genius evil

Chapter 1162 I am only interested in beautiful women

Chapter 1162 I am only interested in beautiful women
After walking out of Maple Leaf City, Jiang Chen led Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing's two daughters forward at full speed.

He is currently at the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and his physical speed is extremely astonishing, while the second daughter's cultivation has also reached the stage of the late Transcendence stage. The strength of his physical body is not as strong as Jiang Chen, but his speed is the same. No problem.

Two hours later, Jiang Chen and the others appeared on a wasteland two hundred miles away. At the same time, two figures appeared in their sight.

In the distance, two figures, one blue and one purple, were fighting fiercely. It was the middle-aged man in blue robe and Guo Lun.

The two fought together, constantly launching the most tyrannical attacks on each other, flying sand and rocks, and the air was blown up.

"Is this the true strength of a strong man in the Creation Realm?" Jiang Chen saw it and said in a deep voice.

The Zeng senior brother he beheaded was also a strong man in the Creation Realm, but before he had time to use his means, he was killed by him forcefully.

And obviously, even if they are both in the Creation Realm, Senior Brother Zeng is far inferior to the middle-aged man in the blue robe and Guo Lun, and he is not of the same level.

"Guo Lun, you shameless villain."

The middle-aged man in the blue robe was roaring, and punched out with anger, creating a swirling storm, and he wanted to blow Guo Lun to pieces.

Because, he spent 30 taels of gold to buy the blood jade beads from the Lanfeng Auction House. Before warming them up in his arms, Guo Lun chased after him and asked him to return them with both hands. This made the middle-aged man in the blue robe furious.

"Stop talking nonsense, hand over the blood jade beads, or die." Guo Lun said gloomyly.

He flipped his hands, his fleshy palms were like grinding discs, and he kept crushing the middle-aged man in the blue robe, trying to kill the middle-aged man in the blue robe.

The middle-aged man in the blue robe was more difficult to deal with than Guo Lun had imagined. This made Guo Lun really angry. The blood jade curse beads must not be lost. It was impossible for him to allow the middle-aged man in the blue robe to take them away.

The two of them refused to give in, they fought in the dark, they regarded each other as a great enemy, their killing intent was overwhelming, and their killing moves emerged endlessly.

Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing saw it, and their hearts were shaken. It was an invincible existence, difficult to defeat, which made them throb.

A figure in yellow floated over and appeared in front of Jiang Chen and the others.

That was Li Ji, and Li Ji was also watching the battle. She found Jiang Chen and the three of them, she was a little curious, and walked forward.

"Little girl Li Ji, don't you know your son's surname?" Eyebrows flickered, and Li Ji smiled sweetly.

"Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen was also smiling, sizing up Li Ji with unscrupulous eyes.

"It turned out to be Mr. Jiang, meeting is fate, how about we cooperate?" Li Ji asked with a smile, deliberately releasing a trace of friendliness.

"Cooperation? Of course, I like to cooperate with beautiful women." Jiang Chen said with a smile, looking very frivolous.

Li Ji also smiled cheerfully, "Then it's decided. If something happens, Mr. Jiang, you must help, otherwise, little girl, I will be very sad."

"Look at my face, you know that I am a person who is extremely sympathetic to women, and I will never make women sad." Jiang Chen said happily, with those eyes, more and more unscrupulously lingering on Li Ji, as if He is very interested in Li Ji.

Li Ji eased her arms, showing off her figure generously, and let Jiang Chen watch. After Jiang Chen had seen enough, she asked, "Young Master Jiang, are you interested in that blood jade bead?"

"No, I'm only interested in beautiful women." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"It's interesting." Li Ji said in her heart.

Her intuition was correct, and Jiang Chen was indeed quite different. Even a three-year-old girl would not believe these words, so how could she believe them?

"Since Mr. Jiang, you have no intention of the blood jade bead, then I can rest assured. After a while, I will ask Mr. Jiang to help me take down the blood jade bead. Little girl, there will be a reward." Looking at Jiang Chen, he was full of anticipation.

"It's easy to say, since you and I cooperate, I will naturally not let you down, beautiful Li Ji." Jiang Chen nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, as if he was lost by Li Ji's beauty.

Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing saw such a scene in their eyes, and were deeply speechless. If they hadn't known that Jiang Chen was not the kind of person who gave the soul to his generation, they would have doubted that Jiang Chen was sent to the soul by Li Ji. Checked off.

"Uncle Heng, look over there, what's going on?"

Duan Heng was in front, Duan Jiyu followed closely behind, and a few followers followed behind. They set off from Maple Leaf City and followed Jiang Chen, intending to attack Jiang Chen in this deserted wasteland.

In the distance, I saw two figures, one blue and one purple, fighting fiercely with an astonishing momentum. The sound of movement and stillness attracted the attention of Duan Jiyu and his group.

"Guo Lun?"

Duan Heng glanced at it, muttered aloud, and asked Duan Jiyu, "Did you auction a blood jade bead at Lanfeng Auction today?"

Duan Jiyu nodded. He also participated in the auction and bought a few things.

"That's interesting." Duan Heng sneered.

Everything in Maple Leaf City is under the surveillance of the City Lord's Mansion. The City Lord's Mansion naturally knows about the news that Guo Lun has obtained a blood jade bead.

Guo Lun appeared and fought to the death with the middle-aged man in the blue robe. This scene was seen, which made Duan Heng daydream.

"Uncle Heng, I saw that kid." Soon, Duan Jiyu pointed in a direction, where Jiang Chen and the others were located.

"Let's go, let's go." Duan Heng said, leading Duan Jiyu and the others forward quickly.

"Boy, you must be very surprised, we will chase here, right?" Duan Jiyu appeared in front of Jiang Chen, and said triumphantly.

"Sorry, I'm not surprised at all." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Duan Jiyu's tail followed him all the time. Jiang Chen knew this well. Rather than saying that he knew that Duan Jiyu would come after him, it would be better to say that he brought Duan Jiyu here on purpose.

"A dead duck with a hard mouth." Duan Jiyu snorted coldly, only thinking that Jiang Chen was joking, but he was too lazy to talk nonsense, and said to Duan Heng: "Uncle Heng, let's do it."

"Yes." Duan Heng nodded.

"Miss Li Ji, we can do it now." Just after Duan Heng finished speaking, Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Us?" Frowning slightly, Li Ji looked at Jiang Chen in surprise.

"Boy, what do you mean?" Duan Jiyu was also stunned. He had seen Li Ji there a long time ago, but when did the relationship between Li Ji and Jiang Chen become so good?
"Miss Li Ji, we said just now that we need to cooperate sincerely and work together. Could it be that you have repented?" Jiang Chen immediately asked in displeasure.

Li Ji was speechless. When she mentioned cooperation, she wanted Jiang Chen to help her snatch the blood jade beads. How could there be any meaning in this regard?
All of a sudden, Li Ji realized that she had been duped. No wonder, when she proposed to cooperate, Jiang Chen would agree so readily. He probably dug a big hole early in the morning, waiting for her to jump into it.

"Young Master Jiang, you can rest assured that what I said will naturally mean what I said." Afterwards, Li Ji said.

The blood jade beads are extremely important and cannot be lost. Even if Duan Jiyu is a member of the city lord's mansion, he doesn't intend to save face.

The big deal is to leave Maple Leaf City afterwards and fly far away.

"Miss Li Ji, I just like your pleasure, then, go and kill him... I will do what I can, spend more effort, and kill a few more people." Jiang Chen said, pointing at Duan Heng.

Duan Heng's eyelids twitched heavily, and he said angrily, "You are courting death."

"Boy, you're crazy." Duan Jiyu also screamed.

Li Ji's fame spread far and wide in Maple Leaf City, and almost everyone knew about it. Her cultivation was unfathomable. At this time, she teamed up with Jiang Chen, making Duan Jiyu realize that there would be big trouble.

"Miss Li Ji, don't be fooled, this kid is using you." Soon, Duan Jiyu said to Li Ji again, hoping that Li Ji could change her mind.

"Shut up." Li Ji scolded.

Of course she knew that Jiang Chen was using her, why bother to say more?
But what did she do, could it be that Duan Jiyu, a rich man, could tell her what to do?

Furthermore, when Duan Heng appeared, Li Ji suspected that Duan Heng was also interested in the blood jade bead, so even if Jiang Chen dug a big hole, Li Ji planned to jump into it.

"Li Ji, it seems that you are determined to become an enemy of my City Lord's Mansion. Have you ever thought about the consequences?" Duan Heng said in a stern voice.

"Don't try to threaten me, Duan Heng, just use whatever means you have." Li Ji snorted coldly.

"Okay...very good." Duan Heng laughed back angrily, and said in a stern voice, "Li Ji, you are looking for death on your own, no wonder other people, I, Duan Heng, will help you."

"Master Jiang, what you said must count." Li Ji stared at Jiang Chen and said.

"Of course it counts." Jiang Chen said firmly.

"With your words, I feel relieved." Li Ji said, her figure fluttered and attacked Duan Heng.

She didn't believe in Jiang Chen's words, but under the current situation, she could only choose to believe in Jiang Chen. At worst, if Jiang Chen went back on his word afterwards, he would kill Jiang Chen altogether.

Li Ji was gorgeous and unparalleled, but when she struck out, she was quite domineering, her sleeves fluttered, and the air wave rolled violently, smashing towards Duan Heng with a bang.

Duan Heng's face was ashen, and he had no choice but to deal with it. In an instant, he was in an inextricable fight with Li Ji.

"Duan Jiyu, are you ready? I'm going to make a move." Jiang Chen watched the battle between Li Ji and Duan Heng, and the old god said.

"Boy, I warn you, don't act recklessly. I am the son of the lord of Maple Leaf City. If you kill me, my father will never let you go." Duan Jiyu said nervously, stammering.

Duan Heng was entangled by Li Ji and had no time to clone himself. He knew that he was definitely not Jiang Chen's opponent, his eyes flickered, and he looked for an opportunity to escape.

"Boy, if you dare to touch a single hair of Jiyu, I will let you die without a place to bury you." Over there, Duan Heng was yelling.


Jiang Chen raised his hand and slapped Duan Jiyu's celestial spirit cover. Duan Jiyu's slap was so tired that his seven orifices bled to death. He smiled lightly, "I've already moved."

(End of this chapter)

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