genius evil

Chapter 1185 surrender, or die

Chapter 1185 surrender, or die
That was not the horse that Jiang Chen had seen on the earth, but a monster beast that was seventy percent like a horse, used for transportation, and it was exceptionally handsome, traveling thousands of miles a day, let alone talk about it.

Compared with flying beasts, this kind of monster is easier to be domesticated, even artificially fed, and because of its low price, it is very popular.

"How many people did you bring?" One of the horses took two steps forward. The man on the horse looked down at the bearded man and asked in a deep voice.

"Commander He, there are a total of [-] people. This time we are lucky." The bearded man smiled and said as if asking for credit.

"Very good, well done, go and receive the reward yourself." The man on the horseback said, then waved his whip, and motioned, "All of you, follow me, hurry up, don't waste my time!" time."

"Where are you going?" Someone asked subconsciously.

"Leave as soon as I tell you, stop talking nonsense." Commander He immediately whipped off the whip, tearing the person who asked the question to pieces, and fell to the ground, howling like ghosts and wolves.

"See what's going on with this man, why don't you hurry up and follow him." Seeing this, the bearded man yelled loudly and chased him away.

"Be clear, where are you going?"

"Yeah, where is this going?"

"Who are you?"


Seeing that someone was injured, the crowd started clamoring.

"It's really the same as the previous group of guys. A group of low-spirited bastards, they will be honest once they are whipped." Commander He said gloomyly. Crazy ~ pumping.

His strikes were extremely fast and extremely fierce. With the horsewhip in his hand, he hit wherever he pointed, and when the whip was pulled down, there was no way to dodge. In an instant, more than a dozen people were injured, and their faces were covered with blood.

"Who else is going to make trouble?" Commander He looked at everyone like an idiot, and said in a strange way.

"Who the hell are you?"

Zhang Yan came out and said in grief and indignation.

In the past few days, he and a group of warriors fought fiercely and formed friendship with each other. Now, more than a dozen people were beaten and injured. Seeing that, he felt uncomfortable, so he stood up and asked for an explanation.

"You pig, what qualifications do you have to ask questions in front of me." Leaning at Zhang Yan, Commander He said dismissively.

"If you don't make it clear, it is absolutely impossible for us to go with you." Zhang Yan said angrily.

They accepted the invitation of the Storm Warrior Team, but they have not yet arrived at their destination, and they have not yet received the mission commission. They were taken away without knowing why, Zhang Yan could not accept it.

"You are looking for death." Commander He was furious, and whipped his whip towards Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan grabbed the whip with a big hand, and said loudly: "You said that I am not qualified to ask questions, but what right do you have to beat people? At worst, we will not do this task."

"That's right, don't do it."

"Refund the money, quickly refund the money."

"Refund our hard-earned money."

The crowd once again clamored and yelled loudly, pointing their fingers at the bearded man.

The bearded man probably had never seen such a formation before. He shrunk his neck and hid in despair behind Commander He, fearing that he would cause public anger and be attacked by a crowd.


Frowning suddenly, Commander He looked at everyone in surprise.

In the past, every time someone was sent over, it was true that there were thorns, but it was only one or two. After a lesson, they would be honest and become like quails.

The rest of the people, let alone helping, dare not even say a word, they are completely disorganized, and it is difficult to make a situation, which is why he is confident and unscrupulous.

Tonight's situation is a little different. More than 100 warriors were all enraged and stood up. If one of them is not handled well, the scene will get out of control.

Thinking of this, Commander He took a deep look at Zhang Yan.

He believed that all of this was due to Zhang Yan. If Zhang Yan hadn't stood up and opposed him, the rest of the people would have obeyed long ago.

Involuntary in his heart, burning with anger, Commander He yanked vigorously, pulled out the whip that Zhang Yan had grabbed, shook his right hand, and attacked Zhang Yan.

How could Zhang Yan be willing to die with nothing, so he had to deal with Commander He. Commander He was riding on a horse and it was inconvenient to make a move. For a while, there was nothing he could do about Zhang Yan.

"Whatever you are still doing in a daze, do it to me. These idiots, either let me dig the mine honestly, or let me die. None of them are allowed to run away."

Several shots failed to injure Zhang Yan at all. Commander He was so angry that he jumped up and jumped off the horse. At the same time, he dropped the whip and drew out a long knife with his big hand. , Killed and stepped forward, wanting to kill Zhang Yan.


The dozen or so people responded in unison. Immediately, they rode forward and rushed into the crowd. The whips in their hands swayed like rain, and they attacked all the warriors indiscriminately.

"Mining? Damn the storm warrior team, it turned out that we were sent to mine, and we were fooled."

"Liar, big liar."

"I remembered. I heard earlier that there was a black mine in this mountain range, which killed countless warriors."

"Refund our deposit, that is our hard-earned money."

"You guys who kill thousands of knives deserve ten thousand deaths!"


The crowd was scattered in an instant, and countless warriors shouted loudly, choking with grief.

They finally understood why none of the warriors recruited by the storm warrior team returned to Lingfeng Town before.

Dare to say, the so-called mercenary mission was actually betrayed, treated like a pig, and sold here to mine.

Not to mention, they also paid a deposit of 1000 taels of gold, which is equivalent to being sold by the Storm Warrior team and helping to pay for it.

This made them feel sad and indignant, and it was hard to accept.

"To shut up!"

"court death!"


A dozen or so knights on horseback yelled angrily and murderously, and whenever anyone spoke, they were whipped.

They were very powerful, and they attacked fiercely. They beat all the warriors until they ran away with their heads in their hands, in a panic.


The horsewhip whipped in the air, making a sharp sound, and a whip came towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chenxin grabbed the whip with his hand, and pulled the horseman off the horse's back, and rolled down. He lifted his big foot, stepped on it, and directly broke his neck.

"It turned out to be like this." Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

Earlier, he just felt that the situation was not quite right. This storm warrior squad recruited so many warriors without discriminating the opponent's cultivation level. As long as they gave money, it didn't matter no matter how weak their strength was. This was undoubtedly abnormal. .

It was actually sent here to mine. This is equivalent to saying that the Storm Warrior Squad is actually a second-hand trafficker at all, but it is not selling other things, but human trafficking.

Even if it's a strange thing, I've seen it a lot, and this kind of situation still makes Jiang Chen very unbelievable.

"Mining? There is a mine here. Could it be that the reason why Yuan Ling's Qi becomes rich is related to that mine?" Jiang Chen mused.

"Boy, you are going to die for me."

Just as Jiang Chen was thinking about this, another whip whip came towards him. The knight on the horse saw that someone was killed by Jiang Chen, and he was furious.

Jiang Chen threw out a punch casually, knocking him flying.

"kill him!"

Soon, several knights flocked to them. They noticed Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen was very difficult to deal with. He actually killed two of their members. It was unforgivable.

"Could it be that I look easy to bully?" Jiang Chen smiled wryly.

He didn't intend to show off the limelight, and joining the Storm Warriors team this time meant to hide from the limelight, but these guys shouted at him, and they looked like they would never give up unless they killed him. You're welcome.

Jiang Chen made a move, punched out, and immediately one person was blown out by the blow of the punch.

After tearing the first shackles, Jiang Chen's strength was incomparably domineering, and those in the Fortune Realm were all easily killed by his punch. Although these knights were all extraordinary in cultivation, how could they withstand him? punch?
Afterwards, without waiting for these knights to make a move, Jiang Chen rushed forward. He rushed forward, pushed and crushed, and no one was his opponent with a single punch.


At this moment, a figure fell heavily to Jiang Chen's feet, opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, it was Zhang Yan.

"Brother Zhang, are you alright?" Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and helped Zhang Yan up.

Zhang Yan was injured. He was not Commander He's opponent. There was a knife mark on his chest, the depth of which could almost show the bones, internal organs, all of which were almost smashed by Commander He.

"Jiang Chen, why are you still here, run away quickly." Seeing that Jiang Chen had helped him up, Zhang Yan immediately yelled, urging Jiang Chen to leave.

These people have no humanity, they can either obey or die, and the end of obedience can only be, go to the dark mine, dig day and night until they die.

That was an extremely miserable ending, Jiang Chen was still young, Zhang Yan didn't want Jiang Chen to encounter a murderous hand.

"Want to escape? It's a pity, it's too late." Commander He walked over, and he looked at Jiang Chen with the eyes of a dead man.

It has to be said that Jiang Chen's performance surprised him. He killed several knights and showed extraordinary strength. different.

Unless he surrendered to him, he would send Jiang Chen to hell with his own hands.

"It's indeed too late." Jiang Chen smiled indifferently.

"Jiang Chen, you go, I'll stop him, remember, the farther you go, the better, no matter what happens, don't come back." Zhang Yan was in a hurry and wanted to make a move. He was injured and couldn't run away. , but Jiang Chen still has a chance.

"Piggy, shut up for me."

Commander He growled, he had long disliked Zhang Yan, and now he felt more glaring when he saw Zhang Yan, and as soon as he said that, the long knife in his hand slashed down horizontally, intending to chop Zhang Yan into pieces.

"Jiang Chen, let's go!"

Seeing the long knife coming, Zhang Yan pushed Jiang Chen hard, and then used that broken body to fly towards Commander He. He wanted to fight for Jiang Chen's last chance...

(End of this chapter)

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