang Chen that she was going to leave for a while, otherwise Xiaodie might be very disappointed.

"Is there anything more important than you, Mommy?" Xiaodie couldn't help muttering, and silently complained, "Brother Jiang Chen, you are so stupid, you really don't understand women at all."

(End of this chapter)

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