genius evil

Chapter 1170 You Must Not Have A Boyfriend

Chapter 1170 You Must Not Have A Boyfriend
"Jiang Chen, that Wang Lang? What's going on?"

After waiting for those few people to flee, Shen Shijing was confused and couldn't wait to ask.

"It's nothing, now, he is really about to die." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Is it a problem with the boxing technique he practiced?" Wen Qingxin said after pondering.

Originally, Wang Lang was fine, but after being instigated by Jiang Chen to punch him twice, he was seriously injured and depressed.

From the beginning to the end, Jiang Chen never made a move, so it can only be that there is a problem with the boxing technique Wang Lang cultivated. Otherwise, how could such a thing happen?
"Smart." Jiang Chen chuckled, and said, "The Seven Killing Fist is certainly fierce and unparalleled, but it's a pity that when you punch out, you hurt yourself first before hurting anyone."

"No." Shen Shijing shook his head and said, "If there is such a big flaw in boxing, why did Wang Lang have nothing to do before this?"

"That's because he's too impatient." Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Miss Shen, haven't you noticed the difference between Wang Lang's first punch and his second punch? He's too impatient, If you are angry and attack your heart, you will be backlashed by your own fist and be seriously injured."

"So, he was tricked by you?" Shen Shijing said, looking at Jiang Chen with a strange look.

"You can't say that, I just triggered this timed bomb for him in advance. If you want to blame it, blame him for being unlucky. What's wrong with practicing, but you want to practice the Seven Killing Boxing." Jiang Chen said lazily. .

The aura on Wang Lang's body was as domineering as the Seven Killing Fist he had practiced, but it was easy to break just after that, as if he was carrying a timed bomb on his body, and that bomb might detonate at any time.

Wang Lang himself knew nothing about this, but with Jiang Chen's eyesight, he saw the clue from the moment Wang Lang showed up.

This is also the reason why Jiang Chen asked Wang Lang to use his best attack method to attack him.

However, Jiang Chen was not a prophet either. He could tell at a glance that Wang Lang was practicing the Seven Killing Fist. After all, he was a cultivator and didn't know much about martial arts cultivation.

Wang Lang's Seven Kills punch was exactly what Jiang Chen wanted.

Of course, even if the martial skill Wang Lang cultivated was not the Seven Killing Fist, it was nothing to Jiang Chen.

He has read thousands of classics, and if he gave Wang Lang a little advice, there would be no problem at all. If he just caught a few flaws, it would be enough to blow Wang Lang to shame, and he was so ashamed that he wanted to die.

This is different from real combat, it is purely lip service, as long as Jiang Chen is willing, he is able to kill Wang Lang alive!

"So, is Wang Lang really going to die?" Wen Qingxin said.

"It depends on his good fortune, unless he breaks his arm to save himself and start training from scratch, but unfortunately, I don't think he has such courage." Jiang Chen Shi Shiran said.

When Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing heard the news, they both felt sad for that Wang Lang.

Wang Lang thought he could boss Jiang Chen around, so he was very domineering.

Little did they know that from the moment he entered the door, all his actions fell into Jiang Chen's calculations.

The cultivation genius that everyone was looking forward to was knocked into dust by Jiang Chen's few words, and the most fatal thing was that he had fallen into such a situation. Wang Lang probably didn't understand what happened.

Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing had a vague premonition.

Today's incident may be just the beginning, just like Jiang Chen's harm to the earth, there will be countless people on the Zhenwu Continent who will suffer from Jiang Chen's murderous hands.

Naturally, it's one thing to feel sad for Wang Lang, but if it's a pity for Wang Lang, the two daughters don't have the heart of a virgin.

Wang Lang is a domineering person, and he will end up like this, it is purely self-inflicted humiliation!
After eating, Jiang Chen led the two daughters back to the room to rest, while the news of Wang Lang's injury spread in the small town as if he had wings in the restaurant. Know.

"Is Wang Lang injured?" Ye Ning murmured to himself.

The man with indifferent brows had a strange look in his eyes.

The Zhenwu Continent is vast and boundless, divided into four major domains.

Among these four major domains, the distance between each large domain is difficult to measure.

This is the Eastern Great Territory, but although it is only one domain, there are countless dynasties and empires in this domain. The location of the Red Mans Forest is within the territory of the Chu Dynasty.

Although the Chu Dynasty was only a dynasty, its territory was less than one tenth of those powerful empires.But within the dynasty, there are many families and sects, including the Yuan Mingzong where Wang Lang belongs, all within the territory of the Chu Dynasty.

The same is true of the Dao Sect where Ye Ning belongs, and the Tian Yan Sect where Lin Hongyu, the proud girl of that day, belongs.

Daozong of Yuanmingzong and Tianyanzong can be regarded as top-level sects in the territory of Chu Dynasty. Looking at the Great Qin Empire to which Chu Dynasty belonged, they can also rank well, and they have no family background. nameless.

Within these sects, geniuses emerged in large numbers, and they were like stars in the sky, shining brightly and fascinated countless martial arts practitioners.

Wang Lang is one of them.

Breaking the ten-year record of Yuan Mingzong, in seven years, the outer disciples were promoted to the core disciples, and, among the core disciples, the ranking continued to rise.

Such existence, looking at other sects, can be regarded as rare.

Although Wang Lang is not the strongest, his talent and potential cannot be ignored by anyone.

However, on the first day Wang Lang entered this small town, he was injured. According to the rumors outside, he was still seriously injured. It was hard not to be surprised by the occurrence of such a situation.

"The rumors didn't do anything, could it be that it's in the rumors, and what you say is the law?" Ye Ning said to himself.

In the end, Ye Ning shook his head and smiled, knowing that he was thinking too much.

At about the same time, the news reached Lin Hongyu and Cao Mengxuan. They had different reactions, but in the end, they didn't take this matter too seriously.

On this day, after nightfall, there was another riot in the direction of the Red Mans Forest, where the red mist filled the air, blood was soaring to the sky, and countless monsters died.

Such riots will not subside until the early morning of the next day.

Gossip spread in the small town that the chaos in the red mans forest was a warning from monsters.

"Brother Ye, what do you think of this matter?"

On the edge of the red forest, two figures stood proudly, they were Ye Ning and Cao Mengxuan.

"I don't have any opinion for the time being." Ye Ning looked into the distance and said calmly.

Cao Mengxuan laughed, and said, "Brother Ye, it seems that you are bound to win. Let's see, who has better luck?"

"Lucky?" Ye Ning looked away and glanced at Cao Mengxuan, Ye Ning said, "Brother Meng, I don't like these two words."

Cao Mengxuan was taken aback for a moment, then laughed even louder.

"One day, another day, it's time. Brother Ye, you don't like it, but I like it very tightly, because I have always been the kind of lucky person, you have to be careful, I won't give you a chance Yes." Cao Mengxuan said with a smile.

In the distance, a figure stood silently, it was Lin Hongyu.

Lin Hongyu's eyes were deep, she didn't say a word, she was wearing a green dress, blown by the wind, like water ripples, like a timeless landscape painting.

It wasn't until someone walked over that the picture was broken.

The man sat down on a rock next to Lin Hongyu carelessly, posed in a strange posture, and then remained motionless.

Lin Hongyu glanced at that person, and looked away. A few minutes later, she was about to leave, and when she took another look, the person was still in that posture.

Even though he was never the kind of person who was very curious, such a strange situation still made Lin Hongyu a little curious.

"What are you doing?" Lin Hongyu finally asked.

"I'm thinking." The man said, the posture he posed was exactly the posture of a very famous thinker on the earth, lifelike.

Of course, there are still differences.

The difference is that he is wearing clothes.

But there was no way around it, if Lin Hongyu didn't wear clothes, he would definitely be regarded as a hooligan by Lin Hongyu, and he would be kicked and flew away.

As a modest gentleman, he would never do such things as hooliganism.

That's right, this person is Jiang Chen.

"What are you thinking about?" Lin Hongyu asked again after thinking about it.

With a long sigh, Jiang Chen said, "I was thinking, why on earth, Miss Hongyu, you are so beautiful, a smile is enough to overwhelm the country."

"I didn't laugh." After a moment of silence, Lin Hongyu said.

"Of course I know Miss Hongyu that you didn't smile, so you are still a little bit far from Qingguo now, that is, the appearance of Qingcheng, and, let me fall in love with you." Jiang Chen nodded, very serious.

Lin Hongyu was stunned and speechless, but with an indescribable embarrassment, she said indifferently, "This joke is not funny at all."

With a flick of his sleeves, Lin Hongyu left.

"Miss Hongyu, I'm actually still thinking about another question. Tell me, what is there in this red forest?" Jiang Chen hurriedly asked again.

"If you want to know, just go in by yourself." Lin Hongyu's tone was cold. She had already said a lot, and she was very impatient.

"So, what exactly is it?" Jiang Chen chased after him, asking the bottom line.

"If you ask again, I'll kill you." Lin Hongyu stopped and glanced at Jiang Chen.

"Miss Hongyu, you definitely don't have a boyfriend... Oh, boyfriend means good friends." Jiang Chen said slowly, not at all, taking Lin Hongyu's threats to heart.

"Do you want to die?" Lin Hongyu's eyes revealed a gleam.

"Sure enough, I don't have a good friend. I guessed the reason. It's because of your bad temper." Jiang Chen said in a leisurely manner, "But I don't mind, otherwise, I'll be your good friend, how about it?" Don't get excited, don't be polite, and of course you don't need to feel inferior, I definitely won't despise you. Who made me have a bodhisattva heart, and I don't want to see a beautiful woman die alone."

"Lonely forever?" Lin Hongyu gritted his white teeth lightly, unable to bear it.


With strong winds and sea waves, Lin Hongyu couldn't bear it anymore, and finally made a move...

(End of this chapter)

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