genius evil

Chapter 1190 The sky was pierced

Chapter 1190 The sky was pierced

That is the blood jade curse bead.

After Jiang Chen succeeded, he had used it once, but now, he had to use it again as a last resort.

With the left hand seal, Jiang Chen instantly made a hand seal.

In an instant, he saw that the blood jade curse bead burst into red light, and a blood light, guided by Jiang Chen's fingertips, flew towards Zuo Liantang.

That kind of bloody light immediately exploded when encountering the wind, and in the void, it turned into a huge blood-colored curtain wall.

The blood curtain covered the sky, and a small half of the sky was dyed a blood-red color because of this, emitting a strange and alluring light.


Seeing such a scene, Zuo Liantang suddenly frowned, but without any hesitation, he punched out the fourth time.

The turbulent and vast fist wind hit Jiang Chen with a destructive force, and the blood-colored curtain wall collapsed with the fist wind, but even if it collapsed, it did not disappear, and, at an extremely fast speed, it condensed again.

Suddenly, the shroud moved forward, engulfing Zuo Liantang.

"Bang... bang..."

Zuo Liantang threw two punches in succession. His cultivation had reached his level. He could have warned of danger in advance. It shook the void, and the air within a few meters around him was torn apart by him.

Unfortunately, this won't be of much use.

The blood curse attack has form and intangibility. This kind of attack has no substance, but directly affects the soul.

If Zuo Liantang dodges immediately, with his speed, he might be able to dodge, but Zuo Liantang is too confident, with a pair of fists, rampant, and he doesn't dodge or dodge at all.


The attack came and asked Zuo Liantang's soul.

A strong sense of dizziness swept through Zuo Liantang's whole body at an incredible speed, and a trace of turbidity quietly flashed in Zuo Liantang's eyes that were so pure and raging.

Afterwards, the feeling of dizziness became more and more intense, and even a strong person in the Guiyuan Realm couldn't completely resist it. Zuo Liantang's heart was shocked, and he instinctively stepped backwards, directly drawing a white line in the void In an instant, he retreated hundreds of meters away.


Seeing Zuo Liantang withdraw from the attack range, Jiang Chen felt very regretful.Zuo Liantang was too vigilant, and his combat experience was extremely rich. Whenever he sensed a threat, he would not hesitate, so he didn't even have a chance to sneak attack.

"Is this the Returning Yuan Realm warrior?"

Jiang Chen pondered, talking to himself.

Warriors in the late stages of the Creation Realm, with Jiang Chen's current cultivation base, not to mention killing chickens, are not far behind. However, warriors in the Yuan Realm, whose energy is billowing like wolf smoke, can directly communicate with the Yuan Dynasty between heaven and earth. The spiritual energy resonates, this is a qualitative leap, and it has undergone a complete transformation.

Jiang Chen originally tried to kill Zuo Liantang, because the threat Zuo Liantang gave him was too great, but now there was no chance, Jiang Chen turned around and retreated without any hesitation.

"Where to go!"

Qiao Ming and Hong Dalu exclaimed.

"To shut up!"

Jiang Chen sipped lowly, directly numb the limbs of the two of them, and could only let Jiang Chen leave, not even daring to pursue them.

Because, Jiang Chen's previous attack method was too bewitching, that is to force Zuo Liantang back, it was impossible to defend against, they knew that they would catch up, they would only die, and they did not dare to act rashly.

"Elder Zuo, are you alright?"

The two rushed towards Zuo Liantang and asked nervously.

Zuo Liantang's chest was bulging, he swallowed his breath like thunder, and his whole body was boiling with energy. In this way, the whole body's breath circulated for three weeks. The sequelae caused by the attack of the blood curse was that he was expelled from his body, and his eyes returned to clarity. Very sinister.

"It's okay." Zuo Liantang shook his head, his face full of grimness.

"That kid is too hateful, I have to kill him." Qiao Ming said viciously, gnashing his teeth.

"I will deal with this matter myself, he can't escape." Zuo Liantang said coldly, he left a mark on Jiang Chen's body, even if Jiang Chen ran to the ends of the earth, he would never escape from his palm .

As the words fell, Zuo Liantang's cheeks trembled quietly, and he found that the imprint he had left on Jiang Chen had disappeared.


In an instant, Zuo Liantang was furious.

He inadvertently suffered a big loss, and was so angry that he wanted Jiang Chen to taste it with his life, but the mark disappeared unexpectedly, and was discovered by Jiang Chen.

Qiao Ming and Hong Dalu looked at each other in blank dismay, they didn't know that Zuo Liantang had a plan, and they thought it was a big and serious matter.

With a look of worry in his eyes, Hong Dalu said: "Elder Zuo, I saw that kid earlier, he was very face-to-face, but he is so tyrannical at such an age, he must not be an unknown person, there must be some kind of influence , stared at us, intends to send someone to test?"

Zuo Liantang's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he also had worries in this regard.

Looking at the territory of the Yan Dynasty, in terms of the potential Jiang Chen has shown, among the younger generation, it is not a problem to be ranked in the top ten, and it is even possible to win the top five.

Such geniuses and proud sons are all well-known, and they are cultivated by their respective sects.

Zuo Liantang didn't say he was familiar with it, but he still had a certain impression, but Jiang Chen seemed to be born out of nowhere, and no one had seen him before.

"Could it be a genius secretly cultivated by a certain sect?" Zuo Liantang thought in his heart, he thought it was very possible, the background of many sects could not be as simple as it appeared on the surface.

For example, the sect he belongs to has several hole cards hidden, and such hole cards will never be used unless it is a last resort.

"Which sect could it be?" Zuo Liantang pondered, quickly filtering through many possibilities one by one in his mind, but he couldn't figure it out.

Because he had no impression of Jiang Chen's attack methods and the exercises Jiang Chen had cultivated, and he couldn't match them.

"Could it be that he's not from my Yan Dynasty?" Zuo Liantang said to himself in his heart.

Although he was still angry, but thinking of this possibility, his mood gradually calmed down.

"For the matter here, you two, send a message back to the sect quickly." Afterwards, Zuo Liantang ordered, and after the words fell, he disappeared in place, and chased after Jiang Chen in the direction he left.

Qiao Ming and Hong Dalu watched Zuo Liantang leave and remained silent for a long time.

After all, it was time to send a message back to the Zongmen. Next, the inside of the Zongmen would definitely be shocked.

This Yuan Lingshi vein was destroyed, and the sect lost a huge amount, which is difficult to measure. It is no exaggeration to say that the sky was pierced!



The Blood Jade Mantra Bead was shattered into powder in Jiang Chen's palm, and he casually threw it on the ground.

Jiang Chen quickly shuttled through the jungle. He knew that although the blood curse attack was powerful, it was almost impossible to seriously injure Zuo Liantang.

He made such a big commotion, Zuo Liantang couldn't let him go easily, maybe he was on his way to catch up.

This made Jiang Chen dare not be careless. He let go of his spiritual sense and carried out investigations. After that, he walked all the way, and all the traces left behind were all erased by him.

But even so, Jiang Chen still didn't dare to take chances.

Earlier, in his dantian, the Chunyang cauldron suddenly moved, from the inside out, the body was tempered, which made Jiang Chen realize that Zuo Liantang had moved his hands and feet on him.

Beforehand, he didn't realize that it was Chunyang Ding who defended himself and erased the mark left by Zuo Liantang for him.

Otherwise, no matter how secretive he is hiding, it will be like a light bulb, shining brightly, and it is difficult to escape Zuo Liantang's sight.

After running for hundreds of kilometers at a stretch, Jiang Chen opened the map he carried with him, checked it, and found that this place was not far from Danyang City, the capital of the Yan Dynasty.

"Are you going to Danyang City?" Jiang Chen pondered, a little unsure.

He guessed that the force occupying a vein of Yuan Lingshi used extraordinary means, and no accident, even in Danyang City, they always had eyeliners.

But he hesitated for only a moment, and in the end, Jiang Chen made up his mind and went to Danyang City.

Because he is still too weak and needs a breakthrough urgently. He must seek his own opportunities. Danyang City is the capital of the Yan Dynasty, so maybe there will be something he wants.

Although there will be a certain degree of risk, Jiang Chen doesn't want to be chased by Dongzang XZ, that's not his style.

After making up his mind, Jiang Chen checked the route and set off directly in the direction of Danyang City.


Not long after Jiang Chen left, a figure came suddenly, his speed was supernatural, unbelievably fast, the imprint that was erased by Jiang Chen was still discovered by him, and it was Zuo Liantang who came after him all the way.

"Well, is that kid going to Danyang City?"

According to the traces, Zuo Liantang quickly made a judgment.

"Could it be, you think you can avoid my eyeliner if you go to Danyang City?" Zuo Liantang chattered and laughed out loud.

Pausing for a while, Zuo Liantang set off again, also heading towards Danyang City.

Zuo Liantang's pursuit was like a tarsal maggot, and he was getting closer and closer. Fortunately, Jiang Chen had a keen sense of mind, and every time, he avoided Zuo Liantang's pursuit just right.

By the morning of the next day, Jiang Chen finally entered Danyang City smoothly.

This is a majestic city with a majestic stalwart. The city walls are well-regulated and square. Jiang Chen can easily see that there are some kind of restrictions on the city walls, and even these architectural styles are traces of a certain formation.

"The background of the dynasty." Jiang Chen was secretly startled.

As far as he knows, there are empires above the dynasties. The implication is that many dynasties are actually subordinate countries of several great empires.

A mere subsidiary country has such an extraordinary background, so wouldn't the empire be even more astonishing?How can it not be surprising.

At the same time, the more he understands the Zhenwu Continent, the more Jiang Chen can discover that there are many secrets here. He can see that there are many existences similar to the True Spirit Continent.

But there are more, but it is different, and it takes him a lot of time to explore and explore.

Above the city gate, there are three large characters of Danyang City, flying dragons, flying phoenixes, and silver hooks drawn on iron, which contain the charm of a certain law, which is extremely wonderful.

This place is extremely lively, with people coming and going, traffickers, martial arts experts, and so on. The scene of prosperity is far beyond the comparison of the Maple Leaf City that Jiang Chen has been to before.

"Go in."

Jiang Chen smiled lightly, quickly moved his steps, and walked in. He deliberately suppressed the breath on his body. After walking a few times, he was completely integrated and completely lost track of whereabouts...

(End of this chapter)

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