genius evil

Chapter 1163 I'm actually a person with connotations

Chapter 1163 I'm actually a person with connotations

Watching helplessly, Duan Jiyu was killed at the hands of Jiang Chen, Duan Heng was mad with hatred, his eyes were bloodshot, wishing he could fight Jiang Chen with his life.

He was warning Jiang Chen not to act rashly. Jiang Chen was too courageous to listen to dissuasion at all, so he just killed Duan Jiyu casually.

"Li Ji, get out of the way now. I, Duan Heng, promise not to pursue today's matter." Duan Heng said bitterly.

He and Li Ji's cultivation bases were on the same level. In a short period of time, there was no way to deal with Li Ji. It would be a waste of time to fight any longer.

"I don't believe you." Li Ji shook her head.

At this point, she and Jiang Chen are like grasshoppers tied to the same rope, they can only advance and retreat together.

"Then you die for me." Duan Heng shouted loudly, the attack became more and more domineering, and he moved forward with a strong attack, trying to kill Li Ji.

Li Ji yelled coquettishly, and she stretched out her sleeves, like clouds flying in the air, and the blast burst, and she tried her best to resist.


"You guys, how do you want to die?"

After killing Duan Jiyu, Jiang Chen was not in a hurry to make a move. Looking at Duan Jiyu's followers, he walked over as if taking a stroll in the courtyard, and said slowly.


I don't know who it was, but they yelled loudly, and those followers turned around one after another, and ran away.

"Hey, you haven't answered my question yet, how do you want to die?" Jiang Chen's figure appeared in front of a person like a ghost.

The man was running away in a panic, when Jiang Chen's smiling face suddenly appeared in his sight, he was startled, his knees gave way, and he almost fell to his knees on the ground.

"Three knives and six holes, have you tried it? I think it's a very good way to die, and it's worth trying." Jiang Chen said seriously.

The man couldn't take it anymore, collapsed on the ground, and screamed: "Don't kill me... I don't want to die, I don't want to die yet."

"Then it's such a happy decision." Jiang Chen said to himself as if he didn't hear his words, and in an instant, he slapped him to death.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, three knives and six holes are too troublesome, so I changed my mind and asked you to die in another way." Jiang Chen said.

There were five followers in total, they were divided into five directions, and quickly escaped, so after Jiang Chen killed one of them, a big chase was staged on this wasteland.

"Young Master Jiang, hurry up and give me a helping hand."

Duan Heng shot violently, regardless of the consequences, Li Ji was suppressed and retreated steadily, danger was everywhere, and she had no choice but to ask Jiang Chen for help.

"Miss Li Ji hold on, there are still three fish that slipped through the net, I'll come right away." Jiang Chen yelled, happily chasing after one of them.

Hearing this, Li Ji almost vomited blood.

Of course those few fishes that slipped through the net must be killed, but what Jiang Chen did was clearly playing around and wasting time.

"Cunning guy." Li Ji gritted her teeth in hatred.

"Li Ji, you heard it too, that kid is using you at all, do you still want to work for him?" Duan Heng said gloomyly, sowing discord.

"It's just cooperation, what's the point of working your life?" Li Ji said disapprovingly.

"Could it be that you fell in love with that kid?" Duan Heng's eyes were cold.

"Do you want to take care of this kind of thing? Is it too lenient?" Li Ji said.

"I advise you, be careful of being betrayed by someone without knowing anything about it. That kid is insidious and cunning, and he is not a good thing at first glance." Duan Heng said.

He was working hard, but in a short time, he still couldn't do anything to Li Ji, so he could only distract Li Ji so that he could sneak in.

"Duan Heng, could it be that you are taking me, Li Ji, as a three-year-old girl?" Li Ji sneered, unmoved.

"Stubborn." Duan Heng was very impatient. His attacks became more violent and spared no effort. Li Ji responded passively, and gradually lost patience in the face of Duan Heng's aggressiveness.

She had some scruples, she didn't want to fight Duan Heng and hurt both. After all, her goal was the blood jade beads, but Duan Heng thought she was easy to bully, which made Li Ji really angry and didn't keep it anymore.


The last person was knocked to the ground by Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen walked towards the direction where Li Ji was.

"Miss Li Ji, I didn't expect you to be so beautiful, even when you were fighting. No, I'll appreciate it for a while. By the way, I'll cheer you on." Jiang Chen looked dazzled.

Li Ji was so depressed that she said loudly: "Young Master Jiang, let's join forces, don't waste any more time, or things will change later."

"One minute, I will appreciate it for one minute, okay?" Jiang Chen bargained.

It has to be said that Li Ji is a natural beauty, her weapon is peculiar, it is a pair of flying sleeves, the flying sleeves attack, and the air blasts, which is very beautiful.

And Duan Heng's pair of fleshy palms opened wide and closed, slashing sideways, powerful and domineering, hitting the flying sleeves again and again, making the air swell, just like setting off firecrackers.

"No." Li Ji refused without hesitation.

The battle between her and Duan Heng consumed too much energy, and Jiang Chen's appearance put a lot of pressure on Duan Heng. If Duan Heng didn't want to sit still, he would only work harder.

Even if it was only 1 minute, it was still possible for an unexpected change to happen. Li Ji didn't want to put herself in a dangerous situation, which undoubtedly made Jiang Chen cheaper.

In the final analysis, she and Jiang Chen were just a cooperative relationship, she knew nothing about Jiang Chen, and this hole was dug by Jiang Chen, she was purely used by Jiang Chen, acting as Jiang Chen's thug for no reason.

"Miss Li Ji, you are too stingy." Jiang Chen was quite dissatisfied.

"Li Ji, did you hear that kid, I wish you could die." Duan Heng laughed loudly.

"Noisy." Jiang Chen rolled his eyes, his figure moved, and he joined the battle. He bent his right hand and pointed at Duan Heng, cutting straight at Duan Heng.

The incomparably surging sword energy flowed out from Jiang Chen's fingertips, and there was no way to stop it.

"This is?"

Duan Heng's eyes burst open, he was shocked, and quickly backed away, but Li Ji would not give her a chance, her flying sleeves swelled against the wind and hit Duan Heng's chest.


The flying sleeves fell firmly on Duan Heng's chest. I don't know how many ribs on Duan Heng's chest were broken, and he was seriously injured and vomited blood.


Duan Heng roared, he didn't expect that he would be injured so easily.

"It's already been said that you are noisy, but you still yell. You are quite old. Is it true?" Jiang Chen said in displeasure, and forced Duan Heng to cut off with one finger, beheading Duan Heng.


Li Ji looked at Jiang Chen with an indescribably strange expression on her face.

"Miss Li Ji, don't be fooled by my handsome appearance. In fact, I am a person with connotations." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You really didn't come here for the blood jade beads?" Li Ji began to doubt.

Jiang Chen is stronger than she imagined. Now, her physical strength is more than half exhausted. If Jiang Chen kills her, I am afraid that she will be the same as Duan Heng.

"Miss Li Ji, are you so unconfident in yourself? Obviously, I am more interested in you." Jiang Chen said seriously.

But these words can't dispel Li Ji's doubts.

The reason why she cooperated with Jiang Chen was not because of Jiang Chen's strength, but because she didn't want Jiang Chen to cause trouble. Now, Jiang Chen has become her threat, making Li Ji feel uneasy.

"Young Master Jiang is interested in the little girl. It is the honor of the little girl. As long as you help the little girl get the blood jade beads, the little girl will be sure. Let you get what you want, Young Master Jiang." The mentality was quickly adjusted, and Li Ji blinked. She blinked and made a coquettish voice.

"It's easy to talk about." Jiang Chen was overjoyed.

"Hey, why did it stop over there?" Jiang Chen said suddenly.

The middle-aged man in the blue robe and Guo Lun didn't know when to stop, and walked towards them.

"Covet the blood jade beads, die." The middle-aged man in the blue robe shot Jiang Chen and Li Ji, as if looking at two dead people.

"Boy, you are quite courageous." Guo Lun said to Jiang Chen.

He was very impressed with Jiang Chen. Originally in Maple Leaf City, he just wanted to kill.

"Ah, the scenery here is pretty good. Beauty Li Ji and I are here for an outing. Don't worry about it, just keep fighting. It's really exciting." Jiang Chen opened his mouth, just talking nonsense.

"Boy, do you think we are idiots?" The middle-aged man in the blue robe sneered.

The reason why he and Guo Lun stopped fighting was because the existence of Jiang Chen and Li Ji made the two of them feel threatened, so they decided to get rid of Jiang Chen and Li Ji first, and then compete for the blood jade beads.

"How could someone treat you as an idiot? This eldest brother, you are very wise and extraordinary at first glance. My admiration for you, my little brother, is like a torrent of water, endless." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Boy, you talk too much nonsense." The middle-aged man in the blue robe was not interested in listening to Jiang Chen's compliments.

"How can this be nonsense, it's all from my heart." Jiang Chen was very serious.

"Shut up." The middle-aged man in the blue robe growled, pointed at Li Ji, and said, "And you, we should settle the accounts between us."

Li Ji knew that she had offended the middle-aged man in the blue robe at the auction, so she said, "Just let the horse come over."

"Do it, kill them." The middle-aged man in the blue robe stopped talking nonsense and greeted Guo Lun.

"I'll kill him." Guo Lun flipped his fleshy palm and hit Jiang Chen.

Guo Lun didn't want anyone to know the secret about the blood jade beads, but Jiang Chen, in Guo Lun's view, knew too much and had to die.

You know, his initial plan was to kill the middle-aged man in the blue robe, and then kill another one to return to Maple Leaf City. Since Jiang Chen came here, it can be said that it is exactly what he wanted.

"That's fine, then I'll kill you." The middle-aged man in the blue robe said, and punched Li Ji head-on with both fists, like mountains.

Guo Lun had a reason to kill Jiang Chen. Coincidentally, he also had a reason to kill Li Ji. Neither of them wasted time. Therefore, it was impossible to talk about who cooperated with whom. This is the middle-aged man in the blue robe. would like to see.

"If you want to kill me, Li Ji, it depends on whether you have the ability." Li Ji would not know it, and she would die with her arms tied. It broke the fist style of the middle-aged man in the blue robe.

The middle-aged man in the blue robe was extremely domineering. He struck out quickly with both fists and directly hit the flying sleeve, smashing the flying sleeve. His physical body was incomparably tyrannical.

Over there, Guo Lun waved his fleshy palm and quickly hit Jiang Chen. His eyes were gloomy, and he had the heart to kill Jiang Chen. When he struck, he showed no mercy...

(End of this chapter)

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