genius evil

Chapter 1183 I Remember Your Name

Chapter 1183 I Remember Your Name
Above the sky, the Juluo Firehawk flew at extreme speed.

It was extremely handsome, and with a flick of its wings, it appeared a hundred meters away.

The wind howled, and the clouds kept drifting backwards.

On the spacious eagle's back, stood three figures, it was Wen Qing's book of poems, and the woman in black.

Jiuluo Firehawk's speed was too fast, and it seemed that it could break through the sound barrier at any time. At the beginning, it was extremely difficult for Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing to adapt.

But now, the two women are no longer panicked, because although Jiu Luo Huo Ying's speed is extraordinary, it is extremely stable, and it can't even feel the bumps.

"What's your name?" Wen Qingxin asked the woman in black, the wind was sharp, and her voice was soon blown away by the wind.

"You can call me Qianxue, of course, maybe, I will be your senior sister." The woman in black said.

She was cold and arrogant, but in front of Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing, her tone of voice was a little softer.

"I remember your name." Wen Qingxin said, then fell silent.

I remember Qianxue's name because if something unexpected happened to Jiang Chen, she would put all the debt on Qianxue.

Qianxue was startled for a moment, but immediately understood, she smiled sweetly and said, "Aren't you afraid of provoking me?"

"If you intend to break your word, then we are naturally afraid." Shen Shijing said at this time, coldly.

"Of course I mean what I say, but to me, it's just a trivial lesson. Jiang Chen said that if I got into trouble, he would shoot three times for me. There is no evidence for what I said. I need Seeing his sincerity, in addition, I need him to prove to me his potential."

"If he died so easily, it can only mean that he was lying and teasing me, and the person who teased me has only one end, and that is death."

Qianxue spoke leisurely, calmly and calmly.

"But you have already calculated him once, why bother to calculate him a second time." Shen Shijing said angrily.

Qianxue smiled slightly, and said: "Whether it is the Dao Dao Sect or the Tian Yan Sect, in my eyes, they are nothing more than mere ants. What Jiang Chen has to deal with now is only four ants."


Hearing this, the expressions of Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing changed one after another.

No wonder, from the beginning to the end, Qianxue didn't take it seriously. How dare she treat the four top sects in the Chu Dynasty as ants?
If it wasn't for the fact that she never lied, then what about Qian Renxue's origin? How amazing is it?


At this time, Jiang Chen was heading towards the interior of the Red Mans Forest.

He planned to leave the Chu Dynasty as quickly as possible through the Chimang Forest.

The current situation, for him, has to be said to be extremely bad. Within the territory of the Chu Dynasty, the four top sects offended three at one go, plus half of the Tianyan Sect. .

After tearing off the first shackle, Jiang Chen's speed was astonishing, the breath in his body was endless, and he ran thousands of miles in one breath without feeling tired at all.

"Perhaps we should, find something to eat." Jiang Chen said silently.

He thought of the Gaefeng Tiger, but unfortunately, the Gaefeng Tiger meat was partly cooked, but he didn't have time to eat a single bite. It has to be said that Jiang Chen was quite depressed.

"Damn woman, you owe me twice now." Jiang Chen gritted his teeth, and his hatred for Qian Xue couldn't help but deepen a bit.


As the mountain wind howled, Jiang Chen stepped forward in one step, and after ten meters or so, he pulled out afterimages that seemed to be substantial behind him.

Thinking about not getting a drop of water all day today, Jiang Chen was even more hungry and panicked.

"Well, someone?"

Suddenly, Jiang Chen heard the sound of fighting coming from afar. His figure was erratic, and in an instant, he appeared at the source of the sound.


The sharp roar was enough to pierce the eardrums, and a beige shadow was reflected in Jiang Chen's eyes.

"Chi Lian Lizard?" Jiang Chen glanced at it and was secretly stunned. Why did this thing come here?
The Chilian lizard was attacking, extremely violent, with its tail flicking, it was unstoppable, the four figures were instantly sent flying, their skins were torn apart, it was extremely tragic.


With a roar, among the four of them, a gray-haired old man held a long knife and rushed towards the Chilian lizard frantically.

But it is useless at all, the Chilian lizard is covered by a layer of hard scales, and it is difficult for ordinary swords to hurt it.

What's more, although this red lizard has not yet fully grown, it has just opened its mind and has extremely rich combat experience. The old man cut it down with a knife. Although he is overbearing, he can't even touch the shadow of the red lizard.


The long tail flicked and hit the old man's chest. There was a sound of broken ribs. The old man flew out like a cannonball, fell to the ground, and opened his mouth to spurt blood.

"Both of you, quickly escort Ling'er away." The old man was very stubborn. After falling to the ground, he immediately jumped up, and once again, he threw himself at the red lizard, desperately.

It's a pity that he was powerless, and he was no match at all. He was severely trampled by the red lizard, and after a while, he only had half his life left.

"Uncle Gu." The girl sobbed, tears streaming down her face.

"Let's go." The old man was wailing, full of grief and anger. He dragged his broken body and rushed out again, fighting with the Chilian lizard endlessly.


The red lizard's long tail slammed on the old man's head from top to bottom, and the old man's head exploded and he fell to the ground.


At this moment, Jiang Chen cursed angrily, he rushed out, rushed straight to the Chi Lian Lizard, clenched his fist, and just smashed it down.

Chilian Lizard was injured during the battle with Ye Ning, and Jiang Chen's speed was more than twice as fast as before. With this punch, Chilian Lizard didn't even have time to react, just being punched by Jiang Chen , was hit on the head.

Afterwards, the Chi Lian Lizard was also punched by Jiang Chen, smashing its head into pieces.

"It's a pity." Looking at the corpse of Chilian Lizard, Jiang Chen shook his head regretfully.

This scarlet lizard was covered in blood, but the blood was not its own, but the old man's. Although its flesh and blood were very delicious, Jiang Chen couldn't even eat a single bite.

"It's too wasteful." Jiang Chen felt a pity. He should have shot the Chilian lizard directly. It must be a delicious meal.

Unbeknownst to him, the three of them, including the girl, all looked at him as if they had seen a ghost.

The red lizard smashed the old man's head, and Jiang Chen then blasted the red lizard. This kind of violent scene gave the three of them a great visual impact.

Then, the three girls noticed that Jiang Chen looked at them.

Subconsciously shrinking their necks, the three girls trembled.

"Uh, do you have anything to eat?" Jiang Chen asked, and he smiled, showing kindness.

"What do you want to eat? Yes...some..." The girl hurriedly said, untied the storage bag on her body, and threw it to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen Xin grabbed it, took a look, and was a little surprised, but this storage bag was quite high-end, several times higher than the storage bag on his body.

Afterwards, with an idea, Jiang Chen forcibly penetrated and checked.

In the storage bag, apart from some dry food, there were actually several bottles of fruit wine, exuding a fragrance that made Jiang Chen's saliva almost flow out.

"Golden ticket?"

Jiang Chen saw the golden ticket again, a thick pile of it, and a rough calculation, it was at least several million taels, and she was actually a little rich woman.

"I'm afraid this girl's identity is not so simple." Jiang Chen smiled.

He can be regarded as an out-and-out rich man now, and he naturally looked down upon these golden tickets. He took out all the dry food and fruit wine, just sat on the ground and chewed.

That kind of dry food has a lot of weight, and the taste is very good. Jiang Chen drank the fruit wine and ate the dry food. After a while, it was like a wind and a cloud, and it was wiped clean.

"Finally half full." Patting his stomach, Jiang Chen let out a mouthful of turbid air, the feeling of hunger was much relieved.

He casually threw the storage bag to the girl and said, "After eating, I should go too."

"Aren't you going to kill us?" The girl subconsciously took the storage bag and asked in a daze.

"Oh, you want me to kill you?" Jiang Chen smiled, but he wasn't a homicide maniac, and killing people isn't a fun thing, is it?
"'s not..." The girl shook her head in panic, and said in a terrified voice, "I thought you were going to kill us after you were full."

"Maybe I can change my mind and kill you." Jiang Chen rubbed his chin and joked.

"Brush... brush..."

The two people behind the girl moved in unison, stopped in front of the girl, stared at Jiang Chen covetously, ready to strike at any time.

"Haha, just kidding, why are you so nervous." Jiang Chen laughed, waved his hands, and was about to leave.

"Wait..." The girl called Jiang Chen to a stop. She looked cowardly and extremely nervous, and said in a trembling voice, "Then can you help us? I can give you all the golden tickets, as long as you bring us, Leave the Red Mans Forest."

Jiang Chen looked at the girl with great interest, and said jokingly, "Little beauty, could it be that you regard me as a good person?"

"I'm looking at you. It seems that I want to leave the Red Mans Forest." The girl mustered up her courage and said softly, "I know it's presumptuous, but Uncle Gu is dead, and I have no other choice."

"Where are you going?" He pondered, Jiang Chen asked, inexplicably had such a little interest in this girl, and under such circumstances, he was still able to maintain independent thinking ability.

"Yan Dynasty." After some hesitation, the girl said.

"Which direction is the Yan Dynasty?" Jiang Chen asked again.

The girl stretched out her finger and pointed in one direction to show Jiang Chen.

"Thank you." Jiang Chen dropped two words, and disappeared from the girl's eyes in an instant.

"This?" The girl was dumbfounded. She thought that Jiang Chen had agreed to escort the three of them out of the Red Mans Forest, but Jiang Chen left alone. Such a situation made it hard for her to regain consciousness for a long time, and she was in a mess.

"Miss, we can't stay here for long, let's go too." One person said to the girl.

The girl nodded, looked at the old man's body, her eyes showed a bit of sadness, and she ordered, "You restrain Uncle Gu's body, and we will leave. Uncle Gu died for me, I...I..."

Talking, crying, emotional grief, no matter how difficult it is to speak.

The two were moved by it, dug a hole, put the old man's body in it, and then quickly left with the girl...

(End of this chapter)

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