genius evil

Chapter 1159 Stunning Stunner

Chapter 1159 Stunning Stunner
"What is this?" Looking at the small bag in Jiang Chen's hand, Wen Qingxin asked curiously, but couldn't tell what material it was made of.

"Good stuff, I'll take you two to eat meat later." Jiang Chen suddenly grinned and laughed out loud.

Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing spat at Jiang Chen one after another.

How come Jiang Chen's words mean that the two of them are foodies?

But Jiang Chen didn't say that eating meat was fine, but when he said that, the two girls almost salivated when they thought of the deliciousness of Tun Shan Niu beef.

Jiang Chen was in a good mood at the moment, because he found that his luck was still as good as ever.

This seemingly inconspicuous small bag has its own space inside, it is indeed a storage bag.

It's just that this storage bag is just the most low-level storage bag. Not to mention the poor workmanship, it doesn't even have any restrictions. Jiang Chen can see the situation inside the storage bag clearly. .

In the storage bag, there is a large amount of gold and a large amount of gold tickets, the amount is extremely considerable, somewhat beyond Jiang Chen's expectations.

Originally Jiang Chen thought that if he could have money, it would be enough to invite Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing to eat a meal of meat, but the money in the storage bag, even the three of them, could be eaten freely. Years, I'm afraid they are all, more than enough.

"It's really rich and powerful." Jiang Chen smiled.

Unintentionally getting a storage bag was already a small surprise for Jiang Chen, and with so much money, it was even more joyful.

"It turns out that the common currency here is gold." Jiang Chen pondered.

Just happened to see a restaurant not far ahead, Jiang Chen made a big move, led the two daughters, and walked in.

The business of this restaurant was good, and there were almost no empty seats inside. Jiang Chen and the three sat down at a table near the window, and soon the waiter brought over the menu.

"Swallow mountain beef?"

Opening the menu and taking a look, Shen Shijing's eyes lighted up. Unexpectedly, there was Tun Shan Niu beef on the menu of this restaurant.

On the menu, besides the monster swallowing the mountain ox, there are other kinds of meat of low-level monsters, such as gophers and foot-bound snakes.

However, rat meat and snake meat are obviously not suitable for the second daughter's appetite. Therefore, I ordered a few more Tunshan beef and some side dishes.

After a while, when the dishes were delivered, Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing realized that the practice of grilling and swallowing mountain beef and beef similar to Jiang Chen's was too wasteful, and it was simply nonsense.

This was naturally an extremely satisfying meal, especially after a long journey, so Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing were extremely depressed and found that the two of them seemed to have become more edible.

"During this time, Maple Leaf City has become more and more lively."

The three of Jiang Chen were feasting, when a voice came from a table next to them.

"Not only is Maple Leaf City very lively, but the Red Mans Forest is also very lively during this time." Another voice sounded.

"What happened to the Red Mans Forest?" someone asked.

"I heard that in the red mans forest, recently, the clouds have soared into the sky, and there are many strange phenomena. It seems that some kind of treasure is about to be born, which has attracted a lot of attention, and countless strong people have rushed there." people explained.

"What is the treasure of heaven and earth that caused such a big commotion?" Someone was very curious.

"I don't know for now, maybe after two days, there will be definite news." The person who answered said.

"Well, the birth of Tiancaidibao?" Jiang Chen was slightly distracted.

But all visions of heaven and earth must be accompanied by rare and rare treasures. If it is true what these people said, in the red mans forest, the clouds are soaring to the sky, and there are many visions, then it must be not easy to think about it.

"If you have time, maybe you can join in the fun." Jiang Chen said to himself.

Other topics were discussed at the other table, and Lieyang City was vaguely mentioned, but it seemed that it was a big taboo, and no one said much.

After finishing the meal, when the three of Jiang Chen checked out and left the restaurant, they got another piece of news from the shopkeeper of the restaurant.

Tomorrow morning, there will be an auction in Maple Leaf City.

Moreover, according to the shopkeeper of the restaurant, the specifications of this auction are extremely high, there will be big figures in person, there will be a large number of mysterious treasures, it will be very lively.


With a thought, Jiang Chen reached out with his big hand, and an invitation card appeared in his palm.

Before, Jiang Chen saw an invitation card in the storage bag, but he didn't take it to heart, and he didn't take it out to look at it.

"Lanfeng Auction House."

Jiang Chen opened the invitation, and a few large characters came into view.

It was getting late, and Jiang Chen and the three didn't wander around too much. They found an inn nearby and stayed there. He is not short of money now, so he directly asked for the best room.

That night, Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing took turns attending the bed.

The two girls had breakthroughs in cultivation, and their physical strength and endurance increased exponentially. The two girls cooperated tacitly, and Jiang Chen was almost defeated.

"Jiang Chen, are you planning to go to the auction?"

The next morning, the three of them were eating breakfast at the inn, Wen Qingxin asked.

"I have this plan." Jiang Chen nodded, and stuffed a piece of meat into his mouth by the way.

Maple Leaf City was too small, Jiang Chen didn't have extravagant hopes, what good things would appear at the auction in Lanfeng Auction, but there was no doubt that this was a very important channel to deepen the understanding of this world.

This world is full of strong primordial spirit energy, it can be described as a paradise for martial arts practitioners.

This is a big world that respects martial arts, Jiang Chen is out of place here.

Jiang Chen needs to further deepen his understanding of this world, only then can he know how to proceed on the next road.

The Lanfeng Auction was not far from the inn. After breakfast, Jiang Chen led the two girls and went directly there.

As the hotel manager said, this place is indeed very lively, with various atmospheres intertwined, and countless powerful martial arts practitioners appeared.

"What a powerful breath."

A middle-aged man in a blue robe attracted Jiang Chen's attention.

This middle-aged man in the blue robe had a powerful and indescribable aura. He came alone without any attendants, and he was stronger than any martial arts practitioner Jiang Chen had seen before.

"A life above the extraordinary." Jiang Chen murmured.

The Senior Brother Zeng that Jiang Chen beheaded was also a life above the extraordinary, but compared to this middle-aged man in blue robe, he was much inferior.

Then, a young woman entered Jiang Chen's sight.

The woman had a graceful figure, a slight smile on her brows, and a natural allure. She walked gracefully and became the focus of countless people's sights. She was extremely gorgeous.

Jiang Chen didn't pay attention to the woman's appearance. To Jiang Chen's surprise, this young woman was also a life above the ordinary.

Even, the aura on his body was comparable to that of the middle-aged man in the blue robe.

"What a stunner, it makes my heart itch to look at it." Someone said with a smack on the young woman without blinking.

"Shut up if you don't want to die. Her name is Li Ji. She is a strong man in the Fortune Realm. Her strength is terrifying. She is famous for killing people without blinking an eye. Don't be fooled by her appearance." Someone immediately scolded her very seriously.

"A strong man in the Fortune Realm?" The one who coveted the beauty turned pale with fright.

"As early as last year, Li Ji stepped into the mid-stage of Good Fortune Realm. Looking at Maple Leaf City, they are all one of the best existences. Don't provoke them, or your life will be ruined." The vigilant person warned again.

There are a lot of people who know Li Ji, and people keep saying hello to her. Li Ji smiles sweetly and is very easy-going, and her every move is extremely flattering, which makes many people stare straight at her.

"Good fortune?" Jiang Chen was moved in his heart.

Beyond the extraordinary is good fortune.

Jiang Chen had discovered long ago that this Li Ji had a very low level of cultivation, and having such a level of cultivation did not surprise Jiang Chen.

Come to think of it, the middle-aged man in the blue robe was also at the mid-stage of Creation Realm.

More and more people appeared at the door of the auction house and entered with invitations in their hands. Jiang Chen didn't waste too much time, and very quickly, he walked in with Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing.

The interior space of the auction house is very large, and it can accommodate nearly a thousand people. Countless people are crowded, and it doesn't look crowded at all.

"Please come in."

There are beautiful maids who act as welcome guests and welcome everyone to enter.

Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing both participated in this auction when they were on earth.

Except for the charity auctions organized by some rich merchants, the two daughters also participated in the auctions organized by the Guwu Alliance, or it can be called an internal exchange conference.

However, regarding the auction in Zhenwu Continent, the second daughter still had an extremely strong curiosity and kept watching.

"Oh, there is no auction list?"

Jiang Chen asked the maid for the list, and was told that there was no list, so he couldn't help being stunned.

"That's a bit interesting." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Under normal circumstances, the auction will prepare a list of items in advance. This item is not provided here. There is no doubt that there are some mysterious things. Otherwise, there is no need to make it so mysterious.

"Master Duan, look over there, it's that kid."

Jiang Chen led the two girls, and shortly after entering, a voice sounded behind him.

"I saw it." Duan Jiyu stared at Jiang Chen's back, his eyes were gloomy and filled with killing intent.

His impression of Jiang Chen was too deep.

He, Duan Jiyu, had always walked sideways in Maple Leaf City. He was majestic, and no one dared to disobey him. Yesterday, he was severely injured by Jiang Chen's punch and almost died.

In particular, Jiang Chen snatched his storage bag, which contained all his property, and he searched for a long time before collecting it.

This is a blood feud, and Duan Jiyu couldn't bear it. He had been healing his family last night and didn't have time to look for Jiang Chen. He didn't expect to meet Jiang Chen at the Lanfeng Auction.

"Boy, no matter who you are, today you will surely die." Duan Jiyu gritted his teeth and vowed.

Then, Duan Jiyu led the people into the auction house.

In the auction house, hands are not allowed, even in his capacity, he can't do anything recklessly, but Duan Jiyu is not in a hurry, this account, after the auction is over, it will not be too late to settle with Jiang Chen.

"Those two beauties following this kid..." There was a lustful gleam in his eyes, Duan Jiyu was a little bit dry, "Boy, your life is not hard enough, those two beauties, I will help you, Take good care of it!"

(End of this chapter)

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