genius evil

Chapter 1191 I have a crush on you

Chapter 1191 I have a crush on you

Not only did his breath change, but Jiang Chen's facial features also became different. He was still handsome, but with a different face, even those closest to him would not be able to recognize him when they saw it.

This is a very simple disguise technique, but it's just a trivial skill, insignificant.

It's just that before, Jiang Chen never bothered to use it, but now that he is being watched by Zuo Liantang, it is always right to be more vigilant.

Jiang Chen was very cautious, and there was no way he could be careless.

After all, as expected, Zuo Liantang also came to Danyang City, he didn't want to bump into the muzzle of the gun.

After entering Danyang City, Jiang Chen found that the Yan Dynasty was worthy of the heyday of martial arts. There were so many martial arts experts here, and one could detect a powerful aura with just a casual sweep.

After wandering around casually and getting acquainted with it, Jiang Chen went to a restaurant. He was so hungry that he felt like he could eat a cow.

"Boy, stop... that's right, don't look around, it's you."

A restaurant appeared in sight, and Jiang Chen was about to go in, when he suddenly heard a call from behind, a well-dressed, coquettish guy, pointing at him with one hand, blah blah.

"Is something wrong?"

Frowning slightly, Jiang Chen asked.

He deliberately restrained his breath, changed his appearance, and thought he was extremely low-key, in order to avoid trouble, whoever imagined it, still couldn't avoid it.

"Well, you look pretty good, come with me, I've taken a fancy to you." The man looked around Jiang Chen, nodding his head up and down, very satisfied.

Jiang Chen suddenly felt cold. What's the situation, Zhenwu Continent also has glass?

Moreover, this guy still has his eyes on him?
"Boy, why are you in a daze, why don't you hurry over here, I will be happy to serve Mr. Lu in a while, and your benefits are indispensable."

"Boy, Mr. Lu is one of the best geniuses in Danyang City. It's your blessing to have a crush on you. You don't even know how many people want to curry favor with Mr. Lu, but Mr. Lu doesn't even look down on you."

"That's right, don't know what's good and what's wrong, or you'll suffer a lot, so hurry up and stop dawdling around."


Behind the man, followed by three attendants.

These three attendants are all thin skin and tender meat. In terms of the earth, they are veritable fresh meat.

Seeing Jiang Chen in a daze, the three of them scolded one after another.

Looking at the three of them, Jiang Chen couldn't help feeling colder, and became more and more sure of Mr. Lu's glass attribute, because Mr. Lu himself is also oily and pink, very feminine.

"Mistake." Jiang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

If he had known earlier, he should have become more mediocre. Now that he is attracted by Mr. Lu with the glass attribute, it will inevitably be a little troublesome.

"What? You're not happy that my son has taken a fancy to you?"

Seeing Jiang Chen wryly smile, Mr. Lu was very upset.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen was not allowed to refuse at all, so Young Master Lu waved his hand and said in an orderly tone: "Hurry up, follow me, I have to go to Wanbaoxuan, there is no time to waste."

He was bossy, his will could not be violated, he turned around and left as he spoke, the three attendants followed immediately, and one of them came over, grabbed Jiang Chen's arm, and pulled Jiang Chen away.

Jiang Chen was so depressed that he wanted to die, what kind of thing is this?

He shook slightly, shook the guy's hand away, and said, "I'll go by myself."

The attendant was not happy, and threatened viciously: "Boy, you'd better be honest, otherwise you will die without knowing how you died."

"Really?" Jiang Chen sneered, not taking it seriously.

If Zuo Liantang was not worried, Jiang Chen would have been unable to bear it long ago, to try the ability of this genius who is one of the best in Danyang City.

But now, he can only endure it for the time being, to see what kind of tricks this Mr. Lu is playing.

Wanbaoxuan is not far from here, and it will arrive soon.

"Mr. Lu, I have been waiting for a long time, but you are finally here." A white-haired old man trotted out with a smile on his face, and walked inside to meet Mr. Lu.

The white-haired old man is the boss of Wanbaoxuan, because Mr. Lu is a big customer of Wanbaoxuan, he spends a lot of money, never bargains, he is very popular, and must be treated with the highest standard.

"Boss Zhu, are everything ready?" Holding his head high, Mr. Lu didn't even look at the old man, he was very arrogant.

"I received the news early in the morning that Mr. Lu is coming, and everything was prepared earlier." Boss Zhu said politely. After inviting Mr. Lu into Wanbaoxuan, he immediately ordered his servants to serve good tea and exquisite snacks .

Mr. Lu didn't come to drink tea, let alone eat snacks. He walked around to check what Boss Zhu had prepared for him.

"The magic weapon?"

At a glance, Jiang Chen saw more than a dozen magical artifacts placed on a long table.

Those magic tools include swords, axes, halberds, and small jade tripods. They are of various kinds and exude a faint breath.

"I heard that Mr. Lu, you have been looking for a good weapon recently. My Wanbaoxuan hastily spent a lot of money to find some." Boss Zhu followed to introduce Mr. Lu.

Mr. Lu nodded, that is indeed the case, and there is also news that he is willing to spend a lot of money to buy it.

"Master Lu, look at this sword."

Boss Zhu showed Mr. Lu a rusty long sword, and said, "Mr. Lu, don't look at this sword, which is rusty and inconspicuous, but it was dug out from a relic. It has an amazing history. It is said that it is a peerless sword." A powerful saber, containing terrifying power."

"Oh, really?"

At a glance, Mr. Lu was clearly interested. He picked up the rusty long sword and began to play with it.

After a while, Mr. Lu asked, "How much is this sword?"

"Mr. Lu, you are a nobleman of Wanbaoxuan. Talking about money is too vulgar. Just pay for tea." Boss Zhu smiled happily, stretched out two fingers, and said, "Two million taels of gold."

"So cheap?" Mr. Lu asked, waved his hand, and said, "I want it."

Afterwards, Mr. Lu pointed at Jiang Chen, and said, "Don't be in a daze, come here and take it. Didn't you see that Mr. Lu is very busy, can you make a move?"

"This is, let me get things?" Jiang Chen was stunned and suddenly realized.

Before daring to confess, he was the one who misunderstood. Mr. Lu just randomly caught a strong man on the street. It happened that he was good looking and looked pleasing to the eye, so he was caught.

Smiling wryly, Jiang Chen stepped forward and took the long sword.

On the long sword, there is a mana fluctuation, but the fluctuation is intermittent, Jiang Chen roughly felt it, but found that it was not a real magic weapon.

This is a fake, the rust on the sword body is obviously generated by some means, and has nothing to do with the so-called relics.

"200 taels of gold?"

Hearing just now that Mr. Lu bought this sword with 200 million taels of gold, the corners of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched. Then Boss Zhu not only took Mr. Lu as a victim, but he was slaughtering him like a pig.

This is an ordinary iron sword. If you buy it outside, you can buy more than a hundred for a tael of gold.

Just like that, Mr. Lu still thinks it's cheap, has his brain been bitten by a dog?

This is the so-called, the level of one of the best geniuses in Danyang City?

Jiang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he thought that even if he had a pig's brain, he might be better than Mr. Lu's brain, right?
But naturally, Jiang Chen didn't remind Mr. Lu. He was just a young man who was temporarily captured, and he didn't have that kind of friendship with Mr. Lu.

Boss Zhu introduced everything to Mr. Lu with great care, and he talked about it in a grand manner, such as the broken knife, which is a peerless weapon that has killed the most ferocious monsters; for example, that piece of jade, which can withstand the most powerful A full-strength strike; like that little tripod, which was once refined into a shocking magic medicine...

Boss Zhu is undoubtedly the best salesman. With just a few words, he scratched Mr. Lu's heart so hard that he wished he could give all his things and pack them away.

But because, including Jiang Chen, he only brought four people over, so in the end, Mr. Lu had no choice but to be very heartbroken, and only picked four things.

Afterwards, 1000 million taels of gold tickets were delivered, and Mr. Lu was reluctant to part with him. He walked out step by step, and told Boss Zhu that if there is something good next time, he must be notified as soon as possible. As long as the item is good enough, Price is not an issue.

Boss Zhu responded again and again, sending off Mr. Lu respectfully.

"Boy, did you see that Mr. Lu is the most forthright. From now on, if you follow Mr. Lu, you will have the opportunity to eat and drink hot food." An attendant said to Jiang Chen, not without pride.

Jiang Chen was speechless. This guy was bold, but it was a pity that he was regarded as a winner. It is estimated that the four of them, in the opinion of Boss Zhu, were also in the same nest as Mr. Lu's snake mouse?

"Boy, I'm in a good mood today, and I don't have to wait any longer. I'll take you there now, for delicious food and spicy food." Hearing Mr. Lu's voice, Mr. Lu smiled knowingly, high-spirited.

"I just happened to be hungry." Jiang Chen said casually.

If someone invites guests to dinner, he will naturally not refuse, and it just happens to be the reward given to him by Mr. Lu.


So, with a wave of his hand, Mr. Lu led Jiang Chen and the others to the restaurant that Jiang Chen had seen before. He was very generous, allowing Jiang Chen and the four to order food, and warned that only expensive ones were allowed, because Cheap is not good, and good is not cheap.

In line with the principle of not slaughtering for nothing, this Young Master Lu stretched out his neck, and Jiang Chen would not be polite to him, so he brutally slaughtered him.

The following meal was incomparably sumptuous. A rough calculation would cost more than 100 taels of gold. In terms of the standard of living of ordinary people, it would be enough for a family to eat and drink for ten years.But obviously, compared to Mr. Lu's generous purchase of magical artifacts, it's a drop in the bucket, completely worthless.

"It's too ordinary. Next time, I will take you to a better place." Mr. Lu complained, thinking that he had lowered his own taste.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu." The three attendants smiled and hurriedly flattered, but Jiang Chen was speechless. How dare you feel that this guy is used to being slaughtered. Does he feel uncomfortable if he doesn't get slaughtered for a day?

"Hey, Lu Xun, Mr. Lu, you are here too." Just as Jiang Chen and the other five were eating, a slightly yin and yang voice suddenly came over...

(End of this chapter)

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