genius evil

Chapter 117 He is not as good as you

Chapter 117 He is not as good as you
After Qiu Shaojie finally stopped slapping, Qiu Shaowei was obviously dumbfounded by Qiu Shaojie's slap. The men and women who came with him hurriedly carried Qiu Shaowei into the car, not daring to delay for a moment ran away.

"Young Master Jiang, thank you." Qiu Shaojie walked up to Jiang Chen and said sincerely.

Qiu Shaojie's thank you was Xie Jiangchen who gave him the courage to act. If Jiang Chen was not here today, even if he was humiliated by Qiu Shaowei in every possible way, Qiu Shaojie would not dare to act.

Because Qiu Shaojie knew better than anyone else what the consequences would be once he made a move against Qiu Shaowei, and this was also the reason why Qiu Shaowei would act unscrupulously in front of him.

"What do you want to learn from Qiu Shaowei?" Jiang Chen said with a faint smile.

Qiu Shaojie smiled wryly, and said, "Qiu Shaowei has a nickname called Yue Buqun. It seems that Young Master Jiang has already guessed it."

"After you said this, do you want to tell me something about your family?" Jiang Chen smiled, noncommittal.

Qiu Shaojie nodded without hesitation. If Qiu Shaowei hadn't appeared, Qiu Shaojie would not have planned to talk about the family affairs, at least not so soon. After all, it would seem that he was too utilitarian.However, now that things have become like this, Qiu Shaojie felt that it was necessary for him to tell Jiang Chen something about himself.

"I'm not interested in knowing about your family." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"This—" Qiu Shaojie's face changed slightly, and he didn't understand the meaning of Jiang Chen's words.

"Don't you understand why you can slap Qiu Shaowei, but Qiu Shaowei doesn't even have the strength to resist?" Jiang Chen said with a slight frown.

"He can't beat me." After thinking for a while, Qiu Shaojie whispered.

"It's one thing not to beat you, but the point is, he's not as good as you." Jiang Chen corrected.

"Not as good as me?" Qiu Shaojie whispered to himself, his eyes suddenly brightened.Finally, he understood why Jiang Chen was not interested in knowing about his family's affairs. That was because in Jiang Chen's heart, Qiu Shaowei was not as good as him.

Qiu Shaojie didn't know whether Qiu Shaowei was comparable to him, but Jiang Chen's affirmation made him feel at ease.

"Jiang Shao, I came here by car. Let's take you back to school now." Qiu Shaojie didn't say any more about this matter.

"No, I'll take a taxi back. If there are no accidents, you should be very busy today." Jiang Chen waved his hand, stopped a taxi at will, and left soon.

Half an hour later, Qiu Shaojie drove back to Qiu's house.

In the front yard of the Qiu family villa, a middle-aged man was watering the flowers with a kettle in his hand. Seeing Qiu Shaojie come back, the middle-aged man put the kettle on the ground, picked up a towel, wiped his hands, and said, "Why are you back at this time?" ?”

"Dad, I beat Qiu Shaowei." Qiu Shaojie said hesitantly.

This middle-aged man is Qiu Shaojie's father, Qiu Huaishan. Qiu Huaishan is about forty years old, wearing a pair of gold rimless glasses, even if he is watering flowers, he is still wearing a suit, which is quite elegant.

"Do you want some tea?" Qiu Huaishan asked as if he didn't hear Qiu Shaojie's words.

Qiu Shaojie froze for a moment, then nodded.

Soon, the living room was filled with the fragrance of tea. Qiu Huaishan poured a cup of tea, reached out to pick up the cup, took a breath, and took a sip slowly.

Qiu Shaojie looked at Qiu Huaishan drinking tea, and felt a little uneasy. In his opinion, Qiu Huaishan was too calm, and his calmness gave him an extremely strange feeling.

"What do you watch me do? If you want to drink tea, pour it yourself." Putting down the teacup, Qiu Huaishan said.

Qiu Shaojie was a little uncertain about Qiu Huaishan's thoughts, so he carefully poured himself a cup of tea and drank it in his mouth, feeling extremely bitter and hard to swallow.

"How does this tea taste?" Qiu Huaishan asked with a smile.

"Not bad." Qiu Shaojie said silently.

"You're lying." Qiu Huaishan said very directly, "Even if you don't know how to taste tea, you should know that this tea is really ordinary, very ordinary. In fact, these tea leaves were brought by Luo Mama from her hometown. I drank it by myself when I came back. But mother Luo doesn’t even like to drink tea, she only drinks this kind of tea because it’s cheap.”

Luo's mother is a servant of the Qiu family, and her hometown is in the countryside. When Qiu Huaishan said this, Qiu Shaojie understood that the tea should be made by the villagers themselves.

Qiu Huaishan is a very particular person, even a very elegant and refined person. With Qiu Huaishan's taste, even if there is no tea to drink, it is impossible to drink such inferior tea.

"I was wrong." Lowering his head slightly, Qiu Shaojie said in a low voice.

"You still haven't figured out what I'm going to say." Sighing, Qiu Huaishan said slowly: "Since you can't drink this tea, why don't you spit it out, why do you still force yourself to drink it?"

"Then what should I do?" Qiu Shaojie said without knowing why.

"Of course you can do whatever you want, but next, you have to accompany me to the hospital." Qiu Huaishan said casually.

What Qiu Huaishan said about going to the hospital was the hospital where Qiu Shaowei was.

Qiu Shaowei was slapped in the face by Qiu Shaojie, he was fine, but during this time, he was ashamed to see others.

"Qiu Shaojie, what are you doing here?" Accompanied by Qiu Huaishan just after entering the ward, a shrill voice suddenly sounded.

The person who spoke was a woman with a good figure. The woman stared at Qiu Shaojie closely, her eyes almost burst into flames.

"Xiaoxia, I called Shaojie here." Qiu Huaishan said.

"Did you ask him to come? What did you call him for? To see a joke, or to apologize to Shaowei?" Tan Xia's tone was very unfriendly.

"I'm not here to apologize." Gritting his teeth, Qiu Shaojie said, he didn't know why Qiu Huaishan brought him to the hospital, but no matter what, he would never apologize to Qiu Shaowei.

"You didn't come to apologize, so you admitted that you came to see the joke, right?" Tan Xia was furious, she rushed to Qiu Shaojie with a few steps, raised her hand and slapped Qiu Shaojie on the face.

After receiving this slap, Qiu Shaojie was unexpectedly not angry, but rather calm, he said: "If you don't want to be like Qiu Shaowei, I think you'd better not do it."

"Why, you bastard, you can't even beat me? You are so brave?" Tan Xia's face was distorted in anger.

"Xiaoxia, you said that Shaojie is a bastard, where does this put me?" Qiu Huaishan said displeased.

"Qiu Huaishan, is it possible that I was wrong? What is he if he is not a wild species? Let me tell you, he is a wild species. When he was born, I should have strangled him to death and let him If he dies with his short-lived ghost mother, he will not come to harm my son."

"Shut up." Qiu Huaishan rebuked angrily.

"Qiu Huaishan, are you being fierce to me? Why are you being so fierce to me? If it weren't for me, would you have today? Eat mine, drink mine, live in mine. Now that your wings are hard, you don't take me seriously? Qiu Huaishan , are you still human?" Tan Xia said loudly.

"Xiaoxia, I didn't come here today to quarrel with you, I came to see Shaowei... You are not in a stable mood, so I'd better come again next time." Qiu Huaishan had no intention of arguing with Tan Xia, shook his head, and brought Seeing Qiu Shaojie leave the ward.

After walking out of the hospital and getting into the car, Qiu Huaishan said, "Shaojie, I'll take you back to school."

"Why did you bring me to the hospital?" Qiu Shaojie looked at Qiu Huaishan and asked, Qiu Shaojie would not think that Qiu Huaishan brought him to the hospital to make him apologize to Qiu Shaowei or Tan Xia to slap him, obviously, Qiu Huaishan had other intentions.

"Because I know that you will definitely not like to come to the hospital, at least not at this time. And I also know that after you have been here, you will be very angry." Qiu Huaishan said while driving.

"You really want to make me angry?" Qiu Shaojie said in a deep voice.

Smiling, Qiu Huaishan said: "Then if I ask you not to be angry, will you not be angry?"

"No." Qiu Shaojie shook his head firmly.

"I thought you would say yes." Qiu Huaishan said with a strange smile, "You are used to patience and endure all injustices. I was surprised that you said you would not."

"I'm used to patience, but no matter how I endure, there will always be a bottom line. When I exceed that bottom line, how can I be patient?" Qiu Shaojie said coldly.

"So you don't want to bear it anymore?" Qiu Huaishan said.

"At least today, I don't want to bear it." Qiu Huaishan said through gritted teeth.

"Actually, you still don't have confidence in yourself. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to resist drinking that cup of tea, and you wouldn't even hide and let Tan Xia slap you in the face." Qiu Huaishan said.

"I don't have confidence in myself, but I found a good backer." Qiu Shaojie's eyes lit up.

"Jiang Chen?" Qiu Huaishan whispered to himself, and said in a deep voice, "I don't care about the matter between you and Shaowei."

"I understood this a long time ago. After all, everything you have now was given to you by that woman named Tan Xia." Qiu Shaojie said sarcastically.

Qiu Huaishan was not angry, he said: "Actually, you are wrong. The reason why I don't want to care about it is because I, like you, have long been used to patience, and I haven't found a good backer. I can only I will endure it all the time, unless one day, it exceeds the bottom line of what I can endure."

Qiu Huaishan said this very calmly, but the bitterness in the words was self-evident. Half of Qiu Shaojie's body was stiff, and the look in his eyes was complicated and inexplicable.

"I don't want to embarrass you." Finally, Qiu Shaojie said.

"I know, so I don't want to embarrass you. After all, I am sorry for you about your mother. Over the years, I may not have fulfilled my responsibilities as a father. But as a father, I still have some things. I have to remind you..." Qiu Huaishan said with a wry smile.

"Here we are, I'm going to get out of the car." Glancing at the gate of Yilan Middle School, Qiu Shaojie interrupted Qiu Huaishan, quickly opened the door and got out of the car, striding towards the school.

"Shaojie, I want to remind you that the so-called bottom line may not really be the bottom line. Resistance requires a price, and you may not know what that price means..." Looking at Qiu Shaojie's back, Qiu Huaishan murmured The language, the look in the eyes, obscure and inexplicable!
(End of this chapter)

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