genius evil

Chapter 1173 I will protect you

Chapter 1173 I will protect you
This night, unexpectedly, the riot in the Red Mans Forest subsided in the first half of the night.

Throughout the second half of the night, the red mans forest was dead silent, as if all the monsters were dormant overnight, the dead silence was inexplicably disturbing.

Such a situation is very unusual, especially after getting used to the riots of the previous two nights, it makes people unable to adapt.

In the early morning of the next day, accompanied by a smear of morning glow in the sky, a red glow suddenly rose into the sky inside the red mans forest, and at the same time, an incomparably strange fragrance radiated out.

"The aroma?"

In the small town a few kilometers away, the aroma wafted in.




Countless figures flickered, running towards the red forest at the fastest speed.

At the front are Cao Mengxuan and Ye Ning.

The speed of the two was extremely fast, like arrows leaving the string, leaving the rest of the people far behind.

Then, it was divided into two directions, and the two of them plunged into it at one end.

After a while, the other warriors also rushed into the red mans forest. From the middle of last night until now, the depths of the forest, which had been dead silent all the time, finally regained some excitement.

Here, the blood is pervasive and lingering for a long time, indicating what has happened, but it can't stop everyone's footsteps at all.

Lin Hongyu also came, wearing a green dress, fluttering in the wind, startled like a fairy, unpretentious, as if walking out of a landscape painting.

"My red fish is so beautiful."

Just when the warriors following Lin Hongyu felt amazed, suddenly, a discordant voice sounded, and Jiang Chen led Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing to follow.

Hearing the sound, those warriors all looked at Jiang Chen speechlessly.

Yesterday, Lin Hongyu was still Jiang Chen's favorite woman, and after only one day, she became his family's. The speed is too fast, isn't it?
If it weren't for Lin Hongyu's every move in the small town, countless people would have seen it, almost everyone would think that Jiang Chen and Lin Hongyu had an indescribable relationship last night.


Turning back suddenly, Lin Hongyu glanced at Jiang Chen fiercely.

Jiang Chen was too much, dared to tease her like this, did he really treat her as Lin Hongyu, was she easy to bully?
"Well, my red fish's figure is quite good." Jiang Chen stroked his chin, looked at Lin Hongyu, and said with a smile.

Lin Hongyu, who was on his way, suddenly staggered and almost fell to the ground.


Lin Hongyu cursed angrily, but also knew that there was no way to argue with Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was too thick-skinned, if she argued with Jiang Chen, maybe Jiang Chen would say something, something that would embarrass her even more.

"Jiang Chen, I remember you." Said coldly, Lin Hongyu speeded up and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"Miss Hongyu, are you only remembering me now? It really makes me sad." Jiang Chen said heartbroken.

Those warriors couldn't bear to listen anymore. They had seen too many shameless people, but it was definitely the first time that they were shameless to Jiang Chen's level.

They left one after another, and quickly went away.

"Jiang Chen, what kind of fragrance is that?" Wen Qingxin asked.

This place is already at the edge of the Red Mans Forest, and the aroma that wafts out from the inside of the forest has become more intense, and it is difficult to dissipate in the nasal cavity after one inhalation.

"It feels a little familiar." Jiang Chen said, but for a while, it was a little hard to be sure. Afterwards, he led the two girls into the Red Glow Forest.

A massacre took place here, leaving behind the corpses of countless monsters.

Jiang Chen felt heartbroken when he saw it in his heart. These monsters are all delicious, and now they are abandoned like this.

"Clouded leopard?"

As it went deeper, a corpse came into Jiang Chen's eyes.

This corpse is huge, even though there are only white bones left, it looks like a hill, which is amazing.

Jiang Chen didn't know exactly what this monster was called in Zhenwu Continent, but in True Spirit Continent, it had a name - Cloud Leopard.

The most important thing is that this clouded leopard is a level four monster.

Level [-] monsters, according to the realm of Zhenwu Continent, have almost the same fighting power as those in the early stage of Guiyuan Realm.

However, it died, and even the flesh and blood were swallowed up, leaving nothing behind.

Here the big trees were broken, the grass was flattened, and there was a great battle. The battle was horrific, and finally the clouded leopard was swallowed and killed.

"Could it be that there are fifth-level monsters in this red forest?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

He heard from those people that in the outbreak of the beast tide, all monsters above level four were beheaded. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be level five monsters in the Red Mans Forest.

But the reality indicates that there is a monster more powerful than the clouded leopard.

"Something's not quite right." Jiang Chen pondered, his expression a little stern.

Jiang Chen led the two girls and continued to walk inside. Along the way, there were corpses of monsters all over the place, and there were even more monsters with no bones left, and they exploded directly, staining the ground with blood.

"So strong."

Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing were shocked when they saw it.

The flesh and blood of the monster exploded, which was shocking and deeply touched the two of them.

The rest of the warriors also discovered this situation, and they all seemed very stunned and could not understand.

In the red mans forest, monsters are rampant. Although they are all low-level monsters, each of them, the moment they enter the forest, are also ready for a big battle.

But so far, it has penetrated dozens of kilometers, not to mention fighting, but not even a living monster.

But this is obviously more shocking than the battle between monsters and beasts, which makes people extremely disturbed.

There were too many dead monsters. It felt like all the low-level monsters had died in the entire Red Mans Forest.

They thought of the riots in the Red Mans Forest last night. The riots subsided in the first half of the night. Could it be that it was because all the low-level monsters were slaughtered?
If this is the case, then, deep in the forest, what is waiting for them?


Inside the forest, suddenly there was a low growl, which shook people's hearts and souls, and some martial artists with slightly lower cultivation bases trembled in fright.

Judging from the direction from which the sound came from, it can be judged that the distance is extremely far, at least tens of kilometers away, but the sound is amazing and makes the scalp tingle.

"What's that?" Everyone looked in that direction subconsciously, their hearts agitated.

After a while, there was another roar, sharp and ear-piercing, almost piercing the eardrums, making people shudder and legs weak.

After a little hesitation, these warriors moved towards the place where the sound came from.

Jiang Chen also led Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing there without any hesitation.

They have all entered the Red Mans Forest. At this time, no one will back down anymore. They came for the rumored treasure, and it is impossible to give up halfway.

After that, as they hurried on, everyone was silent, and the roar of the monsters also disappeared.

Ahead, a deep canyon blocked everyone's way.

On the edge of the canyon, Jiang Chen saw Lin Hongyu again, Ye Ning and Cao Mengxuan at the same time, and Wang Lang was among them. His face was pale and his injuries were not healed.

When Wang Lang saw Jiang Chen appearing, his eyes burst out with coldness. He had a deep hatred for Jiang Chen. Because of Jiang Chen, he was seriously injured, and his cultivation was not even half of his peak period.

These four formed a small circle by themselves, and the rest of the warriors avoided them one after another, not daring to step forward.

"Hi, how are you all?" Jiang Chen waved his arms, said hello, and walked forward without realizing it at all.

Seeing this, Lin Hongyu frowned, and turned her head sideways, as if she didn't see Jiang Chen.

Cao Mengxuan was slightly surprised, and looked at Jiang Chen with a half-smile.

Among the many warriors, Jiang Chen was undoubtedly an outlier, without any constraints, as if he had no scruples.

"It's in this canyon." Ye Ning said at this time, his eyes were deep, and he stared at the inside of the canyon, where the crimson mist filled the air, and it was hard to see the bottom at a glance.

Inside the canyon, there is a wind blowing outside, the mist is surging, and the fragrance is compelling, which makes people feel refreshed when they breathe.

"Really?" Jiang Chen interjected, looking very curious.

"You don't believe me?" Ye Ning stared at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen chuckled, and said, "Except for my Red Fish, sorry, I don't trust any of you."

"Shut up." Lin Hongyu became angry from embarrassment.

Jiang Chen mentioned words like my red fish again, which made Lin Hongyu unbearable and wanted to go berserk.

"Red Fish, don't be afraid, I will protect you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"No need." Lin Hongyu was very indifferent, she didn't need Jiang Chen's protection, she wished she could kill Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen was too hateful.

"It's too necessary, Red Fish, don't be brave." Jiang Chen said with sincerity and was very worried.

Lin Hongyu was really going to run away, and said bitterly, "You don't know anything, so stop talking."

"Do I need to know anything?" Jiang Chen couldn't help but was stunned for a moment, but it seemed that what Lin Hongyu said was right, he really did not know anything.

"Brother Ye, Brother Wang, Miss Red Fish, the previous bet still counts, right?" Cao Mengxuan said with a smile, he had no pressure, and when he laughed, he felt like a spring breeze.

"Naturally." Wang Lang said noncommittally, even if he was injured, his momentum remained unabated.

"What bet?" Jiang Chen was extremely curious.

"I made a bet with the three of them, whoever gets the thing over here, the other three will each give a gift." Cao Mengxuan responded.

"Sounds very good, I join now, is there still time?" Jiang Chen was very excited.

Cao Mengxuan laughed and said, "Brother Jiang, you don't even know what the gift is, so you plan to join? Don't worry, you can't get what we want?"

"You don't need to know, anyway, I'm sure to win." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Madman." Ye Ning narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a cold voice, "Jiang Chen, you are too arrogant, but you are not even qualified to join our bet."

"Ye Ning, are you provoking me? Fight if you want." Jiang Chen said angrily, very contemptuously.

His temples were throbbing, Ye Ning couldn't hold back and wanted to make a move. The battle declaration issued by Jiang Chen yesterday had already brought him great trouble. Right now, Jiang Chen declared war in public, making Ye Ning lose his patience.


But at this moment, a figure flickered, leaving behind an afterimage, rushing towards the canyon...

(End of this chapter)

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