genius evil

Chapter 1184 Strange Mercenary Mission

Chapter 1184 Strange Mercenary Mission
Jiang Chen was scurrying about in the Red Mans Forest like a headless fly. Now that he had a direction, his speed increased a bit.

As for the life and death of the three girls named Ling'er, Jiang Chen didn't think it had anything to do with him.

Speaking of which, he had already indirectly saved the lives of the three girls by killing the Chilian lizard.

A girl carrying millions of taels of gold with her, undoubtedly, has a rather complicated identity. Jiang Chen was already in trouble, and he didn't want to bring trouble to himself for no reason.

After spending three days and traveling thousands of kilometers, Jiang Chen finally walked out of the Red Mans Forest and entered the territory of the Yan Dynasty.

"Lingfeng Town?"

After walking out of the Red Mans Forest, Jiang Chen traveled another hundred kilometers. In his line of sight, the outline of a town appeared, and Jiang Chen rushed over there.

The Chu Dynasty and the Yan Dynasty bordered each other, separated by the Chimang Forest, but there were still differences in customs and customs. Obviously, the Yan Dynasty was more martial.

In a mere small town, Jiang Chen walked all the way, and found several weapons stores, and even a small team of warrior hunters, shuttling through it, the folk customs had to be said to be very sturdy.

Jiang Chen randomly entered a small street shop, and when he came out, he had an extra copy of the map of the Yan Dynasty in his hand.

Originally, Jiang Chen planned to buy a map of the Zhenwu Continent, but there was none in the small shop, and the shop owner told him with certainty that the Zhenwu Continent was boundless, even in the capital of the Great Qin Empire. The complete map may not be available for purchase.

"Huh?" Holding the map and casually looking at it for a few times, Jiang Chen discovered that even though it was only a dynasty, its land area was astonishingly large, several times the size of China.

There are several other dynasties, adjacent to the Chu Dynasty, namely the Qi Dynasty, the Zhao Dynasty and the Wei Dynasty.

In this way, the territory of the Great Qin Empire, which governed these many dynasties, can be imagined, and in this Eastern Great Territory, there are more than a dozen empires. It can be seen from this that even a small area is how big it is. It is vast and boundless, so it is no wonder that the shopkeeper is so determined that it is difficult to buy a map of Zhenwu Continent.

"Recruiting, recruiting... The Storm Warrior team is recruiting."

Jiang Chen was thinking about these questions when a voice suddenly sounded in his ears. Immediately afterwards, on the street, countless people gathered in one direction.

"What's the situation?" Jiang Chen grabbed a person casually and asked.

"Let go quickly, I have to rush over to sign up." The man complained, wanting to break Jiang Chen free.

"With so many people signing up, is there any benefit?" Jiang Chen wondered.

After just shouting, Jiang Chen was surprised that so many warriors were attracted to sign up.

The man sneered and said, "You're new here, no wonder you don't know anything, this storm warrior team is famously generous, every mission commission is extremely generous, if you miss this time, you have to wait another three months , I have no time to waste with you."

While talking, the man broke free and ran away.

"Commission mission?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

No wonder there are so many warriors flocking to them. It's because the storm warrior team has given a lot of commissions.

But that's right, martial arts cultivation is essentially the same as comprehension, requiring the accumulation of various resources, and such resources, in the final analysis, are money.

It is easy to do things with money, and nothing can be done without money. This principle is unimpeded in any kind of society.

Following that, Jiang Chen moved his feet and followed. There was nothing wrong with the left and right, but he wanted to see what was going on.

The Storm Warrior Squad has a very high reputation in Lingfeng Town, and is known for its generosity. Every time it recruits new warriors, it attracts the attention of all parties. When Jiang Chen rushed over, a small square was already densely packed. , full of people.

A burly man with a beard on his face said loudly: "For those who signed up, please line up in order. Each person has a deposit of 1000 taels of gold. After completing the task, the deposit will be refunded."


Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

When he was in the True Spirit Continent, he also had countless adventure teams, but he had never heard of it, and he had to pay a deposit.

However, it was obvious that all the warriors were used to this kind of situation, they lined up consciously, and then handed over the deposit.

In just a few minutes, more than a dozen people paid the deposit.

They were all very excited, as if they had won a big prize, while those warriors who were in financial distress and couldn't pay the deposit stood aside, dejected, envious one by one.

"Friend, it's your turn." A hand pushed Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen turned his head subconsciously, and saw dozens of people lined up behind him. He couldn't laugh or cry for a while, it was too hot.

"I don't know, what is the mission this time?" Jiang Chen thought, stepped forward, and handed over a deposit of 1000 taels of gold.

The team moved forward very quickly. In about half an hour, there were more than 100 people. After paying the deposit, they were arranged in one place. According to the bearded man, after counting the number of people, they set off immediately.

"I heard that those warriors who participated in the mission of the Storm Warrior Squad in the past all received at least 1 taels of gold in return. Fortunately, I prepared a deposit earlier, otherwise this time, I will miss it."

"That's right, the Storm Warrior Squad only comes once every three months, and only once a year. It's just four chances, so you can't miss it."

"Get rich, I finally caught up this time, I deserve to get rich!"


Behind Jiang Chen, various voices of discussion rang out. Presumably, these warriors had been in Lingfeng Town all year round, and they were clear about the behavior style of the Storm Warrior Squad.

They were in groups of three or five, full of vigor and high spirits, but Jiang Chen stood alone by himself, quite unusual.

Fortunately, half an hour later, the team set off.

According to the saying, the destination is Danyang City, the royal capital of the Yan Dynasty. The task this time is to escort a batch of important supplies, and it is promised that after the task is completed, all warriors will receive a commission of 1 taels of gold.

"To Danyang City?"

Jiang Chen was a little surprised. After looking at the map of the Yan Dynasty, he planned to go to Danyang City, but this time, he went on the way.

"That's good." After pondering for a while, Jiang Chen planned to follow the storm warrior team and go on the road together.

In the past three days, although he passed through the Red Mans Forest smoothly, he thought that the several sects that had already received the news were currently in a rage, and it was impossible to easily give up their pursuit of him.

If one person acts alone, the target is too obvious, and it is just enough to cover up his whereabouts by mingling in this storm warrior team.

As for the so-called commission, Jiang Chen naturally looked down upon it.

Lingfeng Town is located at the southernmost tip of the Yan Dynasty, thousands of kilometers away from Nadanyang City. After leaving Lingfeng Town, the team went directly to the north to develop and move forward quickly.

The team of more than 100 people is mighty and powerful.

Perhaps because of the large number of people, everyone seemed extremely relaxed, talking and laughing along the way.

In such a rush, day and night, the team did not take a rest until the morning of the next day.

"Brothers have worked hard. Let's rest at the same place for half an hour. Everyone hurry up and eat something. The task is urgent and we don't dare to delay. We will set off in half an hour." It was still the bearded man who stood up and passed on the message.

"Little brother, come, eat a piece of pie."

Jiang Chen was sitting and resting against a tree, a middle-aged man came over, smiled and handed Jiang Chen a big cake and a pot of water by the way.

"Oh?" Jiang Chen was stunned.

"You young people, you don't know how to prepare early when you go out, you must be starving." The middle-aged man said with a smile, and sat down beside Jiang Chen.

"Indeed I'm a little hungry." Jiang Chen nodded, and he was not polite. He ate the pancake in two or three bites, drank the water by the way, and returned the kettle to Jiang Chen.

"Little brother, you just came out to pick up the mission at a young age. Could it be that you encountered difficulties at home?" The middle-aged man asked concerned.

"Ah, it's a little bit." Jiang Chen panicked casually.

"It turns out that's all. If there's anything going on in the future, just tell your brother Zhang. Also, be careful in everything and make sure you return home safely." The middle-aged man patted Jiang Chen's shoulder and said guilty.

"Brother Zhang, do you also have difficulties in your family?" Jiang Chen asked, having a good impression of this middle-aged man.

"To be honest, my youngest son has been sick for a long time, and the family has long been poor. I borrowed the deposit this time, but when the task is completed and the reward is paid, the situation will be fine. It's getting better." The middle-aged man said with a smile, very optimistic.

Jiang Chen nodded, and after talking, he learned that the middle-aged man's name was Zhang Yan. He was very warm-hearted and got along well with many warriors.

Half an hour later, a group of warriors ate something in a hurry, and then set off on the road again. After walking, it was the evening of the next day before they could rest for a while.

The next two days were spent basically like this. At the beginning, there were people talking and laughing, but in the end, they were all so tired that they almost lost the strength to speak.

On the night of the third day, the team walked through a big mountain. Zhang Yan told Jiang Chen that after another day of walking, they would be able to reach Danyang City. Three quarters of this mission had been completed. , The commission of 1 taels of gold is considered to be in hand.

Jiang Chen smiled, he didn't care about the remuneration, he has been taken care of these few days, when the time comes, he will treat it as a gift and give it to Zhang Yan.

"Huh? This place is full of spirit energy."

While the team was walking, Jiang Chen could clearly sense that the Pure Yang Cauldron in his dantian was frantically absorbing the Qi of Yuan Ling in the air.

In fact, the pure yang cauldron absorbs the energy of the primordial spirit all the time, and then transforms it into pure yang energy, continuously tempering his body.

It's just that, if he absorbs it normally, he can hardly notice it unless he deliberately absorbs it, but at this time, the massive spirit energy is absorbed by the pure Yang cauldron, and Jiang Chen's feeling is very obvious.

With a thought, Jiang Chen planned to leave the team to check what was going on here. Before he could move, he saw the sound of horseshoes in front of the team. Then, a dozen tall horses appeared in the sight of a group of warriors. among...

(End of this chapter)

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