genius evil

Chapter 1153

Chapter 1153 Empty Dead City
Jiang Chen's trip was secretive, and no one involved would know about it.

After leaving the capital, Jiang Chen and Wen Qing, the second daughter of the Book of Songs, went directly to Heifengjian without contacting the Celestial Master.

Because Jiang Chen didn't want others to know his whereabouts, it might cause some unnecessary troubles.

Although his whereabouts will still be leaked over time, but by that time, Sleeping Beauty and Qin Wenyan must have successfully practiced the first level of the art of attracting stars. Looking at the invincibility of the earth, there will be no worries.

This is exactly why Jiang Chen would show Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing to teach Sleeping Beauty and Qin Wenyan the art of drawing stars back then.

In the final analysis, the earth is his base camp, Jiang Chen had to make more preparations.

"This is Heifengjian?"

The three of them appeared on the edge of Heifengjian, inside, the sound of the wind was like a knife, and it was so heart-wrenching that Shen Shijing gasped in admiration.

Heifengjian has a great reputation among the five super sects. It is known as the most dangerous place in China. If you enter it under the innate realm, you will die within a short time.

Shen Shijing naturally knew the name of Heifengjian, but he had never been there before, but this time, it was the first time to see the true appearance of Heifengjian.

The sound of the wind whistled and exploded, rumbling into the ears, and it lasted for a long time, making the heart palpitate and the scalp numb.

Only when you come to this Heifengjian, can you know that this place is far more terrifying than the rumors.

"Go in." Jiang Chen said after taking a look at the sky, it was about to get dark.

"I don't know if the time and space over there is the same as ours." Wen Qingxin said.

"Go and have a look and you'll know." Shen Shijing said.

Jiang Chen led Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing, entered in a flash, and disappeared into the thick black mist.

"Follow my footsteps." Slapping a wind-like black knife casually, Jiang Chen opened the way in front, extremely fast.

This place was shrouded in a large formation. After Jiang Chen transformed it, it became a truly desperate place. However, to Jiang Chen, it was like walking on flat ground, and he was very relaxed. After a while, he led the second daughter and appeared. On the edge of the five-color altar.

"Someone has been here." Jiang Chen said to himself after seeing a few corpses at a glance.

Next to the five-color altar, there are several corpses, with different death conditions. The only thing is that before they died, they seemed to have encountered great terror and struggled a lot, but unfortunately, they still died tragically in the end.

"The transformation of the formation has taken effect." Jiang Chen said again.

These people appeared in Heifengjian through the space transmission channel, encountered indiscriminate attacks, and all fell.

The reason why they died beside the five-color altar was obviously that after being attacked, they wanted to pass through the five-color altar and return to the Zhenwu Continent, but they were too injured to succeed.

This was left behind by Jiang Chen, in order to prevent this from happening. It took a lot of effort, but looking at it now, it is quite worth it.

Otherwise, once these martial arts masters from the Zhenwu Continent enter the earth, they will definitely set off turbulent waves.

Jiang Chen then briefly introduced the situation to Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing.

"Jiang Chen, do you think anyone will leave here alive?" Wen Qingxin asked.

"Are you worried that a life above the extraordinary has appeared?" Frowning, Jiang Chen asked.

Jiang Chen is confident in the lethality after the transformation of the formation. Extraordinary beings come and go. Even beings above the extraordinary will inevitably be injured if they are not careful.

But if a life above the extraordinary appeared, even if it was injured and some price was paid, it was not something that Jiang Chen's formation could stop.

"I hope I'm overthinking." Wen Qingxin nodded.

"Not necessarily overthinking." Jiang Chen shook his head. What Wen Qingxin said was just a possibility. It may or may not have happened, but it must be taken seriously.

"Let's go." Jiang Chen said.

No matter how much speculation there is, it is useless. Since Jiang Chen has come to Heifengjian, it is impossible for Jiang Chen to be timid. After all, his strength is not strong enough.

If he is still at the peak, I would like to ask, who else would dare to act presumptuously in front of him?
Going to the Zhenwu Continent itself has a certain degree of risk, but such a risk is not enough to make Jiang Chen give up.

Since ancient times, wealth and wealth have been sought in danger.

Back then when Jiang Chen was in the True Spirit Continent, he frightened the world and overwhelmed the world, but why hadn't his achievements been achieved time and time again with his own life?

Soon, Jiang Chen led Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing into the five-color altar.

As the three of Jiang Chen walked in, in an instant, the five-color altar was filled with light, and the five-color brilliance enveloped the three of them. After a while, the three of them disappeared.

When the three of Jiang Chen reappeared, the three of them had already appeared in an extremely strange place.

This is a tower.

But it can be clearly seen that the tower has been in disrepair for a long time, as if it was abandoned and forgotten many years ago.

"Teleportation Tower." Jiang Chen said silently, knowing that the three of them had successfully arrived at Zhenwu Continent.

The teleportation tower of Zhenwu Continent is similar to the teleportation tower of Jiang Chen when he was in True Spirit Continent. The only difference is the style of the building.

The teleportation towers on the True Spirit Continent are all controlled by some powerful forces, with minimalist architecture and the pursuit of practical effects.

And this transmission tower, although dilapidated, it is not difficult to see that the construction process is extremely complicated, which also means that the maintenance of this transmission tower needs to consume a lot of resources.

The teleportation tower was not guarded by forces, Jiang Chen and the three walked out very easily and appeared on the street outside.

Looking around, Jiang Chen saw all kinds of familiar scenes, and all of these were extremely strange and novel to Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing.

"There seems to be no one here." Jiang Chen and the three walked on the spacious street, but for a long time, no one was seen.

It was as if, not only the teleportation tower was abandoned here, but the entire city was abandoned and forgotten, turning into a desolate dead place.

"It's a bit unusual." Jiang Chen nodded.

Judging from the style of the streets and buildings, even if you haven't seen the whole city, you can still judge how amazing the scale of the city is.

It is not difficult to imagine that there must have been an extremely prosperous civilization here.

Today, no one is seen, and it has become an empty city. This is very unusual, and there have been major changes.

"Be careful, Miss Shen, you two, don't leave my line of sight, the three of us, walk around this city." Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

Both Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing nodded.

The buildings here are all astonishingly large. Although the architectural style is quite different from the modern cities they are familiar with, the city is majestic and boundless.

If it hadn't been for some amazing accidents, it would not be empty.

Moreover, this place is too unfamiliar, and it is difficult for the two girls to get used to it when entering for the first time, and they need to adjust their mentality.

Jiang Chen led the two daughters and quickly patrolled the city. About half an hour later, it was still the same. He hadn't seen a single outsider, so he was completely sure that this was an empty city.

"Jiang Chen, what do you think happened here?" Shen Shijing asked, she was very curious, and besides apprehensive, she was also a little excited.

This is a brand new journey that requires a lot of energy to explore and adapt to, but so far, no danger has been encountered, and the mentality is slowly adjusting.

"Maybe, there was an epic battle, or maybe it was some kind of powerful attack." Jiang Chen pondered, and expressed his thoughts.

Such a majestic city, even in the True Spirit Continent, can be counted on one hand.

What's more, there is also a teleportation tower here.

Teleportation tower means resources, but also means wealth.

Such a huge city is often controlled by powerful forces, like sitting on a golden mountain, which can be passed on for generations, and will never be easily abandoned.

This is an empty city, Jiang Chen didn't plan to stay here for long, after casually turning around, he took his two daughters and headed towards the gate of the city.

Another point is that there have been unknown changes here, and the impact of those changes has not been completely eliminated so far, otherwise, it would be impossible not to see a person for such a long time.

The longer you stay here, the more dangerous it is.

As far as Jiang Chen's current cultivation level is concerned, he doesn't have the capital to take risks, so he has to plan it slowly, step by step, in order to minimize the danger.

Leaving the city is a straight and spacious official road with a width of nearly twenty meters. Far away, the three of Jiang Chen saw a huge city gate standing in the distance.

Following Jiang Chen and the three of them towards the city gate, they were still nearly hundreds of meters away, and Jiang Chen felt a great coercion enveloping them.

That wave of coercion, the majestic momentum, instantly made Jiang Chen's heart beat heavily like a drum.

Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing also felt that kind of coercion, their walking pace slowed down, their faces were slightly pale, and their breathing became a little short of breath.

"Jiang Chen, what happened?" The two girls were uneasy.

"There will be no danger, let's continue walking." Jiang Chen said.

That coercion was upright and bright, Jiang Chen knew that the three of them were not the targets of attack, otherwise, if the coercion shrouded them, it would be enough to tear the three of them into pieces.

"That's the breath of the most powerful person. Could it be that the most powerful person descended? What kind of secrets does this place have?" Jiang Chen mused, without stopping, and soon, he walked out of the city gate with the second daughter.

Compared with the inside of the city, the outside of the city is even more desolate and dead. Within the range of vision, there is almost no grass, and even the land is scorched black and lifeless.

"Jiang Chen, look..."

Such a scene made Jiang Chen have a bad association, and just as he was thinking about what happened, Shen Shijing's exclamation sounded in his ears.

Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen turned his head and looked back. Then, his pupils shrank suddenly, and the depths of his eyes showed an uncontrollable shock...

(End of this chapter)

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