genius evil

Chapter 1169 You're About to Die

Chapter 1169 You're About to Die

"In seven years, from an outer disciple to a core disciple, why, don't you think this is something to be very proud of?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"There are as many as 900 outer disciples of Yuan Mingzong, but only 30 core disciples. Isn't it a proud thing for me, Wang Lang, to be promoted to a core disciple in seven years?" Wang Lang asked.

He was very proud, and he didn't directly bully others, but wanted to persuade Jiang Chen to recognize him.

"There are 30 core disciples. I'm afraid you won't be in the top ten. Is it so easy to be satisfied?" Jiang Chen still smiled and asked casually.


Mei Feng frowned, Wang Lang stared at Jiang Chen firmly.

Even if Jiang Chen guessed, but what Jiang Chen said was not wrong.

In Yuan Mingzong, among the thirty core disciples, Wang Lang was indeed not in the top ten. His best ranking was No.18. If his condition was not good, his ranking would be outside the top twenty.

Originally, Wang Lang was quite satisfied with such a ranking, but when Jiang Chen said this, it was a little bit more, and it was indescribably embarrassing.

"I, Wang Lang, will be promoted to a core disciple in less than two years. If you give me another two years, I will be among the top ten, so I will stop talking." Wang Lang said in a deep voice.

"Two years to get tenth, Wang Lang, don't you think you're too unpromising? I thought you could get number one in two years." Jiang Chen joked.

"Shut up." Wang Lang couldn't bear it.

Jiang Chen's mouth was too strong, and in a few words, he belittled him to nothing. This was intolerable for him who was naturally proud.

"I just said a few words of the truth, can't you bear it? Such strong self-esteem, isn't it just a manifestation of inferiority complex." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"I told you to shut up, didn't you hear?" Pointing at Jiang Chen with a finger, Wang Lang's killing intent surged, wishing he could kill Jiang Chen.

"Aren't people telling the truth these days?" Jiang Chen looked helpless, and said again, "What is your best attack method, show me a move."

"What do you mean?" Wang Lang was stunned, unable to understand the meaning of Jiang Chen's words.

"Of course let me see how powerful you are." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Are you planning to point me out?" Wang Lang sneered, and looked at Jiang Chen as if he was watching a joke.

Point him out?
What kind of thing is Jiang Chen, dare to say that, without shame?

As everyone knows, in Yuan Mingzong, even his senior brother is not qualified to give advice to him.

After all, he just got started for a short time, and he is not inferior to anyone in terms of talent or comprehension ability.

"The brain is quite easy to use, don't hurry up, play a trick." Jiang Chen urged.

"Alright, then I'll make a move and show you. If you can't see anything, I'll blow your head off." Wang Lang said viciously.

Jiang Chen trampled on his bottom line time and time again, which exhausted Wang Lang's patience. If he didn't want to see what kind of tricks Jiang Chen was going to play, he would just shoot at this moment and blow Jiang Chen's head off. , let Jiang Chen understand why the flowers are so red.


Wang Lang punched out suddenly.

The wind of the fist was fierce, and a long wave of air was blown in the air. Outside the restaurant, a big tree that could only be surrounded by two people suddenly shook violently. From a distance, there was a deep fist mark, the imprint On the trunk, with a bang, the leaves fell to the ground.

"This is the Seven Killing Fist?"

"To be rigid and fierce, to be yang and to be strong."


The few followers were all trembling with fear from Wang Lang's punch.

"Let's comment." Wang Lang looked at Jiang Chen and said with a sneer on his face. He was very satisfied with his punch. He didn't use the strongest force. Otherwise, that tree would not just leave a fist mark. As simple as that, he can punch through the tree trunk with one punch.

This is exactly the Seven Killing Fist he practiced.

"Haha, boy, we want to hear what you think of it." A follower said.

"Boy, you should speak quickly, are you unable to say a word?" Another person said gloatingly, waiting to see Jiang Chen make a fool of himself.

"There are nine hundred outer disciples of Yuan Mingzong. This number is increasing every year. However, for nearly ten years, there has never been a precedent for an outer disciple to be promoted to a core disciple. I am the only one in these ten years. "Wang Lang said slowly, his tone of voice was fairly calm, but his arrogance was beyond words.

"Yes, I'm looking forward to your comment very much now." Wang Lang said again.

"You really want me to tell?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I'm waiting." Wang Lang said.

Jiang Chen's question made Wang Lang feel that Jiang Chen was at the end of his rope. He simply had nothing to say. Of course, he would not let Jiang Chen go, and make Jiang Chen make a fool of himself.

"This is what you want me to say, don't blame me for being ruthless." Jiang Chen waved his hand, and then said, "You are about to die, do you know that?"

"Nonsense, even if you die, the prince will not die." A follower jumped out immediately.

"Boy, you are going to die." Another person yelled.

"Why?" Wang Lang stared at Jiang Chen firmly. He thought that Jiang Chen would make up something random, but he didn't expect Jiang Chen to say such a thing.

"Is it intentional that the words are not shocking and endless?"

Wang Lang sneered in his heart, waiting for Jiang Chen to explain to him.

Of course, when he thought about it, Jiang Chen couldn't explain it. Then, after a while, Jiang Chen was really going to die, because he couldn't help but want to kill someone.

"If I'm not mistaken, the Seven Killing Fist you practiced, in Yuan Mingzong, not many people practice it." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Not many." Wang Lang nodded. He had to say that Jiang Chen still had some skills. This was the second time, so he guessed right.

"Then, do you know why there aren't many practitioners?" Jiang Chen asked.

"The Seven Killing Boxing has extremely strict physical requirements, which is why almost no one in Yuan Mingzong practiced it." Wang Lang said casually.

"Hey." Jiang Chen smiled, and said, "Wang Lang, you must think that your proficiency in the Seven Killing Fist is due to your extraordinary talent."

"Isn't it?" Wang Lang asked back.

In the huge Yuan Mingzong, even his master gave up halfway when he was practicing the Seven Killing Fist. He was the only one who practiced to great success. This is something Wang Lang has always been most proud of.

"You think it is, anyway, you are going to die, and the dead are the most important, so naturally everything is right." Jiang Chen was in a slump, and said more lazily.

"Speaking of it, is this the only thing you can say?" Wang Lang's eyes burst into anger.

He has a bad temper.

However, no matter how good your temper is, if you are told that you are going to die, you can't help it, you will explode.

"Don't believe me?" Jiang Chen looked at Wang Lang with pity, and said, "You are too self-righteous, I guess no matter how much I say, you still don't believe me, just give me another punch, and you will know , I said, is it true or false.

"Another punch?"

Wang Lang's arrogance soared to the sky. What does Jiang Chen mean by playing him like a monkey?

"This is the only way to prove whether you are going to die or not." Jiang Chen said, "If it can't be proved, or if I am proved wrong in the end, I will sit here and let you punch me."

"You said that." Wang Lang gritted his teeth.

Sitting still and let him punch him, Wang Lang heard these words, and Jiang Chen was tantamount to sending himself to death.

That's fine, then give another punch. Anyway, it's just one punch. Next, he only needs one shot to kill Jiang Chen.

Even if Jiang Chen played tricks on him, this revenge can be avenged immediately.

With a firm mind, Wang Lang exhaled and opened his voice, the breath in his body was mobilized, the Seven Killing Fist was released, and the second punch was blasted out.


Wang Lang's punch was still aimed at the big tree outside the restaurant. The big tree was hit by Wang Lang, and its dead branches and leaves were scattered all over the ground.

The fist mark of this punch was obviously much deeper than that of the first punch. It was obvious that there was a ball of anger burning in Wang Lang's heart.

"How do you feel? Did you realize that you are about to die?" Jiang Chen asked impatiently after Wang Lang closed his fist.

"Boy, are you ready?" Wang Lang didn't answer Jiang Chen's question. He walked towards Jiang Chen, ready to strike at any time and kill Jiang Chen.

However, when he moved his feet, Wang Lang unexpectedly discovered that his internal organs were all colic. The sudden sharp pain swept through his whole body in an instant, as if his internal organs were about to be torn apart.

Especially his heart was beating, as if it was about to jump out of his chest, when it was beating, it was like thunder, and it was extremely painful.

Opening his mouth to spray, Wang Lang spat out a mouthful of blood. He was on the verge of falling, and almost fell to the ground.

"I..." Wang Lang couldn't speak, he was shocked, what happened, it was too sudden, he couldn't understand, maybe, Jiang Chen hit the mark again, he was really going to die, otherwise, it would be fine , how could it become like this?
Immediately, Wang Lang was shocked, and the eyes that looked at Jiang Chen like that, quietly added a bit of indescribable horror.

Why, even he himself didn't know that there was something wrong with his body, but Jiang Chen could tell it at a glance.

No, it wasn't obvious at a glance, but Jiang Chen said that after he punched him, but even so, it was enough to make him shudder.

"Unfortunately, he is going to die at such a young age." Jiang Chen said regretfully, looking at Wang Lang expressionlessly.

"Boy, tell me, why is this happening?" Wang Lang asked in a trembling voice, frightened.

"People are always going to die, don't be nervous, anyway, you're going to die soon." Jiang Chen said.

Wang Lang's head is full of black lines, is this comforting him?Why does it sound so gloating.

Jiang Chen was too hateful, Wang Lang wished he could shoot him to death, but he didn't dare to shoot, worried that the injury would worsen, turned around, and left the restaurant at a high speed.

"You guys are about to die." After Wang Lang left, Jiang Chen looked at those followers and made serious comments.

Several people's scalps were numb, and they ran out in a panic. They felt that Jiang Chen's mouth was really serious, saying that Wang Lang was about to die, and Wang Lang was really about to die. If you provoke Jiang Chen, you are afraid that if you are not careful, you will be cursed to death by Jiang Chen...

(End of this chapter)

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