genius evil

Chapter 1181

Chapter 1181

Holding Lin Hongyu's waist with one hand, Jiang Chen exerted a little force to lift Lin Hongyu up on his shoulders.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing?" Lin Hongyu yelled angrily, her body was suspended in the air, and she was even more terrified.

"Beauty Red Fish, have you noticed that today is a warm and windy day, and it is the best time for weddings and candles in the bridal chamber. The sky is the quilt and the ground is the mat. Since you care so much about me, the two of us should hurry up." , get things done...then, you give me a big fat boy." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"you shut up."

Lin Hongyu, a big girl with yellow flowers, how could she bear this, she trembled with fright, her face turned pale.

"It turns out that you were shy, beauty Red Fish, but for this kind of thing, it's important to be familiar with each other once, and after three times or four times, you will definitely fall in love with it." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, kill me." Gritting her teeth, Lin Hongyu said bitterly.

She would rather die than be spoiled by Jiang Chen.

"Beauty Red Fish, don't worry, I'll let you die in a different way later on. I heard that that kind of feeling is called wanting to die. I'm sure I'll let you die." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Desperate to live or die?"

Lin Hongyu was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized the meaning of these words. Immediately, her face flushed red, and she was about to bleed.

"Jiang Chen, if you don't kill me, in time, if there is a chance, I will cut you into pieces!" Lin Hongyu was about to go crazy, and could only attack Jiang Chen with the most vicious words, trying to make Jiang Chen dispel his mind.

"Beauty Red Fish, is it really okay for you to be so duplicity?" Jiang Chen didn't care much.

"You can try." Lin Hongyu said viciously.


Jiang Chen suddenly raised his hand, and slapped Lin Hongyu's butt hard.

"Beauty Red Fish, jokes like this should be done in moderation, otherwise if I accidentally take it seriously, it will be very bad." Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.

"I'm not joking." Lin Hongyu's voice was extremely cold.

This guy touched her waist before, and now spanked her ass again. She was so enraged that she wanted to swear.

"Haha, Miss Red Fish, you really like joking." Jiang Chen said cheerfully.

Lin Hongyu was full of black lines, and found that she couldn't keep up with Jiang Chen's rhythm at all, and almost regarded Jiang Chen as a lunatic...but that's right, probably only a lunatic would be as unrestrained as Jiang Chen, right?

"Jiang Chen, you killed Ye Ning and offended Dao Dao Sect. Now that you treat me like this, do you want to offend Tianyan Sect again? Have you ever thought about the consequences?" Lin Hongyu said.

"From now on, I will be the son-in-law of the Tianyan Sect, and the Tianyan Sect will definitely be proud of me." Jiang Chen said solemnly.


"Jiang Chen, are you finally willing to show yourself?" Cao Mengxuan and Wang Lang walked out, and they looked at Jiang Chen.

"That's not right. It should be said, are you two finally willing to come out?" Jiang Chen corrected.

At the end, Jiang Chen asked Lin Hongyu, "Beauty Hongyu, do you understand?"

"Understand what?" Lin Hongyu was vigilant. Jiang Chen's question was very inexplicable, which made her confused.

"Beauty Red Fish, have you ever caught fish? If you have, you should know that if you want to catch a big fish, you must cast a fat bait." Jiang Chen didn't answer Lin Hongyu's question directly. but said.

"Jiang Chen, stop talking nonsense." Pointing a finger at Jiang Chen, Wang Lang was furious.

"Is this anger from embarrassment?" Jiang Chen asked lazily.

"Red Fish, don't be fooled, Jiang Chen is uneasy and kind." Cao Mengxuan also said.

"I haven't said anything yet, why did I seduce the beauty Hongyu?" Jiang Chen asked Lin Hongyu with a half-smile, "Now, you should understand, right?"

"You mean, Cao Mengxuan and Wang Lang are using me to lure you out?" Lin Hongyu said, she is not stupid, Jiang Chen has always said it so directly, if she still doesn't understand, it means that there is a problem with IQ up.

"It's said that women with big breasts have no brains, beauty Red Fish, you have such big breasts, so your brain is quite easy to use." Jiang Chen said in surprise.

Lin Hongyu was ashamed and angry. Jiang Chen's words were too ambiguous, as if he had an shady relationship with her.

But at this moment, she didn't care about Jiang Chen, and looked towards Cao Mengxuan and Wang Lang.

"Cao Mengxuan, Wang Lang, I want an explanation on this matter." Lin Hongyu's voice was cold.

"Red Fish, can't you hear such a clumsy divorce trick?" Spreading his hands, Cao Mengxuan couldn't laugh or cry.

"So, are you going to give me an explanation?" Lin Hongyu asked.

The timing of Cao Mengxuan and Wang Lang's appearance was very ingenious. It made Lin Hongyu suspicious, because before, the three of them were divided into three directions to pursue Jiang Chen. No matter what, Cao Mengxuan and Wang Lang were both It is impossible to get together, and it is even more impossible to appear in front of her.

But now, this kind of situation happened unexpectedly.

Coupled with Jiang Chen's intentional guidance, Lin Hongyu's suspicion deepened a bit.

Cao Mengxuan's eyes flickered. He was indeed suspected of using Lin Hongyu. The reason for this situation was that Cao Mengxuan could not determine whether Jiang Chen was really putting on airs. Intentionally, definitely will not give up the idea of ​​beating Lin Hongyu.

Then, he proposed to search in three directions. In fact, he and Wang Lang had a tacit understanding. Before that, they had been following Lin Hongyu from a distance.

In other words, Lin Hongyu was the bait used to catch Jiang Chen taking the bait, but in the end, as expected, the big fish took the bait.

However, what Cao Mengxuan couldn't understand was that Jiang Chen had seen through it at a glance, and exposed it bluntly. Right now, being attacked by Lin Hongyu would inevitably lead to small troubles.

"Red Fish, Jiang Chen has always had sharp teeth and a sharp mouth. Anyone who is white can be said to be black. If you believe him, you have been fooled by him." Cao Mengxuan said.

"Is this what you said to me?" Lin Hongyu smiled wryly, she was so suspicious, and being substantiated, it was a waste of her efforts to find Jiang Chen, but it was just a pawn, being used, how ridiculous.

"Jiang Chen, you are about to die, yet you still dare to confuse people with demonic words." Seeing this, Cao Mengxuan vented his anger on Jiang Chen.

Regardless of whether Lin Hongyu minded or not, now that he has successfully found Jiang Chen, the Chiyang Flower will be his. As for Wang Lang, he is already injured, so there is nothing to worry about.

"Sure enough, he became angry from embarrassment." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Brother Wang, you and I will attack together and kill him." Cao Mengxuan greeted Wang Lang.

"Wang Lang, could it be that it's not enough for the red fish beauty to be used by him, and you plan to be used by him too?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Looking for death!" Cao Mengxuan couldn't take it any longer, and made a sudden move.

Jiang Chen's mouth is too strong, even if he is dead, he can be said to be alive. If Jiang Chen is allowed to continue talking, not only Lin Hongyu will be alienated, but Wang Lang will also be alienated.

By then, he was a loner.

Cao Mengxuan had to shut up Jiang Chen and stop giving Jiang Chen a chance to speak, and the best way to shut up Jiang Chen was to kill Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, he just punched Cao Mengxuan back, and said calmly, "Brother Wang, why are you still hesitating, as long as you kill Cao Mengxuan, I, Jiang Chen, will forget the past for what happened today .”

"Jiang Chen, are you dreaming?" Wang Lang said gloomyly.

Jiang Chen could let the past go, but he couldn't do it. Even if Cao Mengxuan had some calculations, even if he didn't get the Chiyang Flower, he still wanted to kill Jiang Chen.

As he spoke, Wang Lang shot and killed him.

"Idiot." Jiang Chen cursed in a low voice.

He said let it go, but in fact he wanted to let Wang Lang die, but Wang Lang didn't know what to do, so don't blame him for being ruthless.

Wang Lang made a move, using the Seven Kills Fist.

The wind of the fist is fierce, hitting the air, rumbling, like thunder, exploding in the ears, the power is astonishing.

However, it is useless to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen circulated the breath in his body, punched like the wind, and hit Wang Lang's fist with a frontal punch.


There was the sound of bone breaking, and Wang Lang's fist was directly smashed by Jiang Chen, with undiminished strength, it hit Wang Lang's chest, and Wang Lang was sent flying, landing on the ground, the ribs on his chest were broken. How many roots, it seems impossible to survive.

Jiang Chen punched Cao Mengxuan again.

Since Wang Lang didn't want to make a move, he had no choice but to kill Cao Mengxuan himself.

Cao Mengxuan turned pale with shock, Jiang Chen punched him away, and he didn't say anything, and another punch severely injured Wang Lang to the point of death. He was in doubt, wondering if Jiang Chen's injury had healed?Or, Jiang Chen is actually not at all, at the end of his strength, he is still powerful and invincible?
"Lin Hongyu, damn you, how dare you lie to me." In an instant, Cao Mengxuan was furious, thinking that he had been deceived by Lin Hongyu and had been fooled. Otherwise, after Jiang Chen killed Ye Ning, he would have turned around and left. Red mans forest.

"Idiot!" Jiang Chen scolded. This person is arrogant, feels too good about himself, and is dying. He still doesn't know what happened.

Jiang Chen lazily explained that his strength had skyrocketed, and his physical strength was astonishing, which was not something Cao Mengxuan could resist at all. A random punch would crush Cao Mengxuan.

Cao Mengxuan was terrified and wanted to die, so he ran away if he dared to fight again.

"Hedong for 30 years, Hexi for 30 years, the ancients did not deceive me." Jiang Chen laughed and looked at him, and he chased forward, punched Cao Mengxuan to death.

"Why did Cao Mengxuan say that I lied to him?" Looking at Cao Mengxuan's body, Lin Hongyu was silent for a long time, and asked in a daze.

"Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that you are my woman." Jiang Chen said.

Lin Hongyu remained silent again, knowing that Cao Mengxuan probably believed that she and Jiang Chen had teamed up to set up a scam, but there was no way to explain this matter, because Cao Mengxuan was already dead.

"When will you kill me?" Lin Hongyu said again, while speaking, she slowly closed her eyes, waiting for Jiang Chen to give her a good time!
(End of this chapter)

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