genius evil

Chapter 1160 Sky-high Price Blood Jade Bead

Chapter 1160 Sky-high Price Blood Jade Bead
"Jiang Chen, that Duan Jiyu is here too." Shen Shijing reminded Jiang Chen's ear, she turned her head and glanced behind her, Duan Jiyu was staring at the three of them with incomparable resentment, his eyes shot out a faint light, like a poisonous snake, It was obvious that he had a deep resentment towards Jiang Chen.

"Let him come." Jiang Chen smiled slightly, not paying attention.

What he was worried about was Duan Jiyu's background. Duan Jiyu was not qualified to let him put it in his eyes.

In the huge auction hall, people's heads surged, all kinds of powerful auras intertwined, and the powerful existences in Maple Leaf City all appeared.

That Li Ji has a wide range of friends, many people know her, and they come forward to say hello.

The middle-aged man in the blue robe is a different kind. He is very strong, with low eyebrows and no words. He is not easy to provoke, and no one dares to approach him.

Some people also noticed the three of Jiang Chen, but what they were interested in was not Jiang Chen himself, but Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing.

The two girls are beautiful in appearance, and they are incomparable. Compared with Li Ji, they are even worse.

But maybe because they are unfamiliar faces, no one has ever come to harass them.

Moreover, Jiang Chen's attire is quite strange, different from everyone here, unique and reminiscent.

Li Ji was surrounded by everyone, she attracted most of the attention, and at some point, she came to Jiang Chen's side.

"Outsider?" Li Ji asked, looking Jiang Chen in the eye.

She has a slight smile on her brows and eyes, half a smile but not a smile, she is naturally confused, and she naturally exudes an aura of intimacy, which makes people irresistible and repulsive.

"Is there a problem?" Jiang Chen asked with a faint smile.

He knew that he should actually change into a robe, so that he could better integrate into this society, but he didn't have time, so he didn't buy it for the time being.

"You are very nice. If you have any trouble, you can call me." Immediately smiled sweetly, without saying much, turned around, and walked away gracefully.

Li Ji was also attracted by Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing. She was very famous in Maple Leaf City and sought after by thousands of people. She relied on her beauty, but when she saw the two girls for the first time, she felt inexplicably ashamed.

Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing radiated a holy light, which was the result of practicing the art of attracting stars, which was extremely pure.

But when Li Ji walked over, she found that Jiang Chen was more interesting. After all, Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing were Jiang Chen's female companions, so Jiang Chen should be somewhat different.

Otherwise, it would be too conspicuous to show off with two stunning beauties, even if Jiang Chen didn't cause trouble, it would be easy for trouble to come to him.

"How does she know that I'm good?" Jiang Chen asked the second daughter.

The second daughter was also puzzled, they could tell that Li Ji intended to express her good feelings towards Jiang Chen and made friends with her.

"It must be because I'm so handsome." Touching his chin, Jiang Chen said narcissistically. Apart from this, he couldn't think of any other reason.

The second daughter was speechless, but she also had doubts in this regard.

They all saw that for other people, Li Ji didn't show any color, and she just walked towards Jiang Chen to express her good feelings. This was the only one.

The maid shuttled among the crowd and invited them to sit down. After a while, the auction began.

One lot after another was sent up, triggering round after round of bidding waves.

After more than [-] rounds of auctions, Jiang Chen made a total of three bids and won three lots.

What Jiang Chen bought were all medicinal materials, not rare treasures, the price was not high, and no one was competing with him. The three medicinal materials only cost more than 1000 taels of gold.

"Star grass?"

The three medicinal herbs were quickly delivered to Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen took one of them and looked at it.

The long leaves of this bead plant are covered with dots of white spots. The strange thing is that those white spots emit a shimmer, which looks like stars all over the sky above the sky, which is quite dazzling.

Therefore, it has the name of Star Grass.

The reason why Jiang Chen photographed this star grass was because when the star grass first appeared, Jiang Chen discovered that it was extremely similar to a medicinal material from the True Spirit Continent.

Looking closely at this time, Jiang Chen found that it was not similar, but fundamentally the same thing.

However, on the True Spirit Continent, this medicinal material is not called Star Grass, but has another name, Sky Star Grass.

Skystar Grass is the most common medicinal material, which can be used to refine a kind of elixir called Jingxin Pill.

The Jingxin Pill plays a very important role for the monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage. It can help, sharpen their minds, and increase the success rate of attacking the Pill Formation Stage.

Of course, the Celestial Star Grass is only one of the many medicinal materials used to refine the Jingxin Pill, and it is only widely used when refining the Jingxin Pill.

After taking a few glances, Jiang Chen put down the Star Grass, picked up another herb, and looked at it.

"Iron bone vine?"

A look of surprise flashed between his brows, and Jiang Chen whispered to himself.

The reason why Iron Bone Vine is called Iron Bone Vine is because this kind of medicinal material is extremely tough. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to be injured by swords and swords, and it has miraculous effects on healing trauma.

Of course, the Iron Bone Vine is the name of the True Spirit Continent. Here, it is called the Bone Grass, but it is just a different name, and it is actually the same thing.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen went to look at the third bead of herbs.

It also exists in the True Spirit Continent, but in this Zhenwu Continent, it has a different name.

"There are so many medicinal materials, there are similarities?" Eyes slightly closed, Jiang Chen pondered.

The reason why he came to participate in this auction was to deepen his understanding of this world. The result surprised Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen wouldn't think it was a coincidence. After all, one coincidence was nothing more than a coincidence. How could there be coincidences one after another?

There are too many coincidences, so it is inevitable.

"Could it be that the True Spirit Continent has a certain connection with the Zhenwu Continent?" Jiang Chen thought secretly, his thoughts flashing rapidly.

Such a connection doesn't have to be direct, and it doesn't even need to be an indirect connection. The connection Jiang Chen refers to, the implication is whether there is a certain commonality in various time and space?
For example, here, he discovered many things that existed in the True Spirit Continent.

Also for example, why did his soul pass through the earth after his death and dao disappeared!


Just when Jiang Chen was thinking about these things, everyone's exclamations suddenly sounded in his ears, and the breathing of countless people became tense.

This time, more than ten rounds of auctions have passed, Jiang Chen did not participate, and Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing were not interested. At this time, what appeared was the last auction item.

Jiang Chen looked up, it was a jade like blood bead, the size of a baby's fist, the whole body was round and full of light, brilliant and dazzling.


Taking a look, the corners of Jiang Chen's eyes twitched involuntarily, because he was also familiar with this bead.

The auctioneer's voice rang in everyone's ears.

"Everyone, this bead is extremely mysterious. It was obtained by accident at my Lanfeng Auction. It is of great benefit to cultivation. I won't go into details about it. Many people here are here for this bead." , I think about it, I understand something.

"Blood Jade Beads, the auction starts now. There is no limit to the starting price. Every time the price increases, it will not be less than 1000 taels of gold." The auctioneer said again, with a smile on his face.

"This is the blood jade bead?" Someone stared at the red bead with straight eyes.

As early as a few days ago, the Lanfeng Auction House released news about this mysterious bead.

It was the first time they saw the true face of the blood jade bead, and it was indeed not a mortal thing, the blood radiated from the whole body, capturing the hearts and souls of the people.

"Lanfeng Auction said that this blood jade bead can improve cultivation in a very short period of time, and can break through barriers and hit higher realms. Is it true or not?" Someone also said, expressing doubts.

"Look at the auctioneer, don't you recognize who it is?" Someone said again.

"Guo Lun!"

"It's Guo Lun, the boss behind the Lanfeng Auction House."

Someone exclaimed.

Guo Lun, looking at Maple Leaf City, is an extremely mysterious existence. He controls the largest auction house in Maple Leaf City behind the scenes, but he rarely shows up. Many people have never seen his true face.

This is a terrifyingly powerful figure.

If it were someone else, people might not believe in the miraculous effect of the blood jade beads, but since Guo Lun said this, naturally, many people were convinced.

"1 taels of gold." Someone raised his hand and called out a high price.

The value of the blood jade bead is hard to say, so there is no starting price, in fact, there is no need at all, this is a rare treasure, and countless people will participate in the competition.

"5000 taels." Soon, a voice sounded.

"2 million taels."

"Twenty-five thousand taels."

"10 million taels."

Suddenly, the middle-aged man in the blue robe, who had been quiet since the auction started and had not participated in any round of bidding, said in a low voice.

As he spoke, he glanced around, cold and cold, telling everyone that he was bound to win.


Someone gasped. Although the blood jade beads are not ordinary things, 10 taels of gold is definitely a sky-high price, which clearly shows the determination of the middle-aged man in the blue robe.

"Oh, finally can't sit still?" Li Ji smiled slightly, she was gorgeous and charming, her frown and smile moved her heart and soul.

"20 taels." With her red lips parted slightly, Li Ji spoke. She also had a strong determination for this blood jade bead, and it was impossible to hand it over to others.

"30 taels." The middle-aged man in the blue robe looked closely at Li Ji, his eyes sparkling.

"Sure enough, she is very rich and powerful." Li Ji shook her head helplessly. It's not that she can't get 30 taels of gold, but judging from the attitude of the middle-aged man in the blue robe, even if she bids again, the middle-aged man in the blue robe is also the same. There is no possibility of giving up.

"30 taels of gold, deal." On stage, Guo Lun made the final decision.

After a while, the blood jade beads were sent to the middle-aged man in blue robe. The middle-aged man in blue robe handed over the gold and left in an instant.

However, before leaving, he took another deep look at Li Ji.

If it wasn't for Li Ji, he would have been able to get this blood jade bead at a very small price, but now, he has spent an extra 20 taels of gold.

This price is not insignificant. It is impossible for the middle-aged man in the blue robe to say that he has no complaints.

"Uh, how much is 30 taels of gold converted into cash?"

At the end of the auction, Jiang Chen led Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing away, grinning, and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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