genius evil

Chapter 1168

Chapter 1168

Above the red mans forest, the red mist is like blood, permeating, and there is a strange aura amidst the magnificence.

The blood-colored mist seemed to be able to affect the mind. Inside, the monsters were scared away, and a group of swallowing mountain cows pawed and trampled on the ground, billowing smoke and dust, as if a strong earthquake had occurred.

There are countless other monsters coming out, howling, or baring their fangs.

A monster with a long tail roared like a human. With a flick of its tail, a big tree broke and fell to the ground.

There was a vertical line on the forehead, as if it had opened a third eye. A monster like a tiger opened its mouth and bit it, releasing a strange thunder and lightning, and swallowed a monster alive.

There was also a white monster with a single horn, walking alone in the forest, suddenly let out a low growl, and all the monsters in the vicinity were blown into pieces of flesh and blood, blood staining the forest.


This kind of movement did not subside until the middle of the night. In the small town, countless people could not sleep all night, anxious and restless.

At dawn the next day, there were warriors who left the town and went to the Red Forest to find out.

A frenzied fight took place there, even at the edge of the forest, there were still bloodstains left, and the bloody aura soared to the sky, which was shocking.

Countless monsters died, and they found that, apart from low-level monsters such as Tun Shanniu, there were also corpses of third-level monsters, and some even found the corpses of fourth-level monsters.

The level of monsters corresponds to the cultivation base of warriors. Level [-] monsters are powerful existences that can tear apart the strong in the realm of creation, but they die, and their flesh and blood are swallowed, leaving only bones and bones.

This made them horrified, and it was hard to imagine what happened last night.

The Red Mans Forest has always been a paradise for monsters. Of course, this is also the paradise for the warrior hunter team. The hunter team ventured into the Red Mans Forest for the first reason to capture monsters, and secondly, to collect the inner alchemy of monsters.

Previously, the most powerful monster that had appeared in the Red Mans Forest was only a third-level monster, but now, even the fourth-level monsters have died. This undoubtedly means that the riot in the Red Mans Forest last night , some dormant creatures were alarmed, killing all directions.

"What would that be?"

Such a scene was too astonishing, and everyone was speechless and retreated quickly.

The news quickly spread throughout the small town.

The appearance of unknown creatures in the Red Mans Forest made them nervous, reminding them of a beast tide that shocked the entire Zhenwu Continent thousands of years ago.

"Didn't you say that in the Red Mans Forest, all monsters above level four were beheaded?" Someone asked back, feeling puzzled.

That beast tide triggered the appearance of the most powerful beings in Zhenwu Continent. It was rumored that those most powerful beings killed all the monsters above level [-] in the Red Mans Forest without leaving a single one.

That massacre can be described as the doomsday of monsters, blood flowed into rivers, and the bones of monsters piled up into mountains.

At the end of the killing, even the existence of Xeon fell and bleeds.

The whole city of Lieyang City was relocated, and the city lord, Yang Ding, burned all his blood and vowed to defend the city to the death.

In the end, countless monsters were slaughtered, and Lieyang City became an empty city.

"I see?"

In the restaurant, the three of Jiang Chen were having breakfast, and news from various quarters came pouring in.

"It turns out that the reason why Lieyang City became an empty city was because of the beast tide thousands of years ago." Jiang Chen murmured to himself.

This matter is widely circulated on the Zhenwu Continent, but they are outsiders, so they don't know.

In Jiang Chen's mind, a mystery was solved, but he felt that the truth of the matter might not be as simple as that.

Because, there is an abandoned teleportation tower in Lieyang City, and the teleportation direction of the teleportation tower is the earth.

The matter about Lieyang City is not a secret, so there is no doubt that the teleportation tower is also not a secret, but why is no one mentioning it?
Moreover, since the earth is just a small world of experience, why, in the past so many years, very few people from the Zhenwu Continent have set foot on the earth?

There must be a big secret inside this, which is unknown.

"Several fourth-level monsters have been devoured, leaving only bones." Someone told the details. He has seen the corpses of fourth-level monsters with his own eyes, and he still has lingering fears.

On this day, the whole town was not peaceful.

After the news spread, some people chose to leave, but some people came to the town on this day.

"That's it, Ye Ning?"

A young man in a white robe entered the town.

The man has delicate features and a quiet demeanor. He came alone and was quickly recognized.

"The genius Ye Ning?"

"Ye Ning of Dao Sect?"

Ye Ning, who claims to be the number one disciple of the Dao Sect, is known far and wide as a genius.

At noon, another person entered the town.

"Lin Hongyu!"

"Oh my god, it's Lin Hongyu, she's here too."

Lin Hongyu has an amazing temperament. She is the chief disciple of the Tianyan Sect. Two years ago, she killed a fourth-level monster with her bare hands and became famous in one battle.


"Wang Lang."

"Wang Lang is here too."


"Cao Mengxuan."

"God, I didn't expect Cao Mengxuan to be alarmed."


The town became bustling like never before. As the news of the riots in the Red Mans Forest spread, more and more strong men showed up.

They all come from powerful sects, have profound backgrounds, and are attracting attention.

"Be careful, Miss Shen, do you know what is the most important factor in cultivation?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.



After thinking about it, the second daughter gave the answer.

"Wrong." Jiang Chen shook his head, and said solemnly, "Fearless and self-improvement are important, but they are not the key. The most important thing is to have a backer."


Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing looked at each other, not understanding why Jiang Chen said that.

"As the saying goes, you can enjoy the shade with your back against a big tree. Even if you are a genius, if you don't have a backing, the road to growth will inevitably be full of hardships and you will fall easily." Jiang Chen said seriously.

These words sounded like there was something joking about, but Jiang Chen was serious about it.

Cultivation is self-cultivation, but in essence, it needs to be accumulated with countless resources. The road of the strong is doomed to a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Without support, it is tantamount to a rootless duckweed.

The appearance of Ye Ning and others suddenly gave Jiang Chen an idea, but for the time being, he has not yet considered what to do. Tell Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing now, even if it is to give the second daughter a preventive shot in advance. Needle.


"Leave quickly."

"Hurry up one by one, get out of here."

It was already evening, and Jiang Chen led the two daughters, eating, drinking, and talking, when suddenly a few people came in to drive them away.

Those few people were very rude, they didn't even say hello, they just chased people away, bossed them around, and were extremely domineering.


"Get out, and spare you not to die."

Inside the restaurant, there are all warriors, how could they bear this, several people were furious and scolded immediately.

"Prince Wang Lang is coming soon, do you want to fight against him?" One of those people spoke in a strange way, and looked at the furious few with a mocking face.


Those few people realized that they were sympathetic because Wang Lang was coming soon, so these people wanted to drive them away to make room for Wang Lang.

Of course, they didn't have to leave, but if they didn't, they would be enemies with Wang Lang.

"Damn it." Someone was angry.

This restaurant is very big, even if Wang Lang wants to come, why bother, driving them away is too hateful.

Of course, there are also people who are self-aware, and leave immediately after knowing the reason, without delaying for a moment.

Those furious people, even though they were dissatisfied, got up and walked out after a while. They didn't want to be enemies with Wang Lang.

"You three, are you deaf? Hurry up and leave."

"Hurry up, or you will be thrown out."

The huge restaurant soon emptied out, leaving Jiang Chen at the table of the three of them.

"Be careful, Miss Shen, see clearly, this one is called, leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade." Picking up a piece of meat, stuffing it into his mouth, chewing, Jiang Chen said slowly.

Ye Ning and others showed up. They are very famous and have many followers. These people are the followers of Wang Lang. So far, Wang Lang has not done anything, but in fact, Wang Lang doesn't need to do anything. What he wants to do, naturally someone will help him do it.

Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing Huizhi Lanxin, how could they not understand the meaning of Jiang Chen's words, and silently nodded.

"Are we leaving?" Wen Qingxin asked.

"Of course I don't need it." Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "Backing is very important, but having a backing doesn't mean having everything. If I am a poor man, no matter how strong the backing is, it is useless."


A laugh came at this moment.

A young man walked in slowly from the outside of the restaurant. He was unrestrained and unrestrained, walking with a swagger.

"Your Majesty."

"The prince is here."


Several followers, seeing the man walk in, greeted one after another.

"The person you just mentioned, are you referring to me?" It was Wang Lang who came, he ignored those people, looked at Jiang Chen, and asked in a suspicious tone.

"What did I just say?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"You just said that I'm a wine bag and rice bag." Wang Lang reminded.

"Did I say that?" Jiang Chen smiled, and said, "However, you are quite self-aware, knowing that you are a fool."

"To shut up."

"Do you want to die?"

"Apologize to Prince Wang quickly, or I will kill you."


When the few followers heard Jiang Chen say these words, their faces changed drastically. They looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost. They never expected that Jiang Chen would be so courageous and insult Wang Lang face to face. Are you impatient?

"I, Wang Lang, entered Yuan Mingzong seven years ago. In just seven years, I was promoted from an unknown outsider disciple to a core disciple. So, in your eyes, I am just a person with a lifeless life?" Wang Lang said Instead of being angry, he smiled, and he asked calmly, "If people like me are full of life and death, then what are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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