genius evil

Chapter 1171 Unprecedented Arrogance

Chapter 1171 Unprecedented Arrogance

A few minutes later, watching Lin Hongyu go away, Jiang Chen laughed out loud.

"You offended her?"

Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing floated over and appeared beside Jiang Chen.

There was a battle here, a huge boulder was crushed, Jiang Chen's clothes were also torn, his hair was messy, and he looked very embarrassed.

"I was just joking with her. Who would have thought that she has no sense of humor at all. She is too incomprehensible." Jiang Chen complained, took off the clothes on his body, and took out another set from the storage bag. put on.

Fortunately, he prepared a few more sets of clothes for himself, otherwise, if he wore this tattered suit, it would really hinder his glorious and upright image.

For Jiang Chen, who had always been fighting to maintain his good image, that would absolutely not be allowed to happen.

"So, you molested her?" Shen Shijing hit the nail on the head.

"Um, I just praised her casually, can that be considered molesting?" Jiang Chen refused to admit it.

"Miss Shen and I saw Lin Hongyu attack from a distance just now, she is very powerful." Wen Qingxin said at this time.

He knew that Jiang Chen was not so much teasing Lin Hongyu as he was probing.

Test the depth of Lin Hongyu.

Undoubtedly, Jiang Chen's temptation was very successful, because he successfully provoked Lin Hongyu to make a move.

"Could it be that Lin Hongyu has stepped into the Yuan Yuan Realm?" Shen Shijing said.

With regard to the system of martial arts cultivation, Jiang Chen and the three of them all had a certain degree of understanding through inquiring.

Transcendence is just the beginning of martial arts training, followed by the Creation Realm, and then the Guiyuan Realm.

The Creation Realm can draw the energy of the primordial spirit between the heaven and the earth into the body, while those who are strong in the Yuanyuan Realm can use the energy of the primordial spirit between the heaven and the earth for their own use.

It seems that there is not much difference, but in fact there is an essential leap, which is not the same.

"I sensed the breath fluctuations on Lin Hongyu's body just now. Her current cultivation level is still in the good luck realm." Jiang Chen said. Having said that, Jiang Chen turned his head and looked in the direction of the red forest, and said thoughtfully. , "Could it be that she came here to seek a breakthrough opportunity?"

So far, the strongest people Jiang Chen has seen are just Lin Hongyu and the others. Combined, the timing of their appearance is hard not to make people think about it.

"It is rumored that there will be a rare treasure born in the Red Mans Forest. Could it be that such a rare treasure can help warriors in the Creation Realm break through to the Returning Origin Realm?" Jiang Chen murmured to himself.

Because it is obvious that there has been a lot of commotion in the red mans forest. If it were not for this factor, it would be very likely that there would be a stronger existence coming, and it would not just attract a few strong people from the Creation Realm to show up.

Moreover, Lin Hongyu, Ye Ning, and Wang Lang have one thing in common, that is, they are all at the peak of the Creation Realm, and they are only one step away from the Guiyuan Realm.

"Is that so?" Jiang Chen wasn't completely sure, but fortunately, he would soon know what was going on, so he wasn't in a hurry.

When Jiang Chen led the two daughters back to the town, rumors and rumors were flying all over the town.

Someone witnessed with their own eyes that Lin Hongyu was molested, because Lin Hongyu was enraged and made a move. When he left, his face was full of shyness, like a volcano.

Then, someone determined that it was Jiang Chen who molested Lin Hongyu.

In other words, in these short two days, Jiang Chen has gained a certain reputation in this small town.

Jiang Chen seriously injured Wang Lang with a few words, which made Jiang Chen famous. At this time, the news of molesting Lin Hongyu made Jiang Chen famous even more. the point.

"That kid, first offended Wang Lang, and now offended Lin Hongyu, what does he want to do, is he going against the sky?" Someone was discussing.

Jiang Chen acted boldly and had a peculiar style. On the first day he entered the town, he was provoked because he had two stunning beauties by his side.

Many people thought he was a soft persimmon that could be kneaded casually, but who knew that he would burst out with such amazing energy!

"Who is he, and which sect is he from?" Someone also asked.

Be it Jiang Chen, Wen Qingxin, or Shen Shijing, they were all unfamiliar faces. No one knew their lineage, let alone where they came from, as if they appeared out of thin air.

But seriously injuring Wang Lang and molesting Lin Hongyu, both of them meant that Jiang Chen possessed the strength to compete with these geniuses, and his background must be extraordinary.

"That guy is too hateful, he's molesting Lin Hongyu, he's getting impatient." Someone issued a warning.

Lin Hongyu is the chief disciple of the Tianyan Sect, a proud daughter of the sky, with many followers, she was actually desecrated and couldn't stand it.

"Be careful, Miss Shen, I seem to be famous." Jiang Chen said to Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing, looking at the few people approaching angrily.

"Boy, are you Jiang Chen?" Among those people, the one who walked in the front was a man with five big and three rough, with fluctuating aura, showing extraordinary cultivation.

"I'm not." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Boy, how dare you lie." The man was furious.

"You say I'm lying, which means you already knew I was Jiang Chen. If that's the case, why ask me? Could it be that you like talking nonsense?" Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.


For a moment, the man was speechless.

He questioned Jiang Chen's identity, but he didn't want to confuse the wrong person. Who knows, Jiang Chen's mouth is invincible.

"Boy, your mouth is really powerful. No wonder Prince Wang was hurt by your anger." Another person said, stood up and accused Jiang Chen.

"Wang Lang wasn't hurt by my anger. The real reason why he got hurt was because I was so handsome." Jiang Chen said.

"You're so handsome?" The person who jumped out looked at Jiang Chen dumbfounded.

"That's right, it's because I'm so handsome that Wang Lang felt ashamed of himself when he saw me, and didn't want to live anymore." Jiang Chen said solemnly, as if what he said was the ultimate truth.

"Boy, if you molested Miss Lin, you must give us an explanation, or you will never leave." Another person said, filled with righteous indignation.

"Who told you that I molested Lin Hongyu? I just found an empty place with Lin Hongyu and chatted about life and ideals. Who is spreading rumors? Isn't it to destroy me? Fame. You help me spread the word, this matter is endless." Jiang Chen was very angry and accused loudly.

Those few people all looked at Jiang Chen as if they were seeing a ghost.

What did Jiang Chen say to ruin his reputation? Could it be that Lin Hongyu's reputation wasn't ruined?
In addition, Lin Hongyu wanted to chat with Jiang Chen about her life and ideals. Is it really okay to talk such shameless nonsense?
As for Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing, even though they had long been used to Jiang Chen's nonsense, they were more or less at this moment, a bit dumbfounded.

"Boy, stop messing around. It's clear that you are slandering Miss Lin's reputation. You must apologize publicly." One person said loudly.

"What do you mean by that? If my reputation is ruined, who will apologize to me? Besides, I don't understand. It's just a very simple and pure chat with Lin Hongyu about life ideals. How could it rise to slander Where is Lin Hongyu's height? All of you, your thoughts are too impure, it's a no-brainer." Jiang Chen was heartbroken.

Those few people were stupefied, what was going on, after talking about it, it seemed that they were wrong, according to what Jiang Chen said, it was not Jiang Chen who ruined Lin Hongyu's reputation, but them.

"Boy, you are too hateful, you turn black and white, and think we are idiots?" Some people got angry, thinking that Jiang Chen was playing with them as fools.

"You don't believe me, do you? Why don't you go to Lin Hongyu to confront him. As for me, I'm a little sleepy now. I want to go back to the inn to rest. Let's take a step first." Jiang Chen said, holding Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing by the hand. Walk.


"Who let you go?"

"If you don't speak clearly, you don't want to leave."


Those people immediately stopped Jiang Chen and refused to let Jiang Chen leave. They raised eyebrows and raised eyebrows, wishing they could tear Jiang Chen alive.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Chen asked.

Those few people were speechless, Jiang Chen was too relaxed and didn't take them to heart.

"Boy, what you said just now, you must apologize publicly, otherwise, we will not forgive you lightly." One person said, not negotiable.

"You also mean the same?" Jiang Chen asked the others.

"That's right." Those people nodded and said, "Miss Lin's innocence cannot be tarnished, you are too hateful."

"Then there's nothing to say." Jiang Chen said helplessly, and immediately started.

"Bang bang... bang bang..."

Jiang Chen rushed up, beat them up fiercely, and directly beat everyone until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, crying for their fathers and mothers.

"Do you still want to apologize?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Sorry." Someone gritted his teeth.


Jiang Chen punched him, knocking the man unconscious, and asked again, "Do you still want to apologize?"

"Apologize!" Someone said again, teeth itching with hatred for Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen punched him again, knocking the man unconscious.

"Now, do you still have to apologize?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"Boy, you are too arrogant, you are destined to pay the price." The rest shouted.

"Bang bang..."

Jiang Chen shot them one after another, knocked them all out, shrugged, and said, "Now, there is no need to apologize."

Jiang Chen's combat prowess was astonishing, and he knocked out several people in the street. News of this quickly spread throughout the small town.

This was unprecedented arrogance. Jiang Chen's actions were regarded as provocations, and someone spoke out to make Jiang Chen pay the price.

Jiang Chen was unceremonious, without any pressure, and made a sound in the inn. Lin Hongyu was the woman he Jiang Chen liked, and it had nothing to do with anyone, so shut up all of them.

Undoubtedly, these words caused a thousand waves of shock, and the whole town was boiling.

No one believed Jiang Chen's words. They believed that Jiang Chen was either crazy or too arrogant, but no matter which point it was, it was intolerable.

Because from what Jiang Chen said, it was clear that he was using Lin Hongyu as a restraint. He was not provoking a single person, but provoking all of Lin Hongyu's suitors.


In an inn, Lin Hongyu stretched out her hand and shattered a table, cleaning up Wushuang's face, full of evil spirits!

(End of this chapter)

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