genius evil

Chapter 1174 I will kill you with my own hands

Chapter 1174 I will kill you with my own hands

It was Wang Lang who rushed out. He was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the canyon and disappeared.

"Brother Wang, this is really urgent." Cao Mengxuan smiled, and took a deep look at Jiang Chen.

He knew that the reason why Wang Lang was so anxious was largely due to Jiang Chen. Wang Lang was seriously injured and had to take risks, otherwise this bet would be lost.

Almost as Wang Lang rushed out, the crimson mist lingering above the canyon disappeared suddenly, the sky was bright and clear, and the appearance of the huge canyon was revealed in front of everyone.


Another figure rushed into the canyon, it was Ye Ning.

"Ye Ning, fight if you want to fight, and run if you don't want to." Jiang Chen shouted, full of fighting spirit.

Ye Ning turned his head, stared at Jiang Chen, and said coldly, "Jiang Chen, I will kill you today."

"You're dead." Jiang Chen yelled, not taking Ye Ning's words to heart.

"Jiang Chen, I like you." Cao Mengxuan said with a smile.

Ye Ning always gave Cao Mengxuan a sense of unfathomable, even if he tried his best to fight, he might not be Ye Ning's opponent.

Jiang Chen was very different and very direct, which made Cao Mengxuan curious, whether Jiang Chen was making a fuss, or he was serious, and had something to rely on.

"Brother Cao, I am also very optimistic about you. You and I will join forces to kill Ye Ning." Jiang Chen said to Cao Mengxuan, wanting to drag Cao Mengxuan into the water.

Hearing the sound, the eyelids of countless warriors twitched heavily, thinking that Jiang Chen was too stupid and worthless.

Cao Mengxuan was also amazed, and said, "Brother Jiang, I'm different from you. I don't have any ideas about Miss Hongyu. There's no need to join forces."

As he spoke, Cao Mengxuan laughed and stepped out into the canyon.

Following Cao Mengxuan, the rest of the ancient martial arts practitioners headed into the canyon one after another.

The fog dissipated, revealing the inside of the canyon. The rare treasure is about to be born, and no one wants to miss it.

"Miss Hongyu, actually I don't have any idea about you, why don't we join forces and kill Ye Ning, that kid toad wants to eat swan meat, so he wants to die." Jiang Chen instigated Lin Hongyu again.

Lin Hongyu remained expressionless, and said in a cold voice, "I hope what you said is serious, otherwise I won't be polite to you."

"Work together to kill Ye Ning and let him know what the sky is high and the earth is thick. I am very serious." Jiang Chen said vowedly.

There was a deep coldness in her eyes, Lin Hongyu didn't want such an answer, Jiang Chen's words made her extremely dissatisfied.

"Miss Red Fish, you have to believe me, Ye Ning's bad pus is not a good thing at first glance, he must be asked to pay the price." Jiang Chen provoked discord again.

"I'll kill you with my own hands." Lin Hongyu couldn't take it anymore, she stepped down a little, and it turned into a green afterimage, disappearing from Jiang Chen's sight.

"Be careful, Miss Shen, we should set off too." Watching many ancient martial arts practitioners enter the canyon and stretching, Jiang Chen said as if nothing happened.

Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing had long been accustomed to Jiang Chen's virtues, so the three of them speeded up and rushed over.

This canyon is so huge that it is not so much a canyon as it is a huge basin.

The trees inside were lush and covered the sky and the sun. In the air, there was a strong smell of decay. That smell, mixed with the smell of blood, was extremely unpleasant.

Just like the outside, all the low-level monsters inside the canyon were also slaughtered, leaving no one behind.

After about half an hour, the three of Jiang Chen appeared in the center of the canyon.

There is a cliff about ten meters high. On the cliff, there is a vertical line on the forehead, like a third eye, like a monster like a tiger, entrenched safely.

"The Gale Tiger?"

Jiang Chen glanced at it, and then froze. Because he had seen the corpse of the clouded leopard before, Jiang Chen was not too surprised to see the Gale Fenghu again.

But I was still a little surprised, because the vertical line on the forehead of this gale tiger was too conspicuous, and it was clearly a sign of evolution.

The Gale Tiger, like the Clouded Leopard, is a fourth-level monster, but this Gale Tiger is clearly evolving and is about to enter the threshold of a fifth-level monster.

"Scarlet Lizard?"

On the trunk of a broken tree, there is a taupe monster like a lizard dormant. It is about ten meters long. It has a scarlet tongue and emits a stench. The smell is unbearable. .

It is the Chilian lizard.

"Fifth-level monster?" Jiang Chen said softly, his pupils shrinking slightly.

"No, it's not a fifth-level monster. This Chilian lizard is underage." Soon, Jiang Chen saw the clue.

The Chilian Lizard itself is a fifth-level monster, but this Chilian Lizard is still very young and has not fully grown up.

Then, Jiang Chen saw, under the cliff, there was a group of white fluffy shadows like a hill.

"Bai Lingxi?"

That monstrous beast had a single horn on its head, and was huge in size. Because it was motionless, it looked like a hill. Its two eyes, the size of copper bells, were sizing up a group of warriors, their eyes flashing, exuding a dangerous aura.

"There is Bai Lingxi?" This time, Jiang Chen was really surprised.

You know, even in the Real Spirit Continent, Bai Lingxi is rare, because Bai Lingxi is psychic, and it is most suitable to be tamed and used as a mount.

At the same time, Bai Lingxi's one-horn is an extremely precious medicinal material, which has been slaughtered on a large scale and is on the verge of extinction.

Unlike Chilian Lizard, whose strength soars directly after reaching adulthood, Bai Lingxi needs to evolve, but the evolution of Bai Lingxi is too slow, and it needs a lot of natural treasures to feed.

However, a fully evolved Bai Lingxi will become extremely terrifying, with the combat power of a seventh-level monster, and its bestiality will be fully released.

"The second evolution of Bai Lingxi?" Jiang Chen observed carefully and said to himself.

The horn of this white rhinoceros is about two inches long, which is a sign of two evolutions. A fully evolved white rhino needs five evolutions. The horn is five inches long, which is easy to identify.

"Sure enough, it's Chiyanghua, Brother Ye, Brother Wang, Miss Hongyu, and the four of us. Today is considered a worthwhile trip." Just as Jiang Chen was sizing up the three monsters, a voice whispered in his ear. Cao Mengxuan's bright and clear laughter came.

"We came too early, the Chiyang flowers haven't bloomed yet, so we may have to wait for an hour or two." Ye Ning said, looking at Wang Lang.

Wang Lang's face was gloomy. He rushed into the canyon first, in order to get the Chiyang flower first, but the Chiyang flower hadn't bloomed yet, so his plan inevitably failed.

"The Chiyang flower will bloom until noon, almost another hour." Lin Hongyu said softly.

An hour, that is, two hours.

The four of them spoke without caring about others. Although their voices were not loud, everyone including Jiang Chen could hear them. It was obvious that they had confidence in their own strength and didn't care about competition.

"It turns out that a red sun flower appeared?"

A group of warriors only knew about the phenomenon in the Red Mans Forest before, but they didn't know what it was born from. They didn't expect it to be the Red Sun Flower.

Some people were disappointed when they learned of this.

Because, the red sun flower is a natural and yang thing, and it is not effective for all warriors. It can be said that it is tailor-made for Ye Ning and others.

Because the red sun anther has a peculiar nature, warriors in the late stage of the good luck realm will increase the probability of breaking through the return to the original realm to more than 90.00% if they ingest the pollen of the red sun flower.

There are even people who inhale the Chiyang Flower and directly break through on the spot, which is very effective.

However, it is precisely because of the characteristics of the red sun flower that a red sun flower must wait until the flower is fully bloomed before picking it, neither early nor late, otherwise, the medicinal properties will be lost immediately.

Among these warriors, although there are those who are strong in the Good Fortune Realm, except for a few people, this Chiyanghua is useless to them.

"Young Master Ye and the others, didn't they already know that Chiyanghua would appear here?" Some people questioned, thinking that this matter could not be such a coincidence. After all, the four of Ye Ning happened to be in the late stage of the Creation Realm. Among the several major sects, none of the Guiyuan Realm experts appeared.

"We were fooled and made wedding clothes for them in vain." Someone smiled wryly, very aggrieved and unwilling.

"Where are the flowers?" Jiang Chen listened for a while, but he didn't understand why, so he didn't see the flowers at all.

"That is……"

Suddenly, with a glance out of the corner of his eye, Jiang Chen saw a grass growing on that cliff, about ten meters away from Gaefenghu.

The grass is inconspicuous, about ten centimeters high, and has two small flower buds. The strange fragrance is released through the flower buds, so strong that it cannot be melted.

"Chiyanghua?" Jiang Chen blinked.

This thing is in Zhenwu Continent, but it is called Chiyanghua.

However, in the True Spirit Continent, it has another name - Red Flame Grass.

"No, we can't let it bloom." Jiang Chen's heart suddenly moved.

He is not very clear, Ye Ning, what is the use of the flowers of the red flame grass, after all, there has never been a history of the flowers of the red flame grass being used as medicine in the True Spirit Continent, it is used to feed monsters, let monsters For animal evolution.

But the red flame grass that has not bloomed has a vital effect on Jiang Chen. Once it blooms, it will be worthless.

"Scarlet Flame Grass actually appeared. This thing belongs to me, Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen shouted all over his body, his figure rioted, and he shot forward, about ten meters away, and then jumped up, heading straight for the cliff Above, rushed over.




Jiang Chen made a sudden move, and Ye Ning and the others were unexpected. They were waiting for the red sun flower to bloom. No one expected that Jiang Chen would do such a thing.

Isn't this a good thing to ruin them?

In an instant, the expressions of the four of them changed drastically, and they all moved together, divided into four directions, and went to intercept Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen had to be stopped, otherwise, this trip would lead to nothing.

It's a pity that when Jiang Chen moved, his full speed broke out. He was bound to win the Chi Yancao, and he would never allow him to miss.

Light as a swallow, Jiang Chen appeared on the cliff, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he pulled out the red flame grass.


A loud roar shook the forest, and at this moment, the motionless Gale Tiger charged straight at Jiang Chen with a gust of wind.


At this moment, the Chilian lizard dormant on the tree trunk flicked its long tail, turned into a gray-brown afterimage, and shot out...

(End of this chapter)

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