genius evil

Chapter 1179 I will kill you like killing a chicken

Chapter 1179 I will kill you like killing a chicken


With one step, Jiang Chen stepped out a few meters, and then, he punched out, Ye Ning turned into a torn sack and flew across again.


With a blank face, he punched again. This punch hit Ye Ning's head directly. Ye Ning only had time to groan before his head was blown off by Jiang Chen.


Such a scene fell into the eyes of Lin Hongyu and the three of them, their scalps were numb, and their blood was about to freeze.

Jiang Chen was too terrifying, he shot Ye Ning mercilessly, and killed Ye Ning head-on, with a fierce aura soaring to the sky, as if he had transformed into an ancient demon god, and no one could stop him.

"You three, who else wants to die?" Jiang Chen said coldly, his eyes swept over Lin Hongyu and the three of them one by one, full of murderous intent!
"Ye Ning is the direct disciple of the master of the Dao Sect, Jiang Chen, you have caused a catastrophe." Frowning, Cao Mengxuan said.

"So what?" Jiang Chen sneered, "I didn't want to kill people at first, but you guys forced me to this point. Do you think that I, Jiang Chen, are really afraid of you? Background, other than that, you are nothing in my eyes, I will kill you like chickens!"

Cao Mengxuan was silent, and Jiang Chen's domineering aura put him under great pressure, not daring to confront him head-on.

"Jiang Chen, you are too domineering." Lin Hongyu said angrily.

"Really?" Jiang Chen smiled and said contemptuously, "I, Jiang Chen, don't like killing women, especially beautiful women, but I can make an exception for you, Lin Hongyu, are you provoking me?"

Suffocating for breath, Lin Hongyu subconsciously took two steps back, her delicate body trembling, not daring to face Jiang Chen's sharp edge.

"Wang Lang, what about you? Do you want to continue to provoke me?" Jiang Chen faced Wang Lang again, and said indifferently.

Wang Lang glanced at Ye Ning's body, and then at Jiang Chen. His eyes were flickering, but he couldn't make a sound after all.

"Very good." Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Finally, the three of you are not too stupid, but this is a warning. Next time, no matter how powerful the background behind you is, I, Jiang Chen, will kill everyone. Forgiveness, no mercy!"

While speaking, Jiang Chen turned around and walked away slowly. He walked very slowly, but his momentum was invincible. He pushed and crushed, making Cao Mengxuan and the three of them silent. For a long time, the three of them seemed to be being cast out With the fixed body method, it is difficult to move.

"Ye Ning is dead." After several minutes passed, Wang Lang said silently.

This was an unexpected result. Jiang Chen was already injured. From the perspective of the four of them, he could no longer fight, but they made a strong attack and killed Ye Ning, leaving them no chance to rescue him.

"This matter must be reported to the Daoist sect as soon as possible." Cao Mengxuan sighed, a little lonely. He always took Ye Ning as his goal and vowed to surpass.

Now, Ye Ning died, he suddenly became dazed and lost motivation.

"No, maybe, I should change my target." Cao Mengxuan said silently in his heart.

Looking at the Chu Dynasty, they are all the pride of heaven, but what about the Great Qin Empire?Or, look at the entire Eastern Great Territory, or even the entire Zhenwu Continent?

"No, we were fooled." But at this moment, Lin Hongyu's startled voice sounded next to his ear.

Her words attracted the attention of Cao Mengxuan and Wang Lang.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Hongyu said, "Jiang Chen is already at the end of his strength, he was just bluffing, otherwise, why did he let us go so easily?"


A word awakened the dreamer, Cao Mengxuan and Wang Lang were furious.

They were intimidated, and unintentionally ignored this point. After all, Jiang Chen killed Ye Ning alone, and killing three more of them was also killing.

Or, even if Jiang Chen was really afraid of their backgrounds and didn't dare to kill them, he would not be able to let them go so easily. It would be necessary for the three of them to suffer a little.


Cao Mengxuan was furious. He felt that his IQ, which he had always been proud of, had been deeply insulted. He lost his voice and was the first to chase after Jiang Chen in the direction where he disappeared.



At this time, Jiang Chen had already appeared more than ten kilometers away. His injuries had worsened. His internal organs were about to be shattered, and his heart was even torn. There was no pain anywhere in his body. His nerves were strong. The will is amazing, and they are all tortured.

Fortunately, this act of killing chickens and monkeys will finally take effect, otherwise, if it is serious today, it is inevitable that there will be bloodshed.

"Flowers in the greenhouse can't become a big climate after all." Taking a deep breath, suppressing the surging blood, Jiang Chen shook his head.

That's right, in Jiang Chen's eyes, the three of Cao Mengxuan are nothing more than flowers in the greenhouse. They grew up in an ivory tower and never experienced real storms. They just became famous at a young age and were pushed to the altar. For Jiang Chen, it was nothing.

Jiang Chen hurried on his way, blindness is blindness after all, he can only hide it for a while, he needs absolute safety, and finds a chance to heal his injuries.


In the jungle, the wind howled, and Jiang Chen went on a rampage, not daring to slack off in the slightest.

In this way, after half an hour, Jiang Chen slowed down after fleeing tens of kilometers away.

In front, the trees were deep and dark, covering the sky and the sun, Jiang Chen did not hesitate to get in.

"It's here."

Spitting out a mouthful of blood, he was on the verge of falling, Jiang Chen was depleted of Qi and blood, and his whole body wasted to a critical point. If he didn't heal his injuries, his injuries would worsen again.

Sitting cross-legged on the spot, he flipped his hands, and the red flame grass appeared in Jiang Chen's palm.

What happened today, in the final analysis, was caused by the red flame grass.

Jiang Chen was bound to win the Chi Yancao, so he did not hesitate to take the risk and completely aroused the conflict.

"It's very strange that there is Chiyancao in Zhenwu Continent. Could it be that the rest of the things I want can be found in Zhenwu Continent?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself, a strange light flashed in his eyes. .

The reason why Jiang Chen wants to take down this red flame grass is precisely because this red flame grass is born of heaven and earth, and it is the most yang and the purest!

This is from the same source as the Chunyang Cauldron he carries.

Of course, if it's just that, it doesn't show that the preciousness of the red flame grass, what Jiang Chen really cares about is that Jiang Chen needs to use this red flame grass to practice the second level of the Pure Yang Art, that is, the pure positive body.

The cultivation of the pure yang body is extremely miraculous. According to its cultivation method, the human body has a total of seven shackles. Only by breaking these seven shackles one by one can the power of the physical body be cultivated to the peak.

At that time, water and fire will not invade, ten thousand dharma retreat, practice to the extreme, it is even possible, the body will be sanctified, and the heavens will be crushed!

In the previous life, in the True Spirit Continent, Jiang Chen rose like a broken bamboo all the way, but in the end, he only succeeded in tearing the four shackles.

But even so, Jiang Chen is also arrogant, invincible at the same level, geniuses and pride of the same generation, crushed by him, so it can be seen how domineering the pure yang body is.

When Jiang Chen first came to the Zhenwu Continent, he thought that cultivating the Pure Yang Body would be extremely difficult. It was because he knew too well how difficult it was to find the seven precious medicines that would tear the seven shackles of the human body.

Even in the True Spirit Continent, where heaven, material and earth treasures are all-encompassing, in the end, Jiang Chen only found four of them.

Otherwise, once Jiang Chen tore off the fifth shackle, he would not have fallen in that massacre that shook the entire True Spirit Continent.

Because the fifth shackle of the human body is torn, even if the body is crushed into powder, it can still be reborn with flesh and blood, and then regenerate the Dao Fruit, which can be called immortality.

"Let's begin." Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

His injuries were too serious, and the pure yang aura in the pure yang cauldron was exhausted. If he did not use rare treasures, it would be impossible to recover from such injuries in a short period of time.

Moreover, Jiang Chen didn't have that much time to slowly heal his wounds.

Now, Jiang Chen intends to cultivate the pure yang body. With the help of the red flame grass, he will tear the first shackle. If he succeeds, the flesh and blood will automatically fill up, and the breath in his body will be endless.

With a thought, Jiang Chen didn't hesitate, he directly activated the formula to refine the red flame grass.

With the start of refining, it can be seen that within Jiang Chen's dantian, the pure Yang cauldron "buzzed", emitting a grand sound of the great avenue. The sound seemed to come from ancient times, with indescribable antiquity and vicissitudes. Dust mind.

Dao Hongyin lingered in his ears, and Jiang Chen's heart felt as still as water in an instant, and he entered the state of selflessness.

As time passed, after just a few minutes, the red flame grass changed, as if the pearl had been dusted off and released golden light.

The strands of golden light were constantly intertwined and entwined, and finally turned into a golden ball the size of a baby's fist, but the change never stopped, and a few minutes passed, and the golden ball changed, like a very small one. heart.

Jiang Chen stretched out his big hand to hold the condensed golden light ball. It was impressively visible. The heart-like ball was beating in a certain rhythm in his palm. If he carefully identified the rhythm, he would find that, Such a beating rhythm is exactly the same as the human heart.

Jiang Chen calmly felt the reason for the beating, and suddenly grabbed the golden ball with his big hand, and pressed it on his heart. Afterwards, at a speed visible to the naked eye, the golden ball slowly melted into it.

After the golden light sphere was fully integrated, there was a rumbling sound from Jiang Chen's heart, as if it was thunder.


Deep in his throat, Jiang Chen let out a low shout, and Jiang Chen activated the Pure Yang Cauldron.

The Pure Yang Cauldron and Jiang Chen were born in one body, and after being activated, they protected Jiang Chen's whole body. Jiang Chen was like a cauldron made of flesh, refining the little golden heart at an astonishing speed.

This speed is astonishing. The Pure Yang Cauldron is like a hungry monster, devouring it crazily. In less than a minute, the refining is completed.

Almost at the same time, Jiang Chen could feel that his almost torn heart became vigorous and powerful, it was no longer bright red, but turned into a gold-like golden color.

The qi and blood in his body have also recovered and become extremely powerful. At such a time, even though the realm of cultivation has not improved, Jiang Chen is confident that if he faces Ye Ning and the others again, he will be able to fight with one punch. , blow it up...

(End of this chapter)

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