genius evil

Chapter 1172

Chapter 1172
"Lin Hongyu is the woman you fancy. Is it true that you regard Lin Hongyu as your slave as the outside world said? Jiang Chen, I thought you were very interesting at first, but now it seems that you are more interesting than I thought. It’s more interesting.” In a restaurant, Cao Mengxuan drank slowly, talking to himself with a light smile.

These words, when Jiang Chen uttered them, spread throughout the entire town like a fire starting a prairie fire, creating an uproar.

Even if Cao Mengxuan didn't care about the gossip incident, it was inevitable that it would reach his ears.

Originally, if these words were spoken by other people, many people, including Cao Mengxuan, would just laugh it off and ignore it lazily.

After all, there are so many people following Lin Hongyu, it is no exaggeration to say that he is like a crucian carp crossing the river.

The chief disciple of the Tian Yan Sect, the proud daughter of the sky, Lin Hongyu's aura is too dazzling.

However, how many people are really qualified to pick this flower?
To put it bluntly, looking at the territory of the Chu Dynasty, among the younger generation, they can be counted with one hand, and among these people, because Jiang Chen is not well-known, no matter who On the one hand, Jiang Chen is all, far from being qualified.

However, in this small town, Jiang Chen suddenly emerged in an inconceivable way, and entered everyone's sight, especially Jiang Chen's few words, which caused Wang Lang to be seriously injured. Up to now, he is healing his wounds, which can be said to have laid the foundation for Jiang Chen. Dust can compete with them.

Status, in the final analysis, is strength.

After considering this layer of factors, Jiang Chen said that Lin Hongyu was the woman he liked, and he had to make people think about it.

Another point is that Jiang Chen is surrounded by two stunning women all the time, whether Wen Qingxin or Shen Shijing, they are not inferior to Lin Hongyu in the slightest.

From this, we can see Jiang Chen's pursuit of beauty.

Greedy for beauty and astonishing in strength, it is not at all unusual for Jiang Chen to have Lin Hongyu's idea.


"That's Ye Ning."

In a teahouse, at a table, one person sits alone, drinking by himself.

He has a magnificent temperament and is extremely outstanding, like a star in the sky, attracting attention, no, soon, he was recognized by others.

Ye Ning is very quiet, perhaps because of the influence of this quietness, even if the name of a genius is widely known, behind him, there are not as many followers as Wang Lang and Lin Hongyu.

In the teahouse, no one stepped forward to disturb Ye Ning. Even after discovering Ye Ning's existence, the rest of the people subconsciously became quiet.

For these, Ye Ning didn't seem to pay any attention, he drank tea unhurriedly, and when the pot of tea was exhausted, he got up and walked out slowly.

Watching Ye Ning leave, the teahouse became lively again.

For some reason, everyone found that when Ye Ning was here, there seemed to be an invisible low pressure in the air, covering everyone's head, which forced them to become quiet and dare not speak.

"This is……"

After a while, when someone entered the teahouse and went to the table where Ye Ning was sitting, he found two words written on the table.

That word was written with fingertips dipped in tea, and it was clearly a person's name——Jiang Chen!

"Earlier, I heard that Ye Ning was pursuing Lin Hongyu, but Ye Ning never admitted it. Could it be true?"

The rest of the people stepped forward and watched.

On the table, the word Jiang Chen loomed, and it was about to dry, but because of Jiang Chen's great reputation, even if the handwriting was blurred, it was recognized by people, and they made a sound.

"Ye Ning pursued Lin Hongyu, when did this happen?" Some people wondered, but they didn't hear about it.

"Haha, that Jiang Chen regards Lin Hongyu as a taboo, thinking that no one can do anything to get him. Now, it's a good show." There are also people who are gloating and looking forward to Ye Ning's move to fight Jiang Chen. .


The matter of Ye Ning's writing on the table in the teahouse spread through the whole town like a tornado in the first time through the mouths of the people.

The first genius of the Dao Sect and the chief disciple of the Tianyan Sect.

In itself, Ye Ning and Lin Hongyu's every move was extraordinarily eye-catching, but now, the rumors were a little bloody, and countless people naturally talked about them.

At the end of the transmission, someone said convincingly that Ye Ning was angry, and he left a message to express his determination to challenge Jiang Chen.

However, no one expected that, soon, Jiang Chen uttered a voice, four short words - fight if you want to fight!

As soon as these four words came out, the whole town was in an uproar.

Although Jiang Chen said that Lin Hongyu was the woman he liked, in the final analysis, it was Jiang Chen's wishful thinking, and Lin Hongyu did not express his opinion.

Everyone was angry, largely because Jiang Chen was slandering Lin Hongyu's reputation and wanted to maintain Lin Hongyu's innocence.

This time, it was very different, Jiang Chen was declaring war on Ye Ning openly.

"Too arrogant, is Jiang Chen going against the sky?"

Some people are puzzled.

What is the meaning of Ye Ning's writing on the table in the teahouse? It's just speculation. It may not be what Ye Ning wants to do to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen, on the other hand, had no scruples, directly declared war, and didn't take Ye Ning to heart at all, which surprised people.

"First Wang Lang, then Lin Hongyu, and now Ye Ning, what is Jiang Chen going to do? Is he crazy?"

There were also some people who analyzed Jiang Chen's actions in the small town and thought that Jiang Chen seemed to be courting death with all his heart.

"If you don't die, you won't die, Jiang Chen, wait to be crushed by Ye Ning."

Some people stood in line, thinking that Jiang Chen would be crushed by Ye Ning in the end.

Of course, there were also people who were optimistic about Jiang Chen.

They believed that Jiang Chen must have 100% certainty in declaring war on Ye Ning, and perhaps he would step on the first genius of the Dao Sect.


Like a bomb dropped in deep water, Jiang Chen spoke twice, stirring up thousands of waves.

Jiang Chen himself, however, remained extremely calm from beginning to end, as if nothing had happened.

"you do this delibrately?"

In the inn, in the room, after thinking about it, Shen Shijing asked.

From Shen Shijing's point of view, if Wang Lang was an accident, then the matter of Lin Hongyu and Ye Ning was clear and deliberate.

Jiang Chen seemed to be a different person, talking and doing things without thinking. After all, he didn't really want to die. If he didn't have some intentions, how could he become like this?

"Miss Shen, what did you do on purpose?" Jiang Chen blinked, pretending to be stupid.

"Just tell me what you want to do." Shen Shijing lazily played word games with Jiang Chen.

"There was a change in the Red Mans Forest, and none of the Guiyuan Realm experts showed up. They were all too weak and deserved to be crushed by me." Jiang Chen then said.

"And then?" Shen Shijing asked.

"I want everyone to see that the so-called genius is not worth mentioning. I, Jiang Chen, am the real genius." Jiang Chen said confidently.

Shen Shijing was speechless. Naturally, she would not be so naive as to believe Jiang Chen's words, even if Jiang Chen's words sounded very reasonable on the surface.

After all, crushing a genius is a very pleasant thing in itself.

But these geniuses all have profound backgrounds. Once they have been bullied, if the sect behind them gets angry, how should they bear it?
Shen Shijing didn't believe that, with Jiang Chen's wisdom, he would never have considered these issues.

The more he thought about it, the more Shen Shijing felt that Jiang Chen was scheming something, with sinister intentions.

"Hey, do you want to take advantage of the situation, prove yourself, and then look for opportunities to join a certain powerful sect?" Suddenly, Shen Shijing had an association and asked.

"Is that so?" Wen Qingxin looked over.

She recalled that Jiang Chen had mentioned the topic of backing, but it was not aimless, it seemed that Jiang Chen had planned for a long time.

It has to be said that this is a shortcut to crush geniuses and take the opportunity to rise to the top. If used properly, it can produce unexpected effects.

"Miss Shen, you are too smart. I have hidden so deeply that you can see through it at a glance." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Both Shen Shijing and Wen Qingxin were almost certain that Jiang Chen had intentions in this regard, he was trying to create momentum for himself, but what Jiang Chen said made the two daughters shake.


Jiang Chen declared war, and everyone was waiting for Ye Ning's response, but Ye Ning didn't speak out about this matter, as if he didn't know about it at all, and didn't seem to care about it.

The people who were looking forward to watching the excitement were very dissatisfied with this situation, and some even went to the inn where Ye Ning was located to inquire about the situation.

But when he received the news, Ye Ning thanked the guests behind closed doors and did not disturb him.

"Ye Ning is scared."

"Jiang Chen is too powerful, Ye Ning dare not fight."


Rumors spread.

But more people sneered at such remarks.

The number one disciple of the Dao Sect, the genius Ye Ning, must have gained a false reputation. They insisted that Ye Ning didn't know about it, otherwise he would have walked out and killed Jiang Chen.

On this day, the entire town was turned upside down by Jiang Chen.

At night, there was a third riot in the Red Mans Forest, and the situation was exactly the same as the previous two days.

"Tomorrow, the time is up." Cao Mengxuan looked at Ye Ning and said with a half-smile.

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time." Ye Ning said quietly.

"I heard that Jiang Chen declared war on you, don't tell me, you don't know." Cao Mengxuan said.

"The jumping clown, nothing to worry about." Ye Ning said in a slightly cold voice, "You know my pursuit, that Jiang Chen is not enough for me to waste time."

Cao Mengxuan laughed, and said, "Jiang Chen doesn't know what you think, what if Jiang Chen attacks you in the Red Mang Forest, what should you do?"

"I will fulfill him and send him to die." Ye Ning said, his voice was a little more cold, his long hair fluttered in the wind, and he was full of fighting spirit.

"As expected of being the number one disciple of the Dao Sect, this kind of momentum is extraordinary. Ye Ning, I am looking forward to it. You will fight Jiang Chen." Cao Mengxuan laughed out loud, and looked at Ye Ning interestingly. But also secretly startled.

After not seeing him for a while, Ye Ning went up to a higher level. He was only a short distance away from breaking through the Guiyuan Mirror. He had a premonition that Jiang Chen was going to be in trouble!
(End of this chapter)

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