genius evil

Chapter 1155

Chapter 1155

Jiang Chen was worried that other accidents would happen, so he dragged Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing to run for nearly ten kilometers in one breath, and then stopped.

Running wildly like this, even with the physical fitness of the second daughter, she is still slightly panting, her complexion pale. .

"Jiang Chen, what happened just now?" Taking a deep breath, Shen Shijing asked.

The deserted dead city, the corpses of peerless powerhouses, and the team that killed people at the slightest disagreement, all of these had a great impact on Shen Shijing's heart.

"The weak prey on the strong, and the strong are king." Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

After hearing this, Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing looked at each other, and finally realized that this place is very different from the earth.

The so-called rules and the so-called morality are worthless here. Only one's own strength is the foundation of one's life.

What happened just now is undoubtedly the best and most intuitive preaching, which gave the two daughters a personal understanding.

"Be careful, Miss Shen, are you afraid?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile, intending to liven up the atmosphere.

Jiang Chen is from the True Spirit Continent, and he is very familiar with this kind of social order.

The so-called rules means that there are no rules.

The so-called morality, as long as someone speaks morally, unless his own strength is far superior to the opponent, otherwise, he is not far from death.

It is precisely because of this social order that Jiang Chen's life on Earth is so unrestrained, doing his own way.

Basically, such survival rules are deeply imprinted in Jiang Chen's bones and blood, and cannot be changed overnight.

Furthermore, Jiang Chen never thought of changing.


Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing looked at each other again, stunned, as if they never thought that Jiang Chen would ask such a question.

"Don't be afraid." Soon, the two girls said in unison.

Now that they have come here, the two girls are well aware that they may not be able to solve the problem. Only by adapting and becoming strong can they survive here.

"Very good, this is the answer I want." Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction.

Whether it is Wen Qingxin or Shen Shijing, they are both extremely proud women. Jiang Chen knows that even if they are afraid, the second daughter will not speak out.

But Jiang Chen just wanted the two of them to speak out.

After all, they have just entered the Zhenwu Continent, and the two girls will face more and more problems in the future. They must speed up the process of adaptation, otherwise, they can only be brutally eliminated.

And Jiang Chen, of course, would not let that kind of thing happen.

"Let's continue on our way." Jiang Chen said again.

Here, the ground is still scorched black and lifeless, and the outline of Lieyang City can be vaguely seen in the distance.

A distance of ten kilometers seems to be a long distance, but in fact, for some strong people, it is so short-lived, and Jiang Chen does not want to be killed by someone inexplicably again.

Jiang Chen led the two daughters and continued on their way.

Fortunately, the time and space here are different from the earth.

On the other side of the earth, it is already dark at this time, but here, it is only noon, and the scorching sun hangs high, giving people a dreamlike feeling.

There was no purpose in walking like this until the evening, before the eyes of Jiang Chen and the three of them, a piece of green finally appeared, and the whole land seemed to be becoming more vibrant at this moment.

It was a forest, Jiang Chen took his two daughters and got into it.

He planned to rest here for one night, and wait until tomorrow to make plans for the rest.


It was the three of them. Just after they entered the woods, they heard a roar in their ears, and then, a black shadow rushed towards them with gusts of fishy wind.

The black shadow was big and strong, about the size of an adult buffalo. Under the impact, several big trees were broken in an instant, and fell to the ground with an astonishing force.


Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing were startled, and when the black shadow rushed towards them, they retreated to both sides.

They felt threatened, and the black shadow was so brutal that it could easily tear them into pieces.

A cold light flashed across Jiang Chen's pupils, and just as the black figure opened its bloody mouth and bit towards him, Jiang Chen raised his right hand and punched him.


Ba Lie's fist hit the black shadow on the head, causing the black shadow to roll back and fly backwards, knocking down several big trees, revealing its original shape.

But it was a strange creature like a black bull, with two long horns growing on its head, four strong hooves, and powerful knuckles.

"Huh." Jiang Chen took a look and was slightly taken aback.

This is a monster, to be precise, it is a swallowing mountain ox.

There are also Tun Shanniu in the True Spirit Continent. There are so many of them that they are not eye-catching. The two horns are the most valuable. To Jiang Chen's surprise, there are also Tun Shanniu in the Zhenwu Continent.

"What's the situation?" Jiang Chen pondered.

Logically speaking, since it is a different time and space, then the form of creatures should also be completely different. This inevitably made Jiang Chen have some associations, but it is difficult to determine.

"Jiang Chen, this thing has great strength." Wen Qingxin reminded, she and Shen Shijing kept away from it.

"It's just a cow. You can have a meal of roast beef tonight." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Tunshan Niu is just the lowest level of monsters. It has not opened its mind and does not even have the inner alchemy of monsters. Its biggest role is to be eaten as food.

Back then, Jiang Chen had eaten a lot of this goat goat ox. It looked like a ferocious guy, but the taste was quite good. Not to mention, Jiang Chen missed it a lot.

"A cow?" Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing were puzzled, wondering if this is really a cow?
The cows in their impression are extremely docile, why was it as violent as this swallowing cow?
Moreover, this Tunshan cow exhaled an extremely foul smell from its mouth and nose, which was not the smell of an ordinary cow grazing grass.

"It is indeed a cow, but this cow is a bit strange, it doesn't like to eat grass, it just eats meat." Jiang Chen said easily.


Tun Shan Niu was blown away by Jiang Chen's punch and was injured. It pawed the ground with both hooves, and rushed towards Jiang Chen again, stabbing Jiang Chen with two sharp sword-like horns.

"Jiang Chen, be careful." Shen Shijing exclaimed.

Such a cow is beyond her cognition. It is a strange creature that does not exist on the earth.

"Don't be nervous." Jiang Chen waved his hand, signaling them to feel at ease, and said casually, "I thought about it just now, it seems that braised beef is also good, or, directly cut into large pieces of steak? Unfortunately, we didn't prepare a frying pan , which is really regrettable.”

The delicacy of Tunshan Niu made Jiang Chen salivate for it.

When the Tun Shanniu came attacking, Jiang Chen didn't have the slightest fear, but was full of excitement.

Jiang Chen realized that his blood was gushing and boiling. He had never been peaceful. Life on Earth was, in the final analysis, just playing around, so how could he be tolerated?

Here, Jiang Chen has a familiar feeling of returning to himself. He is gradually finding his original self. This is undoubtedly a very good feeling.

In addition to nostalgia, Jiang Chen discovered that Jiang Chen liked this feeling very much.

Or it can be said that he is actually an extremely cold-blooded existence in his bones, and he likes all kinds of challenges and adventures. Otherwise, he was once as strong as him, and he would not have attracted so many enemies, and finally ended up in a dead end. .

Jiang Chen decided to find himself, starting with eating this Tun Shan Niu.

This is a pretty good beginning, let me ask, is there anything more exciting than food?
As for the beauties, Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing are stunning beauties, even compared to those saints and fairies on the True Spirit Continent, they are not inferior. Nothing would satisfy him more than this.

Heart is worse than action.

Just as the two horns of Tunshan Niu sprinted over, Jiang Chen stomped his right foot on the ground vigorously, leaving an inch or so footprint in an instant.

Then, Jiang Chen grabbed it with his big hand, and grabbed the two horns of the Tunshan Niu with his two hands. When his hands were separated, the muscles in his arms vibrated.

"Crack... bang..."

Impressively, he saw a trace of blood emerge from the top of the Tun Shan Niu's head. Immediately afterwards, the entire head of the Tun Shan Niu was torn apart by Jiang Chen, and the blood flowed all over the ground.

Letting go, Tunshan Niu's huge body fell to the ground with a bang, splashing dust all over the sky.

"It's done." After clapping his hands, Jiang Chen said cheerfully.

Jiang Chen said it easily, but Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing looked at him like a monster.

Tun Shan Niu brought great pressure to the two of them, but Jiang Chen tore it apart so easily, it wasn't a monster, what was it?

How would the second daughter know that this is just practice makes perfect. Jiang Chen's previous punch almost broke Tun Shanniu's skull, and now he directly tore Tun Shanniu apart. Cleverness, nothing special.

The next thing is to become, simpler.

Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing were exhausted after running continuously for an afternoon, hundreds of kilometers, Jiang Chen let the two girls rest, and he picked up the Tun Shanniu himself.

Shen Shijing carried a small dagger with him, and Jiang Chen borrowed that small dagger to skillfully disembowel and remove the flesh.

Because this Tunshan ox weighed a full two to three thousand catties, no matter how much Jiang Chen and the others could eat, it was impossible for them to eat it all. The ones Jiang Chen took were the most essence of them all. part.

In just a few minutes, Jiang Chen removed almost [-] catties of beef, and then picked up some dead branches and fallen leaves, lit a fire on the spot, and started grilling.

The barbecue was also done by Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen enjoyed it and spent another half an hour. The beef was roasted. Jiang Chen cut some and handed them to Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing.

"Hurry up and eat it while it's hot, I'm sure you'll swallow your tongues." Jiang Chen greeted, and impatiently grabbed a large piece of meat and began to chew it.

Tun Shan Niu is ferocious and bloodthirsty, but the taste of that meat is undeniable. Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing took a bite one after another, knowing that Jiang Chen was right. This is definitely the two of them have eaten in this lifetime. It was the most delicious meal of meat, and for a while, I didn't care about being reserved, and started to eat...

(End of this chapter)

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