genius evil

Chapter 1156

Chapter 1156

Thirty catties of Tun Shan Niu beef was not enough for the three of Jiang Chen to eat.

To be exact, Jiang Chen underestimated the appetite of Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing.

Almost half of the meat was shared between the two of them, that is to say, the two women and one of them ate almost seven catties of meat.

This is definitely an unimaginable amount, which is more than the food that the second daughter eats in three days in normal times.

But the second daughter didn't realize that she had eaten a lot, her mouth was full of oil, and she couldn't stop at all.

Jiang Chen's appetite was already astonishingly large. Now that it was delicious, the remaining fifteen catties of beef was not enough for him to eat, so he went to cut another thirty catties of beef and continued to barbecue.

Finally, all three of them were full.

"Why did you eat so much?" Touching his chubby belly, Shen Shijing was startled, unbelievable that he had eaten so much Tun Shan Niu beef before he knew it.

The corners of Wen Qingxin's mouth twitched slightly, and it was only then that she realized that she had eaten a lot of beef, which was quite an astonishing amount, and she was very worried that she would gain weight.

Jiang Chen looked funny, but deep in his heart, he felt a sense of accomplishment. Is this the so-called dragging the Nine Heavens Goddess down the mortal world?

Speaking of which, it wasn't the first time Jiang Chen had done this kind of thing.

Once in the True Spirit Continent, he did many things like this.

"Don't worry about gaining weight. In fact, even if you gain weight, you are still beautiful. I will definitely not despise you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

The goddess turned into a foodie, and I don't know how many people will be surprised, but Jiang Chen knows that eating the meat of monsters will definitely be addictive.

For example, he hasn't eaten for such a long time. When he saw Tunshan Niu before, his saliva almost couldn't help but flow down.

This is a delicacy that surpasses many delicacies. Even a cultivator who is not greedy for tongue and tongue is still difficult to resist such a huge temptation.

He is always like this, let alone Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing?

"Shut up." Shen Shijing glared at Jiang Chen, and said with a disgusted face, "Quickly, throw away the leftover beef."

Shen Shijing was worried that he would not be able to resist eating tomorrow, so he simply asked Jiang Chen to throw away all the leftovers. In this way, no matter how much he wanted to eat, he would not be able to eat.

"As far as I know, Tun Shanniu is a herd-like monster. If one appears here, there will definitely be a large herd nearby." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Then... don't throw it away." After a moment of hesitation, Shen Shijing hesitated.

In fact, she didn't really want to throw it away. If Jiang Chen really wanted to throw it away, maybe she would say something to stop it. This made Shen Shijing extremely entangled. When did she become a foodie? She wasn't like this before?
"Tun Shanniu? Monster beast? Jiang Chen, have you seen it before?" Wen Qingxin asked in surprise.

As Wen Qingxin asked this question, Shen Shijing came to his senses and realized that Jiang Chen knew too much. Moreover, Jiang Chen knew exactly which part of the Tunshan ox was delicious, just like before. I have eaten the same.

But on the earth, there is no Tun Shan Niu, where did Jiang Chen eat it?

"I've read some messy books, and I've dabbled a bit." Jiang Chen casually said.

For the time being, Jiang Chen will not disclose the secret of his identity to anyone, even the closest people around him.

Unless his cultivation base is strong enough in the future, to the point where he can ignore everything, he will be able to tell the whole story, otherwise it will only bring unnecessary troubles to the people around him.

Jiang Chen's reason was not convincing at all, and with Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing's intelligence, he would not believe it, but this question, so far, the two daughters did not ask in depth.

There are too many secrets about Jiang Chen, some of those secrets are known to them, for example, some of them are unknown to them.

Both girls understood that if Jiang Chen thought it was necessary for the two of them to know, he would tell them without asking, otherwise, there was no need to ask.

The night is getting deeper.

Jiang Chen picked up some firewood and put it on the fire to make the campfire burn more vigorously.

Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing leaned against the big tree, closed their eyes, and practiced the art of attracting stars.

Ever since Jiang Chen taught the cultivation method of Yinxing Jue to the second daughter, the second daughter has been practicing diligently and tirelessly every night.

Jiang Chen saw it, smiled slightly, found a place at random, sat down cross-legged, and began to practice.

After a little feeling, Jiang Chen could sense that within the dantian, a small golden tripod was suspended, which was the Chunyang tripod.

The Pure Yang Cauldron accompanied Jiang Chen and came to the earth together, which is equivalent to a brand on Jiang Chen that cannot be erased forever.

In fact, with the blessing of the Pure Yang Cauldron, Jiang Chen didn't need to be deliberate in his cultivation. The Pure Yang Cauldron was absorbing the pure Yang Qi between heaven and earth all the time, nourishing Jiang Chen's soul and strengthening Jiang Chen's physical body. .

To put it simply, Jiang Chen is now like a black hole, absorbing the energy of all things and turning it into pure yang energy.

Of course, the speed of such passive cultivation is naturally inferior to that of active cultivation.

It was only the first day when he appeared in Zhenwu Continent this time, and he encountered a crisis. Even Jiang Chen didn't dare to be careless. He needed to improve his cultivation as soon as possible.

"I'm currently at the early stage of foundation establishment, almost ready to hit the middle stage of foundation establishment." Jiang Chen said to himself in his heart.

Last time, at the ancestral land of the Qianlongmen, Jiang Chen used the pure yang energy contained in the corpse of the vajra body master to forcibly break through. He had already touched the barrier in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

If it weren't for worrying about the unstable foundation, Jiang Chen would have broken through long ago.

Now, the time is almost ripe, Jiang Chen is no longer hesitant.

Above the head, starlight hangs down, accompanied by Jiang Chen's breathing, as if being sucked into Jiang Chen's nostrils like substance, and even more starlight, when it falls on Jiang Chen's body, is sucked in by Jiang Chen's body.

This is the beauty of Chunyang Ding.

The Chunyang Cauldron cooperates with the cultivation method of the Chunyang Jue to turn Jiang Chen's body into a flesh cauldron. In other words, he has already established a blood connection with the Chunyang Cauldron. The Chunyang Cauldron is him, and he is It is Chunyang Ding.

This is also the reason why Jiang Chen's pure Yang Cauldron appeared on Earth after his body died and his soul passed through the earth.

The Chunyang tripod is connected with his blood, and both are prosperous, and all are damaged.

Although the Pure Yang Ding was damaged, its self-repair ability was astonishing, and in the process of self-repair, more energy was needed.

Even though most of those energies were absorbed by the Pure Yang Cauldron, the rest was enough to benefit Jiang Chen a lot.

The light of the stars, like a strand of silk, was continuously absorbed by Jiang Chen and transformed into pure Yang Qi, nourishing Jiang Chen's internal organs.


From Jiang Chen's internal organs, faint thunderous sounds could be heard. His aura quickly became vigorous, and his meridians quickly became stronger.
It was a matter of course, and naturally, Jiang Chen successfully broke through the barrier in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

Opening his eyes, Jiang Chen took out his cell phone from his pocket, and looked at the time. The time was only in the past, just half an hour.

Jiang Chen was quite satisfied with the speed of such a breakthrough.

Looking at the battery display on the mobile phone again, Jiang Chen gave a wry smile. The battery of this mobile phone is about to run out, and it will automatically shut down when the time comes. It can no longer be used and will become a decoration.

Jiang Chen didn't have the habit of wearing a watch, so in the future, the time would have to be synchronized with the time of the Zhenwu Continent.

Putting away the phone casually, Jiang Chen silently felt the changes in his own body.

The process of breaking through to the middle stage of foundation establishment was very fast, without any obstacles at all, but Jiang Chen could obviously feel that his blood became more full.

During the battle with Senior Brother Zeng, the loss of essence and blood caused by using the blood-burning secret method was also recovered by seven or eight in the process of breakthrough.

If Jiang Chen were to fight that Senior Brother Zeng again now, Jiang Chen was confident that he only needed to cast the Sky-cutting Finger once, and it would be enough to kill Senior Brother Zeng.

It's not that there is such a huge gap between the early stage of foundation establishment and the middle stage of foundation establishment, but the gap caused by Jiang Chen's practiced skills.

Jie Tian pointed out that when Jiang Chen used the secret method of burning blood, he only used it reluctantly, with no charm.

Jiang Chen broke through to the mid-stage of foundation establishment, which meant that Jiang Chen could display a stronger power of the Sky-cutting Finger.

"Well, maybe you can try to practice the first form of Heaven Cutting Finger." Jiang Chen murmured with a thought.

There are three forms of Jietianzhi. Jiang Chen has never practiced systematically. He used to disdain to practice, but now he is unable to practice at all.

To be precise, the Heaven-cutting Finger in the true sense is far from what he can control now. Forcibly cultivating it will cause all kinds of harm but no benefit. Oneself, the embodiment of the will of the sword.

"I don't know if it will succeed, but it's worth trying." Jiang Chen was quite moved.

Jiang Chen has always been an actionist. Now that he has an idea in this regard, he immediately wants to try it out.


The qi and blood in Jiang Chen's body were mobilized by him, and he silently recited the first formula of Jie Tian Zhi, but soon, Jiang Chen realized that something was wrong.

"There's something wrong with the air here." He frowned slightly.

Since entering the Zhenwu Continent, Jiang Chen has paid special attention to the environment here, and even paid close attention to every plant and tree.

But contrary to Jiang Chen's expectations, the aura here is almost as thin as that of the earth, and cannot be directly absorbed at all.

After discovering this point, Jiang Chen basically cut off such thoughts, but now, Jiang Chen is surprised to find that his own judgment has made a mistake.

"There is indeed a problem with the air." Jiang Chen said to himself.

The aura of heaven and earth in Zhenwu Continent is indeed very thin, but in fact, the air here contains a large amount of aura of primordial spirit.

"Martial arts training, Qi of primordial spirit?" Jiang Chen suddenly realized, and recalled a classic book he had read, and that classic book had an introduction of this aspect.

After all, in the True Spirit Continent, where all kinds of techniques compete, there are also a small number of martial arts practitioners who have pioneered unique methods.

It's just that Jiang Chen was on the road of self-cultivation, and he didn't pay attention to martial arts training. He didn't know much about it, and it took him a while to react.

"No wonder, it's so easy, it's breaking through the middle stage of foundation establishment, I understand." In Jiang Chen's eyes, a gleam burst out...

(End of this chapter)

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