genius evil

Chapter 1186 The Little People's Counterattack

Chapter 1186 The Little People's Counterattack
But just as Zhang Yan moved, a big hand suddenly fell and grabbed him. It was Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing?" Zhang Yan was dumbfounded.

"Brother Zhang, let me take care of the matter here." Jiang Chen said with a light smile. As he spoke, Jiang Chen punched Commander He back a few steps.

"Damn it, kill me." Commander He was furious.

He slashed down, intending to cut Zhang Yan into pieces, but Jiang Chen casually punched him to break his attack, which made Commander He unacceptable.

The long knife in his hand slashed into the air, slashing the air to pieces, the sharp knife energy pulled a white line in the void, and slashed towards Jiang Chen head-on.

"Go to hell!" Commander He yelled out with a ferocious expression on his face.

What greeted his knife was still a punch.

Jiang Chen stood still, his expression indifferent, and his mere good fortune realm cultivation base was nothing more, how dare he act presumptuously in front of him?


With a punch, the long knife in Commander He's hand was directly shattered by Jiang Chen, and the wind of the punch continued. This punch hit Commander He's chest and sent Commander He flying like a cannonball. .

"Only you, dare to speak nonsense in front of me?"

With a movement of his feet, Jiang Chen chased him out, grabbed Commander He in the palm of his hand, he was very indifferent, he didn't intend to show mercy, and then he punched Commander He's heart with his left hand.

There was a hole in Commander He's chest, and flesh and blood flew everywhere. This scene shocked everyone, and all the warriors couldn't help looking at Jiang Chen, their hearts beating like drums.

Too strong!
Too domineering!

At that moment, Jiang Chen seemed to be transformed into an ancient madman. In front of him, Commander He didn't even have the strength to parry him.

The rest of the knights, who were fighting with many warriors, all had complex expressions at this moment, unbelievable.

You must know that Commander He was a strong man in the late stage of Creation Realm, and now that he died like this, they all looked at Jiang Chen, unable to understand what happened, and it was difficult to accept it.

"You, come here." Jiang Chen hooked his fingers, and said to the bearded man, he ignored everyone's reaction, and at this moment his murderous intent boiled over.

Speaking of which, he met Zhang Yan unexpectedly, but Zhang Yan had the courage to risk his life to save him, so he should do something for these innocent warriors.

"You called me?" the bearded man pointed at himself, swallowed secretly, and said with difficulty.

He had seen Jiang Chen kill Commander He earlier, and wanted to slip away, but was being watched by Jiang Chen. At this moment, his scalp was numb and his legs were trembling.

"Or, should I invite you over?" Jiang Chen said coldly.

"No...don't..." The bearded man waved his hands in panic, how dare he tiptoe towards Jiang Chen.

"Your Majesty!"

When the bearded man stepped forward, Jiang Chen said coldly.

With this cold shout, if thunder exploded in the ears of the bearded man, questioning his soul, the bearded man's teeth chattered, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his legs softened involuntarily, and he fell to his knees in the river. in front of the dust.


When he knelt down, the bearded man was stunned, as if he had seen a ghost.

Although his cultivation is not as good as Commander He's, he has reached the mid-stage of Good Fortune Realm, which is enough to disdain all warriors here.

But Jiang Chen made him kneel down and lose all his dignity with a cold shout, which made the bearded man panic and unable to understand what was going on.

Subconsciously, the bearded man was about to stand up, but when he came into contact with Jiang Chen's eyes that were as cold as a pool of cold, it was his courage, he took time off instantly, and lowered his head deeply.


"what's the situation?"

"He really knelt down?"


It wasn't just the bearded man who was stunned, but all the warriors were also stunned.

Jiang Chen asked the bearded man to kneel down, and he did. How could he be so obedient?
You know, this bearded man is the captain of the storm warrior team, he can be regarded as a person with a head and a face, how can he be so obedient?
They certainly wouldn't know that Jiang Chen's cold drink mobilized the power of his soul. How powerful his soul is, not to mention the fighters of the good fortune realm, even the warriors of the return to the original realm, under his cold drink, It's all about being short-lived, and the mind is lost.

That is the soul crushing of the strongest against the weak!

"Slap your mouth." Jiang Chen said expressionlessly.

"You are too presumptuous!"

The bearded man couldn't bear it immediately. He had already knelt down, and Jiang Chen wanted him to slap himself. Could it be that he wanted to strip all his dignity?


Raising his hand, Jiang Chen slapped the bearded man on the face, and the bearded man was slapped so that the whole man flew out, vomiting blood.

"You want to bargain with me, right? Unfortunately, you are not qualified." Jiang Chen was very indifferent. He strode forward and stomped the bearded man under his feet.

After tearing the first shackles apart, Jiang Chen improved by leaps and bounds in addition to his strength, and his own temperament and charm also became completely different from before.

Every word and every word contains a magical Taoism, but of course it is not, this bearded man can understand.

"Does anyone want to kill him?" Jiang Chen glanced at the warriors and said lazily.


Zhang Yan was the first to stand up. He hated the bearded man so much that he wanted to kill him.

They are all a group of bitter people, relying on various mercenary missions to make ends meet, going around in the wind and fire, with their heads pinned to their waistbands, earning a lot of money.

It was unbearable for this bearded man to betray them as a group of pigs. Even though they were nothing more than insignificant people, they could not be bullied and had to pay with their lives.




Soon, dozens of warriors came out together, and they stared at the bearded man with fire in their eyes.

"Then why are you hesitating? Let's do it." Jiang Chen smiled, and kicked the bearded man into the air, just landing at Zhang Yan's feet.

Seeing this, Zhang Yan didn't hesitate, endured the pain on his body, and kicked the bearded man several times.

He was afraid that it would be too easy for the bearded man to die. These few kicks only made the bearded man hurt, not fatal. Soon, the rest of the warriors joined in. They were all full of anger and wanted to vent. His subordinates were merciful, and he beat the bearded man until he cried and howled. After a while, he was completely deformed, as miserable as he could be.

In the end, the bearded man died in embarrassment and indignation, and his corpse was all deformed. Some people still had not fully vented their anger, and took the bearded man's body to vent their anger.

The rest of the knights, seeing such a scene, were all stunned and trembling.

They have performed such a task more than once, and every time, it is a very simple suppression, and then send people to mine.

This time it was very different, first Zhang Yan rose up to fight, and then Jiang Chen made a strong move.

They were all stunned, and while the warriors were not paying attention, they drove their mounts and were about to flee.

How could Jiang Chen give them a chance, and chased them away, but the horse was blown up, and several knights rolled off the horse one after another, and then fell into the siege of a group of warriors, and died in humiliation.

"Jiang Chen, thank you for today's matter." Zhang Yan walked towards Jiang Chen, grateful.

If it weren't for Jiang Chen to kill Commander Na He forcefully, there would be an unknown number of people who would have died here today, and an unknown number of families would have been destroyed.

"You don't need to thank me, if you want to thank you, just thank yourself." Jiang Chen said casually.

He never liked to meddle in other people's business, and he had no so-called sense of justice. Even if all the people here were massacred under his nose, Jiang Chen would have no reaction.

After all, it was this rock that saved himself, and at the same time, saved all the people here.

Zhang Yan was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that Jiang Chen didn't seem to have any plans to make a move. It was because of him that he made the move.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, but an unintentional karma saved all of their lives.

Seeing Jiang Chen reach out with a big hand, a storage bag flew into his hand, Jiang Chen casually threw it to Zhang Yan, and said, "I originally planned to give you a small gift after the mission is completed, which is considered early."

Zhang Yan took it, and glanced at the bearded man. This storage bag belonged to the bearded man, and now it was given to him by Jiang Chen.

"Here is the deposit for all of them." After a moment of hesitation, Zhang Yan said.

"Pedantic." Jiang Chen laughed, and said, "It's not just the bearded man who died, the rest is enough for them to share."

Having said that, Jiang Chen is leaving, he thinks he is doing his best, and what Zhang Yan will do next has nothing to do with him.

Jiang Chen was so fast that he disappeared into the thick night in the blink of an eye. He followed the mark left by the horse's hoof and moved forward all the way.

About half an hour later, Jiang Chen appeared in a broken mountain range.

The mountain range, however, was not broken naturally, but was dug up artificially, and the rocks were piled up. From a distance, Jiang Chen could hear various knocking sounds.

"Ahead is the mine." Jiang Chen pondered.

Without hesitation, he moved forward again.

The Qi of Yuan Ling here is so rich that Jiang Chen can clearly feel that the Pure Yang Cauldron in his dantian has become extremely excited and devoured crazily.

After a while, Jiang Chen saw a group of knights, they were patrolling, chatting and laughing happily, and in the night, there were traces of people's activities, densely packed at a glance.

Those were miners who were digging. They were digging rocks with various tools in their hands. Their clothes were torn and their shapes were haggard. It was obvious that they were engaged in heavy physical labor for a long time.


A knight swung his horsewhip, slapped a miner on the head, and cursed with a smile: "Pig, hurry up, or I'll kill you."

The miner's expression was numb. He was whipped, but he didn't respond. He dragged his feet, picked up a big stone, and walked to the side.

"And you, no one is allowed to be lazy, or I will kill you all." The knight laughed arrogantly.

Jiang Chen didn't pay attention to these. At this moment, he looked at the scene in front of him, and his mind was a little distracted. These miners were digging, and what they were digging was nothing but Yuan Lingshi.

In other words, there is actually a vein of Yuan Lingshi here!

(End of this chapter)

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