genius evil

Chapter 1152 Have a heart but no courage

Chapter 1152 Have a heart but no courage
After leaving Sister Lan Hotel, Jiang Chen drove directly to Tianzu.

To Jiang Chen's surprise, he saw Qin Wenyan just after he arrived at Tianzu. It seemed that Qin Wenyan had been waiting for him long ago.

"Is there something wrong with asking Miss Yan?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"I want to follow you to the Zhenwu Continent." Qin Wenyan said directly.


Frowning slightly, Jiang Chen was a little surprised.

Since Shen Shijing was going to the Zhenwu Continent, from now on, all the affairs of the Tianzu would be handled by Qin Wenyan. Qin Wenyan would replace Shen Shijing as the actual controller of the Tianzu.

Moreover, Jiang Chen intentionally asked Shen Shijing to teach Qin Wenyan the cultivation method of Yinxing Jue. Therefore, besides Shen Shijing and Qin Wenyan, Qin Wenyan was the last person who knew that he was going to Zhenwu Continent up.

"Can't you?" Seeing Jiang Chen frown, Qin Wenyan asked.

"Indeed not." Jiang Chen said.

"Why?" Qin Wenyan asked, she seemed to have thought that Jiang Chen would reject her request, so this question contained a bit of resentment.

With a wry smile, Jiang Chen said: "The Zhenwu Continent, I have no clue so far, how can I take you on an adventure? Besides, there may be a lot of things in the Tianzu, so you just stay on the earth honestly." Bar."

"Miss Shen can go, Clan Master Wen can go, and I can naturally." Qin Wenyan said firmly, thinking that Jiang Chen's reasons were not convincing, and there was absolutely no way to convince her.

At the end, Qin Wenyan said again: "Jiang Chen, Miss Shen and Clan Master Wen have a very close relationship with you. They are the people closest to you. You are not afraid of them taking risks, so why worry about me taking risks?"

"Ask Miss Yan, although what you said seems to make sense, it still doesn't work." Jiang Chen shook his head and said.

The reason why Jiang Chen took Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing to Zhenwu Continent was largely due to the fact that the two daughters had good cultivation talents.

That kind of talent is useless on the earth, and only by going to the Zhenwu Continent can it burst out with the most brilliant brilliance.

In this way, instead of letting the second daughter take risks, it is better to say that the second daughter enters the Zhenwu Continent for a cruel experience.

Although Qin Wenyan's talent is not bad, but compared to the two daughters, it is a little worse, unless Qin Wenyan has innate cultivation, Jiang Chen will consider bringing Qin Wenyan, otherwise, it will be Qin Wenyan was harmed.

"Jiang Chen, I find it difficult to accept your rebuttal." Qin Wenyan was very displeased, she waved to Jiang Chen, and said, "Come with me."

After a while, Qin Wenyan took Jiang Chen to the place where she was resting in the Tianzu.

Unless she was out on missions, Qin Wenyan would stay in the Tian Group during the rest of the time, taking the Tian Group as her home. The house she lived in was assigned within the Tian Group.

The room is not big and the decoration is simple, but the household items inside are organized in an orderly manner, just like Qin Wenyan's personality.

Qin Wenyan closed the door and asked Jiang Chen, "Is it true that my position in your heart is not as important as Miss Shen and Sect Master Wen, so you don't want to take me there and think I'm a burden?"

"Is this the opposite?" Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

"Jiang Chen, you don't need to explain, I understand, in your heart, that's what you think." Qin Wenyan said, while talking, she unbuttoned her clothes.


Jiang Chen's head was full of black lines, and his eyes were fixed on Qin Wenyan.

Even though Jiang Chen knew very well that he shouldn't be staring at Qin Wenyan, he had to say that Qin Wenyan's figure was really nothing to say, he couldn't control his eyes at all.

"Is it true that as long as I become your woman, I can go with you?" Qin Wenyan said again, she took off her coat, threw it aside casually, and continued to take it off.

"Ask Miss Yan, do you think I should deny it?" Jiang Chen swallowed.

"You don't have to deny it, and if you deny it, I won't believe your words." Qin Wenyan said, another piece of clothing came off his body, revealing a black lace bust, and his fair skin, like the finest jade, was dazzlingly white.

"Ask Miss Yan, your figure is really good." Jiang Chen praised.

"You like it?" The corners of his lips curled up, a half-smile, Qin Wenyan stretched out his hand to untie the belt of his trousers.

"Ask Miss Yan, you have to understand one thing. I've always been in a mess, and the most unbearable thing is the temptation of beauty. If you continue like this, I will make mistakes." Jiang Chen said with a bitter face.

Judging from Qin Wenyan's posture, there is no doubt that he is trying to seduce him with beauty.

This undoubtedly hit Jiang Chen's most fatal shortcoming. On the one hand, Jiang Chen wanted to stop Qin Wenyan from taking off his clothes, and on the other hand, he was very impatient, wanting Qin Wenyan to take off his clothes quickly. over.

"You make mistakes, so I have a chance." Qin Wenyan winked at Jiang Chen, the belt of his trousers had already been undone, and he gently pulled it down with both hands, revealing a section of tender white long legs .

"Wait." Jiang Chen couldn't bear it any longer, he stretched out his hand, stopped Qin Wenyan's behavior, and pulled his big hand up to help Qin Wenyan put on his pants.

"Jiang Chen, could it be that I'm not attractive to you at all?" Qin Wenyan looked at Jiang Chen in astonishment.

Regarding his appearance and figure, Qin Wenyan has always had absolute confidence. Similarly, Qin Wenyan is also very clear about how many messy intestines Jiang Chen has in his stomach.

Moreover, Qin Wenyan is also very clear that Jiang Chen has always had her idea.

Originally, Qin Wenyan thought that as long as she took the initiative a little bit, she would be able to fascinate Jiang Chen. What's more, she took the initiative to take off her clothes in front of Jiang Chen.

According to previous cognition, Qin Wenyan felt that Jiang Chen must be possessed by a pervert immediately. How could he know that Jiang Chen did such a thing.

It's fine if Jiang Chen didn't pounce on her right away, and he actually stopped her from taking off her pants.

This made Qin Wenyan wonder whether the sun came out from the west today.

But when she greeted Jiang Chen at the door, the sun was still normal. So, who is abnormal?
For a moment, Qin Wenyan doubted his own charm very much, otherwise, there would be nothing to explain Jiang Chen's abnormal behavior.

"Ahem..." Jiang Chen coughed violently twice, and said, "This one is quite attractive, you probably won't believe it, I almost took off my pants."

"Vulgar." Qin Wenyan rolled his eyes.

"Ask Miss Yan, gender discrimination is not a good thing, you can take off your pants, why can't I take off my pants?" Jiang Chen said very sadly and indignantly.

Qin Wenyan was about to refute, and when the words came to his lips, he suddenly realized that Jiang Chen was talking in circles when he said this, which made her almost miss the point.

"Why didn't you take off your pants? Why, stop me from taking them off?" Qin Wenyan returned to the topic and asked depressedly.

"If I don't stop you, I will definitely make a mistake." Jiang Chen said.

"I did it voluntarily," Qin Wenyan emphasized.

"Ahem... It wasn't your will, it was my fault, the fault lies in it, I am too attractive." Jiang Chen coughed dryly twice again.

"You..." Qin Wenyan was a little annoyed, and really wanted to ask Jiang Chen if he wanted to be ashamed, but he said, "Your charm is really great, I have fallen in love with you a long time ago."

"Ask Miss Yan, don't be joking, I will take it seriously." Jiang Chen said as if he had seen a ghost.

If it weren't for Qin Wenyan's performance today, which was quite different from her temperament, Jiang Chen would almost believe Qin Wenyan's words.

"I'm serious, and besides, do you think I, Qin Wenyan, is that kind of casual woman?" Qin Wenyan said firmly.

"Ask Miss Yan, you are naturally not casual, and I just happen to be not that kind of casual man, haha, isn't this a coincidence?" Jiang Chen laughed dryly.

Qin Wenyan lazily ignored Jiang Chen's nonsense, and wanted to take off his pants again.

Since Jiang Chen helped her put on her trousers just now, this time, no matter what, he would not allow Qin Wenyan to take them off again.

Because it was really hard for Jiang Chen to have the confidence to help Qin Wenyan put on his pants for the second time.

"Reserved, reserved." Jiang Chen hurriedly said, flicked his right hand, and a silver needle silently sank into Qin Wenyan's body.

Qin Wenyan only felt a slight itching in her chest, as if she had been bitten by a mosquito. She didn't take it to heart, and took off her trousers with both hands, only to find that those hands had become limp for some reason, I didn't even have the strength to take off my pants.

"Jiang Chen, what did you do to me?" Dazed for a moment, Qin Wenyan was furious.

"Ask Miss Yan, did I do anything to you?" Jiang Chen was unusually innocent.

"Shameless bastard!" Seeing that Jiang Chen refused to admit it, Qin Wenyan gritted his teeth.

But he didn't want to give up all his previous efforts, so he saw Qin Wenyan smiled coquettishly, and said in a charming voice, "Jiang Chen, did I frighten you by being too proactive? Or, if you take the initiative, how about I cooperate with you?"

"Cough cough..."

Jiang Chen coughed loudly, his face flushed red.

"Ask Miss Yan, can you tell me who bought you to test me? Miss Shen is still careful? No, Xinxin would not do such a thing. Miss Shen must have instructed you to do this. I am now Let's go to her to settle the score." Jiang Chen said pretendingly, before he finished speaking, he ran away.


After running out of the door, Jiang Chen casually closed the door, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's all this?" Jiang Chen said to himself, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Jiang Chen felt that he was the one who should wonder if the sun came out from the west today.

"A guy with a lustful heart but no guts."

Not long after Jiang Chen left, Qin Wenyan recovered. She pulled out the silver needle on her chest and looked at it in front of her eyes. She felt a little sad, but also a little inexplicably happy.

She didn't really want to go to Zhenwu Continent, so she spared no effort to seduce Jiang Chen.

Rather, Qin Wenyan understood that it would be a long time before Jiang Chen went to Zhenwu Continent this time, and the next time he met, he found a reason that didn't count as a reason in his heart, and was self-willed once. When it is to vent a certain emotion or say, to let go of yourself.

"Jiang Chen, remember, you owe me what happened today." Qin Wenyan whispered in his heart, silently.

Just this afternoon, Jiang Chen left the capital with Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing, and headed for the Heavenly Master's Way...

(End of this chapter)

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