genius evil

Chapter 1182

Chapter 1182
Lin Hongyu had no extravagant hope that she could leave Jiang Chen's hands alive.

Counting Ye Ning, Jiang Chen had already killed two people today, and Wang Lang was half dead. Under such circumstances, how could Jiang Chen mind killing one more person?

Jiang Chen's commotion was too great, like a landslide and tsunami, it was bound to trigger a series of chain reactions. This matter was destined to end!
"Be quiet." Jiang Chen said, raised his hand, and twitched Lin Hongyu's plump buttocks.

That kind of feel, I have to say, is quite good, soft and smooth, so he can't put it down very much.

"Jiang Chen, kill if you want, don't humiliate me again." Lin Hongyu said in a choked voice.

But as soon as Lin Hongyu said this, he could see that the sky above his head suddenly darkened, and an incomparably huge black shadow appeared above the heads of the two of them, covering the sky, like night, descending in an instant.

"Pfft... puff..."

The wings vibrated, the ground flew sand and rocks, the big trees shook, and the dead branches and leaves were swept away.

"Explosive Firehawk?" Looking up, Lin Hongyu was taken aback. Didn't he already leave? Why did it appear again?

"Big beauty, I didn't expect you to care about me so much. I'm really touched. Why don't you hurry down and let's hug each other?" Jiang Chen looked at the black-clothed woman on the Jiuluo Fire Eagle, and spoke in a teasing way.

Lin Hongyu was stunned and speechless. Jiang Chen's guts were really too great. He was almost killed by the woman in black before, but now he dares to tease him?

He is not afraid, is the woman in black attacking him again?
"I'll see if you're dead. I'm really surprised that you're not dead." The woman in black, condescending, looked at Jiang Chen with indifferent eyes.

She slapped Jiang Chen twice. Jiang Chen escaped from the pursuit of Ye Ning and the other four when he was seriously injured, and in a very short period of time, he counter-killed the four of them. Domineering, not to be underestimated, far beyond her expectations.

Now, seeing Lin Hongyu being held on Jiang Chen's shoulders, the woman in black knew that it was Jiang Chen's trophy!

"So, I have successfully proved myself, right?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

It is said that good people cannot live long, and bad people will cause disasters for thousands of years.

How can a guy like him who is full of bad things die so easily? He is destined to let the woman in black's plan fail.

But I can see that the woman in black gave a rare smile and said, "You have indeed proved yourself. I can bring Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing back to the sect. As for the master, whether to accept disciples or not depends on the two of them." It's a good fortune, and it's beyond my ability to interfere."

"As long as your master is not blind, you will definitely accept the two of them as disciples. Of course, even if your master is blind, you will still accept them as disciples." Jiang Chen vowed.

For Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing, Jiang Chen was still very confident.

In addition, the two girls have practiced Yinxing Jue, whether it is talent or savvy, it is because of this that they have improved dramatically. As long as they are taught by a famous teacher, it may not be impossible to surpass the woman in black in time.

Although he himself is also a famous teacher, but after all, he practiced different ways and methods, so he couldn't teach the second daughter well. This is why Jiang Chen was anxious to find a backer for the second daughter.

In addition, he was unwilling to be mediocre, and he had great plans. The road he was going to take was destined to be full of hardships and dangers. Jiang Chen did not want Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing to accompany him on the adventure.

"Really?" The woman in black was noncommittal, she said slowly, "As far as I know, there are four top sects in the Chu Dynasty, and every move of these four sects is enough to affect the fate of the dynasty. The major sects are Dao Sect, Tian Yan Sect, Yuan Ming Sect and Qing Yun Sect."

"Beautiful beauty, you really care about me very much. Even these little things have been inquired for me. I, Jiang Chen, are so touched that I can't repay you. I can only promise you with my body." Jiang Chen sighed. endlessly.

"I'm going to go to these four sects for a while." The woman in black said softly as if she didn't hear Jiang Chen's words.

As soon as the words fell, the Fire Eagle fluttered its wings and soared into the sky. In an instant, it turned into a huge black spot and disappeared from Jiang Chen's sight.

"I X!"

Jiang Chen pointed at the sky, raised a finger, and cursed without hesitation.

What the woman in black said was vague, but the meaning was quite obvious, that is, she would personally tell the four sects what happened in the Red Mang Forest.

In other words, he, Jiang Chen, was once again tricked by the woman in black.

One time was not enough, and once again, Jiang Chen almost scolded his mother, because he had the heart to kill.

Sure enough, the more beautiful a woman is, the more her heart is like a poisonous scorpion. Who would have thought that the woman in black, like a nine-day fairy, is holding back so much bad water, and her whole heart is to put him to death?
Lin Hongyu also understood the meaning of the black-clothed woman's words, she laughed out loud, and said sarcastically, "Jiang Chen, you also have today, this is what you deserve."

"Beauty Red Fish, this is why you don't understand. The so-called beating is affection and scolding is love. This beautiful woman clearly shows that she loves me deeply." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"You can talk nonsense, but it's a pity that you don't have much time. The Explosive Fire Eagle will come and go without a trace, and will reach the four major sects in a very short time, and what you have done will soon be exposed. Wait, get revenge." Lin Hongyu said coldly, she had been aggrieved, but at this moment, she finally felt relieved.

She thought that once the sect responded, Jiang Chen would have no way to go to the sky and no way to enter the earth, and he would surely die with blood!

Viciously, Jiang Chen patted Lin Hongyu's butt with force, and said angrily, "Beauty Hongyu, do you have to be so cruel? Even though the husband and wife are birds of the same forest, they fly separately when disaster strikes, but they gloated , is wrong, you know?"

"Jiang Chen, kill me while you still have time." Lin Hongyu said, she didn't want to bear Jiang Chen's humiliation anymore, she would rather die.

"Uh, beauty Red Fish, how about we discuss one thing, or if I let you go, you go back and tell them that what happened today was a misunderstanding, how about it?" Jiang Chen said.

He had just arrived in Zhenwu Continent, and he was about to stage a big chase, which made Jiang Chen feel so depressed, so depressed.

Even when Jiang Chen had prepared himself for this kind of mental preparation when killing Ye Ning and the others, being tricked by the woman in black still made Jiang Chen extremely unhappy.

Lin Hongyu was stunned, probably not expecting that Jiang Chen would say such a thing.

"You are too naive." Lin Hongyu responded.

Today's matter, let alone a misunderstanding, even if it was a misunderstanding, this misunderstanding must be repaid by Jiang Chen with blood!
"Beauty Red Fish, even if I didn't misunderstand the three of them, there is always a misunderstanding between you and me, right?" Jiang Chen persuaded without giving up.

Lin Hongyu was stunned again, thought for a while, and said, "Unless you hand over the Chiyang Flower to me, maybe I can consider it and let Tian Yanzong not pursue it."

After thinking about it carefully, Lin Hongyu realized that she and Jiang Chen had no so-called blood feud, she came here for the Chiyang Flower, and her ultimate goal was to get the Chiyang Flower.

If he could get the Chiyang Flower without any effort, it is not impossible to let Jiang Chen go temporarily.

Of course, this is only temporary.

In time, once her cultivation level breaks through, she will personally go to Jiang Chen to take revenge on Jiang Chen for humiliating her.

"The adulterer, stop acting."

However, just after Lin Hongyu finished speaking, the wounded and dying Wang Lang began to curse.

"Lin Hongyu, I really didn't expect that you colluded with Jiang Chen early in the morning, and you have reached such a point, do you still want to act in a hypocritical manner?" Wang Lang said again, with a grim expression on his face.

He was seriously injured and was about to die. At this moment, he had nothing to fear and only wanted to be happy.

"Beauty Red Fish, he scolded you." Jiang Chen pointed at Wang Lang.

"Wang Lang, I asked myself that I didn't offend you, but you slandered me again and again. What is your intention?" Lin Hongyu scolded, feeling extremely wronged.

If she really went along with Jiang Chen, how could she be treated like this by Jiang Chen?

"Slander?" Wang Lang laughed loudly, vomited blood, and said, "Lin Hongyu, stop pretending, today's account, my Yuan Mingzong will be blamed on Jiang Chen, and you will also run away. It won't fall."

"Not good." Hearing the sound, Lin Hongyu's complexion suddenly changed drastically.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Chen was puzzled.

"I heard that in Yuanmingzong, there is a secret method that can transmit news from thousands of miles away. I am afraid that Wang Lang has already passed the news back to Yuanmingzong." Lin Hongyu was uneasy.


Before Lin Hongyu finished speaking, Jiang Chen made a move, smashing Wang Lang's head with a punch like a watermelon.

"Damn it!" Jiang Chen cursed viciously, knowing that he was careless, if he had known this, he would have killed Wang Lang early in the morning.

In the current situation, if Lin Hongyu hadn't made alarmist remarks, someone from Yuan Mingzong would have already dispatched to the Chimang Forest.

"Jiang Chen, hurry up and give the Chiyang Flower to me." Lin Hongyu was also anxious.

She was originally innocent, but Wang Lang believed that she was not innocent, and now it was hard to tell, even if she jumped into the Yellow River, she would not be able to cleanse herself, which made her very uncomfortable.

"Beauty Hongyu, remember, the husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and now they can't fly separately." Jiang Chen said earnestly, and put Lin Hongyu down very seriously.

"You—" Lin Hongyu was speechless.

"I should go, next time I go to Tian Yanzong to find you, remember our agreement, you must give birth to a big fat boy for me." Jiang Chen said, and ran away quickly.

"Bastard!" Lin Hongyu yelled, her delicate body trembling, terribly angry.

Jiang Chen left without killing her, but this matter is troublesome. Lin Hongyu knows that if one is not good, the Tianyan Sect will become the target of public criticism. If she is not careful, she will bring a huge blow to the Tianyan Sect. Trouble.

Not daring to hesitate, Lin Hongyu left quickly. She had to report this matter to the sect as soon as possible, otherwise, time was running out and it would be too late!
(End of this chapter)

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