genius evil

Chapter 1158

Chapter 1158

Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing listened to Jiang Chen's words, and were very dissatisfied. They thought it was Jiang Chen who was molesting the two of them.

After Jiang Chen gave a brief explanation, the two girls realized that what Jiang Chen said was not a joke, the beef that swallowed the mountain ox did have a magical effect and could help them break through.

Then, Jiang Chen simply told the second daughter some of his discoveries.

Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing were able to break through the second layer of Yinxing Jue. Apart from swallowing a large amount of the essence of Tunshan Niu beef, the more important reason is that the air here has a strong spirit of Yuanling up.

Unlike him who couldn't directly absorb the Qi of Yuan Ling between heaven and earth, Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing, as martial arts practitioners, could directly use the Qi of Yuan Ling to cultivate.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen started to prepare breakfast.

Breakfast was still roast beef. The Tunshan ox that was killed by Jiang Chen yesterday only ate an insignificant part. Although the remaining flesh and blood were not as tender as the one eaten yesterday, it was still extremely delicious.

Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing once again had their mouths full of oil.

And at this time, the two of them were not worried at all that they would gain weight if they ate too much meat. After all, according to Jiang Chen, this swallowed mountain beef would help both of them in their cultivation.

Jiang Chen saw it in his eyes, it was a speechless, daring second daughter who took his rhetoric as a reason to eat meat, and now it was good, down and out, reduced to a foodie.

Fortunately, from last night to now, no other Tun Shan Niu has been seen.

Naturally, this can also be understood as the luck of the group of Tun Shanniu, otherwise, it would have been a delicious meal for the three of Jiang Chen.

One big foodie plus two new foodies, the power can be imagined.

After breakfast, Jiang Chen led Wen Qingxin and the three daughters of Shen Shijing on the road.

Since coming to Zhenwu Continent yesterday, the three of them had only seen a group of people, but since some people appeared, it showed that there would be other cities not far from here.

Jiang Chen's guess was correct. After the three of them spent a day and traveled thousands of kilometers, the outline of a city appeared in front of them.

Compared with Lieyang City, this city is not even one-tenth the size of Lieyang City.

"Maple Leaf City?"

The three of them quickly appeared at the gate of the city. There was no one stationed here, and it was very lively with people coming and going.

As the three of Jiang Chen entered the city, their ears were filled with various noisy voices.

"Jiang Chen, have you noticed a problem? The accent of the people here is exactly the same as ours in China. This place is like an ancient China world." Wen Qingxin said softly.

Regarding this point, Wen Qingxin actually had doubts early on.

Before, those superpowers who entered the earth gave her the feeling that they had traveled from ancient China.

"Living customs are roughly the same." Shen Shijing added.

Jiang Chen nodded. He didn't pay much attention to such details at first, but after being reminded by Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing one after another, he faintly realized that there might be something unusual about this matter.

"Could it be that someone from Ancient China came here?" Shen Shijing said again, and the voice rang in Jiang Chen's ear.

After the words fell, Shen Shijing felt something was wrong again, shook his head, and said to himself, "It doesn't make sense."

It really doesn't make sense.

Even if there were people from ancient China who came to Zhenwu Continent and thrived, how many people would they be able to influence even if their descendants spread out from generation to generation?
You know, looking at Maple Leaf City, their language and living customs are too similar to ancient China.

Unless, it's not one person who came to Zhenwu Continent, but a group of people who came to Zhenwu Continent and took root here.

"No, it's too simple." Jiang Chen murmured in his heart.

These speculations are too idealistic, practically impossible, another more daring and even shocking idea popped up in Jiang Chen's mind.

That is, this so-called Zhenwu Continent is actually a world opened up by a certain ancient Chinese power. Only in this way can we fully explain what we see in front of us.

"Will it be so?"

Thinking about it for a while, how much Jiang Chen is, feels a bit ridiculous.

Apart from being unsuitable for cultivation, the earth is also unsuitable for martial arts cultivation. It can be called a jedi. How could such a great power be born in such a place?
Unless, on the earth, there are shocking secrets that he does not know.

Of course, under the current circumstances, the ancient Huaxia lineage has something in common with this Zhenwu Continent, but it is also suitable for the activities of Jiang Chen and the three of them, and it will not be too different and be regarded as a different kind.

"Let's see what's going on first." Jiang Chen said, he didn't mention the conjecture in his heart to the second daughter, unless he has enough evidence to prove that conjecture, otherwise it would be useless to talk about it.

Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing had exactly this intention, and this was destined to be a special scene. The strong sense of time travel made the two girls almost eager to find out.

Moreover, this place is different from Lieyang City.

Lieyang City was empty and dead silent, but here, there was a steady flow of people, filled with a strong atmosphere of the city. They were about to start a new life here, so they naturally wanted to know more about it as soon as possible.

"Step aside!"

"Go away."


The three of Jiang Chen didn't go very far, and they saw a few people head-on, and walked over with a bluff.

Walking in the front was a big fat man with a big nostril, because when he walked with his head held high, the nostril seemed to be more conspicuous.

"Tell you to go, didn't you hear?"

Soon, the fat man and the others appeared in front of Jiang Chen. One of them jumped in front of Jiang Chen, pointed a finger almost to Jiang Chen's nose, and cursed loudly.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen frowned slightly, but he didn't argue, he moved his feet and walked to the side.

"Boy, you are wise." The person who jumped out sneered, and then said to the fat man in a very doggy manner: "Mr. Duan, this way."

The big fat man was very defiant, he moved his two short and thick legs, walked hard, took a few steps, as if he had discovered something, he saw the big fat man suddenly turned his head and looked at Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing .

Staring at the second daughter, the big fat man's eyes lit up, but when he was about to take a second look, Jiang Chen's feet moved again, appearing right in front of Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing , blocking the big fat man's line of sight.


For the blocked view, the big fat man was instantly furious, raised his hand and slapped Jiang Chen.

It's just that it seems like a simple move, but it contains quite terrifying power. Moreover, the big fat man's palm is wide, and the palm slaps out like a cattail fan, slapping Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen wasn't a good-tempered person at all. He stepped aside before, just because he didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble. After all, judging by the behavior of this big fat man, it was obvious that he had quite a bit of status in Maple Leaf City.

Otherwise, if you ostentatiously do so, once you provoke someone who shouldn't be provoked, you will be courting death.

The big fat man didn't have such awareness at all, and his identity was evident.

But Jiang Chen forbearance once was already the maximum limit, how could he forbear again?

Just as the big fat man slapped the big fat man's palm the size of a cattail leaf fan, a stern light flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes, and he slapped him unceremoniously.


Two hands, one big and one small, hit each other fiercely in mid-air. The big fat man swayed, staggered back two steps, and because of his overweight body, he almost fell to the ground. It was quite embarrassing.

"Dare to do something to Mr. Duan, you are courting death."

"kill him."

"Kill him."


With Jiang Chen's attack, several people who appeared with the big fat man shouted and clamored loudly.

"Shut up." Jiang Chen said coldly, his eyes swept over those people.

Jiang Chen's murderous intent surged, that gaze was extremely cold, and the clamoring people, making eye contact with Jiang Chen, couldn't help but backed away one by one, trembling in their hearts.

"Dare to tell us to shut up, you are so brave, do you know who we are?" The person who jumped out before said ghastly.

"I don't need to know who you are, but if necessary, I don't mind turning you into dead people." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Oh, turn me, Duan Jiyu, into a dead person? Boy, are you sure you're not joking?" The fat man took two steps forward, looked at Jiang Chen, and asked with a strange expression on his face.

It seemed that it was the first time someone said such words in front of him. Duan Jiyu's small eyes sized Jiang Chen up, as if he was looking at a monster.


Jiang Chen didn't answer Duan Jiyu's question. He raised his hand and punched Duan Jiyu's fat belly. Duan Jiyu lifted his feet off the ground and drew a white line in midair. Laimi, then fell heavily to the ground, life or death unknown.

"Am I joking?" At this moment, Jiang Chen said as if talking to himself.

It's just that these words, in the eyes of those few people, were like thunder exploding in their ears, and they jumped and ran away in a panic.

"Jiang Chen, we've caused trouble."

After a while, Jiang Chen led the two girls away, Shen Shijing said worriedly.

That Duan Jiyu looked like a playboy, a typical second-generation ancestor. It is impossible to say that he does not have a strong background. He just entered Maple Leaf City and just got into such troubles, which made Shen Shijing a little uneasy.

"The big deal is to leave Maple Leaf City." Jiang Chen said lazily.

That Duan Jiyu may have a certain amount of energy in this Maple Leaf City, but outside the scope of Maple Leaf City, Duan Jiyu is nothing.

Of course, Jiang Chen would choose to leave only when it was absolutely necessary. Now, it has not reached that level.

As he spoke, he raised his wrist, and a small bag appeared in Jiang Chen's hand.

This small bag was taken from Duan Jiyu by Jiang Chen when he punched Duan Jiyu away just now. The bag is so small that it looks inconspicuous from the outside. When held in his hand, it is also light , without weight.

It's just that this thing is kept by Duan Jiyu's body, so it is quite precious...

(End of this chapter)

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