genius evil

Chapter 118 No Difference From a Dead Man

Chapter 118 No Difference From a Dead Man

"Brother Jiang Chen, why do you have to drink medicine every day?" Xiaodie looked at Jiang Chen with big eyes without blinking at Sister Lan's restaurant, and asked curiously.

"Because of poor health." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"But brother Jiang Chen, you are not sick. Mom said that the medicine is three-point poisonous. It is always bad to take too much. Brother Jiang Chen, don't take medicine all the time." Xiaodie said seriously, more serious than Jiang Chen. Chen looks even more serious.

"Hmm—" Jiang Chen glanced towards the kitchen subconsciously. Although Xiaodie was very smart, Jiang Chen naturally didn't think that at Xiaodie's age, he would understand these principles.

Obviously, Sister Lan taught Xiaodie to say these words.

From outsiders' point of view, Jiang Chen's body is of course not a problem. After all, there is nothing wrong with his body, not even a small cold, but he still takes medicine every day. Sister Lan doesn't think it's impossible.

"Actually, you can take medicine if you're not sick. If you take this medicine, you won't get sick." Blinking, Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"No, Brother Jiang Chen, you are lying. You only need to take medicine when you are sick, and you don't take medicine if you are not sick. It is really annoying to take medicine. Brother Jiang Chen, you always take medicine. Be careful and become a big medicine jar." Xiaodie Whispering said.

"How did it turn into a medicine jar? Didn't you realize, Xiaodie, that after taking the medicine, my brother became much more handsome?" Jiang Chen was in a good mood, teasing Xiaodie.

"Huh, it seems to be." Xiaodie looked at Jiang Chen's face carefully, feeling very strange, and said innocently: "Brother Jiang Chen, you have not only become handsome, but also grown handsome. Is it because of the medicine that I am taller? If Xiaodie wants to grow taller and more beautiful, can she also take medicine?"

"Children take medicine..." Jiang Chen was about to say that it's not good for children to take medicine, but when he got to his mouth, he suddenly changed his words and said, "That's right, you can also take medicine, but taking medicine is very annoying. Xiaodie, you still don't want to eat it."

"No, I want to take medicine, I want to become more beautiful, and I want to grow taller." Xiaodie clenched her fists and said loudly.

"Xiaodie, you will definitely grow taller and more beautiful in the future, and you don't need to take medicine." Jiang Chen laughed.

"No, no, I want to grow taller and become more beautiful immediately, so that I can make money and my mother won't have to work so hard." Xiaodie said dissatisfied.

"But, what does that have to do with your being beautiful?" Jiang Chen asked with a puzzled expression.

"Hee hee, because she wants to become a big beauty from a young girl." Xiaodie smiled, and her round face was filled with an incomparably lovely atmosphere.

"Xiaodie, don't mess around, how can you take medicine indiscriminately." The restaurant is small, and Sister Lan in the kitchen has heard Xiaodie's words, at this moment, seeing that Xiaodie is suspected of being tricked by Jiang Chen, she hurried out .

"Mom, I'm not messing around." Xiaodie said wrinkling her cute little nose.

"Hey, don't make trouble, hurry up and do your homework." Sister Lan held Xiaodie's little hand and looked at Jiang Chen with eyes full of blame.

"Really, I always ask people to do their homework. When their parents become beautiful women, they don't have to do their homework. Mom, you don't let people take medicine." Xiaodie showed an extremely aggrieved expression, but she still ran obediently. Going to do my homework.

"Jiang Chen, how could you instigate Xiaodie to take medicine?" Sister Lan reprimanded as soon as Xiaodie left.

"Sister Lan, do you think I will harm Xiaodie?" Jiang Chen said seriously.

"I know you won't harm Xiaodie, but..." Sister Lan faltered, not knowing what to say.

"Since you understand that I won't harm Xiaodie, why are you worried?" Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Are you really going to give Xiaodie medicine?" Sister Lan's face was so strange.

"That's right." Jiang Chen nodded. Although what he said to Xiaodie just now was suspected of being a fool, Jiang Chen suddenly changed his mind because he realized that taking medicine is indeed very important. great feasibility.

Xiaodie is still very young, which is the most suitable age group for training. Jiang Chen is rather curious, whether it is possible to use other methods to cultivate a master on this earth where spiritual energy is exhausted.

Xiaodie can be regarded as an experimental product, but naturally, even if the final test result fails, for Xiaodie, it will be beneficial and harmless.

"But didn't you just lie to her with those words of yours?" Sister Lan said worriedly.

"It's a lie to her, but it's true... If you have any doubts, Sister Lan, you might as well take the medicine together." After thinking about it, Jiang Chen said.

Transforming Xiaodie alone is a transformation, and by the way, transforming for Sister Lan is also a transformation. In order to make Sister Lan feel at ease, Jiang Chen can only do this.

"Well, what do I do with the medicine?" Sister Lan was a little dumbfounded. Originally, Jiang Chen took medicine every day, but she thought it was strange, so she taught Xiaodie to remind Jiang Chen, lest Jiang Chen take too much medicine and it would be harmful to him. She was not in good health, who would have thought that she would be involved in a big circle.

"Let's put it this way, Sister Lan, do you want to become younger... Well, of course you can't be too young, maybe about ten years younger. After all, Sister Lan, you are very young." Jiang Chen pondered said.

"Ten years younger?" Sister Lan was stunned, looking at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

It is undeniable that Sister Lan was moved.

Which woman does not love beauty, and how can Sister Lan be an exception? Staying young is almost every woman's ultimate dream. If she can really be ten years younger, doesn't that mean that she can return to her cardamom age?

It's just that, being heartbroken, Sister Lan still felt that Jiang Chen's words were too unrealistic.

"Jiang Chen, how is this possible." Sister Lan shook her head and said.

"Maybe or not, you'll know if you try it." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"How?" Sister Lan asked subconsciously.

"Take the medicine." Jiang Chen said firmly, before waiting for Sister Lan to reply, he left the restaurant.

About an hour later, Jiang Chen returned to Sister Lan Hotel again, but he left empty-handed, and when he came back, he had two more bags of medicine in his hands.

"Sister Lan, here is your medicine, and there is Xiaodie's medicine. I bought the medicine jar too. From now on, you will decoct the medicines for the three of us separately...the method of decocting medicine is very simple..." Jiang Chen put the bag on the table and explained.

"Do you really want to take medicine?" Sister Lan was dumbfounded.

"I don't really want to take it, but I must take it. Sister Lan, go and fry the medicine now." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Perhaps it was because Jiang Chen had never seen such a serious expression. Although she was in a strange mood, Sister Lan didn't say anything more, and went into the kitchen with her bag.

Then, after two hours, Sister Lan and Xiaodie started to drink medicine.

"It's a good medicine." Xiaodie drank the medicine in small sips, her eyes narrowed into two crescent moons, with a happy expression.

Sister Lan's expression was also slightly astonished. She thought that traditional Chinese medicine would be bitter, but she didn't expect that to be the case at all. Instead, it was a little sweet, like drinking herbal tea. It was refreshing and refreshing. The whole person is much more comfortable.

"Sister Lan, from now on, you will decoct the medicine like this every day, and then take the medicine on time with Xiaodie." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Sister Lan and Xiaodie took different medicines. Sister Lan's medicine was used to transform the body, while Xiaodie's medicine was used to temper the body. The medicine is very difficult to eat, at least, if Xiaodie can drink it and like to drink it, otherwise it will be bad if Xiaodie loses her temper and refuses to drink someday.

"Okay...okay..." Sister Lan nodded hesitantly. She was still in a strange mood, but she knew very well that Jiang Chen would not harm her and Xiaodie. Perhaps, even if the medicine had no effect, There will be no side effects, so just drink it for a while and try it.

"Brother Jiang Chen, don't worry, I will definitely take the medicine on time, it's really delicious." Xiaodie was very happy, thinking that she would soon grow taller and become more beautiful, Xiaodie was even happier up.

Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction. Seeing that it was late, the restaurant should be closing soon, so he got up and left.

"Brother Jiang." Jiang Chen had just left the hotel when a voice sounded behind him.

"Xiaodao, what are you doing here?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously when he turned around and saw that it was Brother Dao.

"There's something wrong." Brother Dao faltered, and slowly walked towards Jiang Chen.

"Oh, you were beaten?" Jiang Chen immediately laughed when he saw Brother Dao's bruised and blackened eyes.

"Brother Jiang, I was beaten by someone. Things are a little troublesome. I came here specially to find you." Brother Dao said with a wry smile.

"Tell me, what's going on." Jiang Chen was also a little curious, who beat Brother Dao like this, and seeing Brother Dao's expression, he was obviously a little scared, obviously something happened.

Brother Dao didn't hide anything, he told the matter in detail, and finally said: "Brother Jiang, those two women said it, give me three days to think about it, either be their little brother, or get out of Yilan City. What should we do about this?"

"What do you want to do?" Jiang Chen didn't answer Brother Dao's question, but asked instead.

"Of course I want to call back." Brother Dao said bitterly.

Having been around for so many years, Brother Dao has never been so ashamed. It's okay to be beaten, but he was beaten into panda eyes, which makes Brother Dao feel very embarrassed.

"Shoot back?" Jiang Chen smiled, and said, "You said that they have guns. Point the gun at your forehead, and you still dare to move?"

"It's a big deal." Gritting his teeth, Brother Dao said loudly.

"Then let's fight." Jiang Chen said lightly.


Brother Dao's complexion changed drastically. He thought Jiang Chen would have some good idea, but he didn't expect Jiang Chen to say such a thing.

"Don't be surprised, if you don't even have the courage to fight, to me, you are no different from a dead person." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Yes... I see..." Brother Dao didn't dare to say anything more, nodded his head and bowed his head, and left in a hurry.

"Two women, could it be them?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself, his face was a bit weird...

(End of this chapter)

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