genius evil

Chapter 1161

Chapter 1161
Both Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing were speechless. Is Jiang Chen's focus so strange?

Shouldn't we pay more attention to that blood jade bead?
"Jiang Chen, what is the origin of that blood jade bead?" Shen Shijing asked, and her intuition told her that Jiang Chen had a certain understanding of blood jade beads.

Because, when everyone was vying for the blood jade beads, Jiang Chen's reaction was a bit strange, with a half-smile and a slight sarcasm.

"That blood jade bead, to be precise, is called the blood jade curse bead." Jiang Chen said.

He really knows about Xue Yuzhu, it should be said that he is very familiar with it.

"Blood jade curse beads?"

Hearing this, both Shen Shijing and Wen Qingxin were a little stunned, the difference of one word was an indescribable evil spirit.

"I just heard that the blood jade...the blood jade curse beads can help people and improve their cultivation. Is it fake?" Wen Qingxin asked at this time.

"I'm afraid that the boss behind the Lanfeng Auction House leaked this information on purpose. From my point of view, I'm afraid he doesn't even know what the blood jade curse orb is. The Jade Curse Bead is being auctioned." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

Then, Jiang Chen said again, "The real effect of the blood jade curse bead is not just as simple as helping people improve their cultivation. In fact, it is an attack weapon with soul attributes. The reason why it is called a curse Pearl, because of that attack, like a curse, like tarsal maggots, unless the lamp is extinguished after death, the attack is difficult to undo."

What Jiang Chen said was very detailed, Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing heard it, their faces changed drastically, and their hearts were shaken.

The extremely dazzling blood jade curse bead has such terrifying power, no wonder Jiang Chen said that Guo Lun didn't know what the blood jade curse bead meant.

Otherwise, even if 30 taels of gold is a sky-high price, it will never be auctioned. This is a loss-making transaction.

At this moment, a figure quietly appeared behind Jiang Chen, his eyes were shining brightly, he looked at Jiang Chen, and he was very curious about Jiang Chen.

"Little brother, what you just said is true?" the man asked in a deep voice, but it was Guo Lun.

Guo Lun did not know much about the blood jade beads. The more important purpose of this auction was to know if anyone knew the origin of the blood jade beads.

The middle-aged man in the blue robe bought the Blood Jade Bead at a sky-high price of 30 taels of gold. Guo Lun had already deployed his staff secretly to monitor it from all angles.

Guo Lun received the news that the middle-aged man in the blue robe was walking directly towards the city gate, ready to leave the city, so he set off, and he followed.

Jiang Chen's conversation with Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing was an unexpected gain for Guo Lun. He never expected that it would be so simple, and he would get the news he wanted.

"From what I read in the book, I don't know if it's true or not." Jiang Chen said casually.

Guo Lun would not easily believe Jiang Chen's words, he stared deeply at Jiang Chen, turned around and left without any other movements.

The news revealed by Jiang Chen's previous words was almost enough for him.

Moreover, the middle-aged man in the blue robe is about to leave the city. If the middle-aged man in the blue robe leaves the city, it is very likely that the blood jade curse beads will be taken away. He will empty the bamboo basket and waste no time on Jiang Chen. .

"This Guo Lun has murderous thoughts on me." Watching Guo Lun go away, a cold light flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes.

He guessed Guo Lun's intentions, Guo Lun had the urge to silence him, although it was expected, Jiang Chen was quite upset.

"Jiang Chen, you didn't mean to tell Guo Lun what you said just now, did you?" Shen Shijing expressed doubts, she thought it was too coincidental, how could Guo Lun appear just right?

Moreover, Jiang Chen casually said such important information, which was too careless and deliberate.

"Otherwise?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

Since he recognized the Blood Jade Curse Bead, Jiang Chen naturally wanted it. The reason why Jiang Chen didn't participate in the bidding at the auction was that he didn't have enough money on him, and he didn't want to be the target of public criticism.

It just so happened that these news were sent to Guo Lun for free, so that Guo Lun and the middle-aged man in the blue robe had a fight first.

Shen Shijing felt speechless, and really guessed right, and said again: "Are we going out of the city too?"

"Don't worry, I'm not the only one interested in the blood jade spell bead." Jiang Chen said slowly.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Chen saw a figure, it was Li Ji, and Li Ji left surrounded by everyone, looked towards Jiang Chen from afar, and cast a winking look.

Then, Jiang Chen saw Duan Jiyu again.

Duan Jiyu followed with a few people furtively in the distance, paying attention to Jiang Chen's three people's every move.

Jiang Chen ignored Duan Jiyu lazily, and led Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing into a clothing store. A few minutes later, when the three of them left, they each changed into new clothes.

Wen Qingxin was still wearing a fiery red dress, but the style was more complicated.

The extremely gorgeous bright red, against Wen Qingxin's red lips and white teeth, is indescribable, like a goddess coming to the world.

Shen Shijing is still wearing a long white dress. She is graceful and graceful, with every gesture and gesture, she has an amazing flow of charm, elegant and refined, hard to describe.

Jiang Chen changed into a black robe. The style of this robe is extremely simple. Jiang Chen specially chose it for himself. He just didn't want to be too different and attract attention. Otherwise, even the clothes would be lazy to change. of.

"Mr. Duan, that kid has changed his clothes, so he wants to escape in disguise, right? Do you want to do it right away?" A person said to Duan Jiyu in the distance behind.

"Maple Leaf City is so big, where can he escape?" Duan Jiyu said dismissively, he looked at Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing without blinking, almost ignoring Jiang Chen's existence.

"Damn it, why can you enjoy this kind of beauty?" A voice rang out viciously in Duan Jiyu's heart.

But Duan Jiyu was not in a hurry to act, he was calling for people, otherwise he would be beaten up by Jiang Chen like last time, and if one was not good, his life would be ruined.

Although he is arrogant, he is not stupid, and knows the gap between himself and Jiang Chen.

"Listen to me, keep an eye on that kid, and report to me immediately if there is anything wrong with him." Duan Jiyu said again.


Several people responded one after another, and gathered towards Jiang Chen and the three from all directions.

"They are becoming more and more restless." Shen Shijing said, referring to those people like Duan Jiyu. She frowned slightly, very displeased, and wanted to take action to teach them a profound lesson.

"Don't worry about it, let's go eat something first, recharge your batteries, and work hard." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Many people wanted the Blood Jade Curse Orb, but Jiang Chen wanted it even more. He was bound to get it.

But in the current situation, there are many competitions, and Guo Lun and Li Ji have joined in. Presumably, there are other strong people secretly, and they are also eyeing.

What troubled Jiang Chen was Duan Jiyu's background. He decided to find a place to have a good meal first, and inquire about Duan Jiyu's background by the way.

A while later, in a restaurant, Jiang Chen and the three of them ordered a large table full of things, and naturally the Tun Shan Niu beef was indispensable.

The low-level monsters are very delicious, and they are the signature dishes of major restaurants and are very popular.

These monsters came from hunting in the red mans forest. Now, there is a natural phenomenon in the red mans forest, the sky is soaring, countless strong people gather, and the hunter team is greatly affected. According to Xiaoer Dian, The price of this beef will increase in the next two days.

Then, through the waiter, Jiang Chen learned of Duan Jiyu's identity.

"Young Master of the City Lord's Mansion?"

This was revealed to Jiang Chen by the waiter in the shop, telling Jiang Chen not to provoke them, otherwise there would be big trouble.

"Duan Jiyu is the son of the city lord's mansion?" Shen Shijing was a little surprised. With such an identity, it is not surprising. No wonder Duan Jiyu was confident, walking sideways in Maple Leaf City, majestic and no one provoked him.

This is considered a local snake and has already been provoked. If he continues to stay in Maple Leaf City, the troubles will be endless. Wen Qingxin immediately suggested to leave Maple Leaf City after eating this meal.

"It's indeed a trouble." Jiang Chen nodded. He originally planned to deal with Duan Jiyu first after eating. Such a tail behind him would delay him a lot.

Now, Jiang Chen had changed his mind, but he agreed with Wen Qingxin's suggestion and planned to leave Maple Leaf City after dinner.

After having a full meal and paying the bill, Jiang Chen led the two daughters and walked out of the city. The whereabouts of the three of them all fell into the eyes of Duan Jiyu's entourage, and the news quickly passed to Duan Jiyu.

"Continue to stare at me." Duan Jiyu responded.

As the son of the city lord's mansion, although he covers the sky with one hand in Maple Leaf City, he has to take the influence into account after all, and it is not good to kill. Now, since Jiang Chen is going to leave the city, then he doesn't have to worry so much, and can do it unscrupulously.

"Uncle Heng, it's up to you now. Don't be in a hurry to kill that kid. I'll torture him." Duan Jiyu was with a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man had a stern face, his eyes opened and closed. , full of brilliance, it is Duan Heng, the chief steward of the City Lord's Mansion, who is also Duan Jiyu's uncle of the same clan.

"Don't worry, he can't escape." Duan Heng said indifferently.

He didn't take Jiang Chen seriously, but since Duan Jiyu begged him, he would naturally give Duan Jiyu a face.

"Okay." Duan Jiyu grinned.

It took a while, Jiang Chen and the others appeared at the gate of the city, and after a little inquiring, they found out about Li Ji's whereabouts.

Li Ji was too high-profile, maybe it wasn't Li Ji herself who wanted to be so high-profile, but she was so conspicuous that almost no one would recognize her, and it was doomed that no matter where she went, she would be watched by countless people.


Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and led Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing to leave calmly.

Not long after the three of them left the city, there was another team at the gate of the city, and it was Duan Heng and Duan Jiyu.

To kill Jiang Chen, Duan Jiyu thought that Duan Heng was enough, but he still followed, he wanted to see it with his own eyes, because he couldn't wait to show Jiang Chen some color.

(End of this chapter)

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