genius evil

Chapter 1180

Chapter 1180
"It's been a long time."

Slowly opening his eyes, he muttered to himself.

This is really a long-lost power, as if it was sealed before, but now, he finally broke through the shackles and broke his first shackles.

There are seven shackles in the human body, the first shackle is the heart.

In a common sense, the heart is like a bridge in the human body, communicating with the internal organs and connecting the limbs. After the shackles are torn, the breath in the body will be endless, whether it is speed or strength, it will skyrocket.

"Try your strength." Jiang Chen was ready to move.

He stood up, circulated the breath in his body, clenched his fist and smashed it towards a big tree in front of him.


The fist broke open the tree body with the momentum of crushing and decaying. Jiang Chen's punch directly pierced this big tree that can only be surrounded by several people. The huge tree body shook violently, and the dead branches and leaves fell all over the ground.

"Very good." Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction, his eyes bursting with light.

"Try the speed again." Jiang Chen said.


He took one step forward, and disappeared in place. Another step, he was already more than ten meters away. After that, Jiang Chen took dozens of steps, leaving afterimages behind him, with sharp piercing sounds.

"The speed is at least doubled." Jiang Chen stopped, grinned, and smiled strangely.

"Cao Mengxuan, Wang Lang, beautiful lady Lin Hongyu, the three of you, it's best to pray that you have left the Red Mans Forest, otherwise, I won't be polite." Jiang Chen said.

If there is a grudge, he must report it on the spot. Jiang Chen is impatient, and he will settle the score slowly later.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen's figure moved, bringing a gust of cold wind, and walked in the direction he came and went.

"Jiang Chen, don't run away, do you think you can escape?" But, before walking too far, a voice suddenly rang in Jiang Chen's ear.

Immediately, a figure walked out quickly, walking towards Jiang Chen.

"Duan Hong?" Jiang Chen looked over, slightly taken aback.

"Surprised? Or, terrified?" The person who came was Duan Hong. He looked Jiang Chen up and down, with a smile that was not a smile, but that kind of smile was extremely cold.

"Would you believe me if I said it was a surprise?" Smiling, Jiang Chen responded.

"That's right, for me, it was indeed a pleasant surprise." Duan Hong said, he looked at Jiang Chen as if he were dead.

"You made a mistake, I mean, I was pleasantly surprised, even, I really wanted to laugh." Jiang Chen corrected.

He tore apart a shackle, and was just planning to kill the carbine. On the three of Cao Mengxuan, he verified it. At the critical moment, Duan Hong appeared, which was like a live target. How could Jiang Chen not be very surprised?
"The dead duck is stubborn, so I will surprise you even more. I hope you can bear my anger." Duan Hong said in a deep voice.

He has been dormant all this time, looking for the most suitable opportunity, but fortunately, God is pitiful, this opportunity finally made him wait.

Now, Jiang Chen was seriously injured and dying, it was the best time for him to take revenge!

In an instant, Duan Hong made a move, his five fingers spread wildly, and he moved forward to kill, and the huge paw print dunked towards Jiang Chen.

He was attacked by the blood curse of the blood jade curse bead. In the past two days, he was tortured to death, and Duan Jiyu died at the hands of Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen was torn to pieces.

So at this time, even though he knew that Jiang Chen was injured, Duan Hong didn't intend to be merciful when he made a move. When he made a move, he used the most violent attack method to kill Jiang Chen.

"Things beyond one's own strength." Jiang Chen sneered, he completely ignored Duan Hong's attack, circulated the breath in his body, raised his hand and punched it out.


Fist wind rushed out through the air, smashing the huge paw print in the void.

That kind of strength didn't diminish, and it hit Duan Hong directly in the chest, hitting Duan Hong and flying out.


Duan Hong fell heavily on the ground, opened his mouth, and spewed a mouthful of blood. He quickly got up, his eyes burst open, and the way he looked at Jiang Chen was completely unbelievable.

"How could this be?" Duan Hong lost his voice.

Obviously, he saw with his own eyes that Jiang Chen was injured by the woman in black, and after that, he was chased and killed by Ye Ning and the other four, and almost died.

But how long has passed, just over an hour.

He followed behind him all the time, looking for Jiang Chen, wanting to get a big bargain, but Jiang Chen hid it too well, and he didn't find Jiang Chen until Jiang Chen showed up automatically.

But in Duan Hong's view, just over an hour was of no help to Jiang Chen's injury, but he never expected that Jiang Chen would be so overbearing that one punch would seriously injure him.

Although there was a factor of sharp decline in strength due to the blood curse attack, Duan Hong could clearly feel that when Jiang Chen punched, the aura was as powerful as the sun, mighty and invincible, even at his peak During the period, it was also impossible to resist Jiang Chen's punch, and he would be injured.

"It can only mean that you are too stupid." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Duan Hong is very smart and knows how to bear the burden of humiliation. Now that he appeared in front of him, the timing he chose was quite good. If it were someone else, he would probably be caught by Duan Hong.

But he was different, with the help of Chiyancao, he successfully tore the first shackles, and his strength skyrocketed, which was different. If Duan Hong didn't show up, it would be fine, but once he showed up, the end would come.

"Why? I don't understand." Duan Hong muttered to himself.

He really didn't understand what happened in this brief hour, why Jiang Chen's injuries had completely healed, and his strength had also increased dramatically.

He thought that even if Jiang Chen got the red sun flower, the red sun flower hadn't bloomed, and its medicinal properties were lost immediately, and it was indistinguishable from ordinary weeds!
"Dead people don't need to understand too much, don't they?" Jiang Chen sneered, he walked towards Duan Hong, shot, punched Duan Hong, and shattered Duan Hong's heart.

Duan Hong sent him to seek death, but his life and death were dispensable to Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen's real target was Cao Mengxuan and the others.

After killing Duan Hong, Jiang Chen didn't waste any time, and immediately set off to search for it in the red forest.


"Ka... Kaka..."

There was a sound of trampling on the dead branches and fallen leaves, and a figure in a green skirt walked through the red mans forest. It was Lin Hongyu.

After realizing that they were deceived by Jiang Chen, the three of Lin Hongyu chased wildly, but in the end, they lost their tracks. Unwilling to be reconciled, the three divided into three directions and continued to search, trying to find Jiang Chen, and then , kill.

Lin Hongyu had been searching for almost two hours by himself, but found nothing, just like Jiang Chen, who disappeared out of thin air.

Overcoming thorns and thorns all the way, wading across mountains and rivers, the green skirt on her body was torn in many places, and her hair was a bit messy, but Lin Hongyu didn't pay attention. She had a strong desire to find Jiang Chen and kill him with her own hands.

Jiang Chen repeatedly slandered her innocence, which troubled her a lot. Lin Hongyu thought that even if it had nothing to do with Chiyanghua, Jiang Chen still owed her.

Needless to say, Jiang Chen took Chiyanghua away, which was tantamount to forcibly taking away their chance, which is unforgivable.


Lin Hongyu speeded up, she wanted to fight to find Jiang Chen before Cao Mengxuan and Wang Lang, otherwise it would be too late when Jiang Chen fell into the hands of Cao Mengxuan and Wang Lang.

"Red fish beauty, are you looking for me?"

Just as Lin Hongyu was looking for Jiang Chen's trace, suddenly, a slightly mischievous voice rang in her ears.

Hearing that voice for the first time, Lin Hongyu was astonished. When she realized that it was Jiang Chen talking, almost immediately, Lin Hongyu rushed forward and appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

"Finally let me find you." Looking at Jiang Chen, Lin Hongyu said coldly, although it was a bit hard work, it was finally worth it.

"Beauty Red Fish, I knew that you cared about me, so you couldn't worry about me." Jiang Chen was deeply moved.

"Caring about you?" Lin Hongyu was dumbfounded, and said indifferently, "Jiang Chen, you think too much."

"Actually, I was also looking for you, beauty Red Fish, and I know that now, you are the only one who really cares about me." Jiang Chen said to himself as if he didn't hear Lin Hongyu's words.

"You looking for me?" Lin Hongyu was startled again, deeply suspicious.

After all, as long as Jiang Chen is not stupid, Jiang Chen should understand that his deception can only fool them for a while, but it is impossible to fool them forever.

However, when Jiang Chen said he was looking for her, Lin Hongyu couldn't understand what he said.

"That's right, for this long-lost reunion, let's come and hug each other." Jiang Chen nodded seriously.

He was indeed looking for Lin Hongyu, but by the way, he was also looking for Cao Mengxuan and Wang Lang. As he spoke, Jiang Chen's feet picked up the wind, and he rushed towards Lin Hongyu.

Seeing Jiang Chen rushing towards him, Lin Hongyu thought that Jiang Chen was going to strike first, so she was on alert and attacked Jiang Chen.

But Jiang Chen's speed was really too fast, just as Lin Hongyu made a move, Jiang Chen had already reached in front of her, stretched out his big hand, and pulled her into his arms with all his strength.


Lin Hongyu screamed uncontrollably, it was too horrifying and unbelievable.

Her attack was ineffective, and she was easily hugged by Jiang Chen. Her hair stood on end, and she broke out in a cold sweat. She was in great panic, unable to understand what was going on.

"Red fish beauty, your waist is really soft." Jiang Chen leaned close to Lin Hongyu's ear, said with a smile, and conveniently wiped some oil on Lin Hongyu's waist.

"Stop it." Lin Hongyu yelled again, she found strangely that after being hugged by Jiang Chen, she couldn't move.

"Red fish beauty, don't you believe me? But, it's really soft." Jiang Chen was extremely innocent, and by the way, he rubbed heavily on Lin Hongyu's slender waist.

"Jiang Chen, you humiliate me so much, I will kill you." Lin Hongyu was furious.

Previously, Jiang Chen's teasing towards her was just a verbal teasing, but now, he actually directly touched her, which made Lin Hongyu unbearable, and became mad with hatred.


Hearing this, Jiang Chen laughed. Is that just a humiliation?Then, next, he really needs to humiliate and humiliate this woman...

(End of this chapter)

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