genius evil

Chapter 1178 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Chapter 1178 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey


In the air, afterimages were left behind. Jiang Chen pushed his own speed to the extreme, and disappeared into the jungle in an instant.

Ye Ning followed closely behind. He had the heart to kill Jiang Chen, and he was sure to win Chiyanghua. Today, even if he went to heaven or earth, it would be impossible to let Jiang Chen go.

Behind Ye Ning, the three of Lin Hongyu followed with all their might.

They all came for the Chiyang Flower, and now that the Chiyang Flower fell into Jiang Chen's hands, it was absolutely impossible for Jiang Chen to leave alive.

The four of them are all at the peak of Creation Realm, and when they are running with all their strength, their speed is not at all slow compared to Jiang Chen.

"Damn it." Jiang Chen was annoyed.

He received two palms from the woman in black, and his internal organs were almost shattered. Fortunately, he was protected by the Pure Yang Cauldron. Otherwise, with his current injuries, he might just sit and wait to die.

Even so, the speed of self-healing of the Pure Yang Cauldron is too slow after all. With Jiang Chen frantically running the breath in his body, the injury tends to worsen, especially the heart part, which is about to tear. The pain was unbearable.

"Woman, you'd better pray that one day you won't fall into my hands, otherwise, I'll push you to the ground and spank you. At that time, don't blame me, you'll destroy flowers with your hands!" Jiang Chen gritted his teeth.

It was true that he plotted against the woman in black, but the woman in black slapped him twice, causing him to be seriously injured. In Jiang Chen's eyes, that kind of calculation was considered even.

Now, he was forced to run away, and this share was owed to him by the woman in black.

That's right, this is Jiang Chen's logic, it doesn't matter if it's correct, he really thinks so.

What the woman in black owed him, he must get it back!

"The Chiyang flower hasn't bloomed yet, so it's useless to you and the other four, so just sell me Jiang Chen as a favor. If I have a chance in the future, I'll give you four more gifts, one big gift per person, as compensation, what do you think?" Road, Jiang Chen said loudly.

"Jiang Chen, anything you say now is nonsense." Ye Ning remained expressionless, unmoved, even if he was not moved by Chi Yanghua, he still had the determination to kill Jiang Chen.

"Miss Hongyu, you and I are a husband and wife, so we can't be so vicious, right?" Jiang Chen said again to Lin Hongyu.

Lin Hongyu was stunned at first, then her pink face was flushed, and she was about to bleed, she staggered on her feet, almost fell to the ground, her breath became a little disordered.

At the beginning, Jiang Chen said that she was the woman he had his eyes on, and then directly said that she was a woman from his family, but now, she has become his wife.

This is undoubtedly pushing an inch, and it will completely ruin her reputation.

"Jiang Chen, I will cut off your tongue." Lin Hongyu was furious.

She wants to see if Jiang Chen can still talk nonsense after cutting off Jiang Chen's tongue, which is too hateful for her to tolerate.

"No wonder people say that since ancient times, the most poisonous woman's heart, Miss Hongyu, you make me so sad." Jiang Chen was heartbroken and sighed.

"Shut up." Lin Hongyu's delicate body trembled, and she was about to go crazy.

"Hey..." Jiang Chen laughed dryly, and said to Wang Lang again, "Brother Wang, how is your injury? I have a good medicine that can extend your life for 50 years, as long as you kill Ye Ning immediately." Bastard, I will give it to you right away, and I will never break my promise."

"Jiang Chen, put away your crazy words, it's useless." Wang Lang's face was stern.

It was because he believed Jiang Chen's words that he was seriously injured. In the previous battle with the Chilian Lizard, he was blown away by the Chilian Lizard, and his injuries aggravated.

"Brother Wang, you have disappointed me too much. I did this entirely for your own good. Your injuries are too serious and you will die soon." Jiang Chen said earnestly.

"Unfortunately, you will die before me." Wang Lang said, with killing intent.

"Brother Cao, I know you have always been unconvinced by Ye Ning. Today is the best opportunity. You and I will join hands to kill him. From now on, no one will be able to take away your demeanor." Jiang Chen said again. Said to Cao Mengxuan.

"Full of nonsense." Cao Mengxuan angrily reprimanded.

"Brother Cao, stop pretending. You said this to me yourself. You also said that Ye Ning is too good at putting on an air, that he is a gentleman on the surface and a villain behind his back." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"I'll kill you." Cao Mengxuan yelled angrily, and his speed suddenly increased, surpassing Ye Ning directly and attacking Jiang Chen.

"Brother Cao, be careful behind your back, Ye Ning is playing tricks on you." Jiang Chen kindly reminded, the wind was blowing under his feet, avoiding Cao Mengxuan's blow, he used the speed of his body to the limit, and pulled out a phantom in the air, Fast as hell.

"Brother Cao, don't be fooled by him. Is this kid trying to drive us apart, or what I said earlier, whoever gets the Chiyang Flower first gets it, and the other three are not allowed to snatch it, or they will be enemies of the other three." !” At this moment, Ye Ning said seriously.

He was mad with hatred, Jiang Chen actually described him as a shameless villain, it was too hateful!

"Brother Ye, don't worry too much. It's useless to let this kid grow lotus flowers from his tongue." Cao Mengxuan said, but he was also worried.

While talking, the two quickly chased after each other.

For a moment, it could be seen that inside the red mans forest, five figures were rampaging, and then, there were one or two shouts and scolding sounds from time to time.

It was Jiang Chen who shouted, and Ye Ning and others who scolded.

When Jiang Chen was running, he never opened his mouth calmly, talking non-stop, again and again, seriously challenging the patience of Ye Ning and the others.

However, even though the four of them were extremely angry, they did not lose their minds. This big chase lasted for nearly an hour, and Jiang Chen's speed did not slow down at all, which was amazing.

You know, the four of them have all witnessed the black-clothed woman severely injuring Jiang Chen.

The black-clothed woman's cultivation is beyond imagination, even if she strikes at will, it is beyond their ability to bear. They know that if it is their own, they are afraid that after two palms, they will die and cannot die again.

Even though Jiang Chen was seriously injured, he was still the same. His endurance was astonishing, and his aura was longer than expected, which surprised them. They knew that if Jiang Chen hadn't been injured, none of the four of them would be Jiang Chen's opponent.

"No wonder Jiang Chen has no scruples." Ye Ning thought to himself.

He claims to be the number one genius of the Dao Sect. Looking at the entire Chu Dynasty, his talent and potential are rare. Now, he is about to be suppressed by Jiang Chen, which inevitably makes Ye Ning feel very uneasy.

"Jiang Chen, I don't know what your identity is, but you must die today. There is a saying just now, you are right, I will never allow anyone to take away my style, no one can!" Ye Ning swear.

The four of Ye Ning were astonished, while Jiang Chen was complaining incessantly.

The reason why he escaped for such a long time was entirely because of the Pure Yang Cauldron. He was continuously absorbing the pure Yang Spiritual Energy in the Pure Yang Cauldron to nourish himself.

But after such a long time, the spiritual energy in the pure Yang cauldron will be absorbed by him. Once the spiritual energy is exhausted, he will immediately show his weakness. At that time, it will be the time when Ye Ning and the others will kill them.

"Is this self-inflicted?" Jiang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

It's not that he's depressed about today's events, the red flame grass has a very important effect on him, it's impossible for him to give it up to others, and he will get it at all costs.

What really depressed Jiang Chen was that in the small town, he offended Ye Ning and the others to death.

Originally, Jiang Chen's plan was to make a high profile, to attract the attention of some powerful sects, and then, to find a reliable backer for Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing.

But by chance, the woman in black appeared, making Jiang Chen's previous efforts all in vain.

Otherwise, with his painstaking efforts to sow dissension, even if the relationship between Ye Ning and the four of them is like an iron bucket, water can't get in, it will fall apart under his penetrating tongue.

But depression is depression, but Jiang Chen is not, regret is.

"Ye Ning, don't force me, be careful I will drag you to be buried with you." Jiang Chen threatened.

"Let the horse come here." Ye Ning sneered, for such a thing, it was already in an endless situation, how could he be threatened by Jiang Chen?

"Well, I'll be the first to kill you today." Jiang Chen said.

Almost as soon as these words fell, Jiang Chen made a move. Suddenly, he mobilized all the remaining pure yang aura in the pure yang cauldron.

The pure yang aura of the purest and yang flowed towards Jiang Chen's limbs and bones. He seemed to be enveloped in golden light, releasing golden light all over his body, turning into a golden shadow, and rushing back towards Ye Ning.

At the same time, Jiang Chen shot with all his strength, broke the mountains and rivers with one finger, and violently slashed towards Ye Ning.

As soon as he pointed out, in the void, a huge sword shadow emerged. This sword shadow was more than twice as large as the sword shadow that Jiang Chen transformed with the sky-cutting finger in the past.

The sword shadow in the void, condensed as if materialized, the sword intent was like a mountain, the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, tearing the void, emitting golden light, and slashed towards Ye Ning head-on.

"This is?"

Ye Ning's pupils contracted sharply, and when this finger fell, the sword intent was mighty, extremely bright, and extremely domineering, as if one sword was enough to cut his soul into pieces.

"Not good." Roaring, Ye Ning didn't dare to resist, the aura on his body suddenly rose sharply, and his body, at this moment, was raised by an inch, and rushed to the side at the fastest speed.


Jiang Chen's finger fell, and Ye Ning tried his best to escape, but it was too late. A bloody arm flew into the air, and Ye Ning fell sideways.


Ye Ning yelled sharply, he was injured, his right arm was broken, and he almost died, and he was terrified beyond measure.

What a terrifying finger this is, containing the power to destroy the world, not only cut off his right arm, but also crushed his pride.

"I said, I'll be the first to kill you." With no expression on his face, Jiang Chen strode out and walked towards Ye Ning. It was imperative that he should be an example to others today, otherwise he would become incomparably passive, and might even fall, unfortunately. , Ye Ning, this is the chicken!
(End of this chapter)

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